please dont hype the comeback

Constipation_Killer, you're cracking me up! :lol:
I bet they laughed at michael too when he said that Thriller is gonna outsell off the wall...-_-

They also laughed when Michael said that he will go and walk on the moon -_-

THEY ALSO LAUGHED when MJ said to EVERYONE that he will be the greatest singer ever....!-_-

SO YOU can laugh at me ALL YOU WANT!!!!, but you will be proved wrong and when that happens I will be laughing at all the non-believers -_-

I bet they laughed at michael too when he said that Thriller is gonna outsell off the wall...-_-

They also laughed when Michael said that he will go and walk on the moon -_-

THEY ALSO LAUGHED when MJ said to EVERYONE that he will be the greatest singer ever....!-_-

SO YOU can laugh at me ALL YOU WANT!!!!, but you will be proved wrong and when that happens I will be laughing at all the non-believers -_-

O/T The media and docu always report that OTW was the biggest seller for a black artist, in the BBC report it said it was the largest seller for a MALE artist. There is a difference cause they limit him to a small section of the community instead of giving him the respect he deserves for OTW.,
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Just remember, Michael has always said he works best when he's under estimated.. He loves it..

Can u think of a time he's been more under estimated???

He's not going to outsell Thriller - he's already tried 4 times and hasn't been able to.
Just remember, Michael has always said he works best when he's under estimated.. He loves it..

Can u think of a time he's been more under estimated???


^^^ It looks like he's beggining be under estimated by HIS OWN FANS! :mad:
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It's funny how it's always called "comeback" when he is going to release a new album. It's been always like this I can't remember since when but so long time now. Dangerous comeback, HIStory comeback, Invincible comeback.. :lol:
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this will be Mariah's year. :p

God, I hope not.
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It's called a comeback because he takes an average of 5 years between cd releases, which is an eternity in the music business. I wish just once Jackson would do like Janet and release a cd 2 years in a row instead of waiting so long. Prince released 3 cds in the time between Thriller and Bad...and he released 5 cds in between Bad and Dangerous. Imagine if we could get that kind of production out of Jackson.
^^ I agree, but I think Michael is too much of a perfectionist to release a cd every year. Even a cd every other year would be too much for him.
It's called a comeback because he takes an average of 5 years between cd releases, which is an eternity in the music business. I wish just once Jackson would do like Janet and release a cd 2 years in a row instead of waiting so long. Prince released 3 cds in the time between Thriller and Bad...and he released 5 cds in between Bad and Dangerous. Imagine if we could get that kind of production out of Jackson.

Yeah it would be nice to have a lot of music every two years or so, but if he did I bet that if he had done it like that they wouldn't be as amazing as they've been...
i bet NKOTB outsell Thriller :giggle:

:blush: :wub:**looks lovingly at his Danny Wood doll, circa 1990** :wub: :blush:
^^ I agree, but I think Michael is too much of a perfectionist to release a cd every year. Even a cd every other year would be too much for him.

Being a perfectionist doesn't mean you have to take years to finish something. "Thriller" was completed in months. "Destiny" was released in 1978, "Off the Wall" was released in 79, "Triumph" was released in 80 and "Thriller" in 1982.

Prince is a genius and perfectionist. Releases cds as often as the season changes
R. Kelly is a musical genius, releasing cds every year.

Stevie Wonder is a genius and the biggest perfectionist of them all. Between the years 1972 and 1976, Stevie released 4 albums and 3 of them won Album of the Year at the Grammys. Somethings if you think long, you think wrong.

However, at this point in his life, I don't think Jackson's biggest priorities are cd release dates. He's enjoying his life raising a family. Anything after that is second...After what he's been through, I'm just glad that he's free to decide when to release a cd instead of rotting in jail.
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......oooooh baby.......Michael's gonna get to ya giiiiiiiiiiiiiirllllll :lol:

Love that song. Uhm yeah. I ain't hyping no Michael Jackson. I am NKOTB'ing 'till the new album comes -_-

NKOTB...PFT! :rolleyes: I'll say...HOCKEY ALL THE WAY!!! Michael can take his time because I am busy watching the Stanley Cup playoffs anyways (GO HABS!!! GO DUCKS!!!)....and then the Hockey World championships. :kickass:

And...."THIS ONE'S FOR THE CHILDREN" ( :lmao: ) Don't give up hope. I am sure we will get new music from MJ again some day!! -_- :yes:
Being a perfectionist doesn't mean you have to take years to finish something. "Thriller" was completed in months. "Destiny" was released in 1978, "Off the Wall" was released in 79, "Triumph" was released in 80 and "Thriller" in 1982.

Prince is a genius and perfectionist. Releases cds as often as the season changes
R. Kelly is a musical genius, releasing cds every year.

Stevie Wonder is a genius and the biggest perfectionist of them all. Between the years 1972 and 1976, Stevie released 4 albums and 3 of them won Album of the Year at the Grammys. Somethings if you think long, you think wrong.

However, at this point in his life, I don't think Jackson's biggest priorities are cd release dates. He's enjoying his life raising a family. Anything after that is second...After what he's been through, I'm just glad that he's free to decide when to release a cd instead of rotting in jail.

See thats where difference of opinion comes in, I for one, don't think R Kelly is a musical genius :lol:

And Hellloooo Michael is an individual artist. he operates differently. He operates on his own time. And a person shouldn't be praise more if they release albums every year or every 5's all up to the artist and what he/she feels is best for their artistic potential. For Michael, in this juncture (for yeaaars past), he likes to work for a long time on albums. And there's nothing wrong with that.

MJ also doesn't like over exposure. He likes when attention is on HIM. And the best way to take care of BOTH of those is to not release albums so frequently. Every album is an EVENT when its done Michael's way. MJ took a looong time to release Bad, so was that album "wrong"? No, not in the least.

MJ has stated "this is more to come from Michael Jackson"...why don't u guys believe him? Why is it so hard? MJ has a family yes, and that comes first yes, but that doesn't mean he can't have a career...and that doesn't mean his career...his LOVE as well...isn't important to him anymore.

MJ is gonna surprise us. thats why we're not hearing anything and that is very apparent. From all accounts MJ has THE DRIVE for this, he is working hard. So be patient, it will come!
NKOTB and Hockey ... Tonsil hockey maybe :evil:

Tonsil hockey....Chichi, you're NASTY!! :lmao: I mean the good ol' fashioned hockey with the stick! (HOCKEY STICK...I might add!! :huh: :lol: Dutcho....*saying like Jose Jalapeno "Hockey...with a steeeeeek...." :lmao: :lmao:).

And isn't anyone excited about the TAKE THAT "comeback"...? *singing* "Babe....I'm here again..." :lmao: :lmao:
I just don't get why anyone would say 'don't hype the comeback'..

What do we supposed to be like then?


"He's not doing anything, he'll never make an album again, even though he said he is, and everone around him says he is... lets all come into a corner and cry for the next months untill we hear nothing."
I am saying, just let it happen ... and in the meantime, to take my mind off of the wait and fill the void ... I have my Danny **mumbles** oh yeah, and the other four as well :winking:

Has anyone seen any NewKids emoticons or gifs ??
MJ has stated "this is more to come from Michael Jackson"...why don't u guys believe him? Why is it so hard?

Are you serious? :lol: It was exciting when he said ages ago "You ain't seen nothing yet", and then came "The best is yet to come", but at this point I guess people are like "whatever, Mike."
Are you serious? :lol: It was exciting when he said ages ago "You ain't seen nothing yet", and then came "The best is yet to come", but at this point I guess people are like "whatever, Mike."

People have such selective memories, i swear.

"You ain't seen nothing yet"...then came Invincible

"The best is yet to come"...then was gonna be the OMC video and whatever else that was planned at the time, which all got squashed when the allegations hit.

So he doesn't just say ish to be saying ish. When he's working on something, he is WORKING. There's no doubt about that.


"He's not doing anything, he'll never make an album again, even though he said he is, and everone around him says he is... lets all come into a corner and cry for the next months untill we hear nothing."

YES! Cuz that's exactly what their doing. Apparently to SOME people on this board it makes more sense to hype up the negatives rather than the positives.
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The best was gonna be OMC and its video? Oh come on now :lol: That lame @ss song doesn't even need to be mentioned, let alone as the best.

So he doesn't just say ish to be saying ish.

yes, he does :lol:
how about this quote people tend to forget..

in 2006

when asked. "When will we get a new album from Michael Jackson"

Michael responds. "I'm working on it now." He said. "I'm mainly writting it myself with some others."
^ nope he just said that just cuz he likes saying crap like that for no reason. -_-
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Are you serious? :lol: It was exciting when he said ages ago "You ain't seen nothing yet", and then came "The best is yet to come", but at this point I guess people are like "whatever, Mike."

Jesus people, have you forgotten the nightmares that Michael went through from 2001 to 2005?!?!?!!
Both profesionally and personally.

Anything that he had planned before the he said those lines was squashed both by SONY and SNEDDON...Give it a rest. The music will come, I have no doubt about it.
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