please dont hype the comeback

I would rather Michael take his time and produce quality music as opposed to rushing and releasing an album every year just to release crap!

I remember last year when all the Janet fans were getting themselves all excited and hyping up Janet's upcoming album, saying how great and successful its gonna forward a couple of months 2008, now they are trying to come up with all kinds of excuses as to why they still think Janet's album is a success, which obviously it is'nt!

Don't be putting all these great expectations on Mike and this new album and should it turn out to be not what you want, then you turn on him.

When the album comes, it comes.....go live your lives in the meantime! and enough with the negativity! geez.......
You are on point as usual. I am so new to the fan kingdom that I have no experience of waiting for a new album. For me, If MJ does a new album, I will be there to hear it but if he doesn't, I will be here listening to his old stuff. It is all the same to me. I have more music than I can manage to listen to anyway, so I really don't need anymore for the time being.
recipe: one part troll + 5 lbs of fandom + a dash of haterism = division and a thread with legs made to order to fit someone's agenda
I don't understand why people are complaining about the TIME Michael is spending on the album..

It has not even been a FULL 2 years yet..

an album takes time.. If he rushes through it, we wont get the same quality..

That's what's WRONG with the music industry righ now.. People RUSH through things too quickly.. Someone brings a 'hot' beat, they lay down the vocals.. then NEXT one.. They make 15 tracks.. take a couple out.. and that's ur album..

Michael creates a masterpiece.. Picture if Michaelangelo rushed through his paintings.. No1 would know his name because it would not be quality..

It's the difference between a sketch and a true art piece..

Michael comes up with SO MANY songs, narrows it down to about 20.. then takes it from there..

It's a big project.
What I want to know is, what is wrong with the songs Michael has already created? Why can't people enjoy those, are they out of date or something?
^^ lol! I have the same question..

But I do have to admit even though MJ's music is always fresh.. even his OLDEST stuff.. I am really hungry for something new..

But his old stuff will last me over.. I mean come on, we're still listening to music that's been out for DECADES.. I think another group of months will really be THAT hard.
I don't understand why people are complaining about the TIME Michael is spending on the album..

It has not even been a FULL 2 years yet..

an album takes time.. If he rushes through it, we wont get the same quality..

That's what's WRONG with the music industry righ now.. People RUSH through things too quickly.. Someone brings a 'hot' beat, they lay down the vocals.. then NEXT one.. They make 15 tracks.. take a couple out.. and that's ur album..

Michael creates a masterpiece.. Picture if Michaelangelo rushed through his paintings.. No1 would know his name because it would not be quality..

It's the difference between a sketch and a true art piece..

Michael comes up with SO MANY songs, narrows it down to about 20.. then takes it from there..

It's a big project.

Cuz people keep COUNTING the period that included the Sony Battle (or just don't know enough about that battle so they ignore it)...and the trial. I mean MJ only took about a year, not EVEN a year, to recuperate from that trial. If he didn't have nothing planned we wouldn't hear not one aota of news from him. He would be out of site with his kids. But no, we've had 2 photoshoots, a promoted rerelease, and tons and tons and tons of quotes from both MJ and other artists that contain connotations of a return that cannot be denied. Fact is, when he says he's working on something, he is REALLY WORKING. There is nothing in the past or present that refutes that fact. So if he's WORKING, that means that an album WILL COME eventually. so wth do we have to complain about??? It might be sooner than we think, it may be longer than we think, but either way, it will come...we are fortunate that MJ decided to give this another go-around.
U know it's getting close..

that last bit of climbing the tip of the mountain is always the hardest..

we'll get there..
Michael Jackson is at a beautiful place at this stage of his life. He is right where he wants to be, at the top of the music empire where the real money is being made. Every popstar out there envy him this position, I wouldn't doubt. He doesn't need to make another album if he doesn't want to. What he does need to do, though, is to cement his legacy and make sure he has things set in place to make sure the truth is told about how he effected the record industry. This is what Thriller 25 has ingeniously been doing.

The Thrillercast and various interviews, put on record the effect MJ had on the industry. MJ is making sure that when he comes to his life journey, there will be no erasing of his legacy. I believe Sony is working with him on this. This is far more important than a new album right now. MJ came very close to having his history rewritten by his enemies and he is making sure that doesn't happen.

Now, I personally find the people who hype up MJ's album, more irritating than the ones who doubt it. The reason for this is that when they don't get their desire, they almost invariably throw a tantrum and blame MJ for their disappointment. At least the doubters won't throw a wobbly if nothing happens.
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U know it's getting close..

that last bit of climbing the tip of the mountain is always the hardest..

we'll get there..

yep i believe that. And ya know, if i'm wrong, i'm wrong. I won't penalize MJ for it.

But MJ has a trend of staying dead silent before he unleashes something massive. Ur right about that.
I have notice a lot of threads and comments made by fans regarding their "anger" or "disappoinment" about MJ's comeback or return to the music scene. I think that some fans lost faith in MJ and it is very sad. I often think that maybe some fans are so used to the negative hype that the media continue to throw at MJ, that they start to believe it. I think that is the root of the problem here.

So many of his fans want MJ to just bring out the music so that the haters can stop hating on MJ. That is the issue: the haters will never stop and MJ will put out the music when he wants to.

There was really no "hype" of a comeback. There can't be if there is nothing to promote. There were/are rumors of a comeback but at the moment, there are rumors. The fans that are moaning and groining about MJ's comeback need to STOP comparing him to Madonna, Mariah, and Janet's comebacks, stop getting mad when their hopes are put down because this one person promise something and nothing happens and stop being negative.

I know that this is a discussion board about MJ and fans have a right to be honest about their feelings regarding MJ and his music, but what ever happened to enjoying being a fan? What happened to just putting on Dangerous or Thriller and just jamming to the songs? Going on and download an old school short film or performance of MJ? What ever happened to listening to other artists/performers/entertainers who are talented instead of literally waiting for a CD from Michael? It seems like everyday there are a good amount of negative fans having a hissy fit because they see Usher or Mariah on the charts and not MJ. Mike will get there when he is READY. Some of the negative fans do not see it at all. Yeah, I also wish that MJ release CDs every 2 years like his sister Janet or Prince, but reality check: MJ is not Janet or Prince and MJ has a different way of working that is not like Prince or Janet's.

These types of threads do not solve issues or create reasonable discussions. We are not learning anything new about MJ or exploring things that MJ sings in his songs. It is just a rehash of anger and disappointment from some fans who are not happy that MJ is not entertaining them instead of MJ having a life. Like I have stated many times on this board: if you do not like the MJ of TODAY, then LEAVE! There is no point of being a fan of someone that you have no faith for. The way I see it, MJ should retire this music thing and raise his children. He did it all, won the awards, had the fun, partied, enjoyed his success. Sadly, he went through an uncalled for trial that almost robbed him of everything that he worked for. Finally, he is in a point in his life that things are finally starting to make sense. We all read that great Ebony magazine article: Mike was FINALLY happy in his life. Why can we just enjoy THAT? Sometimes, I often wondered why MJ continues to do this kind of career. Then I realized that he does this because he knows that he is changing someone's life and he is doing something that he loves. Not a lot of people have a chance in their life to do what they love and get paid for it and MJ is doing that. If that takes two years (almost) to finshed up that CD, fine.

I do not want any praise from this post, I just want at least one of MJ's doubters to read what I posted and THINK.

I mean, damn!
Well of course fans are gonna be excited, but at the same time I just hope people are being realistic and aren't expecting this to be another "Thriller" . I'm also hoping that Mike doesn't go overboard with promotions and hyping the new album like he did with Invincible. The best thing he can do is to just let the music speak for itself. If it's good, it should do okay and people will buy it.
I aint upset, just tired of getting my hopes up for ish ... so, I am is not gonna bother gettin' all excited about ish until it is happening ... till sumpin' happs, Ima focus my energy on my boyz, Danny to be exact :wub: :cloud9:

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See thats where difference of opinion comes in, I for one, don't think R Kelly is a musical genius :lol:

And Hellloooo Michael is an individual artist. he operates differently. He operates on his own time. And a person shouldn't be praise more if they release albums every year or every 5's all up to the artist and what he/she feels is best for their artistic potential. For Michael, in this juncture (for yeaaars past), he likes to work for a long time on albums. And there's nothing wrong with that.

MJ also doesn't like over exposure. He likes when attention is on HIM. And the best way to take care of BOTH of those is to not release albums so frequently. Every album is an EVENT when its done Michael's way. MJ took a looong time to release Bad, so was that album "wrong"? No, not in the least.

MJ has stated "this is more to come from Michael Jackson"...why don't u guys believe him? Why is it so hard? MJ has a family yes, and that comes first yes, but that doesn't mean he can't have a career...and that doesn't mean his career...his LOVE as well...isn't important to him anymore.

MJ is gonna surprise us. thats why we're not hearing anything and that is very apparent. From all accounts MJ has THE DRIVE for this, he is working hard. So be patient, it will come!

I agree whole heartedly with everthing you just said here
Michael said he i working on music and he also that there is
MUCH more to come _ he is not available becuase he i working
on something HUGE .. not national not international but
PLANETS as Akon said :D so have faith and give the man
his space and time to do just that ..
wow, wow, wow!!

surpisingly I still get shocked at the CRAP that comes out of MJ fans mouth.. well, I should say from there fingers since were typeing.

serendipity that is some load of..... :lol:

Do you not understand how business ventures work?? Obviously 2Seas did not work out.. OK and??? That has VERY LITTLE to do with MJ's album.


When he said.. "You aint seen nothin yet." Do u think he knew what stunbling blocks lied ahead of him with SONY??

When he says something, he means it..

OK let me help u understand something.. When a business person says he/she plans to do something, many things never make the table because it just did not work out the way they planned..

that does not mean he/she lied.. It's just the name of the game..

U know how many businesses go "belly-up" before ONE becomes sucessfull??

Michael is no ecception.. He has as obsticals..

He writes well over a hundred songs before finding 12-14 for an album.. that means roughly 86 songs "FAILED"..

MOST project by EVERYONE that is involved with business never make it..

But that's what gets them where they are, they're not afraid of failure, and they take the chance of dropping, dropping, dropping, dropping.. THEN GETTING THE SCORE..

Now if Michael Jackson said he is working on a new album, that means HE'S WORKING ON A NEW ALBUM..

And who is anyone to say he did not work hard on the remixes?? He can say that because he puts his ALL into every project..

U don't see him in the studio with the music full blast, listening OVER AND OVER, to each layer of music, spotting out any problems. Pitch, tone levels, audio balances.. ALL that.. It's not just a simple copy the acapella demo and paste a new instramental.. SO MUCH MORE goes into it..


This new wave of negitivity is fairly new here.. I've never seen it like this. even back with mjjf.


Well, let's agree to disagree. At this point I just prefer to take the I'll believe it when I see it approach. ;)
Well of course fans are gonna be excited, but at the same time I just hope people are being realistic and aren't expecting this to be another "Thriller" . I'm also hoping that Mike doesn't go overboard with promotions and hyping the new album like he did with Invincible. The best thing he can do is to just let the music speak for itself. If it's good, it should do okay and people will buy it.

I agree. Back in the day, Mike didn't have to create big hype to sell a record, the music spoke for itself. And comparing this to "Thriller 25", I know some of us have bitched about what could've been done but I notice a lot of kids my age and younger suddenly into Michael's music whereas before they were taken off by Michael's offstage life and most of them seem willing to get Michael's new album. I actually T25 was more of a reminder than a hype just so people would know what Michael was all about.
Well if peeps are taking the 'I believe it when I see it" stuff...then lets not try to knock every single good news out there as BS...either take it or leave it.

Thriller25 was complete PR ... a pre-cursor to slap people in the face with Michael's legacy... bringing it back to the music. Now, before some crusty azz bullshit happens, the new **** need ta come out. That way, the PR can be affective ... anyone get it ?? :chichi:
I think Michael said it all when he told Access Hollywood he had never been away.

At the moment all we know for certain is that he is working on a new album, when he said There is more to come from Michael Jackson he as good as said he is planning to release it. Whether or not it happens is up to him, I don't get the impression he plans world tours again, I just hope he at least does some concerts.
I personally think that all complainants are as BAD as the other. I find all the people who complain equally annoying. Those who complain about not getting the music and those who complain about the complainants.

If someone start a thread that is negative, IGNORE THE DAMN THREAD. It will soon die. To complain about someone being negative, is still complaining and it ADDS to the negativity. Do as I do. Skip the damn thread.

There is also an alternative if you must. Turn the thread ionto a positive thread. In that way, everybody leaves the thread being happy.

It is a discussion board for god sake. People will not be positive all the time. Sometimes people are just letting out their own personal frustration. Maybe they just need some cheering up and somebody to talk to.

Threads starting up top complain about the moaners do bring the boad down just as much as the negative thread. It is still moaning, even if it is at the fans.

People need to start up positive threads and feed the positive threads so that they stay on top and the negative ones will die.

Don't feed threads you don't like. That is my solution to the problem.

Yes, where is that armchair smiley for me to hide under, now that I have said my piece.
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wow goin thru this thread idk what 2 say. and u call urselves "fans" please.
like i said b4 the album will be released when MICHAEL JACKSON says release it. Not when u feel its time 2 be released, who are u? Just because u buy his music does he owe u a thing? no! So u people demanding an album can be quiet. (mods im tryna keep this as clean as posible lol)

so once again until the new album comes out i suggest u listen 2 ur cds,watch ur dvds, read your books, be patient and Shut up! Its getting old now.

and whoever said u hope mj doesnt go over board with promotion like invincible....umm did u see somethin we didnt lol? cuz invincible had no promo

So hype the comeback! Scream it from the mountain tops! cuz Mike is back and bigger then ever, if u aint kno i suggest u ask somebody
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Please don't hype the comeback.. comeback.. comeback
Please don't hype the comeback.. comeback.. comeback

Mama se mama sa,
Mama coo sa!
What i try to do is sabotage negative threads with ridiculous funny in this thread with Grand Master and TCK!


OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG! Isn't this gonna be the best album ever made ever ever ever?
I myself LOVE the HYPE
and I HYPE the HYPE

Michael is going to come back with the BIG BANG
to create the world of music again
and knock this world off it axis ... :punk:

That all _ :)
Michael is trying to mess with our mines, But don't for get mike does seem to get picky when to release an album. But u just have to wait and see u might get surpise
someday and u never know he could come out tomorrow and confum the album release but i don't see that happening, anything can happen. Prpas he wants to focuse on his child more and then he will release it.
Michael Jackson will always get hyped up. The guy, in the right frame of mind, can make amazing music.

I'll be certainly interested in what he makes next.