Paris Jackson Rushed to Hospital After Possible Suicide Attempt

Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

I hope Paris will get all the help she needs now - AND most importantly get a lot more LOVE and attention from the family!

This should really be a very very serious wake-up-call for all of them! All a frustrated teenage girl needs is lots of love and support. Tell she is beautiful and lovely so she gets confidence! Many teenage girls lack confidence and are unsecure! So at least the family could help her there! Lots of compliments and sweet comments!

MJ was bullied about his look as child and he surely never got confidence about his looks - he hated to see himself in the mirror etc. (he said that in some interview I think)

After the family have heard MJ talk about how much it affected him I simply can not understand why the do not try to give the J3 soo much confidence they can! It's all about giving them plenty of love!!
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

After the family have heard MJ talk about how much it affected him I simply can not understand why the do not try to give the J3 soo much confidence they can!

Well, have you ever heard of a tiger changing its stripes?
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Respect I agree with you about Debbie as the adult should make a more responsible decision about the photo issue. I was not condoning it, but really thinking that sometimes I worry about an issue and really do the kids care? Is it of importance to them? So sometimes I shrug my shoulders and feel no point getting upset about a situation if the parties involved do not care one bit.

I don't think it's that simple. Publicizing your private life encourages the media to cross certain boundaries with reporting about you. It also makes haters, because the attention is drawn on you all the time. So while Paris might not mind to see her pics all over in the media it does have consequences that she probably doesn't yet understand - she doesn't see the connection between all those phenomenons. But the adults in her life should know better.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Michael did talk to kids about people they should be careful with, as per his tweet during granny-napping episode:
"I have not been backing up my sister and her tweets avidly because I was waiting for the time to reveal my side. As long as I can remember my dad had repeatedly warned me of certain people and their ways.

He posted this tweet right after Janet and other gatecrasher invaded their home and tried to take them.
If Michael talked about family member like that, he could have said something about Debbie too.
But what I don't see that Prince who has a new girlfriend and spent his spare time studing his finals has time to argue with Paris about whether she should or should't see her mother.

To me it sounds like Jackson camp is trying once again to roll on the blame on kids, just like they did granny-napping episode.
Siblings went on all sort of shows telling that it was nothing, kids were playing or acting up on twitter!

Oh, I know Michael warned the children about certain people. I remember Prince's tweet very well.

What I meant was that the article made it sound like MJ had completely trashed talked Debbie in front of the children and that for me personally is very hard to imagine MJ doing. Could he have warned them about Debbie? Sure. We don't know, we can only speculate.
There is however also a difference between warning your kids and completely trash talking and saying "horrible" things to your children about their mother like that article claims MJ did.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

There has been a lot about Paris in the UK press this week. At least 4 tabloid front page photos on Thursday, and a few articles this weekend.

I thought I'd post one of the longer articles from a 'non-tabloid' (Its a broadsheet paper...but you will see from the article why I have put non tabloid in quotes). (The 'typos' are all mine..apologies)
As they say, don't believe everything you read in the papers...........

Heal the Girl
(UK Sunday Times 9th June 13)

Paris Jackson's apparent suicide bid reflects her father Michael's tortured legacy, writes John Harlow

When Paris Jackson called a teenage crisis helpline early last Wednesday, she was greeted by a cousellor who recognised the soft, quiet tones of another young soul in torment, lost in the City of Angels.
That she was Michael Jackson's 15-year old daughter was irrelevant.
The volunteers who work in the bare cubicles at Cedar-Sinai hospital in west Hollywood deal with 10,000 calls a year from distraught teenagers facing sexual, family or money problems, which for them, seem to be the end of the line.

Brusque Los Angles police appeared to belittle this 'call for help', despite the fact that LAPD and FBI officers hone their hostage-negotiating skills at such helplines.
But when the tearful child told the counsellor she had slashed her arm with a meat cleaver and swallowed pills, she was 'red-flagged' as at high risk, and a well rehearsed system clicked into action to attempt to dissuade her from taking her own life.
She was told help was on the way, and kept talking on the line as ambulances swept throuogh the high gates of the Jacksons sprawling family compund in Encino; a star-studded yet judiciously anonymous suburb on the slopes of the Hollywood Hills.
The slight girl was carried out of the front door on a stretcher and driven at 55mph through empty streets to be evaluated by the same doctor who looked after the singer Britney Spears when she went into meltdown and shaved her head in 2007.
He treated the young Jackson under the same 72-hour 'hold' order known as 5150, signed only when a psychiatrist fears the chances of self harm are substantial.

At dawn, as crowds of media and fans still wearing black armbands for Michael Jackson gathered outside the Hayvenhurst estate, Perry Saunders jnr the family lawyer emerged and without apparent irony thanked them for respecting the child's privacy.
'Being a sensitive 15-year old is difficult no matter who you are', he said. 'it is especially difficult when you lose the person closest to you. Paris is physically fine and is getting the approppriate medical attention. I do not expect any further anouncements in the near future.'

In the hours that followed, a host of Jackson relatives and associates stepped forward with their own theories about why a pampered and stylish girl with a large, loving family would seek to jointhe 28 other young Americans who kill themsleves every day.
Every family friend had their own thoughts about possible 'triggers', from bullying at the private school to brattish tantrums about not being allowed to attend a concert by Marilyn Manson, the shock rocker.
Yet all agreed the roots of her distress were more basic; Paris is still grieving for a man the world may have regarded as both pop genius and creepy odd-ball, but who she called Dad.

When Paris Katherine was born on Neverland ranch, Michael Jacksons' estate and private amusement park in California where he re-wrote his own battered childhood, the family breathed a collective sigh of relief. There had been speculation that the singer's first child, Prince Michael , born in February 1997 to Debbie Rowe his former nurse, had been a PR stunt to divert attention from a first wave of child-abuse allegations swirling around him.

The arrival of Paris the following April seemded to suggest he was serious about raising a family. And said the Aunt La Toya Jackson, who has stayed close to Paris, she did have a magnificent set of lungs. 'she is going to be able to shout for help a mile away', she joked, 'And we will come running'.

There were always cruel questions about Paris and Prince. Their skin was remarkably pale. There was speculation that she was conceived by IVF. Mark Lester, 54, an Oxford-born former child actor and friend of Michael Jackson has claimed to be the biological father.
Paris' s father had his own troubles during her childhood, as they moved around the world, trading the fairground follies of Neverland Ranch for the Middle East and Ireland, before finally settling back in a rented mansion in Los Angeles.
He was mocked for insisting that his children's faces should be covered with paper masks whenever they ventured out as a family.
But he was clear why. Jackson did not want them exposed and exploited-he remembered all too painfully dancing for money in bars at the age of eight.

In their last few years together in LA he would remove the crusts from their peanut butter and jam sandwiches, check what they were watching on television and on the web, read through their homework and make sure they were in bed by 9.00pm.
When Paris attempted to buy a short skirt on a shopping expeditionto Las Vegas, her father quietly chided, within earshot of a sales assistant 'not quite yet'.
He also made it clear, according to La Toya, that he did not want Paris or Prince anywhere near showbusiness until they were 18.
'He knew they would be attracted to the glamour - who can resist sugar and flattery and free shoes, but he wanted to be there to protect them from the sharks' she said.

On June 25, 2009, Michael Jackson died in his bed from a drug overdose.. Witnesses suggested the family failed to prevent his children from seeing their father's corpse befoer his doctor, Conrad Murray, called the paramedicsto remove it.
Victorians may have been used to shocking deaths but modern children are shielded from such trauma. And members of Jehovas' witnesses, the family's faith, often take an ambivalent attitude towards therapy prescribed after such crises.
The pop singer may be mourned by fans, but to his children, including the youngest, Prince Michael Jackson II, also known as Blanket, he is irreplacable.

Four years after Paris broke down sobbing after speaking at her father's memorial service, she took to Twitter to ask 'why are tears salty'?'
She followed that maudlin musing by misquoting the lyrics of Paul McCartney's Yesterday on Twitter: 'All my troubles seemed so far away, now they are here to stay'. Then she swallowed 20 Motrin, a relatively benign pain reliever, and slashed her arm with a butcher's knife, causing a wound that required many stitches.

The road to the Cedar-Sinai helpline began years ago, maybe when she started feeling uncomfortable at the prestigious Buckley School, whose previous students included Paris Hillton and Kim Kardashian.
'I feel like an ousider. A ton of kids have made fun of me. Some trying to Cyberbully me', she told Oprah winfrey last year. The school says it has a vigorous anti-bulllying policy, but she may now be schooled at home next year.

In their father's will, Paris and the two prince Michaels were left in the care of their grandmother, Katherine, but at 83 she has proved an uncertain guardian.
She vanished for days last year, wth Paris seeking her through Twitter, befoer popping up in the Arizona desert 800 miles from home without being able to explain clearly what she was doing there.

Paris said that her closest friend was her older brother , Prince, but recently they have had strong disagreements. The 16 year old was believed to be unhappy about his sisters' growing closeness to Rowe, whom Jackson married in 1997 under pressure from his own mother, but divorced in 1999.
Although the breakup had been fairly amicable, Rowe had been locked out of the family circle as part of a financial settlement.
Yet over the last 6 weeks they have leant on each other as they have listened each morning to proceedings in court in Los Angeles, where Katherine Jackson is suing AEG Live, the concer promoter.
Katherine maintains that AEG drove her son to exhaustion as he prepared to appear at the O2 in London and that it failed properly to investigate the doctor who gave Jackson an anaesthetic to help him sleep.

The teenagers were both expected to take the witness stand to speak about their father's last hours, a prospect that filled Paris in particular with dread.
The website Radar Online claims there are photographs of Paris with slash marks on her arms, going back a year. But these marks may indicate 'cutting' to relieve stress rather than, as the gossip website suggests, evidence of earlier suicide attempts.

This weekend, Paris is expected to return home. Her many aunts and uncles will gather to offer help but they admit that they may not be able to help at all.
'There are too many well-wishers trying to help, and although she loves them all, most especially her grandmother, they are not qualified in understanding the mind of a teenage girl' said a close associate 'Again, who is?'

Mitchell Beckloff, a superior court judge who is overseeing the guardianship of Paris and her two siblings, has ordered an investigation into her health, education and welfare.
Although Paris has admitted she has problems with some of the academic courses at Buckley, she told a tabloid newspaper recently that she wants to be a heart surgeon- but only after she has established herself as an actress.

The producers of her first film, a child's fantasy movie entitled Londuns Bridge and the Three Keys, said on Friday they still expect to start shooting soon.
'We are confident that when we are ready to start rolling the camera, she will be ready for the task. She is becoming a very proficient actress' said a film spokesman.

It is exactly what her father feared and her aunts, La Toya and Janet Jackson, argued against. But as an insider said, whatever the cost, it is a family tradition that the show must go on.

The Mail on Sunday (UK Tabloid)
says that 'Paris and Katherine recently visited several schools close to the family home in the LA susburb of Calabasas. .Paris is set to attend Oakwood school in September. It prides itself on having a 'bohemian ambience' coupled with an art-heavy curriculcum'.
from Caroline Graham in Los Angeles
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Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

^^ So the birth of Prince was a "PR stunt" to divert attention from the allegations? Jesus! Do these people hear themselves sometimes?

It's so ironic, because they act all intellectual about analyzing the situation - while they only showcase that they are such a big part of the problem!
I've just been pointed to a more thoughtful article in the UK 'Observer on Sunday' by Victoria Coren, herself the daughter of a very famous UK journalist and author .

To my shame, I was surprised to hear that Paris Jackson was unhappy. When newspapers splashed with the news that Michael Jackson's 15-year-old daughter appeared to have attempted suicide, that was my reaction: surprise, not at the act, but the emotion that might trigger it.

Paris Jackson is beautiful, young, famous and inordinately wealthy. Our culture tells us that this way happiness lies.

Some voices out there still whisper that a deeper happiness comes from reading, learning, building, travelling, running, planting, random acts of kindness – and, of course, having a dog. But the overwhelming scream, in the ears of the young, is that contentment comes from bleaching, tanning, waxing, posing, winning The X Factor and wearing diamond shoes. Beauty, fame and money: the happiness equation.

When I was 15, I wanted only beauty. I had the other things, sort of. It was a tiny and rarefied sort of fame (the kind that comes from having a newspaper column before you leave school), but the money – £75 a week – was enormous. Especially when I had nothing to spend it on but the occasional cinema ticket and my collection of china aircraft. Seriously. China aircraft. With little china propellers. Before you think I was a weird child with limited interests, let me tell you: I also had china gunships. In your face, Lindsay Lohan!

The only thing I wanted, however, was to look like Paris Jackson. (Or, as we'd have said in those days, Jennie Garth from Beverly Hills 90210.) Or anyone thin with a small nose and no spots. How deliriously happy they must be, I thought, those girls with glossy hair and dewy skin and long legs.

Truly, I believed, it was impossible to be unhappy if you were pretty and thin.

Beautiful teenage girls that I knew about, from school or magazines (though not The Crested China Quarterly, which featured few teenage girls and a lot of bald antiques dealers), would often lay claim to unhappiness. The reasons were usually parental (divorce, alcoholism, lovelessness) or romantic (traumatic break-ups, infidelity, uncertainty). It all seemed glamorous to me.

If you were pretty and thin, trauma was either neutralised or elevated to a sort of thrilling plot twist in the general Beverly Hills 90210 of your beautiful life. Beauty was like sunshine, softening and warming and colouring everything with light. You could not be truly unhappy, if you weren't fat.

Now, I might have been fat but I wasn't stupid. If I heard the deafening cultural message that "beauty equals happiness" without realising it was nonsense (or, if not total nonsense, certainly a blunt, exaggerated and misleading generalisation), what chance for the kids who weren't very bright?

And what chance for them now, when that message is broadcast so much louder, over so many more media? What chance when the beauty is bundled in with fame and wealth that they don't have either? How will they ever find the secret path to planting a tree, getting a dog and climbing Ben Nevis? I've been a grown-up for years, but, in being surprised to learn that Paris Jackson is unhappy, I'm obviously still struggling to see reason myself.

In other words: however cruelly intrusive the reporting of Miss Jackson's hospitalisation, it could be of benefit to other people, especially in her age group. In our mass hysteria for the "happiness" of designer clothes, worldwide fame and perfect, hairless skin, it's an awakening slap round the face.

It seems likely that Paris's crisis is a ripple caused by the vaster pain of her father, who arranged for her birth under curious circumstances and left her life before she was ready.

Michael Jackson was one of those performers like Judy Garland, Marilyn Monroe or Amy Winehouse (come to think of it, they are usually women), whose inner suffering is so great, their fairytales so poisoned, that they are lifted beyond normal fame into a sort of immortal stardom. It's the combination of pain and talent that makes them fascinating and unforgettable. It's the evident fragility, within the fortress of success, that lets us in to empathise and care.

There is a tragic pantheon of stars whose music or acting is powerfully communicative because, one suspects, they are unable to communicate in the normal way, with the people around them. They self-medicate with drugs. They reach desperately for love from a million unknown strangers – and thus get it, though it never fulfils.

This is where they differ from a star like Gwyneth Paltrow, who projects a perfect life: a brave untruth, surely, which is likely to keep her sane but unlikely to win the love of strangers. And they differ to an unrecognisable extent from the celebrities who only project a perfect life, without the talent bit (the reality stars, the footballers' wives, the Hello! fodder), who are the ones most dangerously expounding the idea that "beauty, fame and wealth equal happiness" to a world of credulous fools.

It is the Jacksons, Winehouses and Monroes who offer an important balance against the misleading message of perfection. Michael Jackson's tragedy is that he seems truly to have loved, and been loved by, his children, but it was too late.

Paris Jackson did not choose to be famous, but, being so, her story, too, does something valuable to teach us all a lesson. By Friday morning, the world already loved her more than it loves Gwyneth Paltrow. We are probably better and smarter for knowing about her sorrow.

Will that be any comfort to her? Will she be soothed and cheered by knowing that millions of strangers care about her recovery?

I hope not. If that knowledge brings no comfort at all, then she's normal and she's going to be happy.
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Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

HOLY text myosotis is that necessary??!!
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

HOLY text myosotis is that necessary??!!

Do you mean posting the article or typing it? I typed the Sunday Times article because it is behind a paywall, so there is no e-link I can quote. I did however buy the paper!

I posted them because fans often write about 'what non-fans think' and I thought these were good examples of UK articles that non-fans read, and which therefore help to 'guide' and influence what non-fans might be thinking, and act as an information source for non-fans albeit with shaky / incorrect information.

(It is also interesting for fans to see who is being used 'internationally' as a 'source' for LT)
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Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Typing it its ALOT of words lol
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

I think the fact that Paris has been spending a lot of time with Debbie recently hasnt just been about getting to know her mother, but also getting out of the house.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

^i think her getting to know Debbie is because she was very unhappy and felt unloved in the family. She wants someone to love her like her father, she missed the unconditional love and attention her father gave her and she was searching around.
"When Michael was here she wasn't worried and didn't want to interfere per their arrangement." qbee

That's not accurate, Qbee. She gave up her custody rights but then sued to get them back. As a result of her suit, she got visitation rights instated. I posted that info previously.

"In 2001, Rowe went to a private judge to have her parental rights for the two children terminated. In 2004, after Jackson was charged with 10 counts of child abuse, she went to court to have the decision reversed. According to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency Rowe, who converted to Judaism from Catholicism, sought the reversal in part because she feared the nanny and some of Jackson's siblings were exposing the children to teachings of the Nation of Islam. 2005 court documents noted that “Because she is Jewish, Deborah feared the children might be mistreated if Michael continued the association.” On the stand, in the 2005 People v. Jackson case, she explained that she had been allowed limited visits to her children, for eight hours every 45 days.
In 2005, Rowe sold her Beverly Hills house for $1.3 million, and bought a ranch in Palmdale, California. In 2006, she sued Jackson for one immediate payment of $195,000 and one payment of $50,000 to pursue a child custody case. Jackson was ordered to pay her $60,000 in legal fees." (#903 post)
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Michael Jackson was one of those performers like Judy Garland, Marilyn Monroe or Amy Winehouse (come to think of it, they are usually women), whose inner suffering is so great, their fairytales so poisoned, that they are lifted beyond normal fame into a sort of immortal stardom. It's the combination of pain and talent that makes them fascinating and unforgettable. It's the evident fragility, within the fortress of success, that lets us in to empathise and care.

Absolute rubbish.

It is interesting that she conveniently avoid to talk about the media role in the demise and suffering of these stars. MJ was abused, bullied and persecuted non-stop by the press and tabloid for 20 years. the pattern still continues even after his death. They did all of that because they have a profound dislike of him to the point that they are not willing to admit. had they treated Madonna the same way, she would not have lasted 6 months. MJ lasted 20 years and that is an amazing feat. personally i would not even last 1 week if i were to receive the exact same treatment.

The constant negative stories and hostile attitude of the press and tabloids towards MJ and anything linked to him are extremely damaging and will negatively impact his children. the only people to stop this are the press and tabloids unless new laws are brought in to explicitly ban this sort of hostile media attitude towards people especially deceased people.
Victory22;3841055 said:
This is why I feel Mother is every ounce as guilty, premeditated and aggressive as Joseph. She just knows how to hide her true face a lot better. I have come to realize a long time ago that Mother’s passivity is only her public mask. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Katherine Jackson is no shrinking violet she is a steel magnolia.

Yes, she wanted the success of the group as much as Joe did--she was a willing contributor, some might say enabler. That's why she didn't want MJ to go solo (His brothers need him--translation: I need him), why she was part of the pressure to get him to agree to the Allgood concerts, why she allowed him to take care of her and others in the family financially even when she knew he was broke, and why she is now pursuing the AEG billion dollar prize. Her drive is as strong as Joe's ever was IMO. They have a habit of using their kids/grandkids to support them--they like to be showbiz managers, not parents or guardians. The social servives, child protection, probate court all need to focus on how the kids have been used to bring in the bucks, even when KJ is living in a gorgeous house with all her needs taken care of. They need to see this and act to put a lockdown on any of the kids being used for money-making activities, media promotion etc.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Absolute rubbish.

It is interesting that she conveniently avoid to talk about the media role in the demise and suffering of these stars. MJ was abused, bullied and persecuted non-stop by the press and tabloid for 20 years. the pattern still continues even after his death. They did all of that because they have a profound dislike of him to the point that they are not willing to admit. had they treated Madonna the same way, she would not have lasted 6 months. MJ lasted 20 years and that is an amazing feat. personally i would not even last 1 week if i were to receive the exact same treatment.

The constant negative stories and hostile attitude of the press and tabloids towards MJ and anything linked to him are extremely damaging and will negatively impact his children. the only people to stop this are the press and tabloids unless new laws are brought in to explicitly ban this sort of hostile media attitude towards people especially deceased people.


It seems likely that Paris's crisis is a ripple caused by the vaster pain of her father, who arranged for her birth under curious circumstances and left her life before she was ready.

Michael Jackson was one of those performers like Judy Garland, Marilyn Monroe or Amy Winehouse (come to think of it, they are usually women), whose inner suffering is so great, their fairytales so poisoned, that they are lifted beyond normal fame into a sort of immortal stardom. It's the combination of pain and talent that makes them fascinating and unforgettable. It's the evident fragility, within the fortress of success, that lets us in to empathise and care.

There is a tragic pantheon of stars whose music or acting is powerfully communicative because, one suspects, they are unable to communicate in the normal way, with the people around them. They self-medicate with drugs. They reach desperately for love from a million unknown strangers – and thus get it, though it never fulfils.

It seems likely that Paris's crisis is a ripple caused by the vaster pain of her father, who arranged for her birth under curious circumstances and left her life before she was ready.

more blaming MJ--will they ever stop???
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Yes, she wanted the success of the group as much as Joe did--she was a willing contributor, some might say enabler. That's why she didn't want MJ to go solo (His brothers need him--translation: I need him), why she was part of the pressure to get him to agree to the Allgood concerts, why she allowed him to take care of her and others in the family financially even when she knew he was broke, and why she is now pursuing the AEG billion dollar prize. Her drive is as strong as Joe's ever was IMO. They have a habit of using their kids/grandkids to support them--they like to be showbiz managers, not parents or guardians. The social services, child protection, probate court all need to focus on how the kids have been used to bring in the bucks, even when KJ is living in a gorgeous house with all her needs taken care of. They need to see this and act to put a lockdown on any of the kids being used for money-making activities, media promotion etc.
You have stated the TRUTH.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Absolute rubbish.

It is interesting that she conveniently avoid to talk about the media role in the demise and suffering of these stars. MJ was abused, bullied and persecuted non-stop by the press and tabloid for 20 years. the pattern still continues even after his death. They did all of that because they have a profound dislike of him to the point that they are not willing to admit. had they treated Madonna the same way, she would not have lasted 6 months. MJ lasted 20 years and that is an amazing feat. personally i would not even last 1 week if i were to receive the exact same treatment.

The constant negative stories and hostile attitude of the press and tabloids towards MJ and anything linked to him are extremely damaging and will negatively impact his children. the only people to stop this are the press and tabloids unless new laws are brought in to explicitly ban this sort of hostile media attitude towards people especially deceased people.

I'm sure that fans and non fans alike will find different qualities in Michael. We all see (and hear) him with different eyes (and ears). I was interested in her use of the word 'fragility' because the same word was used (to me) by someone who met Michael in a professional capacity (ie work related) in 1984.

Personally I would use a different word... 'vulnerability'...his very obvious and honest reaction to and empathy with the young, the disadvantaged/ unwell/ injured/ frail makes him very lovable. I've also heard his dance moves be referred to as 'light and gazelle-like' and again that speaks of a fragility and vulnerability to me. Michael was undoubtedly a strong character to stand up to the rigors of fame, including the press attention. But I still think that his vulnerability / fragility made him someone that you would empathise with more than say, Sylvester Stallone or Arnie Schwartzenegger.
Just my personal opinion.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

The media are as obsessed with mjs kids as they were/are with him..and that is one of the reason that led to what paris did. they
are part of the problem and their obsession with such young kids because they lost the whipping boy is frankly sick and scary. they will go after the kids like they did mj
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Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

here are 3 reports from the last days.
Kathy Hilton, Raymone Bain (FULL Interview & FULL report), Thomas Mesereau
more is coming the next days. i was very busy the last days, so i'm late on this. i will upload the most important footage. footage from Piers Morgan, Anderson Cooper, The Talk,...

DOES SOMEONE HAVE THE "Entertainment Tonight" SHOW FROM JUNE 5th?
there was the first report about paris jackson in it.

Paris Jackson Suicide Attempt-Kathy Hilton & Thomas Meserau (ET, 2013.06.06)

Paris Jackson Suicide Attempt (ET, 2013.06.07)

Paris Jackson Suicide Attempt-Raymone Bain Interview (Starting Point, CNN, 2013.06.07)
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

I think once Paris gets out of the hospital there should be complete privacy given to her. The way it seems with her brothers. No more twitter or posting of her on twitter. Just complete privacy. She needs to be a 15 year old girl and not some celebrity. I really do hope that this shows some people that Michael knew what he was doing in protecting his children. He took the criticism and ridicule but he knew his kids were happy and protected. He never used his kids to help himself look better or for business. Like a real parent would do. Prince has shown me great strength and wisdom these last 4 years. Michael raised him to be strong and he knows exactly who he is. The day will come where Michael's kids will have the power and resources and I really believe that certain people will be put in their rightful places. Like he said last year when he responded to what was going on, he was waiting for the right time to do it. He is a smart kid.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

I'm sure that fans and non fans alike will find different qualities in Michael. We all see (and hear) him with different eyes (and ears). I was interested in her use of the word 'fragility' because the same word was used (to me) by someone who met Michael in a professional capacity (ie work related) in 1984.

Personally I would use a different word... 'vulnerability'...his very obvious and honest reaction to and empathy with the young, the disadvantaged/ unwell/ injured/ frail makes him very lovable. I've also heard his dance moves be referred to as 'light and gazelle-like' and again that speaks of a fragility and vulnerability to me. Michael was undoubtedly a strong character to stand up to the rigors of fame, including the press attention. But I still think that his vulnerability / fragility made him someone that you would empathise with more than say, Sylvester Stallone or Arnie Schwartzenegger.
Just my personal opinion.

This still does not justify the absolute cruel treatment MJ and his kids are receiving from the press and tabloids. if this goes on they will probably wipe them out one by one. MJ is already gone. Paris nearly joined him and may try another attempt. at which point I will expect Prince and Blanket to follow suit.

The media are the most destructive elements of society. with so much power on their hand, they have ruined many lives without consequences. the real question is: when will they stop? is it when they have ruined and destroyed everyone's life?
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Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Don't be so negative about Paris. She's smart and she's a fighter. She showed that during granny napping. She showed it again this week, when she realised what she had done, and called that suicide line. She knew she needed outside help, she did it and didn't count on anyone but herself to do that. It's not like someone found her and called 911.
She's still at the hospital in spite of the 5150 being over. If she wants something, she gets it. She wants help, she's getting it.
I think that's probably the way she is, the way she was raised, and that's not going to change.
Teen attempting suicide is frequent, unfortunately. Most of them get over it in time, and she is an excellent candidate for recovery, IMO.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

This still does not justify the absolute cruel treatment MJ and his kids are receiving from the press and tabloids. if this goes on they will probably wipe them out one by one. MJ is already gone. Paris nearly joined him and may try another attempt. at which point I will expect Prince and Blanket to follow suit.

The media are the most destructive elements of society. with so much power on their hand, they have ruined many lives without consequences. the real question is: when will they stop? is it when they have ruined and destroyed everyone's life?

I agree with you. Especially in the US the media are holy cows. They are given privileges which enable them to lie about people and destroy lives. I understand the concept of freedom of the press but IMO in the US they took it too far and by now it does more harm than use. The media routinly get away with immoral, unethical stuff. I'm talking about laws like the Shield Law which allow journalists to refuse to reveal their sources even in front of court. Probably this law has its good use, but it also helped journalists to get away with lies and unethical behavior.

IMO it would be fair to forbid journalists to quote unnamed sources. Not all, but a lot of slander could be avoided by such a law. Right now "sources" can sell lies or private info to the media without consequences because the source can remain anonymous and the journalist can refuse to reveal his source even in court. So anyone can be slandered by anonymous sources and no one can do anything about it. How is that fair? And often there isn't even a real person behind those "sources" - the journalist can just make up something, say he's been told that by an anonymous source (even if he just made it up himself) and get away with that because he's protected by the Shield Law.
It would be only fair to require people to reveal their identity if they publicly claim something about someone else.

I'd also forbid the media to pay money for information. We've seen in Michael's case what that can result in. People making up slanderous things just to cash-in.

Also I realized that in the US there is no protection against the paparazzi. At least here in Europe children cannot be followed around by the paparazzi. I know papers can be sued if they publish pictures of famous people's children. In the US you cannot do that.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

The media are as obsessed with mjs kids as they were/are with him..and that is one of the reason that led to what paris did. they
are part of the problem and their obsession with such young kids because they lost the whipping boy is frankly sick and scary. they will go after the kids like they did mj

Truthfully though its Michaels fans that have created this demand.