Statement Regarding Michael's Health - Official

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Dr Tohme is sure doing a better job than some of his past spokespersons. And I doubt you know THAT much to know if he has MJ's best interests in mind or not.

Excuse me, but you can't come and judge me like that.
I post and say something when things are verified - first hand.

The last good spokeperson Michael ever had was Stuart Backerman.
It's useless to mention the other ones (remember Rayone Bain and her statements about a MJ Tour, MJJ Company, not to forget the Mj websites with winners at a contest held in Japan....).

2009 will be OFF THE WALL 30, the rest is more than unsure...
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MJ databank

I do respect you, and thank you for somethings you have let us know, but!!

Michael would not allow this to come out if was not true, he has said many times now that he is readying himself for a tour! Look any artist that wants to survive with new material now has to do some kind of tour! I think you will be pleasently surprised! I know you get lot of info from Sony, but Sony dont know everything, and wont get know everything till Michael wants to use them again.

Michael will come back this year with so much stuff, not just 30 off the wall, again thats a Sony product!

I cannot await for release now of information from Michaels spokesperson on new releases, i think its a matter of when will it be and not IF! also think it will be sooner rather than later.


It's bad enough that every year on awards shows and major TV shows a 'special guest' or 'special performance' is rumoured to be Michael Jackson, expecially on MJ boards like this, but this year it's going to be even more intense.
I just hope these plans are actually going to come to fruition because otherwise it is a cruel trick to play on the fans and many other people who are waiting to see his comeback.

After Raymone's statements suggesting tours, singles etc in the past, it is hard to take this statement as factual without any other evidence IMO.

As nice as it is to hear this news, I will be retaining a healthy level of scepticism until something firm is announced.
thank you God. i never believed those false malicious allegations but an official statement is always welcome. it made me soooo happy that michael decided to put out an official denial. thank you Michael. i know we aint seen nothing yet!!!!! :wild:
The problem isn't just the tabloids but respected news papers

The problem isn't just the tabloids but respected news papers that go on publishing these stories without giving them a second thought. I haven't payed any attention to this "lung-sickness" story and today I saw it printed in the Metro newspaper, which is read by many since it's free. And I've read these stories even in the web pages of Helsingin Sanomat which has the reputation of being the most respectable newspaper in Finland (nation wide).
And I was surprised that even AP took this story. :no::smilerolleyes:
I honestly think that this guy, Ian Halperin (?) (Isn't he that curly haired, perch mouth, tongue stuck in teeth moron that was saying a lot of crap during the trial?) wants Michael to give him some attention via calling him on the phone and asking the question..."Why the fuk you print that shzt about me?" So he can say that Michael called him and cursed him out and he was so in awe that Michael called to curse him out when he wasn't even expecting that Michael would call and curse him out because he was just wondering if he could get Michael to call and curse him out so that he could tell everyone that he had been cursed out by Michael and that made him feel so special because Michael took the time to call and speak to him and this was all worth it because all he ever wanted was to hear Michael's voice over the phone and he almost thought that Michael was singing to him when he told him that he would tear him another bunghole if he ever wrote some more shzt about him and oh Gawd he was just so excited when Michael slammed the phone down in his ear and he didn't know how to feel because he was so excited to hear Michael's voice and he wished Michael would have kept talking or cursing him out because he was getting a boner from hearing his voice and that he sounded so sexy calling him all those names under his clothes that he couldn't take it anymore but he kept himself from fainting by throwing water in his face because he had to hear every word that Michael was saying because he was just so excited....and on and on and on.

Do you get my drift? The man is in love with Michael and he needs help.:yes:
MJ databank

I do respect you, and thank you for somethings you have let us know, but!!

Michael would not allow this to come out if was not true, he has said many times now that he is readying himself for a tour! Look any artist that wants to survive with new material now has to do some kind of tour! I think you will be pleasently surprised! I know you get lot of info from Sony, but Sony dont know everything, and wont get know everything till Michael wants to use them again.

Michael will come back this year with so much stuff, not just 30 off the wall, again thats a Sony product!

I cannot await for release now of information from Michaels spokesperson on new releases, i think its a matter of when will it be and not IF! also think it will be sooner rather than later.



Thank you Terry,

I agree with you on most parts.
Yes I get info from Sony, but from other sources as well.
I really wish that those pans were true, cause nothing can compare a MJ concert or live performance, but as we speak, that is something he is not interested in.

He wants to make it in movies, but that is very difficult to make.

Along with OFF THE WALL 30 (from Sony), thee will be more goodies and products (that are currently in the works, from MJ Official Products, Triumph Intl etc...).

Now, I don't want to ruin fans' optimism about that news, but I can't help but think of the list of statements announcing such things in the past, even the NRJ Music Awards videomessage (and none came to fruitition).

I just hope Michael is happy and in good health, the rest is really not important to me.

Re: The problem isn't just the tabloids but respected news papers

The problem isn't just the tabloids but respected news papers that go on publishing these stories without giving them a second thought. I haven't payed any attention to this "lung-sickness" story and today I saw it printed in the Metro newspaper, which is read by many since it's free. And I've read these stories even in the web pages of Helsingin Sanomat which has the reputation of being the most respectable newspaper in Finland (nation wide).
And I was surprised that even AP took this story. :no::smilerolleyes:
Even if it were true that he was on death's door they can't even refer to him by his birthname they just have to keep saying "j.acko this" or "j.acko that" it truly is disgraceful and insensitive showing how much they pretend to care about his well being.
OHHHH yes thanks for the truth :) and yes We will have a Tour I am sooo Happy Michael we love you and support you COME BACK IN 2009 :)
I'm in shock!!!!!!
I was yes, finally a statement that says he's healthy!!! And they even say this:
"Mr. Jackson is in fine health, and finalizing negotiations with a major entertainment company & television network for both a world tour and a series of specials and appearances."
That is like..... the best news since.... a long time!!!!
They even said on the news yesterday,on TV, that Michael was VERY,VERY ill !!!!

You know, the worse thing is, they do always spread the bad news about Michael but, when they were wrong, they rarely set the record straight!
I bet they won't tell everybody he's doing fine, that's way too positive!

Sorry if I made a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes BUT I'm so excited :dance: and I just can't hide it:dance:

Thank god for spokespersons! AMEN!
Hi All,

Here is a hilarious quote from CNN.COM:

"The Sun's report attempted to bolster its source's credibility by calling Halperin "an award-winning investigative journalist" who has "written for respected Rolling Stone magazine." Halperin's biography on his publisher's Web site claimed he was the winner of the "Rolling Stone magazine Award for Investigative Journalism."
Rolling Stone magazine responded Monday afternoon by denying Halperin ever won that honor, but did note he was on a school newspaper staff in 1985 that collectively received the "College Journalism Award" from the magazine." (taken from

This guy is a joke - can't believe he got so much attention... crazy!!!

I just hope Michael is happy and in good health, the rest is really not important to me.


Richard,your heart is in the right place.Nothing is more important than Michael's health.Not an album,not a tour,a video...we have tones of Dvds,Cds,Tapes with that.But all that means NOTHING without him.We are lucky that we breathe the same air ,and we see the same stars and moon like he does.Imagine a day without him,without knowing he's there and happy.I can't even imagine that.I can't.Thank God I don't have to.
BRILLIANT NEWS!:clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:
and stupid reuterus said in their reports he is the former king of pop. it really gets on my nerves.
I wonder who they think is the new king of pop?
this is a wonderful newsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
wow and this good news is spreading fast!
on our main Hungarian internet news portal they are reporting about it as second main news!
Yesssssssssssssss! :D
Hi All,

Here is a hilarious quote from CNN.COM:

"The Sun's report attempted to bolster its source's credibility by calling Halperin "an award-winning investigative journalist" who has "written for respected Rolling Stone magazine." Halperin's biography on his publisher's Web site claimed he was the winner of the "Rolling Stone magazine Award for Investigative Journalism."
Rolling Stone magazine responded Monday afternoon by denying Halperin ever won that honor, but did note he was on a school newspaper staff in 1985 that collectively received the "College Journalism Award" from the magazine." (taken from

This guy is a joke - can't believe he got so much attention... crazy!!!


Heres the link to the Rolling Stone story, shame they don't pick up more on it.
Still, sounds like from halperins other books its the same trashy 'biography' he'll be bringing out.
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