press conference coming up on CNN

Don Lemon was on the money when he stated that the family except one member has been acting as if they don't want this to be a circus but unfortunately one member is messing this up for them. He said he was sorry to say it because the family was grieving but he just had to say the truth.

I think right now people are not going to focus on Michael's recent statements of his love for his father but what he said he felt as a child growing up. Joe just pushed all that back in front.
He's just probably trying to keep his spirits up. He's got a LOT to deal with.

We see where Michael gets his "rubber" genes from - the bounce-back energy.

Nobody knows what Joe does when he closes the door, turns off the light and thinks about his son. Michael was always very emotional. Joe was always the opposite. Michael didn't like that about Joe any more than anyone else does, but hay, it is what it is ..
thank you. i agree
Bottom line is that the family does not need to have any press conferences unless they are responding to the autopsy results, the contents of Michael's will, and funeral arrangements. A paper statement to the media and fans (which what was done the other day) is good enough.

If and when a press conference is needed, A lawyer should be appointed to speak on behalf of the family. If they need to appoint a family member or members to speak on behalf of the Jackson family, it should be either Janet or Jermaine. Joe and Katherine should only be concerned with the welfare of Prince, Paris, & Blanket and allow Michael's attorney John Branca worry about the estate. There is a will in place and there is nothing the family can do about it.

Joe (God bless him) made this into a circus today. It's time for Joe to be still and let the lawyers do their jobs.
I think you misunderstood what "Janesko72" meant.

What I think Janesko72 meant is that it's so obvious that Joe is a cold man, and that Janesko72 wants the world to see it.
Meaning, the more stunts like this Joe does, the more everyone will be aware how much he fucked up Michael's life.

EDIT: A couple of misspellings.

That is exactly what I mean. The biggest gift Joe can give Michael is to let the world see what kind of man raised MJ. Not just hear about, but actually see.
why are people surprised at Joe's attitude? He's never shown affection and probably don't know how...

And this is why it could mess this custody/guardianship for the children and their grandmother. Trust the focus will now be on this and not the family's grief as it has been.

Sharpton should have known better. Someone better stand up to Joe and quickly.
I have issues with my mother. And Joe reminds me of my mother. The lack of emotion is too similar.

I hate to say it, but Joe needs to stop talking. Obviously he heard about the backlash he was getting for his BET red carper stunt. So he felt he needed to set the record straight. But he really didn't. He simply re-enforced what people were already thinking. And why would they let him get rushed by the media like that? They know he doesn't know how to handle the media. He never should have been allowed to talk.

I hope Michael stuck it to him in his will.
That is exactly what I mean. The biggest gift Joe can give Michael is to let the world see what kind of man raised MJ. Not just hear about, but actually see.

And how will that go over for gaining guardianship? I hope that Katherine is advised to separate her petition and do so fast. I'm sure that Mr. McMillan is going berserk over it.
I know everyone deals with grief in different ways, and I dont want to judge Joe right now, but there was no real purpose to that press conference. Theres a time and place for everything and I feel this was not necessary given the real big issues surrounding the family right now.
Bottom line is that the family does not need to have any press conferences unless they are responding to the autopsy results, the contents of Michael's will, and funeral arrangements. A paper statement to the media and fans (which what was done the other day) is good enough.

If and when a press conference is needed, A lawyer should be appointed to speak on behalf of the family. If they need to appoint a family member or members to speak on behalf of the Jackson family, it should be either Janet or Jermaine. Joe and Katherine should only be concerned with the welfare of Prince, Paris, & Blanket and allow Michael's attorney John Branca worry about the estate. There is a will in place and there is nothing the family can do about it.

Joe (God bless him) made this into a circus today. It's time for Joe to be still and let the lawyers do their jobs.

But the sad thing is they have already appointed a lawyer to do this. He is just wanting some face time because there was no point in that press conference since it had nothing to do with Michael.

Please let Branca or Janet or someone else be put over that estate that has nothing to do with Joe Jackson.
And obviously that dumb PR person that keeps following him around seems to have no grasp of PR either. Poor Michael. Used in life and now in death.

May peace be with him and his children.
And how will that go over for gaining guardianship? I hope that Katherine is advised to separate her petition and do so fast. I'm sure that Mr. McMillan is going berserk over it.

I agree Mr McMillan must be hitting the roof right now. I pitty the kids living with him. The man is unreal.
And how will that go over for gaining guardianship? I hope that Katherine is advised to separate her petition and do so fast. I'm sure that Mr. McMillan is going berserk over it.

Im I wrong? I thought Kathrine got temp guardianship over the kids. Not Joe.
But the sad thing is they have already appointed a lawyer to do this. He is just wanting some face time because there was no point in that press conference since it had nothing to do with Michael.

Please let Branca or Janet or someone else be put over that estate that has nothing to do with Joe Jackson.

I can almost guarantee that Michael's estate, which includes Sony/ATV, MiJac Music, copyrights, image, along with other vast assets are in a irrevocable trust which will be administered by John Branca. I'm sure Michael has provided something for his parents and siblings, but it WON'T be the entire estate.
And how will that go over for gaining guardianship? I hope that Katherine is advised to separate her petition and do so fast. I'm sure that Mr. McMillan is going berserk over it.

No he is not. He is waiting on that will to surface. And the fact that Joe said he hasn't seen it yet tells me that the lawyer/s who has it is probably planning on meeting with ALL of the family members who are involved. But I doubt very seriously if Michael wanted Joe to have his hands on his estate. I just can't see it.

I believe that Michael probably wanted the children to stay with Katherine but the estate to be administered by attornies for the children. The question is who is that attorney....Branca maybe? But we already know it is not Londell because Londell says he is the lawyer for the Jackson family. I pesonally think this is a conflict of interest because he was also the a business lawyer for Michael. Why would the family hire him as well? What if the will is not what they think it is going to be?
seriously, michael is so polite so calculated says ALL the right things, how can he be joseph's son???

Don Lemon was on the money when he stated that the family except one member has been acting as if they don't want this to be a circus but unfortunately one member is messing this up for them. He said he was sorry to say it because the family was grieving but he just had to say the truth.

I think right now people are not going to focus on Michael's recent statements of his love for his father but what he said he felt as a child growing up. Joe just pushed all that back in front.

Don Lemon is right.
:no: please lock this old man in some room and let Janet or McMillan speak for Michael

Don Lemon was on the money when he stated that the family except one member has been acting as if they don't want this to be a circus but unfortunately one member is messing this up for them. He said he was sorry to say it because the family was grieving but he just had to say the truth.

I think right now people are not going to focus on Michael's recent statements of his love for his father but what he said he felt as a child growing up. Joe just pushed all that back in front.
Even those on Sky were shocked at Joe. I remember an interview a few years back where joe was going to be interviewed. He then kept asking for more money. He is a shany man, and loves the Limelight.

Also when a reporter asked him "When did you speak to Michael last?" He replied "last week, when he was alive." What the f**k was that about. God I hate him more every time I see him.

I guess he is more of an acquired taste
Joe Jackson's recent display may well have some reasonable people looking at Michael in a different light. I am sure some people will say to themselves "to be used by your father your life and now even in death". Dang!