Reuters, Yahoo & TMZ: AllGood Ent Threatens To Stop O2 Concerts

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Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Many people know that Frank has been trying to get back into Michael Jackson's circle and has been telling many fans that he's the manager now.

TMZ will post the documents, they always do. Stop being in denial. And yes I wouldn't put anything past Michael Jackson's family. Only person I trust in this situation is Michael Jackson.

Well, only time will tell us who is right and who is wrong
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

even if its true. he and noone else can cancell all the concerts. thats quite impossible and a lot of people will get financially ruined. how to get allthe money back to the people? what about the dates for the arena?
michael actually HAS TO do these concerts, anything else would be a big shame!
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

well if they dont go ahead i wasnt my £1500 quid back, you know when mikes agrees to do something there is always some shit attached to it.

I hope to god this isn't true
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

even if its true. he and noone else can cancell all the concerts. thats quite impossible and a lot of people will get financially ruined. how to get allthe money back to the people? what about the dates for the arena?
michael actually HAS TO do these concerts, anything else would be a big shame!

Not true, it's not up to Michael in that case. IF this is true, they're just legally obligated to cancel. I really hope this won't happen because after everything, this will piss off A LOT of people, and might just be the final nail in the coffin. This is the last thing he needs. If he REALLY does have 2 or more managers working for him, well, then it's his own fault for not being better organised.

One thing I find weird though, wouldn't all the parties, including AEG, research any possible legal conflicts before entering into an agreement? I find it strange that nobody that knew about this told anyone. Why wouldn't Frank tell Michael he's already signed something and that he can't commit to the London concerts? It's a strange story, but this doesn't mean it's not true.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

they didn't actually say a lawsuit was filed.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

If this is coming from the jackson brothers then i've lost all respect for them. Suing because your'e brother won't tour with you?? WTF?? Get over it, he is a solo artist and will never ever do a reunion again. PERIOD! Even if he DID sign for a reunion tour, you wanna stop it? what happend to family, jermaine?

Arghhhhhhhhhhh i'm so pissed, everybody coming out wanting their pice of the pie!!

Uh, from the sounds dear, it doesn't say that the brothers or any family member for that matter are suing. Only the lawyers involved in the initial agreement. If this is true and I wouldn't speculate adding more fuel to the fire TMZ just might be trying to cause, then Michael Jackson needs stronger control over his organizations business handlings for sure.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

O.O why are things going wrong..
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Please listen to what MJJC Mod1 is saying. As much as we might not want to hear it, this is CORRECT.

It's true that TMZ is a tabloid source. The documentation that they have is legitimate!

This has always been the trend with Michael. Vultures circle him constantly. I don't know why this IS, but it has been a pattern.

It is my considered opinion that Frank Dileo does NOT have Michael's best interests at heart and never has. Nor does his family, have his best interests in mind. I go on record here in stating that this is my "opinion." This is Michael's incredible chance, with sell-out tickets and the love of the fans, still THERE, and all of it. So regardless of what you may know/think about Dileo and the family, look at what is BEING done here? The documentation is REAL, and Michael so much does NOT need this.

Oh, take MJJC Mod1 seriously, please folks.

Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

but where do people know that its legitimate?
somehow i dont get this o_O"
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Please listen to what MJJC Mod1 is saying. As much as we might not want to hear it, this is CORRECT.

It's true that TMZ is a tabloid source. The documentation that they have is legitimate!

This has always been the trend with Michael. Vultures circle him constantly. I don't know why this IS, but it has been a pattern.

It is my considered opinion that Frank Dileo does NOT have Michael's best interests at heart and never has. Nor does his family, have his best interests in mind. I go on record here in stating that this is my "opinion." This is Michael's incredible chance, with sell-out tickets and the love of the fans, still THERE, and all of it. So regardless of what you may know/think about Dileo and the family, look at what is BEING done here? The documentation is REAL, and Michael so much does NOT need this.

Oh, take MJJC Mod1 seriously, please folks.


I know I take it seriously. I have also been told bymore than one person in a position to know that Michael's brothers are nasty/bad news. Any minor respect I might have had for any of them just went out the window. I despise them for this. You pretty much summed it up.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

If Franks contract is the same as Raymones then it definetly says that they can not sign a contract without approval of Michael Jackson.

If this is the case, They will need to proove that Frank had Michaels permission to sign the contract
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

I still think frank is close with mj he wouldn't hurt him something smells very fishy here
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

so who was mikes manager in nov i don't think frank was around then, he has only ever been a close friend, he even went to the trial
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

What the hell? Oh my God. :( I don't even know what to say right now, other than I hope and hope some more that this doesn't mean the shows can't go ahead! Why does this sort of thing always happen? It's getting beyond stupid now. It seems the management world of Michael Jackson is pretty much a circus.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

If Franks contract is the same as Raymones then it definetly says that they can not sign a contract without approval of Michael Jackson.

If this is the case, They will need to proove that Frank had Michaels permission to sign the contract

It comes down to if Michael gave Frank power of attorney. If not, then I don't think his signature will hold up in court. At this point we need more details to really know anything I guess.

I'm not quite sure why people are blaming the familly though, I don't see anything that indicates they set all this up. Maybe they just wanted to have performances with all of them together, like they have been for years. It's the legal teams that are taking action, the concert organisers.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

To be honest, the O2 concerts must have been in the works even before this. The amount of rumours we got about the O2 gigs even last year was ridiculous. Planning of a huge event like this takes time, not just a couple of months.

As Michael said "This is it and I'll see you in July!"

The O2 concerts are going nowhere. If this is true then it's true but the media (whether tabloid or not) ALWAYS, ALWAYS put there own spin/opinions on things.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

My goodness gracious Ladies & Gents...

Everyone needs to just calm down...

Mr.Jackson is a human conglomerate...and many always want their piece of the midus touch...

:angel:Keep the Faith~~~
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Somebody PLEASE tell me this is a joke!!!
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

I haven't been posting much lately, but some of you know my history here, and my caution, and self-restraint (usually?). This is quite REAL as it begins to play out. To my mind this is not about "right and wrong." The "wrong" is clear in this instance. I DO believe that respect is the bottom-line here. In this one, case, I will say, regardless, that some parasites Michael is unlucky enough to "collect," and some he was born with. "Parasites" is a strong word? YES IT IS.

I am truly hoping for a clarifying statement from Michael's camp, and SOON.

Fans paid money to see MICHAEL!

Carry on.

Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

You will have all forgot about this in a few days......boring.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Allow me to throw my two cents in here.....

The majority of us loathes TMZ because they diss Michael. They call him all sorts of defamatory names and we as fans detest them. However, none of us can truly say that when it comes to court documentation and legal news that they are tabloid.

Instead of dismissing the news because it isn't favorable to Michael Jackson, why don't we all await the outcome? If this is a LIE, then Frank DiLeo will put out a statement saying that this report is NOT true and then we can all go about our way, right? If this is NOT true, Then Dr. Tohme Tohme will put out a statement saying he is Michael's sole manager and spokesperson and that this report is false. It is incumbent upon Michael Jackson's management to clear this up in a timely fashion.

So chillax folks. Stop cursing and getting all riled up.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

The other thing is, funny how people are trying to jeopardize Michael's ventures now??? lol.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

I want someone official to confirm this - whether it's true or not.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

It isn't TMZ's fault. They are in receipt of the cease and desist letter to MJ and the courts and will probably publish them later. The only people that can be blamed here is Michael Jackson's people for entering him into a previous agreement. Looks like Tohme (who negotiated AEG) and Dileo ( who negotiated this family concert) aren't working together and they are both signing up Michael to lord knows what. Mess for sure!

I cant believe you take this article sseriously ...:mello:

Wasnt frank Dileo fire 20 years ago ...? this artiscle is pure tabloid and bullshit ..., i dont believe A WORD of this ... . What has frank Dileo to do with MJ nowadays can you explain ..?
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

WTF! Is this??:bugeyed & They
so called to be a family:doh:

If this is true then I've lost all the respect for MJ*s
brothers*WTF* Get over it damn it *

Michael dosn't have to Tour with them. Every time Michael is
on the way to do something good. Bad things happen. It better
not be true.:mat::angry::eek::no:
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

There is nobody that deserves a grand comeback more than Michael, after everything he's been through.

In the end it will all work out because karma will kick their a$$!
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