Paris Jackson Rushed to Hospital After Possible Suicide Attempt

Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

LaToya--we never have heart to heart talks for "some reason"--we just gloss over everything. "But it's ok. It works." No, Latoya--It's not ok and it doesn't work!!


Interviewer: Latoya admits that heart-felt family talks are just not the Jackson way.

LaToya: We do talk. We do touch on subjects but a heart-to-heart sitdown? No.

Interviewer: Just not the way it's done?

LaToya: No. In my family no. We kind a like breeze over topics. It's always done that way for some odd reason. But it's ok.

Interviewer: To keep the peace?

LaToya: It works. And that's what's important.

That's the problem with this family. You can't just ignore a problem hoping it will go away because often times it just gets worse.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

That's the problem with this family. You can't just ignore a problem hoping it will go away because often times it just gets worse.

That scares me, as a fan of Michael, I would like to see his children be able to grow up with out the press being all over them. Having the press watch their every move is difficuilt to watch you wanna help them, but in reality you know you can't. All you can do is pray and hope they'll be alright. :(
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Guys did they say who accompanied Paris to the hospital in the ambulance. I notice they say who went to see her, but how come one of the people who went to see her was not already in the hospital.

how do you know this for a fact??? you are insinuating things that you have no clue of really. its getting more and more ridiculous. why are u not bringing up debbies name? instead of visiting paris she is busy fighting with fans on twitter. fighting with fans or being on twitter shouldnt be her priority at the moment imo. and she made a racist remark as well with her tweets.

Both families as far as I am concerned failed Paris. Both Debbie's side and the Jackson's side keep putting Paris' business out in the public. However, with Debbie it is mainly photos and saying how beautiful her daughter is

yes tweeting pics to TMZ and ET show is a wonderful thing to do.

We already saw the different stories from the family sources about what caused the suicide. ALL the reasons are NONFAMILIAL. Let's look at them: AEG, Prince, Bullying, Concert, Wade, Attention. I think some fans said grades.

you forgot the familial reasons that have been circulating in the press, ie paris not feeling Katherine can provide for her emotional needs, not working out with katherine and TJ allegedly not being around.
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Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Marilyn Manson Dedicates Song in Concert to Paris Jackson - Splash News

Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

marilyn can suck it,
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

These past months have just been hell.

AEG trial ---> Wade Robson allegations ---> Paris attempt to commit suicide.

So much pain and heartache in all these events. Its all a big shame :(
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

MM supposedly cut his wrists during a song on the concert from a few days ago. had he done that before during a show?
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Marilyn Manson has a lot of teenagers in his audience. That's a really sick and irresponsible thing to do. He could use the "occasion" to do a free promotion of the suicide hotline she called.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

^ofcourse he could have def used that to make up for the ''this is for PJ'' IMO. However, i believe thats what he is all about, you know, the ''shock'' . it has to come from somewhere doesnt it
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Paris Jackson Moves to Children's Hospital After Suicide Attempt, Has Been Bonding With Family

Paris Jackson's family is rallying around her after her June 5 suicide attempt.
Credit: Jason LaVeris/FilmMagic
The Jackson family is sticking together. Following Paris Jackson's suicide attempt on Wednesday, June 5 -- where the late Michael Jackson's daughter was rushed to the hospital after cutting her wrists and swallowing a bottle of pills -- her family is supporting her in any they can.

PHOTOS: Michael Jackson and his kids

The 15-year-old was transferred to the Children's Hospital Los Angeles on Thursday, June 6, and a source tells Us Weekly exclusively that visitors have included grandmother Katherine Jackson, biological mother Debbie Rowe, brother Prince Michael Jackson and aunt LaToya Jackson. Grace Rwaramba, a former nanny, has also stopped by.

"Everyone has come together to support her: Katherine, Debbie, Grace came back, Latoya was there," the source tells Us. "Katherine and Debbie actually get along. They met a long time ago when Michael was alive and stayed in touch."

PHOTOS: Paris through the years

Paris' close relationship with Rowe, 56, had been a sore spot for the family before the incident. As Us reported on Thursday, the teen was having "massive" fights with brother Prince, who called her a "backstabber" for bonding with Rowe. ("Prince feels Paris is betraying their father by getting close to Debbie," the source explained).

But in the aftermath of the near-tragedy, Rowe has been getting closer to 16-year-old Prince.

PHOTOS: Michael Jackson's memorial

"This is a tragic thing but brought the whole family closer," the source says. "Debbie and Prince are bonding, everyone has come together. Debbie has really been making sure to look after him. So there is some good in this."

The scary situation also served as a wake-up call for Paris. "I don't think Paris will ever do this again. It scared the crap out of her," the source adds.

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Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

"This is a tragic thing but brought the whole family closer," the source says. "Debbie and Prince are bonding, everyone has come together. Debbie has really been making sure to look after him. So there is some good in this."

The scary situation also served as a wake-up call for Paris. "I don't think Paris will ever do this again. It scared the crap out of her," the source adds.

I pray to God this is true .
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Yes, she did. Prince went upstairs first at the carolwood residence, then Paris followed. The scene was described rather precisely at the preliminary hearing, it was pretty horrifying. I have worked in hopsitals and so i'm used to this, and I had to take a break from reading the recaps of the prelim. This scene will be in their heads forever.

Seeing him at the hospital would be different, and good in that context, after what they saw in the bedroom. They were probably asked first, so it's less shocking.
I used to assist for this kind of things, we would usually stay with the family members, at least at the beginning, until we were comfortable leaving them alone with the deceased person. And the body would be shown in the less traumatic way possible , for ex covering the person with a sheet, closing the eyes of the person, etc. The goal is to say goodbye peacefully.

Yes, hospice care came a long way! They were asked and wanted to see him - and that makes sense. We as society used to be present at both birth and death so in a sense people of course were still shocked and grieving, of course - but the dead body of a loved one was not the ultimate trauma it is often today.
Doesn't mean things were hunky dory if we were still to prepare our dead for funeral ourselves - but perhaps it could be easier sometimes. Add the advent of horror/zombie whatever movie and a dead body becomes something horrible to think about for most people. I do believe that a peaceful appearing body (mouth and eyes closed) can help lessen trauma.
And in that sense I am relieved for all three to have had an understanding psychologist. Even the little bits that we know seem to indicate that all were encouraged to contribute in the burial in their own way.
What negates all that is of course newspapers printing Michael's body ready for consumption. There is no peace in that - and that is something they could not escape either.

I have lost 3 grandparents without the ability to even go to their funeral - and that is when I knew that some people are indeed helped by being able to say goodbye, even seeing the image of Michael at the trial.
It was upsetting, of course, but after years it was a sense of calm for me. My dad even shot me a picture of my grandma as I could not make it. It was incredibly important to me and it was what kept me from obsessing the way I obsessed over those losses that offered no way of saying goodbye.
Things like that lead people to work in funeral homes, become involved in hospice care.

I also had functioned as photographer at an open casket ceremony for a family friend, being up close to his body. It wasn't particularly comfortable but it was far from the worst feeling ever. My friend had lost her brother and to have these last images was what propped her up for a bit - she also was present, snuggling up with her brother as he left this earth - huge, huge difference to a chaotic and traumatic scene. That's when I decided my son will continue to accompany us to funerals if he so chooses. People that have never seen a peaceful human body have all sorts of horror imaginations while reality in a dignified setting is far from horror.

The scene at the house that was described, catheter and all - I don't who or what Murray is but to say he's not human is an insult to animals.
So at least someone understanding at the hospital clued in how important this would prove for the children long term. I also recall the ER physicians mentioning wanting to give Michael peace to let him depart peacefully. Murray is the stuff of nightmares which is why my usually pacifist leaning disappeared upon hearing he had the nerve to prove his cruel being yet again by sending 'greetings' to Paris.

Aside from Murray traumatizing them with their father's sight seems to me the switch from familiar and trusted person in the house to the that killed their father. I would imagine that following the Murray trial would have led to further renewed trauma, to hear with your own ears how this person killed your father. The reckless disregard, the lying, the psycho games. The media games he played. The mockumentary for example.
Most of us were disgusted, it is hard to imagine what this must have done to a girl who has been described as that perceptive.

It was as if whatever healing had started to begin would be just brushed aside with this ongoing and ongoing revisiting of horror. So it would be of no surprise that she would envision the AEG trial to be even worse.

So according to LaToya (and I think from observing Joe and KJ it makes sense) important issues are 'breezed over" and not talked about. ...

Age and generation would definitely have something to do with that - but individual personality is as equal a factor. LaToya didn't seem to have huge issues to talk quite frank about other topics - down to having a camera recording her at a Doctor's office.

And different people also have different styles with different people. Just like you and I don't act the same with everyone. You'd talk a lot differently to an inlaws vs a husband, boyfriend or boss. And people also change throughout their lifetime.

If I recall correctly Michael was far from confrontational - how often did a manager have to deliver news to someone else? And I'm sure that he had a different way of relating to his children. Just as each child would be different. My brother is a very quiet person when it comes to very significant matters - but he'll spill stuff to me and my parents are completely different people compared to 25 years ago. People also often change a great deal when they themselves become parents.

And most of the time TV interviews are about the least reliable source of the way someone really is, especially actors and artists whose persona is quite different on camera. But I think once you've worked with a few artists off camera and away from the radio you kind of don't trust camera interviews too much as it is so incredibly easy to cut things together and convince people that this was all in real time. I remember fans getting quite upset with Katherine's honest non-script reactions about surgeries etc. And how upset fans were about a number of things she said in regards to Michael.

It's also quite difficult for parents to please their adult children. If they say nothing, they brush over stuff. If they say their thing adult children often get justifiably upset.
Parents and their adult children also don't seem to have a nonchanging relationship either. A single adult child will be different than the one that had children and another 20 years under their belt.

And just as an adult parent tries to redefine the relationship - so does the adult child. Most of us for example don't really appreciate our parents constantly chiming in - and I do recall Katherine saying that while she disagrees with some decisions, she would just enjoy being a grandmother - obviously that would be different again when her son is gone and she a guardian.

I do think that Katherine is too old for the job, but the onslaught of basic disagreement describing her as horrible sounds like only very few doubt Michael's judgement. Only a very few select people have said outright on this board that his guardianship decisions were odd to them.
So I am always struck between that dissonance.

And parents change too. Michael left his children before any one of them had hit adolescence. Communication with an adolescent also hugely depends on the adolescent. And if you ever worked with very many different adolescents you're probably very familiar with the phenomenon of the monosyllabic teenager. "How's school?" "Okay." "What did you do today?" "I went to school, remember?"
I'm not saying that is everyone communicates this way but communication is a two way street, not a one way dead end.

I had to think about Lisa Marie Presley a lot these last few days, since she lost her father when she was only a child, too, and still tried to cope with it in her teens and really tries to somehow deal with it to this day. But look how fiercely she was protected by her mother from the public. I think she gave her first interview when she was in her early twenties and even then she wasn't asked about the death of her father! I really don't understand what the Jackson family or at least those responsible for Michael's babies are thinking or if they are thinking at all and I also wonder what made Debbie Rowe change her mind about wanting to live a private life unbothered by paparazzi, especially when one of her biological children has finally stepped into her life. Why the need to put pictures out into the public domain especially at such a crucial time of bonding with a child you never raised and were ok with not having in your life??? Why isn't she more sensitive to that? It seems to me by their actions that they are all degenerated.

I honestly think that Presley is still dealing with Michael and her father merging into this double persona. Everything about her father and Michael is ivory tower this, ivory tower that. Comparing oranges and apples. And from the little that I know about her she seems to have been quite the rebellious teen herself, early marriage, children very early on. And all that is speculation, too - somebody on TV giving her 2 cents is not a representation

..And yeah Debbie Rowe needs to be ashamed of herself too.

And who knows what Debbie Rowe is thinking unless you had a chance to talk to her at length. From the few things she has posted I felt an incredible amount of pride coming through the screen. And is it by any chance possible there is even regret there, just perhaps, maybe? I actually give her huge credit that she didn't go to Michael's funeral to avoid media scenes. No polaroids by the coffin. As a mother myself I cannot possibly comprehend some of her decisions, I cannot, honestly. But that goes for every other man as well who has never seen had a relationship with his children.

The important thing is that Paris reached out and found her mother reaching back. She is the still living parent, try to make amends while you can. She came to the hospital, ignoring her dislike for cameras - and probably because they both wanted to see each other. And that I can comprehend and understand. Absolutely. And I'm sure they will some pretty heated arguments and stuff to figure out with each other. And that's their beef, nobody else's. Would people prefer that Rowe ignores the pleas now and refuses to see her? Would that make fans happier? Don't think so. Losing one parent is hard. Not trying to sort things out with the other parent will be even harder - I've seen that with my own father. Sort things out while you can, once someone is gone the living one is stuck finding peace.

There's a lot one can harp on - but in the case of the father passing away tragically, unnaturally and way to early - one would hope that at least some effort would be made. Time to harp will be had later on, too. There are far more urgent issues on the table. And finding some form of peace on the back of a horse sounds about as much as 'just what the Doctor ordered' as you can possibly get. Especially for a girl her age.
Paris reached out and wasn't rebuffed -imagine her pain if they would have been such rejection in 2013. And one day Prince might follow suit. Fans keep saying that forcing the kids to do things they might not be up to is awful. I sure would agree.

And how often have we heard and experienced stories of single mothers who were quite conflicted about their children seeking out the absentee parent?
Michael is no longer here, only one parent is living. Doing the best you can in these situations is all you can ask from somebody.
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New Details On Paris Jackson's Fights With Her Brother Prince

We already knew Paris Jackson and her brother Prince Michael were fighting prior to her hospitalization for an alleged suicide attempt on Wednesday morning, and now new details have emerged about the strained relationship between Michael Jackson's two oldest kids.
Paris recently began spending time with their biological mother Debbie Rowe after several years of estrangement, and apparently and her older brother didn't approve of the new relationship, reports Us Weekly.

"[Paris and Prince] were always so insanely close until Debbie came back in the picture, and Paris wanted to get close with her," a source tells the mag. "Paris wanted her mom in her life, but Paris was younger and Prince remembers all of the awful things Michael told them about Debbie. Prince feels Paris is betraying their father by getting close to Debbie."

"Paris made her own decision to get to know her mom and found she really liked her," the source continued. "She loves the stories Debbie has told her about her dad." However, Prince was not a fan of the newfound bond between Paris and her mom. "He has these massive fights with her and calls Paris a backstabber for getting to know 'that woman,'" the insider reveals. "Paris and Prince fight all the time, and it really hurts Paris as they used to be close."

Another source of stress for Paris is the fact that she is "terrified" of testifying at the ongoing wrongful death lawsuit the Jacksons are bringing against concert promoter AEG. Paris will likely be asked about her father’s health and state of mind before he died, and the events of the day he died. Now it's being reported that AEG claims to have "irrefutable" proof that Michael is not the biological father of Prince or Paris, which they wish to bring to court. The Jackson family lawyers argue that the issue is irrelevant, and AEG is just seeking to embarrass the family, but that has to be yet another thing weighing on poor Paris.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

... a source tells the mag. "Paris wanted her mom in her life, but Paris was younger and Prince remembers all of the awful things Michael told them about Debbie. Prince feels Paris is betraying their father by getting close to Debbie."

Just yikes. Is this the truth, made up, or a vengeful Randy?
None of this is okay. Divorced parents need to own up to their part in marrying a former spouse etc . And carrying this into the tabloids makes it even worse. That kind of stuff happens in a lot of families, step siblings having to figure stuff out and divorced parents having to find a way to not transfer their issues onto the kids.

All around creepy to read, from all angles.
Vici;3840640 said:
New Details On Paris Jackson's Fights With Her Brother Prince

We already knew Paris Jackson and her brother Prince Michael were fighting prior to her hospitalization for an alleged suicide attempt on Wednesday morning, and now new details have emerged about the strained relationship between Michael Jackson's two oldest kids.
Paris recently began spending time with their biological mother Debbie Rowe after several years of estrangement, and apparently and her older brother didn't approve of the new relationship, reports Us Weekly.

"[Paris and Prince] were always so insanely close until Debbie came back in the picture, and Paris wanted to get close with her," a source tells the mag. "Paris wanted her mom in her life, but Paris was younger and Prince remembers all of the awful things Michael told them about Debbie. Prince feels Paris is betraying their father by getting close to Debbie."

"Paris made her own decision to get to know her mom and found she really liked her," the source continued. "She loves the stories Debbie has told her about her dad." However, Prince was not a fan of the newfound bond between Paris and her mom. "He has these massive fights with her and calls Paris a backstabber for getting to know 'that woman,'" the insider reveals. "Paris and Prince fight all the time, and it really hurts Paris as they used to be close."

Another source of stress for Paris is the fact that she is "terrified" of testifying at the ongoing wrongful death lawsuit the Jacksons are bringing against concert promoter AEG. Paris will likely be asked about her father’s health and state of mind before he died, and the events of the day he died. Now it's being reported that AEG claims to have "irrefutable" proof that Michael is not the biological father of Prince or Paris, which they wish to bring to court. The Jackson family lawyers argue that the issue is irrelevant, and AEG is just seeking to embarrass the family, but that has to be yet another thing weighing on poor Paris.

It's just disgusting how these "sources" are trying to blame it on Prince now. The media's behavior is generally despisable in all this. It's never the family's fault, the guardian's are never to be blamed for anything. It's always the kids. It was the same during the granny napping incident. It was just Paris overreacting, being a drama queen - according to "sources".
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Blame prince and AEG and paternity, isnt this randy Jackson's mouthpiece? Can people be any more evil. Are the Jacksons gonna drive prince over the edge too? Michael raised three beautiful, confident, smart, happy, artistic and precious children, but now they are trapped in this huge Jackson mess and scheme. :mat:
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Randy Jackson , you will be served right when you take the stand at AEG trial
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

I know it's not funny, but everytime I see the "granny napping" statement I cant help but laugh. this family is something else.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Paris didn't just put up a few pictures, her walls were covered with Michael's pictures. They were not candid family photos, they were publicity stills and concert shots. She stayed up most of the night putting up those pictures on her bedroom wall and posted her effort on social media. They were up for a while and Katherine felt it was not healthy for Paris. (We weren't there so we don't know if she was obsessing or what) Katherine may have become uncomfortable with Paris's behavior, who knows. What ever she said or did Katherine asked her to take the pictures down.

When my mother died, I thought a part of me was dying. She was absolutely EVERYTHING to me. One day I put pictures up of her everywhere so wherever I turned in my apartment I could still see her. They were all kinds of pictures. I wish I'd had as many as Paris had. There wasn't any significance if they were candid family photos or not. I just wanted to see her everywhere I turned. I didn't let folks in my apartment at this time because I knew, just knew, they would not understand, that they'd say I had lost it and wasn't getting over it. And to keep from telling them to go to hell and making matters worse, I just didn't have visitors at the time.

Eventually, I took the photos down because they had provided me the solace I NEEDED. Not anybody else needed. ME. I now have only a couple of my mother up, and they give me the same comfort that the dozens had previously. We all grieve differently.

Paris really needs someone to talk to that she can be completely candid with, without them judging her feelings as not being the norm because they can't relate to them or they don't react to things as she does. We've all seen how insensitive and even dismissive some Jackson's can be. Joe's abuse didn't greatly affect them, so they didn't acknowledge how it could have affected MJ.

Whatever reasons are being given for Paris' actions this week, I do think it is clear she needs help in coping, be it with all the continuing dramas around her because of her dad, school, general teen angst, whatever it is. She needs help from someone who is sufficiently sensitive enough to her needs, leaving their own needs and agendas out of it.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

so debbie rowe fought with a fan on twitter and made racist remarks. lovely woman to be around and raise a bi-racial kid :)

a fan were annoying and told her 'she sold her family' and debbie replied with her family didnt own any slaves and they were cheaper to give away.

she told another fan that she didnt understood what she was writing since she doest speak ebonics and ghetto language.

those fans were out of line with their stupid hate tweets to debbie but she is over 50 yrs old and fighting like a 12 yr old girl on twitter and also makes racist remarks.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Can we stop posting from X17?! I know, I know... "but what about TMZ?" TMZ has posted some b.s. stories too... but still that story stinks to high heaven among the other stories. What's next? Paris attempted suicide because Katherine wouldn't let him hold her dad's glove?
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

If she was racist she would not have married or loved MJ , she sure would not have carried his two babies.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

so debbie rowe fought with a fan on twitter and made racist remarks. lovely woman to be around and raise a bi-racial kid :)

a fan were annoying and told her 'she sold her family' and debbie replied with her family didnt own any slaves and they were cheaper to give away.

she told another fan that she didnt understood what she was writing since she doest speak ebonics and ghetto language.

those fans were out of line with their stupid hate tweets to debbie but she is over 50 yrs old and fighting like a 12 yr old girl on twitter and also makes racist remarks.

Someone claimed it was hacked idk... but she already had me messed up with her even arguing with people on Twitter. Keep that on lock... if it's true she did that, then shame on her even more for that. I get that people acted ignorant but she was no better. I know folks are like "but what was she to do?" She could've controlled her temper...
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Well, MJ did have issues with Debbie--didn't want to take her calls, had to face her filing for custody at the same time as he faced the Arvizo accusations, then after she sued him and won the visitation rights, she wanted him to pay the 600k of her legal costs, which the judge refused to allow. Then b/c of the visitation arrangement, he had to fly back to USA from Bahrain, etc. and this was after they had already reached an agreement to give him full custody in exchange for 8 m and a house and who knows what else. So she reneged on the original agreement. She must have known that he was being falsely accused by Arvizos and she must have known he was a good dad, so why pick that time to file suit? I can see why he was upset and felt betrayed.

re the photos, maybe she posted to her FB and the tabs picked them up from there? I think the point that she doesn't have enough security on her ranch to prevent snooping from paps if Paris goes there is a valid question to raise.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

so debbie rowe fought with a fan on twitter and made racist remarks. lovely woman to be around and raise a bi-racial kid :)

a fan were annoying and told her 'she sold her family' and debbie replied with her family didnt own any slaves and they were cheaper to give away.

she told another fan that she didnt understood what she was writing since she doest speak ebonics and ghetto language.

those fans were out of line with their stupid hate tweets to debbie but she is over 50 yrs old and fighting like a 12 yr old girl on twitter and also makes racist remarks.

Yes, I have seen that, it's sad.

I think if Paris wants a bond with her it's natural she's her mother and we need to respect that. But I don't get it why some fans assume she would be such a great guardian. I don't think so. And obviously Michael didn't think so either.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

so debbie rowe fought with a fan on twitter and made racist remarks. lovely woman to be around and raise a bi-racial kid :)

a fan were annoying and told her 'she sold her family' and debbie replied with her family didnt own any slaves and they were cheaper to give away.

she told another fan that she didnt understood what she was writing since she doest speak ebonics and ghetto language.

those fans were out of line with their stupid hate tweets to debbie but she is over 50 yrs old and fighting like a 12 yr old girl on twitter and also makes racist remarks.

Is that REALLY her posting that though?
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Well, MJ did have issues with Debbie--didn't want to take her calls, had to face her filing for custody at the same time as he faced the Arvizo accusations, then after she sued him and won the visitation rights, she wanted him to pay the 600k of her legal costs, which the judge refused to allow. Then b/c of the visitation arrangement, he had to fly back to USA from Bahrain, etc. and this was after they had already reached an agreement to give him full custody in exchange for 8 m and a house and who knows what else. So she reneged on the original agreement. She must have known that he was being falsely accused by Arvizos and she must have known he was a good dad, so why pick that time to file suit? I can see why he was upset and felt betrayed.

re the photos, maybe she posted to her FB and the tabs picked them up from there? I think the point that she doesn't have enough security on her ranch to prevent snooping from paps if Paris goes there is a valid question to raise.

Yeah I definitely have been wondering about what's really going on with Debbie... something just don't sit right with me. PPB, I think, are truly alone. Hard to see who's who anymore. :sigh:
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Someone claimed it was hacked idk... but she already had me messed up with her even arguing with people on Twitter. Keep that on lock... if it's true she did that, then shame on her even more for that. I get that people acted ignorant but she was no better. I know folks are like "but what was she to do?" She could've controlled her temper...

Don't forget she is not a public person, not a showbiz person, she didn't grow up to learn how to handle herself in the spotlight. A lot of people get angry on twitter if they are attacked and get into stupid arguments defending themselves, and Debbie is no different. Not everyone has the patience and wisdom to ignore stupidity forever. Especially when the situation involves your child who harmed herself and whom you have difficult relationship with. In short, cut Debbie some slack.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

I hope prince also seek consultant, what bothered Paris are also what prince experienced. He is the oldest and has gone through so much. It will take the huge toll on the strong adult and he is just a kid. His sister, the closest to him, grown up together, tried to end her life, he is the one hurt most. But now his so called family 'insider' blamed this on him to do the damage control, it's never the family's fault. How will prince feel when he read it? The judge needs to do the investigation on all Michael's children. Do not wait for another tragedy to happen to take the action. I am seriously concern over all Michael's children.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Yes, I have seen that, it's sad.

I think if Paris wants a bond with her it's natural she's her mother and we need to respect that. But I don't get it why some fans assume she would be such a great guardian. I don't think so. And obviously Michael didn't think so either.

Hence why Debbie like most of the Jacksons weren't included in Michael's final will...