The 'addict' picture the media is painting appears to be sticking

hey let's not focus on lying. some are a bit sensitive to swear words or maybe it was used in a context not applicable for the convo. i've removed the prior posts so let's carry on.....back on topic please
^^ I just don't appreciate being called a liar to someone who doesn't know me!!
I was thinking about it last night - how can we redress Michael's image?

How about a website/blog, listing all the good and positive things about Michael? After all, there are plenty of 'death hoax' blogs out there. It has to be something general that people will find if they Google his name, not on MJJC?
Inside Edition just aired a promo insinuating that MJ was involved with drug cartels. It's absurd.
I would not say anything, but could not resist. I do not know why everyone is shocked. Since the beginning are saying that it was Dr. Murray that killed Michael, who was an overdose of propofol, which Michael took tons of remedies and many other things... That being said for centuries. And now after almost 2 months the police come with this news which is no longer any big news to anyone that was an overdose of propofol? The police discovered America. Well, he had enough time to resolve, but so far nothing and I'm not taking it seriously. I always wonder: are they investigating it? I do not believe the police are doing something much less in its efficiency.

I'm sure Michael was not addicted, was not manipulated by anyone and much less stupid. Michael would not let be manipulated by any doctor. I doubt that Michael would agree to take all these remedies without first mixed question the doctor. I do not believe this story of addiction. I'm sure he would not take and not mixed all these remedies. Michael would not run that risk because it is an intelligent person and before doing anything that might harm himself, I'm sure he would think of their children. Michael has always been a conscious person. There's something very strange and much more happening.

I hate when they say that Michael was weak, was not aware of anything, he knew what he was doing, he was lost and was manipulated by everyone around her. This is so ridiculous to think and is a great offense to think this way about Michael...

Therefore I prefer to keep quiet about it and just observe all these things. But sometimes it is impossible to keep quiet.

i totally agree with you-Michael will not risk leaving his kids alone...
yes i agree they are doing their best to make him look like a druggie,
o.k he may have taken perscription meds,but honestly it,s not like he took them for recreational purposes,he took them because he must have been in severe pain,and unable to sleep.
the picture the media are painting of him is just awful,
The problem with the media is that they don't just report, but they give opinions and usually bad ones for ratings.
Also what we is a possibility if he was taking so many drugs and the side affects a lot of the pain could have been mental. The mind is a powerful thing I'm not saying he was not in pain but a lot of what he was feeling could have been self inflicted or just him making himself believe it was far much worse that it was.
He was an addict, IMHO, but he will not be remembered as that.

Elvis was one too..

If some one crafts and cradles his legacy, that will NOT be how he is remembered.
in this sense of drug addicts like Michael seemed to be I know several people in my immediate environment to which it applies too. They take drugs to sleep, drugs to awake, drugs for sedation, drugs for stimulation, drugs for keeping in line and so on and so on. Those people take their drugs over the years I know them. But they all alive. This is relevant for millions of people.
the nurse Lee who everyone seems to believe was trustworthy when she talked about him begging her for propofol , said I'm coming forward only becasue i'm very upset he was painted as a drug addcit when he was not . She said she conducted several drug and blood tests on him throughout the period she worked for him which lasted four months from January till 19th of April 2009 and the results were always NEGATIVE , she delivered these results and exams to the LAPD the day the raid on Murray's office was conducted .


I don't think MJ was likely an addict either, because he had also lived in Bahrain the middle east for some years before returning to the US to prepare for the concerts. It would have been difficult to get these drugs there not like LA. I doubt if he was an addict he would have gone to the middle east where alcohol is illegal and still have execution for such crimes, although it is probably rare.

Not to mention Dick Gregory said he had comprehensive tests done when he got ill dehydrated at some point during the trials and no traces of drugs then.

Just because he had a known earlier dependency in 93 doesn't mean he was one now, I just wonder at what point in recent weeks/months that he got seriously addicted, and what would have caused that. I don't because I believe it is possible he was being deliberately drugged. Perfect murder, the plot is clever, because they can use the past dependency as the cover up to kill him an dlook like he was a drug addict. The media did this to MJ before with the trials and they are doing it again. Poor MJ. They sold more MJ music in 24 hours after his death than they had in the past 12 years. The money keeps rolling in
I see people feeling more sorry of Michael than blaming him. He was clearing taken advantage of. I hate that it came down to this when he as a heath person in eating the right things and being active. And to die from this is just sad.
I agree with this. Sometimes I think we focus to much on negativety and give that a lot more attention than if people make positve comments. I feel I don´t know enough about this myself yet to have an opinion. And then you think about what the media is saying about MJ and compare it to Elvis Presley for example I think in that case one would have to compare it to what the media said about Elvis in 1977 and I don´t remember that because I was only 3 years old. My impression is that what the media says about Elvis has changed a lot since 1977 though. I think it was a lot more negative back then.
Michael was addicted. I think when you look at the facts available, you have to reach that conclusion. Sometimes he was clean, other times he was getting medication, provided by shady doctors.

Michael has had his own responsibility in this: he could have said 'no', so to say. But I can't blame him either. He has been used and abused, attacked and destroyed by many people over decades.

It's hard to imagine what Michael had to endure, especially with the child abuse cases. I think it destroyed him, with the 2005 case his final blow. He has been judged, ridiculed, deceived, and so on, and so on. I think he did his very best, but lost in the end.

What he had to go through, is more than anyone can imagine. So I don't blame him he sought refuge in medication. He probably fooled himself that it was 'just medication'. And there have been enough doctors that would tell him it was 'safe', because it would get them what they wanted: money.

Michael couldn't say 'no', but he was enabled, he got 'help' letting him believe he was in no danger. And those who did that... killed him.
There is HUGE difference between using prescription medications for medical conditions and being an ADDICT. Being an addict as the media uses the term, implies using drugs to get high,there is no evidence Michael used drugs to get high . I don't buy into, or believe the media hype at all, they manipulate information and lied during the trials and are doing it now. It would be very difficult for a drug addict to live in Bahrain in the middle east, this is not LA these kinds of drugs even medical ones are not as easy to come by as in the US.
There is HUGE difference between using prescription medications for medical conditions and being an ADDICT. Being an addict as the media uses the term, implies using drugs to get high,there is no evidence Michael used drugs to get high.

I don't rule out Michael might have had an addiction to medical drugs. But in my view the term "drug addict" is a wrong a misleading term to us for Michael Jackson and also Elvis, because Michael (and also Elvis) weren't addicted to drugs like cocaine etc. When the average person hears the terms drug addict or junkie a certain type of drug like cocaine to get high etc is what people think of. Any addiction Michael had will have been because it made any health issues he may have had more easy to control and live with.

Michael may have had medical issues that were not delt with propley by his doctors and hospitals he visted over the years, and they are the ones who caused Michael to have a dependancy on any legal medical drugs he may have become addicted to.

Quite often people in the medical profession pump ill people up with medical drugs, but the drugs to not solve the the illness and just give a short term relieve to the problem, and make the immune system weaker with each drug intake. I believe this may have been the case with Michael. The propofol Michael was being given for his chronic insomnia, didn't give Michael any healthy sleep it just knocked him and his body system out, and each intake of propofol weakended his immune system and any doctor should have known that and refused to give Michael it if he did allegedly demand it. As a responsibe doctor, Dr Murray should have said NO to Michael.

We can't actually say what Michael's intake of medical drugs was over years. All we know is that Michael most possibly was too dependant on medical drugs over the last few months or weeks of his life, and the doctors treating him didn't deal with any potenial risks such as dying from the medication they or just Dr Murray was giving him. Basciaclly these doctors were more interested in getting paid $100,000 a month than keeping Michael fit, healthy and alive.
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I also agree that Michael had legitimate medical problems which he took medication for and eventually developed a depedance on.
There is HUGE difference between using prescription medications for medical conditions and being an ADDICT. Being an addict as the media uses the term, implies using drugs to get high,there is no evidence Michael used drugs to get high . I don't buy into, or believe the media hype at all, they manipulate information and lied during the trials and are doing it now. It would be very difficult for a drug addict to live in Bahrain in the middle east, this is not LA these kinds of drugs even medical ones are not as easy to come by as in the US.

People use it to escape things that might be happening in their life Michael's life was crap! To be honest someone who demands Propofol and allegedly can only go to sleep with an intravenous drip is addicted!
People use it to escape things that might be happening in their life Michael's life was crap! To be honest someone who demands Propofol and allegedly can only go to sleep with an intravenous drip is addicted!

Who are you to say Michael's life was crap? He had 3 wonderful children that he doted on (and no doubt lived for) and that loved him back unconditionally. He had thousands upon thousands of fans that loved him and couldn't wait to see him back on stage again. How was his life crap? Yes, he went through some very tough times but things were finally going well for him. He wanted a good nights sleep so he would be fit for rehearsals the next day... as far as I can see, the only thing he was addicted to was trying to get some rest! I'm sure it's lack of sleep and pressure that led to him telling fans he didn't (or couldn't) do 50 shows.
I wasn't shouting just frustrated, people can be so "Ohh no he wasn't" so his family tried to get him to rehab for nothing because he was well hmm ok.

"You weren't there so you don't know for sure is what people are saying." Everyone is saying he was demanding it's all over the news. I still can't believe people are saying he wasn't an addict and it bloody matters because then we are basically over viewing his need for help.

It's not all Dr Murray, Michael has had a problem with prescription drugs for years, that's something we can't deny. Yes Dr Murray was incapable of being medically enable to look after a patient, but if Michael like a lot of people said admitted to being an addict then he must have known it wasn't right.

Dr Murray deserves defiantly to be sent to prison a long with Klein and Tohme Tohme, we have to remember that this started 20 odd years ago after the pepsi advert and he's been addicted ever since, no matter what people say it's just denying the truth that he was addicted, it is seriously like an alcoholic or hard drug addict saying, I take it, demand it but I'm honestly fine.

Sorry to say he's not addicted it's bull****

so i'm just guessing you believe everything u hear and see on the news. mmkay.

who gave you the right to decide what's the truth and what isn't the truth?

you don't know, i don't know. we werent there. we don't know his life. we weren't there 24/7.

sorry to say what you're saying is BS.
well i lied i'm not really sorry.
I know alot about addictions and wat ever happens my love for michael wont change,even if he has an addiction wat ever the truth may be,only means he is human as many humans have an addiction of some sought in there lives,the whole thing is just so sad from start to finish :cry: xxx
I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but this is just the beginning. The media have not even started with the drugs stories.
Anyone working in the UK media will know what I'm referring to, (I can't speak for the rest of the world) They have held back for years, but the floodgates will soon open about Michael Jackson's long history with drugs, prescription and otherwise.
Who are you to say Michael's life was crap? He had 3 wonderful children that he doted on (and no doubt lived for) and that loved him back unconditionally. He had thousands upon thousands of fans that loved him and couldn't wait to see him back on stage again. How was his life crap? Yes, he went through some very tough times but things were finally going well for him. He wanted a good nights sleep so he would be fit for rehearsals the next day... as far as I can see, the only thing he was addicted to was trying to get some rest! I'm sure it's lack of sleep and pressure that led to him telling fans he didn't (or couldn't) do 50 shows.

Yehh his life seems excellent the guys dead and the people around him have got a lot of money, I'm not saying its crap because of his kids they were his world, but come on are you seriously telling me he was that same man from the 80's and 90's who had the world at his feet. The man was brought down from every angle, he died at the hands of a doctor who isn't even qualified properly!!

He didn't look or seem that his life was that good on the phone conversation with that June woman about Tohme it seemed he was scared and even when he fired him he was still handling everything about him.

Please someone give me an ultimate great reason how this man's life was good when he's six feet under, considering from idiots from the biggest businesses were claiming he was fit and why we are celebrating his life and not seeing him on-stage?
so i'm just guessing you believe everything u hear and see on the news. mmkay.

who gave you the right to decide what's the truth and what isn't the truth?

you don't know, i don't know. we werent there. we don't know his life. we weren't there 24/7.

sorry to say what you're saying is BS.
well i lied i'm not really sorry.

I am not deciding what his life was like but it doesn't take a Genius to work out his life wasn't perfect. The guy is now dead and people are saying he wasn't addicted after he supposedly demanded Propofol and then he died at the hands of an incapable doctor.

Like I care if your sorry or not, it's not BS what I said if his life was good and he was well and great he wouldn't be dead would be!
And no I don't believe everything I hear, Michael had a problem for 20 years!, If I believed everything I hear I'd be going OMG MICHAEL'S ALIVE! and I'm not doing that. If people deny he was an addict it's just ignoring a plead for help, I have my opinion I never said my opinion was the gospel,

Don't tell me that I believe everything I hear, because if I did I wouldn't be a fan I wouldn't be here and I wouldn't be posting my opinion!
And no I don't believe everything I hear, Michael had a problem for 20 years!, If I believed everything I hear I'd be going OMG MICHAEL'S ALIVE! and I'm not doing that. If people deny he was an addict it's just ignoring a plead for help, I have my opinion I never said my opinion was the gospel,

Don't tell me that I believe everything I hear, because if I did I wouldn't be a fan I wouldn't be here and I wouldn't be posting my opinion!

oh my... Rawr! ;) feisty.

okay if you want to paint him as an addict that's okay.
but just don't be telling people what we should accept and what we shouldn't.
it's called opinion for a reason.


Umm so your saying only people with bad life dies? only people who are not well and great dies? haha okay....

no dip his life wasn't good. who's life is really anyways.
there are good and bad things in everyone's life.

Not everyone who takes prescription drugs is an addict.