please dont hype the comeback

what little faith some people have..

I think I want to start a betting system..

Who thinks MJ will comeout with a full new album, support it and everything.. And those who question it and say probably not, or possibly not..

I will BET YOU.. and I am not usually a gambeling person.
how about this quote people tend to forget..

in 2006

when asked. "When will we get a new album from Michael Jackson"

Michael responds. "I'm working on it now." He said. "I'm mainly writting it myself with some others."

Just because he says something, doesn't necessarily mean it's true. Do you seriously believe anything he says? He also said he's worked VERY hard on those Thriller remixes and if you believe then I have a bridge to sell you :lol:

Anyway, these days with MJ I'm taking the approach of I believe it when I see it. All this talk just isn't enough to convince me anymore. It's just talk. Now if there is an announcement from a record label, then I might just believe that something's going on.

Then again, we did get an announcement from 2seas records and look what happened with that one. :lol: Nothing is certain with MJ I tell ya!

:wild: :wild: :wild: :wild: :wild: :wild: :wild: :wild: :wild: :wild:

wow, wow, wow!!

surpisingly I still get shocked at the CRAP that comes out of MJ fans mouth.. well, I should say from there fingers since were typeing.

serendipity that is some load of..... :lol:

Do you not understand how business ventures work?? Obviously 2Seas did not work out.. OK and??? That has VERY LITTLE to do with MJ's album.


When he said.. "You aint seen nothin yet." Do u think he knew what stunbling blocks lied ahead of him with SONY??

When he says something, he means it..

OK let me help u understand something.. When a business person says he/she plans to do something, many things never make the table because it just did not work out the way they planned..

that does not mean he/she lied.. It's just the name of the game..

U know how many businesses go "belly-up" before ONE becomes sucessfull??

Michael is no ecception.. He has as obsticals..

He writes well over a hundred songs before finding 12-14 for an album.. that means roughly 86 songs "FAILED"..

MOST project by EVERYONE that is involved with business never make it..

But that's what gets them where they are, they're not afraid of failure, and they take the chance of dropping, dropping, dropping, dropping.. THEN GETTING THE SCORE..

Now if Michael Jackson said he is working on a new album, that means HE'S WORKING ON A NEW ALBUM..

And who is anyone to say he did not work hard on the remixes?? He can say that because he puts his ALL into every project..

U don't see him in the studio with the music full blast, listening OVER AND OVER, to each layer of music, spotting out any problems. Pitch, tone levels, audio balances.. ALL that.. It's not just a simple copy the acapella demo and paste a new instramental.. SO MUCH MORE goes into it..


This new wave of negitivity is fairly new here.. I've never seen it like this. even back with mjjf.

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wow, wow, wow!!

surpisingly I still get shocked at the CRAP that comes out of MJ fans mouth.. well, I should say from there fingers since were typeing.

serendipity that is some load of..... :lol:

Do you not understand how business ventures work?? Obviously 2Seas did not work out.. OK and??? That has VERY LITTLE to do with MJ's album.


When he said.. "You aint seen nothin yet." Do u think he knew what stunbling blocks lied ahead of him with SONY??

When he says something, he means it..

OK let me help u understand something.. When a business person says he/she plans to do something, many things never make the table because it just did not work out the way they planned..

that does not mean he/she lied.. It's just the name of the game..

U know how many businesses go "belly-up" before ONE becomes sucessfull??

Michael is no ecception.. He has as obsticals..

He writes well over a hundred songs before finding 12-14 for an album.. that means roughly 86 songs "FAILED"..

MOST project by EVERYONE that is involved with business never make it..

But that's what gets them where they are, they're not afraid of failure, and they take the chance of dropping, dropping, dropping, dropping.. THEN GETTING THE SCORE..

Now if Michael Jackson said he is working on a new album, that means HE'S WORKING ON A NEW ALBUM..

And who is anyone to say he did not work hard on the remixes?? He can say that because he puts his ALL into every project..

U don't see him in the studio with the music full blast, listening OVER AND OVER, to each layer of music, spotting out any problems. Pitch, tone levels, audio balances.. ALL that.. It's not just a simple copy the acapella demo and paste a new instramental.. SO MUCH MORE goes into it..


This new wave of negitivity is fairly new here.. I've never seen it like this. even back with mjjf.


Thank you for saying everything I was thinking. :)

He's not going to outsell Thriller - he's already tried 4 times and hasn't been able to.

Who gives a sh**...what, is Michael trying to set a new record for the World Guinness book of records, or is he trying to make good music?
Pff, aren't you guys sick of hearing yourselves complain yet? The album will come when it comes. Michael will come back when he's ready and wanting. Until then, holding your breath until your face turns red and people mistake you for a fu*king ballon isn't going to speed things up.
This kind of threads are really getting on my last's been brought up over and over and over AND OVER again.......-_-
If my notice is correct, I think it's SOME of the newer fans that joined that are bringing this negitive wave..

Not all of them.. NO WAY..

I love em' we have some GREAT NEW ADDTIONS to the site..

It's just a selective few..

Maybe some older ones too.. I just noticed a couple of them recently that I rebuttled towards were newer people..


don't change it peeps
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If my notice is correct, I think it's SOME of the newer fans that joined that are bringing this negitive wave..

Not all of them.. NO WAY..

I love em' we have some GREAT NEW ADDTIONS to the site..

It's just a selective few..

Maybe some older ones too.. I just noticed a couple of them recently that I rebuttled towards were newer people..


don't change it peeps

HAPPY! HAPPY! (skips around and gives flowers)
People need to remember that because of that nightmare that Michael has gone through this is gonna be the most judged album of MJ's cerea and MJ is aware of this (The man's not stupid lol) So MJ is taking his time to make sure that everything is perfect
If my notice is correct, I think it's SOME of the newer fans that joined that are bringing this negitive wave..

Not all of them.. NO WAY..

I love em' we have some GREAT NEW ADDTIONS to the site..

It's just a selective few..

Maybe some older ones too.. I just noticed a couple of them recently that I rebuttled towards were newer people..


don't change it peeps

NOT ME! I'm all about the positive ^_^
:) ^^ Yes! I enjoy reading your posts..

Ur a reason why I love coming here.. I just enjoy sharing thoughts and opinions with those who do not SUCK every ounce of it dry.. lol!

thanks for being cool!
just shut down all the mj fan forum since there's no news at all and fans wouldn't have a place to get their hype up and then post negative stuff.
to be honest, only hardcore MJ fans(including me) are waiting for MJ's comeback.
kids and teenagers whom i know have no interest in MJ and his once fanbase are now in their 30s or 40s who have their own life and family. To them whether MJ has a new album or not, they wouldn't care!
MMMMMMMMM at this thread........... :ph34r:

Why are we doubting Michael so much as of lately? Do some think he actually isn't going to release anything or do anything? Just because we haven't heard from him or whatever doesn't mean he isn't working his album. I think as a Michael fan you should be used to this kind of quietness just for the simple fact is Michael is perfecting his music and wants everything to be just right before he steps back into the limelight. We have heard state that Michael doesn't want him or anyone else who is working with him to say anything because he wants to shock everyone and knock everyone off the ground when his time comes. This to me tells me as a Michael Jackson fan that he is perfecting his every move when his album comes out. Michael has been through hell and back from 1993-2005 and ever since then I am pretty sure he has thought about how he wants to show the world that he has all that crap behind him and how he wants the world to remember what he is here for and that is to entertain. Forget the damn negativity from media and haters, but remember why God put him here on this earth. That reason is why we as fans love him so much and that is because he entertains like no other. The music industry is in shambles because of a certain thing lacking and that is entertaining. Yeah we have entertainers but there is no one like Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson brings a certain charisma to the music industry weather it's award shows or just his album being in the charts. He always brings a special ingrediant to the music industry and spices it up and gets people excited about music again. That is what Michael does with his music. We need to stop being quick to judge him as a person and an entertainer. Michael can make it happen again with his will and strength. Michael has passion for music and we know that as a fact as a Michael Jackson fan. Let the man chill and do what he knows best.Michael will let us know when he is ready. I will guarantee that it will be like nothing we have ever seen. I am excited about this because I know in my heart and soul he will reign again in the music industry and let all the haters know it. As a fan of 24 and a half years I am asking that we grow up and stop all the negativity and enjoy the wait because it will be like no other. Keep the faith and let the man do his thang. :punk:
i just read through and people are trying to justify that there is hype. there is none. no one talks about michael's new album. most media outlets wouldnt even know he is working on one. but thats not a bad thing. thats the way michael wants it according to his collaborators.
This new wave of negitivity is fairly new here.. I've never seen it like this. even back with mjjf.





THat's what i've been trying to say for the longest. the atmosphere here has just been dragging down down down because of negativity...but! IT's getting better! We gotta do our part to keep up the positivity! Don't let the debbie downers discourage u. THere are plenty of fans here that knows the real deal.
I would rather Michael take his time and produce quality music as opposed to rushing and releasing an album every year just to release crap!

I remember last year when all the Janet fans were getting themselves all excited and hyping up Janet's upcoming album, saying how great and successful its gonna forward a couple of months 2008, now they are trying to come up with all kinds of excuses as to why they still think Janet's album is a success, which obviously it is'nt!

Don't be putting all these great expectations on Mike and this new album and should it turn out to be not what you want, then you turn on him.

When the album comes, it comes.....go live your lives in the meantime! and enough with the negativity! geez.......
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Congratulations again, Michael! If some are complaining about the amount of time it's taking you to release the music you are working on, it means only one thing. You are FREE!

I'm enjoying the wait. This kind of waiting is FUN!!

Love you. :wub:

*sitting back filing fingernails*