Polish MJ Fans

No wiec widzisz. Mnie np wkurza tez to ze ktos ma czegos wiecej z MJ i ocenia kogos po tym ze ma mniej, albo np to ,ze ktos sie zarejestrowal gdzies po 06.2009.. i od razu nie jest fanem bo cos tam.

Mnie np nie bylo stac wtedy by miec komputer, internet czy w ogole marzyc o tym by wyjechac gdziekolwiek.. Teraz tez nie jest za pieknie ale to nie jest wazne , bo to co mam w secu jest najwazniejsze . Nie zawsze umiem to pokazac i przekazac i czesto ludzie nie umieja odczytac o co mi chodzi, ale to jest kwestia poznania mnie .. Ja np wiele wycierpialam i nie ufam juz tak jak kiedys ale nie oceniam i nie staram sie robic komus na złosc ..

I chyba wiem o jakich dziewczynach mowisz , bo w polsat news byl jakis wywiad z nimi i mowily ze powrocily z koncertów wczoraj.. itp..
No to troche jest takie na pokaz ale mniejsza o to.
A ja wam powiem . Ost w pracy jedna pani mi mowila ze Michael byl u jej wnuczki w szpitalu jak byl w Polsce wtedy. Jednak mala nie przezyla :( co bardzo mnie zasmucilo..
Ludzie są różni i fani też są różni. Wydawałoby się, że w oczekiwaniu na Michaela powinna panowac między nami dobra atmosfera, bo wszyscy kochamy Michaela ale tak wcale nie jest. Jest tak samo, jak na forum, kłótnie, licytowanie się kto ma więcej itd....Przykre, ale na szczęście nie wszyscy są tacy.
mam to samo. Lubię o nim pisac i myslec w czasie teraźniejszym. Wtedy mniej boli i mozna się oszukiwac, że on nadal ładuje sie w kapciach do jakiejś księgarni. :cry:

ojoj...:lmao: :cry: :lmao: placze przez lzy z tego ladowania sie w kapciach do ksiegarni...:lmao:

Ludzie są różni i fani też są różni. Wydawałoby się, że w oczekiwaniu na Michaela powinna panowac między nami dobra atmosfera, bo wszyscy kochamy Michaela ale tak wcale nie jest. Jest tak samo, jak na forum, kłótnie, licytowanie się kto ma więcej itd....Przykre, ale na szczęście nie wszyscy są tacy.

Na szczescie nie. Wiekszosc to cudni ludzie, ktorzy wiedza co jest w zyciu wazne i biora przyklad z Michaela.

Quentin Bryce przyjezdza z Australii, milo z jej strony, bo to dwa dni samego lotu... Nawet lubie ta babke, tez ma dobre i zle strony, ale do rzeczy mowi.
W ogole widzieliscie ten wywiad z Whitney?
czy ja dobrze słysze i rozumiem, ze ona spojrzala na MJ na 30 rocznicy scenicznej i powiedziala ze nie chce tak skonczyc i wygladac jak on?
yyyyyyy az mnie powalilo ..

edit : I go to bed. It's 3 o'clock after the midnight.
Sweet Dreams my Sweethearts :*:*:*
Bless you all and send biiiiig hugs :*
ojoj...:lmao: :cry: :lmao: placze przez lzy z tego ladowania sie w kapciach do ksiegarni...:lmao:

Hehe. No taka prawda. Kto nie pamięta jak przemykał między półkami w piżamie i kapciach. A za nim biegał człowiek z umbrellą. :wub: Tylko Michael umie tak kpić ze śmiesznych zasad i konwenansów powymyslanych przez ludzi.
W ogole widzieliscie ten wywiad z Whitney?
czy ja dobrze słysze i rozumiem, ze ona spojrzala na MJ na 30 rocznicy scenicznej i powiedziala ze nie chce tak skonczyc i wygladac jak on?
yyyyyyy az mnie powalilo ..
Wiesz co, po tym jak rodzona siostra mówi w telewizji, że nie zaskoczyła jej smierć Michaela i potrzebuje zastanowienia, żeby odpowiedzieć na pytanie czy doktor Dupek jest winien............ mnie juz nic nie dziwi.
W ogole widzieliscie ten wywiad z Whitney?
czy ja dobrze słysze i rozumiem, ze ona spojrzala na MJ na 30 rocznicy scenicznej i powiedziala ze nie chce tak skonczyc i wygladac jak on?
yyyyyyy az mnie powalilo ..

edit : I go to bed. It's 3 o'clock after the midnight.
Sweet Dreams my Sweethearts :*:*:*
Bless you all and send biiiiig hugs :*

Spij slodko, slonko! :) Pieknych snow.
Ej a może będziemy uczyć naszych znajomych z innych krajów polskiego?
Co dziewczyny? Garną się do nauki jak nic :)

Bnd90 oh no you have Ł/ł .. nice :)

:cheeky: its fun its like an " l " holding a sword or a stick :lol:

OMG Britt you're so cute! ... but I have to correct you on this one.
APRILIS isn't april in Polish. It's KWIECIEŃ. But we say Prima Aprilis on 1st of April, when it's all fools day or something :lol:

Yeah, we can teach anyone every day, whomever wants to. I was doing that with Britt in Appleheads but then we got lazy.

:mello: bollocks :coffee:

yea and i miss the lessons :heart:

lol Britt you're my absolute hero!!!! :clapping:


Haha, Britt, good on you for keeping up with our posts in Polish! have you got any Polish ancestors or something?

no :mello: im of italian and portuguese decent :lol: i wish i was :lol: im looking for maybe a 4th cousin 17 times removed thats from poland :lol:

Właśnie też się zastanawiałam skąd ta fascynacja Polską. :D

10 years old and i traveled to Belgium. the family that i met there told me about poland and i've loved it ever since :D its just everything the language, the culture its just so :wub:

:ninja: sorry if i creeped anyone out :fear: i swear im sane. im the same way with the uk :wub:

its kinda of like the love you guys might have for the us. i just have it for european countries :cheeky:

Haha, Limon, you're trying to embarrass me, aren't you? I really said some things that were embarrassing.:doh:
Well... At first I was so overwhelmed that I just kept saying "Michael, you're so special, we love you so much, you're the greatest artist ever!" and he goes "Um... No, Chopin was greater." Haha - so sweet! And I was like "He was great, but Michael, you're better, you're the best, you're beautiful, you're wonderful, you're a great artist, you're an inspiration to everyone, I love you so much!"
He kept nodding, and leaning towards me to hear what I'm saying, cause I was kinda really overwhelmed, like - REALLY, and I was speaking quietly, and he kept saying "Thank you, god bless you. I love you more."
And then I asked him whether... *deep breath* Okay. So he had the curls, right? and I was looking at them, and then, before I thought this through, I asked him "Michael, can I touch your hair?" :doh: And he laughed - and it was the sweetest sound in the world when he laughed - and then he said "okay, yes you can." So I did, I remember just focusing so much on it so as not to hurt him, I didn't want to be one of those fans that pulled and grabbed at him and hurt him. I just took a strand off his shoulder and closed my hand around it and let it slide through my fingers. Very soft...and dry. Really lovely.
:cry: :cry: here come the waterworks...
Um... and when i was walking off, i told him that he's just made me feel like the happiest, the luckiest girl in the world, i thanked him, and told him i loved him very much and that i'll never forget this day...
and he said "I love Poland. I'll be back. I'll see you again." And I said "Please do!" and then Wayne the bodyguard told me "now seriously, come on, please..." and led me away, and i was good and walked away backwards, waving at Michael and loving him more than life itself! :D :cry: :wub: :cry:

:eek: :eek: :eek: wow :wub: i met michael too :wub:

Story link here: http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2314043&postcount=37800

i taki byl delikatny bardzo, jak przytulal to tak, jakbys byla ze szkla i on sie obawial ciebie zgniesc - tak delikatnie... i mial rece zimne i troszke szorstkie, taka sucha, miekka skore. :wub:

his hands were soft and warm to me :mello: lots have said they were cold :mello: kinda odd i guess :unsure:
:cheeky: its fun its like an " l " holding a sword or a stick :lol:


no :mello: im of italian and portuguese decent :lol: i wish i was :lol: im looking for maybe a 4th cousin 17 times removed thats from poland :lol:
10 years old and i traveled to Belgium. the family that i met there told me about poland and i've loved it ever since :D its just everything the language, the culture its just so :wub:

:ninja: sorry if i creeped anyone out :fear: i swear im sane. im the same way with the uk :wub:
its kinda of like the love you guys might have for the us. i just have it for european countries :cheeky:

that's so sweet of you!:cheers:and yeah, i'm guilty as charged - ever since I was 10 years old I dreamt about California...

:eek: :eek: :eek: wow :wub: i met michael too :wub:
Story link here: http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2314043&postcount=37800

his hands were soft and warm to me :mello: lots have said they were cold :mello: kinda odd i guess

aww, so happy for ya! :wild:
You know, it was Sept and it wasn't a particularly sunny day - maybe that's why. Although when he came back next year in May, it was a little warmer and his hands were cold, too...:unsure: probably just depends on the day and the luck of the draw, haha!
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aww, Britt, that comment about licking his hands:lmao:
i agree about the huge hands - really big hands. and we all know what they say about guys with big hands... :shifty:

and Hell To Da Yes about photos not doing him justice!

looks like you've met him more recently too, that's just wonderful.

:mello: bollocks :coffee:
yea and i miss the lessons :heart:

be a good girl, you'll get more lessons :coffee:
I'll teach you 'screwdriver' in Polish...


:ninja: sorry if i creeped anyone out :fear: i swear im sane. im the same way with the uk

Me thinks no one from Appleheads is sane but I'll be quiet :mello:

that's so sweet of you!:cheers:and yeah, i'm guilty as charged - ever since I was 10 years old I dreamt about California...

Is that cause it's a home of MICHAŁEK? :give_heart:
(I refuse to use past tense as well)

aww, Britt, that comment about licking his hands:lmao:

where what how why edited?? :mello:

Morning everyone :angel:
Hello everybody :)
First i want to say somethinf to our Britt . I read now your story , and i must to say it's so lovely.. and i'm so happy for you , that you meet him and now i can read about this magic .And i feel it really. Thanx :)
Dzien dobry to those that just got up - and good night to those that are going to bed, like I am. Will chat to y'all tomorrow!

L.O.V.E you all, mwaa!
I ja zatem dla tych co wstali dzien dobrerk a tych co juz kłada sie spac. Michaelowych snów:*

I teraz kto ze mna pogada.. L & C jestescie tutajj albo ktoś.
:lol: yes i do know what they say :naughty:

Oooo id LOVE to know screwdriver in polish :lmao: :ninja: ya know so if I'm ever there and need one :ninja: I'll jut go and ask for one to :mello: out with :fear:!!!!
And that day with Michael was awsome beyond words :wub: thanks for the comments too :cheeky: I wish you were all there with me :)
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Wpis niz gruchy ni z pietruchy.
Oglądając dziś wywiad z jakimś profesorem historii dowiedziałąm się, że Turcja była jedynym państwem, które nigdy nie uznało rozbiorów Polski. :)