Statement Regarding Michael's Health - Official

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Thanks for the news Trish, glad to see you back! :D

I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited!
THANK GOD!!! I really figured it was not true, looking at the source. Then when I saw breaking news about his health, I was like Oh my God! I've got tears of joy now. Thanks for posting this. I'm so happy he's okay!!!
^^LOL I saw that MSN home page "billie jean" story.....

really pathetic....they only make themselves look stupid grasping at straws lol!!!

Mike cut these mofos off at the knees and I LOVE IT LOL!!!

WORLD TOUR BABY!!! yayayayayyaayayyyayayaya!!!!!!!:cheers:
I know :D. This is great! At this point I think all of the speculation we have had for the past few years can be laid to rest. All we have to do now is anticipate the return of the king..:)!

Just like we have done for the past few years!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

But now I am very optimistic!!
uhm.. yes! lol he didn't start this that author did, and i read ppl in here blaming RF lol, didn't u read RF say Michaels fine b4 MJ releaed statement?

great reporters, from the past, used to investigate something before they reported it. and they usually investigated the person starting it.

RF isn't allowed here for a reason, cus he has a pattern. reporters used to be patient. anyway, no matter what u think of RF, he isn't allowed here on this forum.

all i will say is that i'm glad that the Ian stuff has been officially reported as false, and we can go on and be positive about MJ, the King.
yeh well he said michaels fine, well b4 michael released the statement, again he threw his cheap shots in there and finished with the persistence he always has, requesting mj tour lol
great reporters, from the past, used to investigate something before they reported it. and they usually investigated the person starting it.

RF isn't allowed here for a reason, cus he has a pattern. reporters used to be patient. anyway, no matter what u think of RF, he isn't allowed here on this forum.

all i will say is that i'm glad that the Ian stuff has been officially reported as false, and we can go on and be positive about MJ, the King.

yes fair enough and agreed, im just stating what other ppl wrote in here and who they were blaming when they were wrong and they gotta get over this reporter. ppl don't like false stories bout mj then they make their own false stories about other people (reporters). thats real fair lol
OMG, I was so happy that he's okay, and I saw something about him doing something, but it didn't register. I was just so overcome that he's in good health. A FREAKING TOUR!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? I hope that is true!!
Just like we have done for the past few years!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

But now I am very optimistic!!

yeh i hope we dont have any more years any longer
The sad part in this mess is that we've been kinda given a preview of just how cruel these reporters really are I mean even if he was at death's door they can't even call him JACKSON. What a bunch of jerks. Seriously.
I come back from Tallahassee to see this eh? Well there it go. Go crazy. :lol:
Thank u michael for being fine and happy! And i love you too dr!!!! You brought sunshine to my day. I love you michaellllllll
Thank God.

A TOUR??????????????????????????????????????????????????????

I haven't read that statement since before the start of HISTORY!!!!

I hope he's serious. What a way to bring in 2009!!! A WHOLE NEW Generation will get to experience the magic and excitement of what being an MJ Fan is REALLY all about.

The only thing though is does he really mean "WORLD" tour?? I thought he would do a couple of shows in one venue? How can he pull of a "WORLD" tour????? I mean, I know if anyone can do it, he can, but seriously, just start out slow. Do a couple of dates, why jump all in and go world wide. I mean, that stuff is stressful, even for the fans to watch. Just ask Janet. She went all out there and later realized that the body is only capable of so much.

Either way, I'm glad to hear Mike is HEALTHY and that he's working on coming back to entertain us ONCE AGAIN.
"Mr. Jackson is in fine health, and finalizing negotiations with a major entertainment company & television network for both a world tour and a series of specials and appearances."

I don't think anyone can ask for more...

New album by the end of January?
The sad part in this mess is that we've been kinda given a preview of just how cruel these reporters really are I mean even if he was at death's door they can't even call him JACKSON. What a bunch of jerks. Seriously.

you're right
Hmm lets see.. the BAD tour kicked off the same year the album was put out. So i wouldn't be surprised if we got a new album early next year as well!!!
Glad everyone is calm and relieved now. :lol:
This is good news, especially the last sentence of the statement. :D LOLOLOL I feel like guessing the time, 1st quarter on 2009 anyone?

Anyway... hope whoever was worried is at rest now, and can breathe easy. :lol:
To this other fake reporter posing as legit...


:lol: :lol: :rofl:
Sooooo many nice things came outta that one statement. T-O-U-R. Now what was that again? Oh yeah!! T-O-U-R!!!
Thank you Ms Tenda

Im so glad Michael burned them Tabloids and put those lies to rest
and VERY exited that he officially announced a WORLD TOUR and
TV appearances :) What a CHRISTMAS Present for me :wub:
Glad everyone is calm and relieved now. :lol:
This is good news, especially the last sentence of the statement. :D LOLOLOL I feel like guessing the time, 1st quarter on 2009 anyone?

Anyway... hope whoever was worried is at rest now, and can breathe easy. :lol:

I'm betting it'll be out by summer.

Also, lets do a tabloid burning?
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