The 'addict' picture the media is painting appears to be sticking

Actually MTV was out to paint him as crazy and that is a proven fact. Oprah seems to try and get some of her guests to make fun of MJ as well as having a whole show dedicated to chastising MJ. And Jermaine has made some questionable remarks in the past. Those are all backed up with facts Metalfish. That is not fans trying to make stuff up.
also, you cant make someone look bad by saying they are an adict. Anyone who understands the disease of adiction will know how complex of a situation it is. I dont think the media is out to portray mj in a bad way by saying such things. I think the fans are jsut being too sensitive.

I don't agree, have you read comments on various sites by the public...? stuff like 'he killed himself and what a bad father to do so' - so people do judge 'addicts'
Actually MTV was out to paint him as crazy and that is a proven fact. Oprah seems to try and get some of her guests to make fun of MJ as well as having a whole show dedicated to chastising MJ. And Jermaine has made some questionable remarks in the past. Those are all backed up with facts Metalfish. That is not fans trying to make stuff up.

Exactly LisaB - Metalfish, look up what we are talking about before you judge our comments...
I don't think Michael was an addict as people are making out but I do believe he had some kind of dependancy on them and did in some way seek comfort from them, not facts I just think that. But, that doesn't change who or what he was. Why do they need to focus on this stuff? The man traveled the world, going to orphanages, villages, struggling countries, donating money to charity, inviting sick children to Neverland etc. but none of that get's printed. The man even went to thank all of the soldiers who had fought in the war. But none of that get's shown, if it did people wouldn't be saying "Michael Jackson was a child molester etc." people would be saying "Michael Jackson is a great human being". I'd much rather buy a paper or magazine that says Michael Jackson: $400Million to charity than Michael Jackson dosed lethal amounts of Propofol.
I don't think Michael was an addict as people are making out but I do believe he had some kind of dependancy on them and did in some way seek comfort from them, not facts I just think that. But, that doesn't change who or what he was. Why do they need to focus on this stuff? The man traveled the world, going to orphanages, villages, struggling countries, donating money to charity, inviting sick children to Neverland etc. but none of that get's printed. The man even went to thank all of the soldiers who had fought in the war. But none of that get's shown, if it did people wouldn't be saying "Michael Jackson was a child molester etc." people would be saying "Michael Jackson is a great human being". I'd much rather buy a paper or magazine that says Michael Jackson: $400Million to charity than Michael Jackson dosed lethal amounts of Propofol.

mtv and oprah are not out to get MJ. I dont have to research anything, Ive been following Mj for years. Its understandable that you are all overly protective and paranoid when it comes to MJ because he has been the target of child molestation acusations by a specific group of people. The only people in the Media with any kind of agenda are Maureen Orth and Diane Diamond. You guys need to stop making him the victim of everything.
Just becuz he went on tv and called himself artist of the millineum doent mean mtv has some kind of evil conspiracy against him. And Oprah can say or think what she wants about MJ, she has every right.
You guys canT even accept that MJ had a drug problem when he even admited to it on national television. Anyone who insists on taking profol to sleep and takes oxygen tanks on tour with them has a serious problem. thats unacceptable. and you shouldnt defend that.
Stop making excuses for everyting. MJ was an eccentric guy and he was struggled with an addiction . if its true than its true. no reason for denying or getting upset by it.
^^^IF it is true. But you are touting it as the truth. You have only heard these things from dubious sources. MJ didn't admit to addiction he said he had a dependence on pain killers ....pain killers, for scalp reconstruction surgery. Pain killers stop pain, sedatives put you to sleep. Two different classes of drugs. A dependence on one class doesn't make you an addict, or a dependent on another class of drugs.

MTV admitted AFTER MJ passed, that they DID indeed award him with the Artist of Millenium award. Why would they make him look like a fool for so many years? And if you knew this fact, then why is it so hard for you to call a spade a spade? Because this one is as clear as the nose on your face.

Oprah's actions to MJ has not been towards anybody else on her show. Yes she can say what she wants, but her actions is exactly what speaks to her heart's intentions. Yes, she has every right to say whatever maligning thing she wants to say to hurt MJ repeatedly, and his family, as I and others have every right to call her actions for what they are....MEAN, and DEMEANING.

You want to say as a fact MJ is a drug addict as does the media. Then we have every right to say, with FACTS that we don't think he was.

No everyone doesn't have an agenda against MJ, but it so funny that you've chosen examples of people who act as if they do have an agenda towards him.

It's not just false accusers of molestation that has hurt MJ. It is the constant lies, the media whores, the Ian Halperins of the world, the twisted 'friends', the media who want to see a famous, popular, black man (yes I said it) fail and be corrupted and tainted.

And if you can't see that then I will begin to question your motives with all due respect.
and in case i didnt make it clear enough anyone who takes propol to get a good nights sleep has a FREAKIN PROBLEM. Its jsut so freakin horrifying to me that michael was doing that. You know all these years they were calling him a child molester, a freak, they said he was mutilating his face, and none of that even phased me at all. But to find out Mj is carrying oxygens tanks around and going unconcious every night is jsut so sickening and disturbing to me. Its hard to hear that. its absolutley horrifying to me. and thats the truth
lisab, a "dependancy of painkillers" is what you call an addiction silly.
ok let me calm down.
I see that the problem we are having here is the confusion over what certain words mean. Everyone has a differnet interpretation of "drug" and "adiction". Not everyone on this board uderstands what it means to be an addict. People are misuderstanding "addict" to mean something deragatory when it is not meant to be.
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Another thing you need to research: dependence vs addiction. Maybe I should call you silly.
is Oprah doing this NOW? I don't watch her show. is she maligning Michael NOW, or are you guys talking about stuff she did when he was alive?(god I can't believe we're having to say that!)
Ok I apologize for getting angry lisa and everyone else.

I wanted to share a few paragraphs from a book that people in Narcotics Anonymous use. (if its ok with you guys)

From Chapter one "Who Is An Addict?"

"As addicts, we are people whose use of any mind altering,mood-changing substance causes a problem in any area of life. Addictin is a disease that involves more than the use of drugs. Some of us believe that our disease was present long before the first time we used.....We did not chose to become addicts. We suffer from a disease that expresses itself in ways that are anti-social and that makes detection, diagnosis, and treatment difficult. At times we were defensive about out addiction and justified our right to use, especially when we had legal prescriptions...Like other incurable diseases, addiction can be arrested. We agree that there is nothing shamefull about being an addict, provided we accept our dilema honestly and take positive action."
if he truly was an addict, how come all his organs were in perfect shape? last I checked, even a few months of 600mgs of Advil every day will pretty much destroy your kidneys.
I dont have to research anything, Ive been following Mj for years.

That says it all to me.... you've followed MJ through the TV/radio & 'newspapers' therefore you don't need to do any research. :smilerolleyes: This is what I'm talking about... the general publics view of MJ.... they take what the press says as fact when, 9 times out of 10, it's not. You'd be surprised what you'd find out if you did a little research.

As regards to 'dependancy', my father depends on drugs to keep his blood flowing properly and to keep his chest clear; my mother in law depends on insulin as she has diabetes.... does that make them addicts? No, it doens't. IMO, there is a world of difference between taking medication (and being dependant) for medical conditions and taking drugs to get high.
ok lets just stop this the person who posted this thread didn't say "was mj an addict or not?" he\she clearly said that the media is painting mj as an addict and trying to make him look like a bad person after his death as they always did and its working and we as mj fans must stop it so if you really love mj you will stop this and remember he was a human who had a tape of problem\addiction and thats something in the human nature we can not stop and in this case the doctor f*cked up really bad and has to take at least some blame for what happened

Yes, thank you.
I don't think Michael was an addict as people are making out but I do believe he had some kind of dependancy on them and did in some way seek comfort from them, not facts I just think that. But, that doesn't change who or what he was. Why do they need to focus on this stuff? The man traveled the world, going to orphanages, villages, struggling countries, donating money to charity, inviting sick children to Neverland etc. but none of that get's printed. The man even went to thank all of the soldiers who had fought in the war. But none of that get's shown, if it did people wouldn't be saying "Michael Jackson was a child molester etc." people would be saying "Michael Jackson is a great human being". I'd much rather buy a paper or magazine that says Michael Jackson: $400Million to charity than Michael Jackson dosed lethal amounts of Propofol.

Exactly my point! Thanks.
and in case i didnt make it clear enough anyone who takes propol to get a good nights sleep has a FREAKIN PROBLEM. Its jsut so freakin horrifying to me that michael was doing that. You know all these years they were calling him a child molester, a freak, they said he was mutilating his face, and none of that even phased me at all. But to find out Mj is carrying oxygens tanks around and going unconcious every night is jsut so sickening and disturbing to me. Its hard to hear that. its absolutley horrifying to me. and thats the truth

And this is where you show that by calling him an addict, it do paint him in a bad light. Not nessecarily because people with an addiction are bad people- but because people with addiction issues are percieved differently- and negatively by the general public. They are deemed as less worth, less in control, less inteligent etc...You are right about people being freaked out by this. You are also right that people that develop a dependency/ addiction will carry that with them for the rest of their life. That is the reason why dependency is sutch a hard thing to deal with.
And I am not putting sutch a difference between different types of addiction. They all seem to be a combination of pschycological, physiological and emotional unbalance. The explanations tend to be different in different professions.
Common sense tells me that Michael would be voulnerable to dependency, due to both his physical problems, the stress he had to live with, his childhood and the fact that his money and fame put im in a position where people would be happy to get him anything he asked for.

BUT: this are my assumptions- and one thing I know is that my assmuptions do not equal reality or facts.
And that is what we have to keep in mind.

Because no matter what- there are so many things in this case that just do not add up. And Michaels known history of addiction to morphine/ painkillers also makes him vulnerable for a situation where this can be taken advantage of.
It would be very easy to paint a picture of him as a drug addict, and this as a tragic, but explainable death. Its very convinient. And because people so easely accept this, and the fact that drug addicts usually is deemed as less worthy people his death may not be investigated as thourogly as it would be if this had happened a different way.
And that is a bit scary. Because there are so many things that do not add up..............
The point I am trying to make is this: if anyone wanted to take Michaels life- this would indeed be the best way to do it. Because if you look at what is happening now, very few will even consider the possibility. There are too many cases like this happening, and the investigation would have a tainted view on this from the beginning. Perhaps resulting in different things not being investigated as thourogly as it should have been.
There are a few people asking questions, but not many will give this serious thought.
I had problems accepting this possibility myself. But due to various things, I am slowly statting to become very suspicious.
Dependency to certain pain medication etc Michael has been battling for while now...but somehow I don't think this addiction to Porpofol is clear cut as we have been made to believe.

Some mofo clearly got Michael to use it (i have a hunch that it is Klein) and maybe he did get hooked on it, the weeks leading upto the O2 shows...but some 'doctor' somewhere clearly had his head screwed the wrong way when he prescribed propofol to an insomniac. 'drug addict' theory just want make all those poor judgements just go away. best believe that.
All this argument over what is and what isn't an addict isn't that necessary as the thread was really about the fact the press focus on that more than his humanitarian efforts and his music, which I think we all could agree is pretty sad.
Thank you Bowen999, elmari & Rockin.

The sort of thing I had in mind would be, not only his charity work - we could link to this other site, but also :

links to youtube showing sick children visiting Neverland
a piece about his known health regimes and lifestyle
links to youtube showing him with his children
reports on the way he interacted with fans, staff and others

etc etc