Statement Regarding Michael's Health - Official

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Whatever... I don't think people'll give that much of a damn. "Gettin' sued by Billie Jean?... uhh mmk, but sh*t dawg he's goin' on tour? SWEET!" "So he got a bad liver, but he goin' on tour... uh huh :rolleyes:"
LOS ANGELES, Dec 22, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) has issued the following statement:

"Concerning this author's allegations, we would hope in the future that legitimate media will not continue to be exploited by such an obvious attempt to promote this unauthorized 'biography.'

SOURCE: Scoop Marketing
HOPE! Bah, this will never end as long you aren't start to sue them! Ciccone gets 5 Mio only for a few lousy pictures which she did not wanted to be printed and they dared to.
We could go on and on about... I just don't think Mike has the time for stuff like that. It's such a drag.
Fucking beautiful. Thank you GOD!

Forgive my language, but man I'm excited and SO happy. Thank the Lord up above I say and you tell em' Michael and Dr. Tohme! l ol.
It's great to get official news that MJ is in fine health!

As for the tour...well, I'm not trying to bring this down at all, but I'll believe it when I see it or hear it from the companies sponsoring it. That, and when I hear a new single. I've been a Michael Jackson fan too long to do anything else :lol:
I'm just so happy to hear that Michael is in fine health and is okay. The news about the tour and TV apperances is just iceing on the cake!

And it doesn't get any more official then this! It's straight from Michael and his team!

Thank you God and thank you Michael and thank you Dr. Tohme!
Finally...the fans can stop worrying.

And that last bit is fantastic!
I just read about the biography and the dickhead that had written that mess on my email account...

I never for an instance took it serious. I'm just not that gullible.

I honestly think that this guy, Ian Halperin (?) (Isn't he that curly haired, perch mouth, tongue stuck in teeth moron that was saying a lot of crap during the trial?) wants Michael to give him some attention via calling him on the phone and asking the question..."Why the fuk you print that shzt about me?" So he can say that Michael called him and cursed him out and he was so in awe that Michael called to curse him out when he wasn't even expecting that Michael would call and curse him out because he was just wondering if he could get Michael to call and curse him out so that he could tell everyone that he had been cursed out by Michael and that made him feel so special because Michael took the time to call and speak to him and this was all worth it because all he ever wanted was to hear Michael's voice over the phone and he almost thought that Michael was singing to him when he told him that he would tear him another bunghole if he ever wrote some more shzt about him and oh Gawd he was just so excited when Michael slammed the phone down in his ear and he didn't know how to feel because he was so excited to hear Michael's voice and he wished Michael would have kept talking or cursing him out because he was getting a boner from hearing his voice and that he sounded so sexy calling him all those names under his clothes that he couldn't take it anymore but he kept himself from fainting by throwing water in his face because he had to hear every word that Michael was saying because he was just so excited....and on and on and on.

Do you get my drift? The man is in love with Michael and he needs help.:yes:

Oh yeah, I knew when I came to the site after reading that nonsense that I would find a thread stating the facts, so I was never worried.

My deceased mother always told me that you shouldn't worry before there is a real reason to worry and if there is reason to worry then you still shouldn't worry because it's God's will whatever is deemed to happen and there's nothing much to do about it but pray for strength to deal with it. So, I never went there in my head, there was no real reason to.

I look forward to seeing Michael's future plans come to fruition and I do believe they will.
I just read about the biography and the dickhead that had written that mess on my email account...

I never for an instance took it serious. I'm just not that gullible.

I honestly think that this guy, Ian Halperin (?) (Isn't he that curly haired, perch mouth, tongue stuck in teeth moron that was saying a lot of crap during the trial?) wants Michael to give him some attention via calling him on the phone and asking the question..."Why the fuk you print that shzt about me?" So he can say that Michael called him and cursed him out and he was so in awe that Michael called to curse him out when he wasn't even expecting that Michael would call and curse him out because he was just wondering if he could get Michael to call and curse him out so that he could tell everyone that he had been cursed out by Michael and that made him feel so special because Michael took the time to call and speak to him and this was all worth it because all he ever wanted was to hear Michael's voice over the phone and he almost thought that Michael was singing to him when he told him that he would tear him another bunghole if he ever wrote some more shzt about him and oh Gawd he was just so excited when Michael slammed the phone down in his ear and he didn't know how to feel because he was so excited to hear Michael's voice and he wished Michael would have kept talking or cursing him out because he was getting a boner from hearing his voice and that he sounded so sexy calling him all those names under his clothes that he couldn't take it anymore but he kept himself from fainting by throwing water in his face because he had to hear every word that Michael was saying because he was just so excited....and on and on and on.

Do you get my drift? The man is in love with Michael and he needs help.:yes:

Oh yeah, I knew when I came to the site after reading that nonsense that I would find a thread stating the facts, so I was never worried.

My deceased mother always told me that you shouldn't worry before there is a real reason to worry and if there is reason to worry then you still shouldn't worry because it's God's will whatever is deemed to happen and there's nothing much to do about it but pray for strength to deal with it. So, I never went there in my head, there was no real reason to.

I look forward to seeing Michael's future plans come to fruition and I do believe they will.

I don't get that did he get cursed out by Mike or not?
The writer's wild allegations concerning Mr. Jackson's health are a total fabrication. Mr. Jackson is in fine health, and finalizing negotiations with a major entertainment company & television network for both a world tour and a series of specials and appearances."

Thanks for posting. This great news comes as the best 2008 Christmas present !!:cheers::yes:
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