Reuters, Yahoo & TMZ: AllGood Ent Threatens To Stop O2 Concerts

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Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

I can't beleive his brothers would do this they have all been excited even latoya said mj would be back soon and she would be going, something is not right with this
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

If this is true....if Frank DiLeo was working with the brothers behind the scenes to get a family tour going, then why was Frank DiLeo standing behind Michael in London when he made his THIS IS IT announcement? Can TMZ answer that question for me?

And I don't care what TMZ says, they are tabloid to the highest degree. And why haven't they posted the cease and desist notice yet? Where is it?
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

No matter how vile some things may be, TMZ does somehow get ahold of documents/pics, etc., that do turn out to be quite true. Were they not the first to obtain the Rihanna photos of her injuries? Their list of other "breaking" news that turns out to be true is certainly not something to completely ignore despite their methods, or how much we don't want to hear them.

Like many many others here, absolutely nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to anything r/t Michael and his business dealings, plans, etc. For lack of a better phrase, it is the nature of the beast. He is so huge that any and everyone wants a piece of the pie no matter how detrimental it is personally to Michael and his career.

Once again, all any of us can do is sit back and watch the developments and pray for the best resolution(s). AEG surely will not just sit back, they have too much invested in this to give in without a fight, and of course Michael as well.

Sadly, history just keeps on repeating and repeating itself.

Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

I think the people who are dismissing this should open their minds a little bit, because otherwise the truth is only going to hit harder.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

well if they dont go ahead it will be the end of michael jackson, i cant see this happening AEG will not sit back and let this happen. And if Michael is in the wrong again here he really needs to sit down and rethink his career
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Michael didn't sign anything, so that will probably be his defense. However, the article claims that Frank signed as a representative for him which I don't understand? I had no idea he was still part of MJ's management team. Michael and his management team are really a mess though when it comes to doing business. Michael and his team are always finding themselves in problems, why is that? Anyhow, I really hope that nothing comes of this because it would really be a shame for Michael and the fans if he isn't able to do the shows in London.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Wow, guys just relax. I hope this isn't true, and I will be waiting with fingers crossed for words from the MJ camp.

I doubt they could actually GET these concerts cancelled though.. It would probably cause national outrage (fans), cost a helluva lot of people a helluva lot of money and really put a spanner in the works!!

What the hell is going on in MJ camp? Why in God's name why can't Michael just sit down for a few weeks and sort out this whole fiasco of who's his manager etc etc. I know it's not Michael's fault, but he's not helping himself, he really needs to work this out. I think he should employ professional fans to be part of his camp.. People who have his and his family's best interests at heart, people who really KNOW what's going on in the background and sort out this damn mess. And we'd be cheaper, lol.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

If this really is about a family tour, then that just irritates me. We just saw the brothers in 2001. We'll be just fine without them, thanks. Ugh.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

well this is his last chance if he screws this up he may aswell take his kids and play at being daddy for the rest of his life
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

I don't think that anything is gonna stop this tour. And when I think of TMZ, I think of FOX, their parent company. And we all know FOX doesn't give a hoot about Michael and have smeared him for years. So they will always be out there looking for something negative to report about him. I'm not saying I don't believe this mess is happening because like the Moderator, I don't put anything past Michael's family. Sometimes I think the brothers think that Michael works for them.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

AEG surely will not just sit back, they have too much invested in this to give in without a fight, and of course Michael as well.


yes. i dont see one way how they can cancell the concerts..
maybe i misunderstood sth. but why cant he just go on with the concerts and afterwards with his brothers? o_O
or what exactly is the point then?
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Settle down.

Ya'll got your drawers in a bunch and need to chill.

The truth ultimately comes out. It's a wait and see.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

This is why I don't post anymore. Some of you guys are so passionate about this that you lose all sense of reasoning. Look... why would TMZ put up a libelous statement? If this is a lie then Frank will sue the hell out of them, right?

Who cares if Frank was in London for the This Is It show!!???! If he did this ish right here he was derelict in his duty and his job performance.

So, were back to the same ol' same ol' in MJ Land. If it aint true it will be denied swiftly. If it isn't denied swiftly by AEG, DiLeo, Tohme, etc., then there's a problem. It's that simple.

BTW, TMZ is owned by AOL, not Fox.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

If this is true....if Frank DiLeo was working with the brothers behind the scenes to get a family tour going, then why was Frank DiLeo standing behind Michael in London when he made his THIS IS IT announcement? Can TMZ answer that question for me?

And I don't care what TMZ says, they are tabloid to the highest degree. And why haven't they posted the cease and desist notice yet? Where is it?

That one crossed my mind as well and is a good question. The other thing that doesn't fit is that Tito supposedly recently said he would perform with MIchael at the O2 "IF ASKED". That doesn't sound like someone who is in the process of suing Michael for performing there.

So I guess like Trish said we just have to wait and see, but I am really, really sick of the crap that goes on around Michael and can't help being of the opinion that at any given point in time his family is part of it.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

The Shows are really cancelled :cry: What will
happen with all of us that already have made their Travel plan. Booked hotel,flight, concert tickets..etc This is really sad news. Poor Michael :(
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

You all need to calm down. It isn't tabloid. If you do not like this thread please check the other threads on this forum.

Just wait and see how this plays out and calm the heck down. When TMZ print the Juliens Auction story (Michael suing them) you all had nothing to say. I guess it's because Michael was doing the suing. But when Michael is apparently getting sued, the story becomes "tabloid" and dismissed. Don't read it if you don't like what you see!

How do you know it isnt tabloid...? have you got any proof ..? so stop saying people what to think and what to say .., fans have the right to their own opinion . If you believe it then believe ..but dont call people name because they think its tabloid .

To me NOTHING inside this story is truth unless TMZ release the officila documents ..for the moment there is nothing .
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

well it does need to be sorted its not like we paid £50.00 for these tix we paid thousands so when something like this comes up we should be allowed to be concerned
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

So I guess like Trish said we just have to wait and see, but I am really, really sick of the crap that goes on around Michael and can't help being of the opinion that at any given point in time his family is part of it.

I know, right?! It's so frustrating. Everyone who works around him seems to completely suck, and his family doesn't help matters much, either.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

This is why I don't post anymore. Some of you guys are so passionate about this that you lose all sense of reasoning. Look... why would TMZ put up a libelous statement? If this is a lie then Frank will sue the hell out of them, right?

Who cares if Frank was in London for the This Is It show!!???! If he did this ish right here he was derelict in his duty and his job performance.

So, were back to the same ol' same ol' in MJ Land. If it aint true it will be denied swiftly. If it isn't denied swiftly by AEG, DiLeo, Tohme, etc., then there's a problem. It's that simple.

BTW, TMZ is owned by AOL, not Fox.

Denial is a strong thing. Some people won't see some things, even if it hits them over the head.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

The world of michael jackson sux, be a madonna fan she is more reliable
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

oh man what the fuck is up????????????????????????????????
Frank Dileo is Jackson's manager????????
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

there has been no proof that frank is michaels manager, i have only known them to be friends in recent years
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Denial is a strong thing. Some people won't see some things, even if it hits them over the head.

Well if some people don't want to believe this story than that's up to them. No need to keep harping on them because of that. There's no real proof anyway eventhough I believe it is true. That's not even the issue here anyway. I just hope Michael's reps release a statement about this matter soon.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

This is why I don't post anymore. Some of you guys are so passionate about this that you lose all sense of reasoning. Look... why would TMZ put up a libelous statement? If this is a lie then Frank will sue the hell out of them, right?

Who cares if Frank was in London for the This Is It show!!???! If he did this ish right here he was derelict in his duty and his job performance.

So, were back to the same ol' same ol' in MJ Land. If it aint true it will be denied swiftly. If it isn't denied swiftly by AEG, DiLeo, Tohme, etc., then there's a problem. It's that simple.

BTW, TMZ is owned by AOL, not Fox.


Also, if this is true, MJs camp could:
1. Decide NOT to cease & desist
2. Engage in a settlement with the other company
3. Countersue
4. Throw both hands up in the air and say, "THIS IS REALLY IT -- I ain't doing this ish"

Also, if they decide to go with option #1, then the other company could go to court and get a order to stop the show.

Any way you cut it, this is just BULL and I don't understand why Michael gives ANYONE in his camp so much power to sagotage his endeavors.

This is just sad.

...BTW, TMZ is a pseudo tabloid outlet owned by a BIG ole' media giant. I wish the govt. would break these media companies up. Oh how I can't stand these big media companies. They stink.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

We've AllGood Entertainment -- the company that was putting together a series of concerts with Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, and their brothers -- has fired off a cease and desist letter to the people organizing Jackson's London concerts, demanding that the show not go on.

Here's what went down. In November, 2008, Jackson's manager -- Frank Dileo -- signed a deal promising that M.J. would appear with his family on tour. Part of the deal -- Jackson was prohibited from even making another concert deal for 18 months. But lawyers for the family tour claim after their deal was signed, Jackson went and signed up for his London concerts -- allegedly a violation of the 18-month blackout clause.

Lawyers for the family tour now want to block the London concerts. As for *****'s defense ... we're told his position is that he never signed his name on the family tour deal. But we know his manager signed, and in the law an agent can often sign for the client.

Wait a minute, there are a lot of things going on with this article.

First of all, why is this the first time we are hearing that there "was" a signed deal for a Jackson Family Tour. I mean, as soon as the deal was signed, wouldn't "All Good Entertainment" have made a BIG announcement.

Secondly, when Tito was recently on a television program in the U.K., he spoke of "maybe" being invited on stage with MJ at the O2? So my question is, why didn't Tito say anything about the supposed "family tour." How come Janet hasn't said anything about a "family tour?" HOW COME JOE JACKSON HASN'T SAID ANYTHING ABOUT A FAMILY TOUR?" And what about BIG MOUTH Jermaine (no disrespect to Jermaine), he has been talking about a "family tour" for a million years, yet he has not said a word.

Something smells fishy to me. Too many missing pieces regarding a Jackson Family Tour, that nobody knows about, until now.

Also, MJ had his press conference in March, it's now May, and they are just now sending out a cease & desist letter.

Has anybody every heard of an orgainization named "All Good Entertainment."
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

well it does need to be sorted its not like we paid £50.00 for these tix we paid thousands so when something like this comes up we should be allowed to be concerned

I agree, it's not just some little thing we're talking about here, people have invested a lot in these shows! I for one will be absolutely gutted if they're cancelled, and that's before I even think about the money side of things. Cut fans some slack, yeah panic and jumping to conclusions doesn't help, but it's understandable don't you think?

I just hope this clears up, quickly!
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

I dont know why you guys are paniking , the concerts will go on and the suit will drop once again .... even if i think there anything true in this story .
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Wait a minute, there are a lot of things going on with this article.

First of all, why is this the first time we are hearing that there "was" a signed deal for a Jackson Family Tour. I mean, as soon as the deal was signed, wouldn't "All Good Entertainment" have made a BIG announcement.

Secondly, when Tito was recently on a television program in the U.K., he spoke of "maybe" being invited on stage with MJ at the O2? So my question is, why didn't Tito say anything about the supposed "family tour." How come Janet hasn't said anything about a "family tour?" HOW COME JOE JACKSON HASN'T SAID ANYTHING ABOUT A FAMILY TOUR?" And what about BIG MOUTH Jermaine (no disrespect to Jermaine), he has been talking about a "family tour" for a million years, yet he has not said a word.

Something smells fishy to me. Too many missing pieces regarding a Jackson Family Tour, that nobody knows about, until now.

Also, MJ had his press conference in March, it's now May, and they are just now sending out a cease & desist letter.

Has anybody every heard of an orgainization named "All Good Entertainment."

Exactly! I was thinking why would they wait so long to send out a cease desist letter? These 02 concerts have definitely been in the works for sometime, i'm certain that they knew of it even before Michael made the announcement. I just don't believe anything much will come out of this whole situation so I will not panic like some people, i'll just wait to see what happens. I think this whole thing will blow over though.
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