press conference coming up on CNN

I don't think that Londell is the lawyer for Michael's children. If he were, wouldn't he be the one to have the will already? Why doesn't he know anything yet about the will?
Are we sure though that the will is legit? I one knew about it, and now there's suddenly a will.
I hope nothing fishy is going on.

God, please protect those children!!!!!
Michael had to have a will. Because of his vast holdings he had no choice but to have a will. The family would know nothing about it because frankly it's none of their business.
I didn't get much out of the press conference. Seemed like joe was just promoting his record label and was confused. No detail on the funeral.
Where do I begin? I am so glad I am not the only one that is completely disgusted by Joe Jackson's actions the last two days. Last night when he was being interviewed by the CNN guy, nobody asked him about his record company he told the interviewer he had an anouncement to make and then he introduced his partner Marshall and then they began talking about the record company. There was no misunderstanding because Joe is the one that brought it up. Also, he said almost the exact same things last night during the interview on CNN about Michael that he did today at the press conference. There was no need to rehash that if there was no new information to give out about Michael. If you notice, most of the time when he mentions Michael it is as a superstar. I honestly believe he looks at Michael more as a money making business then a son. Thats just my personal opinion. It is showing the world what a cold and calculating man he really is and it may help people understand Michael a little more. I really hope Michael's parents do not get complete control over Michael's estate. If they do, Joe will run Michael's legacy into the ground. Michael's estate should be given over to Janet until the children are old enough to handle it in my opinion. I had to get this off my chest. Joe has made me very angry since last night. Hopefully things will get better soon.

Thanks to those who posted the links.
I dunno what to say, but I'm angered and could he say those things...esp about the I'm hoping I just misunderstand what he's trying to say. Unbelievable.
Why is Katherine Jackson still living with this man?

He is tacky, opportunistic, and cold.

Joe Jackson took advantage of his son in life and now also in death.
And also, I want to add, I don't think he liked Michael's lifestyle very much. I think Joe is a bigot, who's always had it in for Michael because he was different, because of the way he acted, some of things he cared about - sang about - and the way he dressed.

I've always suspected that Joe thought Michael was a sissy, much like my grandfather thought I was a sissy. Those two men are quite alike. And for men of that generation - evil, racist, homophobic, uber-conservative men - they can't imagine anything worse than being outdone or 'walked over' by those they discriminate against. It should be said they have no problem discriminating against their own family members. So I think a part of Joe feels happy now that the person who basically ridiculed him in front of the world is no longer here to remind him of his defeat. I think a part of him is happy that he is now back in control over Michael, so to say.

There's obviously a lot of jealousy involved in this. Joe is not a great musician or a great man in any way. Michael was the greatest person on Earth. Joe knows the fans despise him, and this is his way of getting back at us and Michael. This makes me fear for those poor children, who will now have that monster Joe Jackson in their lives, and I hope something gets done to prevent that.

If Katherine can't have them without Joe's presence in their lives, Janet, Jackie or Marlon should have them.

Don't let Joe ruin the lives of Prince, Paris and Blanket.
He's just probably trying to keep his spirits up. He's got a LOT to deal with.

We see where Michael gets his "rubber" genes from - the bounce-back energy.

Nobody knows what Joe does when he closes the door, turns off the light and thinks about his son. Michael was always very emotional. Joe was always the opposite. Michael didn't like that about Joe any more than anyone else does, but hay, it is what it is ..

Its more than him being unemotional. There is a time and a place for everything. To talk about his record company is beyond tacky to say the least when his son has died and the world is grieving for him.
Plus the media is in a feeding frenzy right now, why turn this into a spectacle?
There was no reason for Joe to have that press conference.
He obviously loves being back in the limelight and loves the attention but My God, somebody needs to be able to tell him to sit his ass down
patriach of the family or not.
I'm not worried about Michael's estate or Joe getting his hands on it. Michael was alot of things but crazy wasn't one of them.
I am so angry. Joe is such a cruel man. He needs to be completely pacified while everything gets sorted.
it is so strange how Joe talks about him as if he was his manager, not his father...

Janet did so well at the BET representing the family...let her do it, then...Joe is embarrassing for the family and for us!
whenever Joe is asked about Michael, he just says "Well, you know, we've lost a SUPERSTAR" :puke: his only emotion is his excitement about promoting his biz
how Joe comes across to the public will nevagiate the sympathy and support that Michael gets...

a lot of people who are not into Michael persay.. are having the same reaction to Joe
I thought it was inappropriate to pimp his record label on CNN last night, but to do again, common Joe. People are calling radio stations calling him an ass. Some even thought Janet showing up at the BET awards was inappropriate. The family doesn't need this kind of negativityvity right now.
I think there was a big ass picture of this in The Evening Standard, but it was on all the little TVs on the London Underground today, but I can't find it online. Apparently Joe broke down in tears backstage at the BET awards last night.

I find it strange how I can't even leave the house, yet certain members of the Jackson family are working the red carpet and giving speeches about Michael on global television.