press conference coming up on CNN

Im sorry but Janet was not all smiles last night. She is not ok. She is not fine.
Sorry...I don't buy the Joe is grieving part. Not one bit. They should have Janet up there talking...not Joe. Ugh.
I am not criticizing Joe's demeanor but really, what was the point of the press conference? What did we learn? Basically about his record company. Now people do grieve differently but not many grieve by pimping their record company. Why was his business poartner there.

It was just bizarrre.
But he did not clear it up though. He just went on about how they had new artist coming out. I don't remember anyone asking him last night on CNN what projects he had coming up; correct me if I'm wrong.

then the dude marshall (his partner) tried to clear it up by saying they were taking kids off the street..something MJ would have did but that was like waaaay after the fact.

Joe Is Jacked! Thank God For Katherine!

Oh god. :bugeyed

Can't beleev this ish!
Sorry...I don't buy the Joe is grieving part. Not one bit. They should have Janet up there talking...not Joe. Ugh.

although i dont believe this myself, perhaps for joe, by getting active and getting to work on a project which he feels is dedicated to Michael it helps him grieve. Like when my little cousin died, her parents set up a charity straight away : not only does it keep their mind offf it but it helped them so much to build a foundation in her honour. It is possible hes trying to do something like that?
Joe Jackson needs to shut the F--- up! I can't believe that he is worried about plugging a record company. That is utterly stupid. If he had no sense than to do this, then others, including Al Sharpton, should have told him to sit his a** down.

I thought Mr. McMillan was going to do the talking for the family. Janet talked about the pain that his family is going through. She was real and authentic. No one asked him crap last night about his business projects and he still comes again today with this. Stupid.

I sincerely hope and pray that Michael has that will iron-clad and that Joe Jackson has no chance to get anywhere near his money.
I am not criticizing Joe's demeanor but really, what was the point of the press conference? What did we learn? Basically about his record company. Now people do grieve differently but not many grieve by pimping their record company. Why was his business poartner there.

It was just bizarrre.

Somebody needs to pipe him down.
I too got the feeling Joe was promoting himself and got that same feelin on the red carpet at the B.E.T Awards I really don't care what Joe is trying to do musically right now. At all. I know Mike forgave his father, but he always connected more to Katherine, Joe is a terrible public speaker for sure.
Now they are showing more footage of Joe laughing and carrying on.....I just can't stand him. No wonder Michael avoided him at all costs....
Even those on Sky were shocked at Joe. I remember an interview a few years back where joe was going to be interviewed. He then kept asking for more money. He is a shany man, and loves the Limelight.

Also when a reporter asked him "When did you speak to Michael last?" He replied "last week, when he was alive." What the f**k was that about. God I hate him more every time I see him.
I think Joe did an Ok pressconference. I could even see his sadness over Michael dying when he said he wished Michael could have seen the love and support. Look, Joe is how he is, get over it. He lost his son, it is not easy for everyone to cope with that.

I think some of you are stepping over the line here. Joseph Jackson is the FATHER of Michael Jackson. He is not ours, but his and his family. We do not have permission to decide what is best for Michael or how they should deal with this situation.

They are doing the best they can, and I doubt any of you would know what to do if you changed place with Joe even for a day.
Very well said. Joe is VERY concerned. That should not go unnoticed and he is the patriarch of a show business family. He was with Mike every step of the way during the trial. Its very clear he truly cares.

I remember feeling like some of you when I witnessed a family who'd just lost 5 children in a fire. The mother, aunts, grandmother of the children went to the mall and hung out. I couldn't believe my eyes so yeh, people grieve differently and the Jacksons have to grieve publicly.
I can't believe what I just saw! Why the fu*k he is smiling? The family is ok? No way, Janet was not ok, I saw her! Nor his mother... I don't think the kids are fine... Come on, do I have a face of a stupid or what? If I would die, my family would never could smile like this! God....why I have the feelings that we loved him more than Joe?
I understand that's Michael dad, but give me a f*ckin' break.
No one wants to hear about his new artist coming out. No one cares if he has a record company. It'll do about as good as his soda from the 80's did.
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Joe can not make this decision this soon because he hasn't seen Michael's will. What if in the will, Michael says he wants to be buried at Neverland?

I don't understand why the lawyers (John Branca) hasn't come forward yet with the will. Maybe he is trying to give the family a little grieving time. But if we don't hear about a will be next Thursday, which will be a week after deat, then I will be doubtful that he even had one.

But this is just not like Michael. I would think that Michael would have a will to protect his children. Just doesn't seem plausible to me that he doesn't have one.

Frank this morning on the Today show said there is a will but the lawyer was out of town and that's why it hadn't been opened sooner so today or sometime this this week the will would be opened.
God please make sure that Katherine is the only one who could possible be given access to his estate.

I am very afraid that Joe's involvement may cause trouble down the line for Katherine gaining custody. There is such a negative perception of Joe and based on his public comments last night and today that is not going to go away. I think that the fear will be will he negatively impact the kids. If they know what is best, they probably should think about the custody issues in every way possible and make sure they give nothing for ammunition against them. I really wish that his name was not even on the petition for the children because if anything happened to Katherine if full custody was granted permanently, he would then be next in line legally for full guardianship. I'm sorry but this may be what causes Rowe to come out afterall.

I bet anything after such display you will start seeing the likes of Allred and others questioning Joe's impact on the kids if he has any formal custody and attempt to cause trouble that could be avoided. This is not showtime; it is serious business about those children. And what he does now and how he does it is of the utmost importance when he is about to enter into a custody petition.
This press conf should have never happened. It had nothing to do with Michael and frankly, Joe wouldn't know when and where Michael will be buried because Michael's will and codicils will contain all that. Actually, Joe & Katherine filed papers today to administer Michael's vast estate but that will be rejected because of Michael's will. The Jackson's said MJ didn't have a will when in fact he did. The parents just didn't know about it.

Blah @ the whole thing.

Thanks for this information. I personally can not believe that Michael would leave Joe or Katherine in charge of the financial estate of his children. Joe seems to be gearing up to fund his new ventures with Michael's children's money. And as far as Katherine goes, I think it would be too much pressure on her from Joe if she had control of the money. So I think that Michael's will will end up being a surprise and shock to some of his family members.
Are you on the payroll?

I think you misunderstood what "Janesko72" meant.

What I think Janesko72 meant is that it's so obvious that Joe is a cold man, and that Janesko72 wants the world to see it.
Meaning, the more stunts like this Joe does, the more everyone will be aware how much he fucked up Michael's life.

EDIT: A couple of misspellings.
More than anything, I can't understand how his son just passed away and he is able to laugh and smile.

"I saw him a week ago, he was alive then." What?
He's just probably trying to keep his spirits up. He's got a LOT to deal with.

We see where Michael gets his "rubber" genes from - the bounce-back energy.

Nobody knows what Joe does when he closes the door, turns off the light and thinks about his son. Michael was always very emotional. Joe was always the opposite. Michael didn't like that about Joe any more than anyone else does, but hay, it is what it is ..
why are people surprised at Joe's attitude? He's never shown affection and probably don't know how...
Sounds awful...I missed it does anyone know where I can see/hear it?