Paris Jackson Rushed to Hospital After Possible Suicide Attempt

Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Yeah I remember that, but did she see the body. Was there someone who said she was in the hallway or doorway? Who was in the hallway? I have to reread that thing again.

Alberto said both kids came in the room behind him and he heard Paris scream out DADDY! She saw her father for sure...
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Paris Jackson Moves to Children's Hospital After Suicide Attempt, Has Been Bonding With Family

Paris Jackson's family is rallying around her after her June 5 suicide attempt.
Credit: Jason LaVeris/FilmMagic
The Jackson family is sticking together. Following Paris Jackson's suicide attempt on Wednesday, June 5 -- where the late Michael Jackson's daughter was rushed to the hospital after cutting her wrists and swallowing a bottle of pills -- her family is supporting her in any they can.

PHOTOS: Michael Jackson and his kids

The 15-year-old was transferred to the Children's Hospital Los Angeles on Thursday, June 6, and a source tells Us Weekly exclusively that visitors have included grandmother Katherine Jackson, biological mother Debbie Rowe, brother Prince Michael Jackson and aunt LaToya Jackson. Grace Rwaramba, a former nanny, has also stopped by.

"Everyone has come together to support her: Katherine, Debbie, Grace came back, Latoya was there," the source tells Us. "Katherine and Debbie actually get along. They met a long time ago when Michael was alive and stayed in touch."

PHOTOS: Paris through the years

Paris' close relationship with Rowe, 56, had been a sore spot for the family before the incident. As Us reported on Thursday, the teen was having "massive" fights with brother Prince, who called her a "backstabber" for bonding with Rowe. ("Prince feels Paris is betraying their father by getting close to Debbie," the source explained).

But in the aftermath of the near-tragedy, Rowe has been getting closer to 16-year-old Prince.

PHOTOS: Michael Jackson's memorial

"This is a tragic thing but brought the whole family closer," the source says. "Debbie and Prince are bonding, everyone has come together. Debbie has really been making sure to look after him. So there is some good in this."

The scary situation also served as a wake-up call for Paris. "I don't think Paris will ever do this again. It scared the crap out of her," the source adds.

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Another source again. Well they did not say family, so that is good. I hope the staff will not be giving daily scoops on this child's activities at the hospital. It seems the same people who went before went this time. Everyone is bonding. I thought they bonded before. Prince and Paris grew up together so obviously bonded a long time ago. Maybe the reporter means they reconnected with each other?

X17--I can't believe Randy is again blaming Prince and now putting that lie about parentage, when it was Katherine side that brought that up and AEG said they had no intention of going there anyway. What a jerk he is. I wish AEG could do something about that statement, but I guess it is all free speech. Randy is vile and something has to be done about him. He is actually making things worse. I am pissed off.
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Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

People let's calm down and stay cool...

I am very sure Debbie is not a racist! I do not have twitter, but from what have been written here it seems like the situation has all been too much for her! And she is human too.

Michael would never ever have allowed Debbie to give birth to his children if she was even remotely racist - nor would she want to.

She overreacted wrote some (very) stupid things, hopefully she regrets that and delets the stupid posts!

I think they should ALL stay away from the media, twitter, facebook etc. for some time!
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

I do blame Katherine because she is old enough to know better. She raised 9 kids and she saw Michael destroyed because he never got closure from the abuse he suffered under her and Joseph's watch. After all the pain she saw him go through it's her choice to STILL put the interest of her whole family ahead of PP&B! That is unforgivable!

Exactly. As a grown person I see Katherine as doing what she wants to do. She reads a letter on TV that she knows is not true, so she wanted to go along with her children and make that statement. She knows what she is doing. If in eighty something years she has not changed, she will not change and continue to do what is financially best for her children whether it hurts Michael or his children. Why isn't she telling Randy to stop saying lies about her granchildren in X17. Her lawyer Panish knows about the paternity issue that Randy is lying about, so why doesn't he talk to him. Then they use this sad situation to benefit their case, by their choice of words.

About Debbie: If that is her ranting she has a right to do so. How would you feel if a bunch of strange people keep tweeting you hurtful things. Someone told her she sold a child out and she responds she did not have slaves. She is right, since selling a child is akin to having slaves and selling them. Then the ebonics: I have read posts here which in my mind I label as ebonics and I do not follow it fully. They are usually a long paragraph with no punctuation, and half of words & slangs. Now if some strangers keep tweeting me & pissing me off with writing like that, I would make the same comments too. Anyone who tries to challenge a grown woman who you already know has a hot temper, with a sharp tongue deserves what they get. She is going to fight back at you and hurt you where she thinks it will do the most damage. If you can't take it, stay away. It is the same thing I do when I say something in a post and someone PMs me to challenge me. Since the PM is private, I will let you have it because I am not being governed by the rules on the open board. It is Debbie's twitter and the person made the decision to contact her on her turf. I expect some think she should read what others tweet her and should be the angel/grown up and say kind words back or block them. Then, shouldn't those contacting her be grown up/angels too and tweet her in a more lovable way.

Right now both Debbie and the Jacksons seem as unsuitable guardians to me. Michael knew his mother's priorities, but maybe he had few choices. He also did not expect to die so young, so now the children have one guardian whose days are occupied with making money off Michel's death, and another guardian who has his own family to take care of. Then there is Debbie, who allows her niece to contact TMZ to offer photos & then Debbie posts several photos of her child on facebook when she knows several people are passing the photos around. The big question is does Paris care about the photos being all over the place? Maybe not, so this may not be a problem.

Hopefully there will be no more public tragedies from that house involving those children. Maybe this time the judge will have more strict guidelines.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

I'm sorry saying that she is human or she loved a black man is no excuse for what she did today. I'm sure she loved that black man's money as well case in point when her deal was being running out all of the sudden she wanted the kids. She assumed that the person who was attacking her was black. At her age arguing on Twitter is childish and she should know better
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

People let's calm down and stay cool...

I am very sure Debbie is not a racist! I do not have twitter, but from what have been written here it seems like the situation has all been too much for her! And she is human too.

Michael would never ever have allowed Debbie to give birth to his children if she was even remotely racist - nor would she want to.

She overreacted wrote some (very) stupid things, hopefully she regrets that and delets the stupid posts!

I think they should ALL stay away from the media, twitter, facebook etc. for some time!

Maybe not racist, but she surely needs to cool her heels and not go online. Being online won't help.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Good for Debbie. She has the right personality for dealing with nonsense. I notice when she cusses out the paps no one complains. No one says she is too grown for that.

Gerryevans I agree with you about the photos; that was your way of coping. I was wondering if Paris blames herself after someone tells her she is doing something wrong. During granny gate there were comments that Paris should keep the family business private & not go on twitter asking for granny. Then in the last interview she says that she got into trouble because she was tweeting the family business. Now obviously someone in the family scolded her about this, so she now turns around and blames herself there. She did the same type of thing when she talked about having all the pictures of her dad on the wall, but not anymore. I wonder what else they tell these kids and make them believe in.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Good for Debbie. She has the right personality for dealing with nonsense. I notice when she cusses out the paps no one complains. No one says she is too grown for that.

Gerryevans I agree with you about the photos; that was your way of coping. I was wondering if Paris blames herself after someone tells her she is doing something wrong. During granny gate there were comments that Paris should keep the family business private & not go on twitter asking for granny. Then in the last interview she says that she got into trouble because she was tweeting the family business. Now obviously someone in the family scolded her about this, so she now turns around and blames herself there. She did the same type of thing when she talked about having all the pictures of her dad on the wall, but not anymore. I wonder what else they tell these kids and make them believe in.

She lost on they paps one time. And I understood that were way out of line. But for her to use racial comments is just wrong. And her having the same argument with the same person over and over is not only pointless but silly
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Why should that woman stay off the internet if she wants to be on it? She is not bothering anyone. Some people contacted her to bother her. Why isn't anyone saying that the people who are bothering her should stay off the internet? The people who are bothering her have as much right to be on the internet as Debbie has. I rather attack people like Randy and X17 who are spreading falsehoods that have the potential to hurt Michael's children well-being.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

^ Well for one, she could've blocked whoever sent her that message instead of just saying any and everything. I don't get this reasoning... people sometimes play fire with fire and it can backfire. There's gotta be a moderate way of handling things. Yes be tough but don't appear to be losing your nerve. That's all I'm saying.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Block them, report them. Don't stoop to their leval
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

She lost on they paps one time. And I understood that were way out of line. But for her to use racial comments is just wrong. And her having the same argument with the same person over and over is not only pointless but silly

Ok about the paps.

Anyone can use racial comments. It does not mean they are discriminating against you. If she thinks that the writing looks like how ebonics sound and she does not understand it, she has a right to say so. If someone writes something that I think has creole/Spanish/French/Japanese words and I do not understand it, I have the right to say look I do not understand that language. Do you know how many times people talk to me in Spanish & I have to tell them I don't speak Spanish. It does not mean I hate those people of that language. The person brought up about selling a child, so they should not have done so. She answered back with a comment that involves selling people which is slavery. Not only people of African descent were slaves. In fact most nations were enslaved by another, so this idea that African Americans are the only slaves and if you use that word you are talking about African American people does not make sense to me.

Today I went to the Puerto Rican Festival around E116 St. and 3rd Ave with some friends. Several people came up to me and spoke to me in Spanish. Some were telling me jokes and laughing. I understood a few words but not much, but some I had to tell them I don't understand. No one got offended and ask what I was doing there.

^How do you mean don't stop to their level. What if that is Debbie's level. This is how this woman is, and you guys need to understand that. She cusses people, uses profanity, and is a fighter. Then, if the level of the people contacting her is lower, how come people are not focusing on how tacky those people were. Rather they are talking about Debbie.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

It does not have effect me personally. Her comments were just wrong. As an African-American I found them distasteful. I don't like anyone telling how I should feel about it
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

My head hurts. I wish this damn nightmare ends soon and everything is at peace. But it seems that is not possible. :( *big sigh*
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

It does not have effect me personally. Her comments were just wrong. As an African-American I found them distasteful. I don't like anyone telling how I should feel about it

OK, but you are writing how Debbie should act, while you are saying you don't want people to tell you how you should feel. What if Debbie does not like people to tell her how she should act. You see that is my problem, we want one thing for ourselves and disregard what the other person wants. You feel that her comments were distasteful, OK. I don't in the context in which they were used. I guess this is the way it is on a discussion board; I find that a lot of things people worry about, or are offended by I am not worried or offended by it.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Good for Debbie. She has the right personality for dealing with nonsense. I notice when she cusses out the paps no one complains. No one says she is too grown for that.

Gerryevans I agree with you about the photos; that was your way of coping. I was wondering if Paris blames herself after someone tells her she is doing something wrong. During granny gate there were comments that Paris should keep the family business private & not go on twitter asking for granny. Then in the last interview she says that she got into trouble because she was tweeting the family business. Now obviously someone in the family scolded her about this, so she now turns around and blames herself there. She did the same type of thing when she talked about having all the pictures of her dad on the wall, but not anymore. I wonder what else they tell these kids and make them believe in.

Yup! Laying the family guilt trip on Paris the same way they did her father all of his life.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

What I offered was my opinion on her what she was doing. But you were telling me how I should feel about some clearly racists comments.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

As an African American I wasn't offended by Debbie's comments at all because many of the black people who have attacked her are using racism themselves. I've heard the comments on black radio talking about the white Jackson's vs the black Jackson's in reference to Michael's kids. It's wrong but it's not called out and stopped.
This is from Wikipedia about Debbie:

"Rowe, who described herself as a private person and almost never gave interviews, was overwhelmed by the publicity that came with being married to Jackson. The couple divorced on October 8, 1999, with Rowe giving full custody rights of the children to Jackson. Rowe received an $8-million settlement, and a house in Beverly Hills, California. Court documents indicated she had signed a prenuptial agreement and therefore could not obtain an equal division of community property under California law.
In 2001, Rowe went to a private judge to have her parental rights for the two children terminated. In 2004, after Jackson was charged with 10 counts of child abuse, she went to court to have the decision reversed. According to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency Rowe, who converted to Judaism from Catholicism, sought the reversal in part because she feared the nanny and some of Jackson's siblings were exposing the children to teachings of the Nation of Islam. 2005 court documents noted that “Because she is Jewish, Deborah feared the children might be mistreated if Michael continued the association.” On the stand, in the 2005 People v. Jackson case, she explained that she had been allowed limited visits to her children, for eight hours every 45 days.
In 2005, Rowe sold her Beverly Hills house for $1.3 million, and bought a ranch in Palmdale, California. In 2006, she sued Jackson for one immediate payment of $195,000 and one payment of $50,000 to pursue a child custody case. Jackson was ordered to pay her $60,000 in legal fees."

So, she wanted 145k for her legal fees, but was awarded less (60k). Maybe this did not sit well with MJ either, that she asked him to pay her legal fees in 06 after he had given her 8M and a house that she had sold for 1.3M, and in 06 he was hurting himself for $$. If Prince had heard stuff from MJ about Debbie, maybe it was in general but covering the basic idea that she reneged on the original agreement they had when they got together to have the kids (?).
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

But you are not going to stop ignorance by answering it with more ignorance.
jamba;3840755 said:
This is from Wikipedia about Debbie:

"Rowe, who described herself as a private person and almost never gave interviews, was overwhelmed by the publicity that came with being married to Jackson. The couple divorced on October 8, 1999, with Rowe giving full custody rights of the children to Jackson. Rowe received an $8-million settlement, and a house in Beverly Hills, California. Court documents indicated she had signed a prenuptial agreement and therefore could not obtain an equal division of community property under California law.
In 2001, Rowe went to a private judge to have her parental rights for the two children terminated. In 2004, after Jackson was charged with 10 counts of child abuse, she went to court to have the decision reversed. According to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency Rowe, who converted to Judaism from Catholicism, sought the reversal in part because she feared the nanny and some of Jackson's siblings were exposing the children to teachings of the Nation of Islam. 2005 court documents noted that “Because she is Jewish, Deborah feared the children might be mistreated if Michael continued the association.” On the stand, in the 2005 People v. Jackson case, she explained that she had been allowed limited visits to her children, for eight hours every 45 days.
In 2005, Rowe sold her Beverly Hills house for $1.3 million, and bought a ranch in Palmdale, California. In 2006, she sued Jackson for one immediate payment of $195,000 and one payment of $50,000 to pursue a child custody case. Jackson was ordered to pay her $60,000 in legal fees."

So, she wanted 145k for her legal fees, but was awarded less (60k). Maybe this did not sit well with MJ either, that she asked him to pay her legal fees in 06 after he had given her 8M and a house that she had sold for 1.3M, and in 06 he was hurting himself for $$. If Prince had heard stuff from MJ about Debbie, maybe it was in general but covering the basic idea that she reneged on the original agreement they had when they got together to have the kids (?).

And you should know that when she sued him saying she was broke and really wasn't. When Michael's lawyers asked to see her bills she could not show none. Let's not forget the things she was up too at one point. So if Michael said some things I could not blame him
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

What I offered was my opinion on her what she was doing. But you were telling me how I should feel about some clearly racists comments.

I can't remember saying "you should feel this way." I thought I was discussing her comments in the context it was given & how it seems to me. However, if that is the way you took it I must apologize. No need to upset someone over Debbie who has enough gumption to take care of herself.

Victory I never heard about the White/Black Jackson reference. It seems there are fools all over the place. Right now I am wishing I had a way to deal with Randy. Does X17 have a comment section anyone?
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

That Xonline story came from us weekly. Everyone has a side People magazine for one side Us weekly for another
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Twitter is one of the dumbest inventions of all time.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

These papers have their favorite sources that tell them stories.

How about the family lawyer telling the reporter they keep the children from what is going on at the trial. Now don't the big kids go to school and have internet service.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

About KJ being passive--yes and no. I was surprised to read in Moonwalk that she rehearsed the J5 at times, this is being pretty actively involved. Here's what MJ says:

"Even on the occasions when Mom led our after-school rehearsals b/c Dad hadn't come home from his shift on time, it was still like having him there b/c she acted as his eyes and ears. She always knew what had been good the night before and what had gotten sloppy today. Dad would pick it up from there at night. It seemed to me that they almost gave each other signals or something--Dad could always tell if we had been playing like we were supposed to by some invisible indication from Mom." (Chapter One, Just Kids with a Dream, page 58).

Also I think it's pretty agreed that she was the one who suggested putting MJ in the group that was formed of the 4 brothers, but no one was interested til they heard him sing at the school performance and saw how he got a standing ovation (at age 5). I think she was more active than is realized in the formation and evolution of J5.

Re KJ needs to tell Randy to do this, or whoever to do whatever, maybe MJ was right when he sang, "Mother preaching Abraham, brothers they don't give a damn." Meaning, they don't listen to her. As Billy Bush said, there is a lack of leadership, no one in charge.

Moonwalk also talks about Rebbie filling in for KJ, esp. when she went to night school to get her diploma. "She always ran things when Mom was at night school finishing the high school diploma she was denied b/c of her illness." MJ writes, "Rebbie's life was never easy as the oldest." (same chapter, p. 57)
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

These papers have their favorite sources that tell them stories.

How about the family lawyer telling the reporter they keep the children from what is going on at the trial. Now don't the big kids go to school and have internet service.

How are they going to keep it from them aren't they plaintiffs?
Paris Jackson and Brothers Nearly Unsupervised After Guardian Moves Away: Sources

By HELEN KUMARI in LA and DAVID K. LI in New York
June 7, 2013

Child-welfare investigators descended on the home of Michael Jackson’s family after Paris Jackson’s suicide bid — and were shocked to find that her co-guardian is nearly out of the picture, sources told The Post yesterday.
Cousin T.J. Jackson — who is supposed to be watching the teen and her brothers with their 83-year-old grandma, Katherine — is now living almost two hours away from the family’s Calabasas, Calif., home, sources say.

LA County Child and Family Services agents had no idea that T.J. had flown the coop until they inspected the home hours after Paris scarfed down pills and had to be hospitalized Wednesday.

“They thought he was living around the corner,” a family pal said. “They were totally surprised by this. They’ve said they’re going to need a few days to sort this out.”

The 34-year-old T.J. had been picked last year to be the co-guardian of the late singer’s kids — Paris, 15, Prince, 16 and Blanket, 11 — along with Katherine Jackson, *****’s mom.
He was chosen to help Katherine because he is considered responsible and is well liked by all parties and because he lived close by.

He apparently moved out of the area a few months ago and now lives 76 miles away in the town of Corona, according to family sources and property records.

“So the bottom line is we have an 83-year-old woman raising teenagers by herself, and that just won’t fly,” said a close family friend, who said the ***** estate didn’t know about T.J.’s new home until after Paris’ suicide bid.

Another source close to the estate, however, tried to downplay the situation, saying the executors knew T.J. had moved. The source also said T.J. spends several days a week at the kids’ home.

“They [the executors] are very satisfied with him,” the estate insider said. “There is no issue.”
But that may not be the last word on the matter.

“Even if the estate said it’s OK with this, it doesn’t mean DCFS will be OK with it,” a family source said, referring to LA’s Department of Child and Family Services.

Paris was resting at an LA hospital yesterday. She swallowed a bottle of Motrin and cut her wrists with a kitchen knife after feuding with family members over her growing relationship with her biological mom, Debbie Rowe.
Paris also reportedly acted out after being told she couldn’t go to a Marilyn Manson concert.
Yesterday, the goth rocker told Paris via TMZ: “I hope you feel better. You will be on my guest list any time you want.”

Additional reporting by Richard Johnson in Los Angeles

Read more:Paris Jackson nearly unsupervised after cousin T.J. moved away, authorities learn after suicide attempt - NYPOST.com