Statement Regarding Michael's Health - Official

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news reported on the BBC text service news front page. funny cause they never mentioned the original story just the deniel.

and who was backerman good for? Mj or the fans that created their own little backerman fanclub so they could get info from him and make him feel like he was the celeb not mj. doesnt matter what backerman did to mj
glad they've released this statement to end all the nonsense that's been written. Fantastic news about what Michael has been up to and great to see Mstenda around:wub:
Thanks for posting this delightful statement MsTenda :wild: here's hoping there's peace in a lot of fan's minds now :flowers:

Hi All,

Here is a hilarious quote from CNN.COM:

"The Sun's report attempted to bolster its source's credibility by calling Halperin "an award-winning investigative journalist" who has "written for respected Rolling Stone magazine." Halperin's biography on his publisher's Web site claimed he was the winner of the "Rolling Stone magazine Award for Investigative Journalism."
Rolling Stone magazine responded Monday afternoon by denying Halperin ever won that honor, but did note he was on a school newspaper staff in 1985 that collectively received the "College Journalism Award" from the magazine." (taken from

This guy is a joke - can't believe he got so much attention... crazy!!!


ahahahahahaha.... one word.... OWNED!

haha told ya so

First of all i am so happy that Mike is ok, and i am still in shock about the world tour bit.

This is the best Xmas present ever
MJ databank

I do respect you, and thank you for somethings you have let us know, but!!

Michael would not allow this to come out if was not true, he has said many times now that he is readying himself for a tour! Look any artist that wants to survive with new material now has to do some kind of tour! I think you will be pleasently surprised! I know you get lot of info from Sony, but Sony dont know everything, and wont get know everything till Michael wants to use them again.

Michael will come back this year with so much stuff, not just 30 off the wall, again thats a Sony product!

I cannot await for release now of information from Michaels spokesperson on new releases, i think its a matter of when will it be and not IF! also think it will be sooner rather than later.



good points xscape guy 2003... and its funny how some just run with info coming from a known tabloid source but when an official announcement comes even when its from Michael himself.. some
strongly question.. question.. question... and question it.

I didn't believe that nonsense in the first place. Anybody with common sense knew it was a bit far fetched. News is thin on the ground this time of year so of course the tabloids are going to run with it and Michael had to deny their crap again. Especially if he is in negotiations at the moment. Haters will keep throwing this crap around when he is coming back on the music scene. Anything to throw a spanner in the works. But they won't succeed of course. Michael will though.

And as for the Backerman lovers. Blah! Do your research.

When will fans ever stop getting so taken in by fabricated gossip. I mean how long have you been a fan? This is nothing new. You would think people would be far more wiser by now.
good points xscape guy 2003... and its funny how some just run with info coming from a known tabloid source but when an official announcement comes even when its from Michael himself.. some
strongly question.. question.. question... and question it.

Funny isn't it.
They are quick to believe tabloid bs, but when an official spokesman say something, they question HIM.
Especially if said spokesman is not as reachable as they would like him to be -_-
Looks like this is guy is going to get the media to sell his crap. This is according to US Magazine.

But Halperin stands by his story. The filmmaker told Usmagazine. Tuesday: "Due to Michael's denial I will not be speaking until next week, when I will release the facts, evidence and the true story behind all that has gone on. Initially this was just a documentary, but it looks like I'll write the bio after all."

Whatever dude!
oh jeez...he needs to quit already. This dude is a joke, he must be desperate for some $$$.He also seems immature to be saying this crap: .."but it looks like I'll write the bio after all" :rolleyes:
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Looks like this is guy is going to get the media to sell his crap. This is according to US Magazine.

Whatever dude!

LOL! Don't you love when they "stand by their story."

If you all recall, they also stood by their story when they reported that "MJ was going to be the father of quadruplets." Remember that story?

If this CLOWN has evidence and facts, why does he have to wait until NEXT WEEK! Seems like if he truly had some evidence and facts to back up his story, he would be releasing that information ASAP. How stupid does he think people are?
^^ He is probably waiting until next week so he can come up with more B.S. to say about MJ..pleaseee!!
Thanks for the news, not that we believed it but it is good to get it cornfirmed, and don't we just love the throwaway bit about preparing for a world tour etc. just a little thing to throw into the mix. What an xmas present for us all to hear that, best start saving the pennies, 2009 could turn out to be an expensive year for us - lets hope.
LOS ANGELES, Dec 22, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Michael Jackson's official and sole spokesperson, Dr. Tohme. Tohme, in response to recent rumors regarding Michael's alleged medical condition, has issued the following statement:

"Concerning this author's allegations, we would hope in the future that legitimate media will not continue to be exploited by such an obvious attempt to promote this unauthorized 'biography.'

The writer's wild allegations concerning Mr. Jackson's health are a total fabrication. Mr. Jackson is in fine health, and finalizing negotiations with a major entertainment company & television network for both a world tour and a series of specials and appearances."

SOURCE: Scoop Marketing{1F4CA7C5-3820-427E-BEB9-823712D04194}&dist=msr_2
Thanks for posting, and good to see you again Ms Tenda :).
I am finally glad someone stepped up to the plate to address this issue and set the record straight. Thank you Dr Tohme. This story made Michael out to be so debilitated it was really concerning.

How many times can you call wolf ...when the time for real news and truth do come in we won't believe it.

I didn't believe that nonsense in the first place. Anybody with common sense knew it was a bit far fetched. News is thin on the ground this time of year so of course the tabloids are going to run with it and Michael had to deny their crap again. Especially if he is in negotiations at the moment. Haters will keep throwing this crap around when he is coming back on the music scene. Anything to throw a spanner in the works. But they won't succeed of course. Michael will though.

And as for the Backerman lovers. Blah! Do your research.

When will fans ever stop getting so taken in by fabricated gossip. I mean how long have you been a fan? This is nothing new. You would think people would be far more wiser by now.

I couldn't agree more with the above statement!^ The foolishness and gulibility of certain fans is beyond irritating!

P.S This Ian Halperin guy has shown himself to be nothing but a low-life piece of $hit and anybody who is planning to buy his book is one as well!
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When will fans ever stop getting so taken in by fabricated gossip. I mean how long have you been a fan? This is nothing new. You would think people would be far more wiser by now.[/quote]
andythemisfit, that can not be stated enough times.

Not only do "some" of us fall for the same thing over and over again, this was one time where we had recent pictures of MJ, which should have removed any doubt that he could be suffering from EMPHYSEMA. It's not like the guy said "MJ is sick," he clearly used the word emphysema.

And in my opinion, you don't have to be a doctor to know that folks who suffer from emphysema, are not out walking around and shopping on the streets of Los Angeles. And if by chance, they do manage to go out, they would certainly be using a portable oxygen tank, which would be very noticable.
The writer's wild allegations concerning Mr. Jackson's health are a total fabrication. Mr. Jackson is in fine health, and finalizing negotiations with a major entertainment company & television network for both a world tour and a series of specials and appearances."

I'll believe it when it happens *trying not to get hopes up*
oh jeez...he needs to quit already. This dude is a joke, he must be desperate for some $$$.He also seems immature to be saying this crap: .."but it looks like I'll write the bio after all" :rolleyes:

he took the line from a movie... good grief..............

anyways.. looks like Randy T.. has some competition.. for the "MJ biographer" title...

let them slung it out..............Michael is in a good place now.. and its been a loooooooooooooong time coming..
Actually I am now looking very much forward to 2009!

This year I really, honestly, think that we WILL get something!
LOS ANGELES, Dec 22, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Michael Jackson's official and sole spokesperson, Dr. Tohme. Tohme, in response to recent rumors regarding Michael's alleged medical condition, has issued the following statement:

"Concerning this author's allegations, we would hope in the future that legitimate media will not continue to be exploited by such an obvious attempt to promote this unauthorized 'biography.'

The writer's wild allegations concerning Mr. Jackson's health are a total fabrication. Mr. Jackson is in fine health, and finalizing negotiations with a major entertainment company & television network for both a world tour and a series of specials and appearances."

SOURCE: Scoop Marketing{1F4CA7C5-3820-427E-BEB9-823712D04194}&dist=msr_2

:angel:Yeah Babe...Thats what Im talkin about..!
Very Big Smiles~~~
ooooo drinks all round then :cheers:
im buying :clapping: well, actually michaels buyin :tease:

i knew there was nothing wrong with him, well to that extent anyway :popcorn:
:D :clapping: :wild: Yeah...My Bay-beh!!!


Don't know if anyone else has posted this, but there has been quite a bit of activity on Michael's youtube channel, meaning someone has logged on to it several times in the past couple of weeks, though no changes are visible...also, Michael has moved up to the # 7 most viewed Musician in the past week

Plus, I haven't been able to get on the site either...

Perhaps major changes are in the works :cheeky:

Don't know if anyone else has posted this, but there has been quite a bit of activity on Michael's youtube channel, meaning someone has logged on to it several times in the past couple of weeks, though no changes are visible...also, Michael has moved up to the # 7 most viewed Musician in the past week

Plus, I haven't been able to get on the site either...

Perhaps major changes are in the works :cheeky:

Thanks MsMo, you're so cute, you always come up with "interesting tidbits" for us to consider. LOL!
This tour will NOT Happen.

given the past series of things that never materialized, that may be a valid statement.

However, let's just hope and pray that he does in fact deliver if NOT on this tour, at least on a show. Even ONE show is fine with me.
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