The 'addict' picture the media is painting appears to be sticking

Well, if the warrant is to be believed, it proves Michale had insomnia... it doesn't prove he was an addict. The sooner the general public realise this the sooner Michael's true legacy will shine through.
As far as his legacy as an artist is concerned it doesn't make any difference whatsoever whether people believe he was an addict or not. Let's face it, we can all list a very long list of legendary artists who were drug addicts, and they weren't addicted to valium or propofol or whatever but heroin, LSD, cocaine or alcohol. In fact some of the same people who bash Michael because he was (in their opinion) addicted to subscription drugs think it's rather cool or hip that their own heroes were addicted to illegal drugs because it's more in line with that rock'n'roll star as desperado image they like so much.
Well MJ said it himself that he was addicted, I dont see anything wrong as long as their not calling names like they do do sometimes. But calling Michael an addict does not offend me, he was HUMAN who had imperfections like everyone else, I dont want to make him out to be an angel. I dont care if he was addicted or not alls I know is that I love Michael unconditionaly. I dont understand why people get offended, HE said it, his friends said it, what more evidence do you need? Its OK he was HUMAN!

Yes. I agree. And further........I think we should all be careful of demonizing the idea of addiction. There could be young people on this board who struggle with addiction, and they need to know that it is an illness. They need to know that it is not a shameful thing, and that there is help out there! That people (including MJ) can be wonderful, sweet, loving, true, family, friends, and have nothing but positive intention in the world......and yet, can still struggle with addiction is just a fact of life.

I would hate anyone to think about addiction as only the 'crack head' on the is just not true. If anyone reading this struggles with addiction........YOU ARE NOT a bad person, or any less of a human, or any less worthy of living life than anyone else. Please know that, and know there is help available.

I feel the pain of the situation whether or not MJ was addicted to medication or drugs. But, should it be true, it does not have to take away from ALL the other things about him that people love and look up to. AND, further.......IF true, IT DOES NOT take away culpability from Murray or anyone else who fueled that addiction. Doctors have to abide by a code of ethics, clearly that did not happen here!
Yes. I agree. And further........I think we should all be careful of demonizing the idea of addiction. There could be young people on this board who struggle with addiction, and they need to know that it is an illness. They need to know that it is not a shameful thing, and that there is help out there! That people (including MJ) can be wonderful, sweet, loving, true, family, friends, and have nothing but positive intention in the world......and yet, can still struggle with addiction is just a fact of life.

I would hate anyone to think about addiction as only the 'crack head' on the is just not true. If anyone reading this struggles with addiction........YOU ARE NOT a bad person, or any less of a human, or any less worthy of living life than anyone else. Please know that, and know there is help available.

I feel the pain of the situation whether or not MJ was addicted to medication or drugs. But, should it be true, it does not have to take away from ALL the other things about him that people love and look up to. AND, further.......IF true, IT DOES NOT take away culpability from Murray or anyone else who fueled that addiction. Doctors have to abide by a code of ethics, clearly that did not happen here!
ok I agree with you but the thing that makes me so mad is that ppl judge him saying things like "he didnt love his kids" "he is so selfish and weak " who the hell are they to judge this man went through things we cant even Imagen
ok I agree with you but the thing that makes me so mad is that ppl judge him saying things like "he didnt love his kids" "he is so selfish and weak " who the hell are they to judge this man went through things we cant even Imagen

Hey xXMJJXx...........I totally understand. :) really, I do.
Some people seem to forget that he has Lupus and other medical conditions (reason for taking prescription drugs but an addict?? I THINK NOT!!)

i'm sorry but when Mj was accused of being a child molestor, there were supposed wittnesses that sawww him do those things.. but we never believed them!!

why is him not being here anymore makes us believe everything we read and see?
i don't get it gurl!

i'm sure he takes pain killers and stuff! (like soo many others in the world)
but an addict?? gurl pleasssseeeee.

and the media allllwaayyyssss forget to put "prescription" don't they? dirtyy scums.

gahh i'm sorry but i know MJ is only human and he's no saint but you don't have to be painted as a saint to not be an addict. so don't tell me that i'm putting him on a pedestal. i just don't see why he'd be an addict and be an amazing performer and a great father.
Michael did say that was addicted to prescription drugs in the early 1990's but he said he did something about it..Don't people look at these videos before posting..Michael suffered from insomnia..I don't think vicodin or oxycodone will help that..He wanted to sleep.

So why are we here discussing things we khow not of..why are we believing the media?? it is obvious they want to destroy his legacy..can't we for once look into ourselves and see that we are hurting this Messenger and his beloved Children..I dont think some are true fans or believers.
Propofol killed Michael and it is not an addicting drug..HE JUST WANTED TO SLEEP.. go figure!!
ok I agree with you but the thing that makes me so mad is that ppl judge him saying things like "he didnt love his kids" "he is so selfish and weak " who the hell are they to judge this man went through things we cant even Imagen

Its sickening for sure.
MJ, from what I've read,in the past. had an addiction to pain killers.

Pain killers were not found in his system (or at least that was not the lethal dose)

In regards to the coroner's report. It's not a factual document. It's filled with Dr. Murray's statements (which could be untrue), what police "thinks" might have happened in order to justify a warrant, and a resume of the investigators and detectives in the case.

That's it. It's not an official report.

Although, let me say this part: Mj was not trying to ease pain from the rehearsals (but maybe he could not go to sleep because his bones ached/tired/excited/depressed) So he needed help to sleep.

He used what had been working for the past 6 weeks or longer.

Sometimes people associate weight loss with being a "hype"

If he had to "fast" before taking this sedative or anesthesia then he would lose weight on top of rehearsals, simply because he was not consuming enough calories (he was on a healthy diet...when he needed fried pork chops, cheeseburgers, and milkshakes...okay harmless kidding there)....(okay, maybe some KFC?), but he needed higher caloric meals, not fish and leaves.

--sorry that was a slight at the chef---

I'm not an expert at anything, just a fan, so my opinions are just that. Respectful (non-cursing) Opinions.
Official reports to need to come in! So far we've been getting leaks and what is said is already homicide, even murder.

We are so close to the TRUTH.....I truly believe it was intentional. All of this just at the eve of his spectacular mindblowing comeback.

Also, a drug addict would'nt be so concerned and aware of what's going on around him. (ex: thome thome)

How do we know the 'doc' didn't just give Michael all that crap telling him it was okay???
Yes. I agree. And further........I think we should all be careful of demonizing the idea of addiction. There could be young people on this board who struggle with addiction, and they need to know that it is an illness. They need to know that it is not a shameful thing, and that there is help out there! That people (including MJ) can be wonderful, sweet, loving, true, family, friends, and have nothing but positive intention in the world......and yet, can still struggle with addiction is just a fact of life.

I would hate anyone to think about addiction as only the 'crack head' on the is just not true. If anyone reading this struggles with addiction........YOU ARE NOT a bad person, or any less of a human, or any less worthy of living life than anyone else. Please know that, and know there is help available.

I feel the pain of the situation whether or not MJ was addicted to medication or drugs. But, should it be true, it does not have to take away from ALL the other things about him that people love and look up to. AND, further.......IF true, IT DOES NOT take away culpability from Murray or anyone else who fueled that addiction. Doctors have to abide by a code of ethics, clearly that did not happen here!

True. My mother used to take painkillers just to make her sleep. She loved nothing more than to take Gravol to make her passout, and always had a supply of 'Adaban' Adavan (sp?) Her nerves were always on edge and she often wanted to numb the pain of everyday life.

My mother was a Virgo like Michael, her birthday is Aug 28th. She was a loving human being, but with a delicate heart and a painful soul. You are not a bad person for taking these drugs, the drugs are the things that are bad. I'll miss her forever, and will never think of her as an addict. The word shouldn't be used on Michael either. In fact, I think the docs that supply these drugs should be labelled 'addicts' since they are addicted to giving these drugs to people so freely. *sighs*
I wasn't shouting just frustrated, people can be so "Ohh no he wasn't" so his family tried to get him to rehab for nothing because he was well hmm ok.

"You weren't there so you don't know for sure is what people are saying." Everyone is saying he was demanding it's all over the news. I still can't believe people are saying he wasn't an addict and it bloody matters because then we are basically over viewing his need for help.

It's not all Dr Murray, Michael has had a problem with prescription drugs for years, that's something we can't deny. Yes Dr Murray was incapable of being medically enable to look after a patient, but if Michael like a lot of people said admitted to being an addict then he must have known it wasn't right.

Dr Murray deserves defiantly to be sent to prison a long with Klein and Tohme Tohme, we have to remember that this started 20 odd years ago after the pepsi advert and he's been addicted ever since, no matter what people say it's just denying the truth that he was addicted, it is seriously like an alcoholic or hard drug addict saying, I take it, demand it but I'm honestly fine.

Sorry to say he's not addicted it's bull****
Its a fact that MJ was addicted to prescription drugs. That means hes an addict. Even if a person goes to rehab or recovery and never touches a drug ever again a person is still an addict. You cant make the disease go away, you can only learn to manage it. THere is no need to get offended or upset by it, but maybe understand the disease of addiction better.
Its a fact that MJ was addicted to prescription drugs. That means hes an addict. Even if a person goes to rehab or recovery and never touches a drug ever again a person is still an addict. You cant make the disease go away, you can only learn to manage it. THere is no need to get offended or upset by it, but maybe understand the disease of addiction better.

Exactly! like alcoholics are alcoholics because it's a disease, it's hard to accept but you have to
Firstly I don't think swearing and shouting at each other will get us anywhere! I'm not swearing at anyone and I'm putting the * sign in my words so it's hardly like proper swearing lol!!!

I'm sorry if people don't like swearing it's how I am
I think the word ' addict' is what pains us. In everyday colloquial terms we refrer the term addict to be someone who is irresponsible and dependent on usually some kind of recreational drug causing much destruction to themselves and others around them.

With Michael it is different. Only different because it was dependency on prescription medication...yet it was a dependency, he couldn't cope (sleep, relax, rest, eat, work) without it.

Dependency on prescription medication is not something exclusive to stars, celebritites and the likes of hollywood. My husband is a MD and his friends who are GPs have to deal with these sorts of patients on a daily basis. They say they've lost their prescription, they need to sleep in the night...and it is extremely hard to weane them off these drugs and sometimes you wht you do is try and give them non lethal, not so strong drugs.

what frustrates me with Michael is that why nobody ever took an active role in trying to say NO to him....he doesn't know what the side effects of these drugs are, he doesn't care, he needs doctors to treat his symptoms and it is upto medical professionals to exercise good judgement here. A needless death...that could have been prevented.
Its a fact that MJ was addicted to prescription drugs. That means hes an addict. Even if a person goes to rehab or recovery and never touches a drug ever again a person is still an addict. You cant make the disease go away, you can only learn to manage it. THere is no need to get offended or upset by it, but maybe understand the disease of addiction better.

yes that is the case as of 93 but its not really what is being discussed. we are talking about now not being a reformed addict etc. the evidence so far about NOW doesnt support any claims of addiction. whici is why i wonder if murray really gave him all these drugs on the 25th as the corroner doesnt mention it or just said it as p.r
Firstly I don't think swearing and shouting at each other will get us anywhere! I'm not swearing at anyone and I'm putting the * sign in my words so it's hardly like proper swearing lol!!!

I'm sorry if people don't like swearing it's how I am

No you didn't put a * sign in - look at my post no.28(pg2 of this thread) where I quoted yours, your original post only changed once a mod altered it. Don't lie.

I'm not saying he wasn't an addict, I'm saying none of us know the truth 100% that warrant quotes what Murray said. How do we know that is the truth? We don't. I think its a shame to just put the death down to addiction, even if he was addicted(not surprised with the way his life had been) then why did Murray act that way on the day... I'm more concerned about why Murray let Michael die.
I've been on a couple of other forum's over the past few days reading about people's views on Michael... it would appear that the 'addict' that the media are making him out to be is the picture most people are believing. :(

I believe the stories you are finding just as well could be MOLE-STORIES-LIES planted on Michael Jackson FANsites everywhere by MOLES. Its been reported even here they are here so why wouldnt they be planting some serious NEGATIVE, ADDICT, MANSLAUGHTER, SLEEPY THREADS today, they hate Positive threads and push them down with stupid little quotes, HOMICIDE is a STRONG word to be coming out of LAPD, Michael KILLERS and yes there where more than 1 his Killers must be in SHOCK behind the word HOMICIDE they expected ACCIDENTAL OVERDOSE off the Top, Michael was under Contract his contract holders knew everything that was going on in that house and ordered it. I didnt even know the MOLES here go back years until it was posted this weekend, so until "The Coroner" calls Michael Jackson an Addict or anything else I WANT BELIEVE him either because he has already stated ALL MICHAEL JACKSON ORGANS WHERE HEALTHY which means he was not an addict because longterm DRUG ABUSERS DONT HAVE HEALTHY ORGANS and from that LARGE AMOUNTS OF LETHAL DRUGS they found in Michael's body, which had to put IN HIS BODY FROM 1AM - 6AM June 25, 2009; to make it look like he was doing drugs. So whoever wants to keep posting their Negative Media/Tabloids Post thats what FORUMS are for, but Micheal Jackson MOLES better know EVERYWHERE ALL over THE INTERNET PEOPLE are NO lONGER buying these what we BELIEVE to be NOTHING but LIES, to continue COVERING UP MURDERING MICHAEL JACKSON, yea they said Jimi Hendrix was an ADDICT and OverDosed to, but my Daddy always did say he didnt believe Jimi axed himself and low and behold we get chance to find out 30 years later when the ones who MURDERED him are dead that yes indeed Jimi Hendrix was Murdered, well I will not wait 30 years for the Video they took of Michael Dying because they sure did videotape his death and plan on releasing it in the future, so no I want wait until it comes out I already know in my Heart that Michael Jackson was Murdered for his FAME, Music, Money and Estate which of course includes the Almighty NEVERLAND. Just Moles at Work.
I hope the doctors are punished for their involvement in this. But MJ also beared responsibility. Addiction to prescription drugs is still addiction. This was not a drug meant to help someone to go to sleep every night.
Michael was not a drug addict now,otherwise he wouldn't have passed the medical exam done for the concerts...he had a big trouble sleeping and Murray didn't know how to deal with that!
I hope the doctors are punished for their involvement in this. But MJ also beared responsibility. Addiction to prescription drugs is still addiction. This was not a drug meant to help someone to go to sleep every night.

I'm not disputing he may have problems with prescription meds(after what he'd gone through with the trial its not surprising) We don't know for sure though he asked for Propofol that night, we only know what Murray has said. It might be true but we don't know for sure.
I would not say anything, but could not resist. I do not know why everyone is shocked. Since the beginning are saying that it was Dr. Murray that killed Michael, who was an overdose of propofol, which Michael took tons of remedies and many other things... That being said for centuries. And now after almost 2 months the police come with this news which is no longer any big news to anyone that was an overdose of propofol? The police discovered America. Well, he had enough time to resolve, but so far nothing and I'm not taking it seriously. I always wonder: are they investigating it? I do not believe the police are doing something much less in its efficiency.

I'm sure Michael was not addicted, was not manipulated by anyone and much less stupid. Michael would not let be manipulated by any doctor. I doubt that Michael would agree to take all these remedies without first mixed question the doctor. I do not believe this story of addiction. I'm sure he would not take and not mixed all these remedies. Michael would not run that risk because it is an intelligent person and before doing anything that might harm himself, I'm sure he would think of their children. Michael has always been a conscious person. There's something very strange and much more happening.

I hate when they say that Michael was weak, was not aware of anything, he knew what he was doing, he was lost and was manipulated by everyone around her. This is so ridiculous to think and is a great offense to think this way about Michael...

Therefore I prefer to keep quiet about it and just observe all these things. But sometimes it is impossible to keep quiet.
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No you didn't put a * sign in - look at my post no.28(pg2 of this thread) where I quoted yours, your original post only changed once a mod altered it. Don't lie.

I'm not saying he wasn't an addict, I'm saying none of us know the truth 100% that warrant quotes what Murray said. How do we know that is the truth? We don't. I think its a shame to just put the death down to addiction, even if he was addicted(not surprised with the way his life had been) then why did Murray act that way on the day... I'm more concerned about why Murray let Michael die.

I'm not lying!! I know it was a build up over everything in his life, I would never turn a blind eye to that.
I hope the doctors are punished for their involvement in this. But MJ also beared responsibility. Addiction to prescription drugs is still addiction. This was not a drug meant to help someone to go to sleep every night.

are u even following the case. cause of death diprivan. given to him to help him sleep by a doctor. offered to him years ago and used during history by another doctor. it should have never been recomended to him in the first place. its a sedative not a painkiller seems some fans are als obeen taken in the by the druggie obsession by some on the media. its a good smoke screen for murrays negligence
The purpose of this thread was not to discuss whether Michael was or wasn't an adiict (NONE of us know the answer to that... we just make assumptions)... it was to discuss how we can get people to focus on Michael's music and humanitarian efforts as opposed to his supposed 'drug addiction'. Fgs, some of them still think he's a child molester! Of course, these people have taken all this from the tabloids and have no interest in searching for the truth. We need to take action against the press somehow (I have no idea how!) so they report the facts and not the fiction.

I'm not very good at expressing my frustrations so I apologise if this doesn't make sense!
are u even following the case. cause of death diprivan. given to him to help him sleep by a doctor. offered to him years ago and used during history by another doctor. it should have never been recomended to him in the first place. its a sedative not a painkiller seems some fans are als obeen taken in the by the druggie obsession by some on the media. its a good smoke screen for murrays negligence

Exactly! He should never have been recommended that and I wish fans would stop buying into all the media say about Michael, question it all.
Its a fact that MJ was addicted to prescription drugs. That means hes an addict. Even if a person goes to rehab or recovery and never touches a drug ever again a person is still an addict. You cant make the disease go away, you can only learn to manage it. THere is no need to get offended or upset by it, but maybe understand the disease of addiction better.

i think that's a pretty silly thing to say that even if someone has been clean for years to call them an addict
The purpose of this thread was not to discuss whether Michael was or wasn't an adiict (NONE of us know the answer to that... we just make assumptions)... it was to discuss how we can get people to focus on Michael's music and humanitarian efforts as opposed to his supposed 'drug addiction'. Fgs, some of them still think he's a child molester! Of course, these people have taken all this from the tabloids and have no interest in searching for the truth. We need to take action against the press somehow (I have no idea how!) so they report the facts and not the fiction.

I'm not very good at expressing my frustrations so I apologise if this doesn't make sense!

Hey :) It makes sense, taking action against the press wouldn't be easy though... I agree there should be much more in the press about his humanitarian efforts, good news I guess doesn't sell... especially as the press have already laid seeds of doubt in the public's mind years ago with all the allegations.