Paris Jackson Rushed to Hospital After Possible Suicide Attempt

Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Someone claimed it was hacked idk... but she already had me messed up with her even arguing with people on Twitter. Keep that on lock... if it's true she did that, then shame on her even more for that. I get that people acted ignorant but she was no better. I know folks are like "but what was she to do?" She could've controlled her temper...

She could have blocked them.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

I hope prince also seek consultant, what bothered Paris are also what prince experienced. He is the oldest and has gone through so much. It will take the huge toll on the strong adult and he is just a kid. His sister, the closest to him, grown up together, tried to end her life, he is the one hurt most. But now his so called family 'insider' blamed this on him to do the damage control, it's never the family's fault. How will prince when he read it? The judge needs to do the investigation on all Michael's children. Do not wait for another tragedy to happen to take the action. I am seriously concern over all Michael's children.

Judging from last year's "Granny Gate", Randy and Prince HATE each other... so it's easy to see why such a story accusing Prince of turning on Paris would be leaked by "Uncle" Randy Ran.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

She could have blocked them.

That too. Like why the hell would she even waste 40 (or whatever characters Twitter used; it's been a long time since I've used it lol) characters to talk sh*t back to fans?
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Well, MJ did have issues with Debbie--didn't want to take her calls, had to face her filing for custody at the same time as he faced the Arvizo accusations, then after she sued him and won the visitation rights, she wanted him to pay the 600k of her legal costs, which the judge refused to allow. Then b/c of the visitation arrangement, he had to fly back to USA from Bahrain, etc. and this was after they had already reached an agreement to give him full custody in exchange for 8 m and a house and who knows what else. So she reneged on the original agreement. She must have known that he was being falsely accused by Arvizos and she must have known he was a good dad, so why pick that time to file suit? I can see why he was upset and felt betrayed.

re the photos, maybe she posted to her FB and the tabs picked them up from there? I think the point that she doesn't have enough security on her ranch to prevent snooping from paps if Paris goes there is a valid question to raise.

Don't forget her friendship with Marc Schaffel - a guy who, when it was convenient for him, insinuated that MJ was a pedo. Heck, he insinuated it as recently as in Sullivan's book. Why does Debbie hang out with people like him? And I also side-eye the fact that info and pics of the kids seem to find their way to the tabloid media from Debbie's camp just as quickly as from the Jacksons.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Don't forget she is not a public person, not a showbiz person, she didn't grow up to learn how to handle herself in the spotlight. A lot of people get angry on twitter if they are attacked and get into stupid arguments defending themselves, and Debbie is no different. Not everyone has the patience and wisdom to ignore stupidity forever. Especially when the situation involves your child who harmed herself and whom you have difficult relationship with. In short, cut Debbie some slack.

So we should just accept her acting a fool on Twitter?
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Don't forget she is not a public person, not a showbiz person, she didn't grow up to learn how to handle herself in the spotlight. A lot of people get angry on twitter if they are attacked and get into stupid arguments defending themselves, and Debbie is no different. Not everyone has the patience and wisdom to ignore stupidity forever. Especially when the situation involves your child who harmed herself and whom you have difficult relationship with. In short, cut Debbie some slack.

IMO it's not a matter of being a showbiz person, but having intelligence. She's a 50-something woman and not a teenager.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Is that REALLY her posting that though?

yes it was her posting that.. no hacking, it was all debbie. she writes in a certain way and just went off on a fan. why racist remarks tho??

and not to forget her fam member who said on FB that he's glad Paris looks more like Debbies side of the family and not like "the other side".

thats such a low remark. complete jerk

i dont know i just dont trust debbie nor her family. i dont understand Debbies 180 from being very private to tweeting pics to TMZ and posting pics of Paris on social media sites,
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

what I don't get is why is this woman even on twitter/bacebook argueing with whoever while her daughter is in a damn hospital? the chick needs to check herself. stay off the damn computer and consintrate on your daughter since all of a sudden you want to play the mother role so damn bad. I know if it was my child I wouldn't be wasting my time on the durn internet. I would be taking care of my child. Michael made the right choice by getting rid of this woman.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

^ofcourse he could have def used that to make up for the ''this is for PJ'' IMO. However, i believe thats what he is all about, you know, the ''shock'' . it has to come from somewhere doesnt it

Exactly. There's a reason why Manson is called "the shock rocker" He is all about provoking, shocking and get a rise out of people. He does it in order to make people think over issues that are often taboos like teenage selfharm and suicide.

I have not seen the video of him dedicating the video to Paris, but knowing Manson (I own most of his records and have seen him live) he probably did it to shock and make people think like he usually does. He does these things that the average person finds shocking and so it ends up in papers (and what do you know? This Paris thing sure made the press, didn't it?) and people are discussing the subject. It is what Marilyn Manson does. I can't speak for him, but knowing his music and his live shows I'll go out on a limb and say this was not to disrespect Paris or make light of her situation, it was most likely to do the opposite - make people aware of this teen suicide stuff by shocking.

On another note, I'm aware Michael wasn't always happy with Debbie, but I just don't see him telling the kids "horrible" things about her. Do you guys see him doing that? It's one thing if he thought bad things about her to himself, but to actually tell horrible things about her to the children is another thing.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

yes it was her posting that.. no hacking, it was all debbie. she writes in a certain way and just went off on a fan. why racist remarks tho??

and not to forget her fam member writing on FB that he's glad Paris looks more like Debbies side of the family and not like "the other side".

thats such a low remark. complete jerk

i dont know i just dont trust debbie nor her family. i dont understand Debbies 180 from being very private to tweeting pics to TMZ and posting pics of Paris on social media sites,

Thanks. I figured it was actually her. I remember another relative of her's saying some similar stuff online as well and it got deleted. It might've been on Twitter or something...
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

what I don't get is why is this woman even on twitter/bacebook argueing with whoever while her daughter is in a damn hospital? the chick needs to check herself. stay off the damn computer and consintrate on your daughter since all of a sudden you want to play the mother role so damn bad. I know if it was my child I wouldn't be wasting my time on the durn internet. I would be taking care of my child. Michael made the right choice by getting rid of this woman.

The woman even told Michael "look I'm giving you these children but I don't want to be with them" and he's like "okay". NOW she wants to be the mother. Michael was mother and a father to those kids she "gave" him so she can go somewhere with that...
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

yes it was her posting that.. no hacking, it was all debbie. she writes in a certain way and just went off on a fan. why racist remarks tho??

and not to forget her fam member writing on FB that he's glad Paris looks more like Debbies side of the family and not like "the other side".

i dont know i just dont trust debbie nor her family

Nor do I. For Paris' sake I hope Debbie's intentions are pure with her, but there are just too many disturbing factors about Debbie IMO.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Exactly. There's a reason why Manson is called "the shock rocker" He is all about provoking, shocking and get a rise out of people. He does it in order to make people think over issues that are often taboos like teenage selfharm and suicide.

I have not seen the video of him dedicating the video to Paris, but knowing Manson (I own most of his records and have seen him live) he probably did it to shock and make people think like he usually does. He does these things that the average person finds shocking and so it ends up in papers (and what do you know? This Paris thing sure made the press, didn't it?) and people are discussion the subject. It is what Marilyn Manson does. I can't speak for him, but knowing his music and his live shows I'll go out on a limb and say this was not to disrespect Paris or make light of her situation, it was most likely to do the opposite - make people aware of this teen suicide stuff by shocking.

On another note, I'm aware Michael wasn't always happy with Debbie, but I just don't see him telling the kids "horrible" things about her to the children. Do you guys see him doing that? It's one thing if he thought bad things about her to himself, but to actually tell horrible things about her to the children is another thing.

No one's saying he said horrible things about Debbie but he didn't trust her obviously. I'm sure he knew Debbie was talking to idiots like Mark Schaffel behind his back and then she gets in court and suddenly she's back in love with him. :rolleyes:

Oh yeah and I doubt that TMZ story about Manson doing anything... I don't believe a single word of that. Why should I? There's no proof. People are making up stories as they go along. Until I find proof, I'm gonna say "don't judge until there's proof he did all of that stuff". This is still TMZ, they're still a tabloid.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

No one's saying he said horrible things about Debbie but he didn't trust her obviously. I'm sure he knew Debbie was talking to idiots like Mark Schaffel behind his back and then she gets in court and suddenly she's back in love with him. :rolleyes:

I was refering to the article which said MJ told the kids horrible things about Debbie. But seeing where it came from it's probably just more lies from Randy.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

On another note, I'm aware Michael wasn't always happy with Debbie, but I just don't see him telling the kids "horrible" things about her. Do you guys see him doing that? It's one thing if he thought bad things about her to himself, but to actually tell horrible things about her to the children is another thing.

No, I don't believe that either.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

I was refering to the article which said MJ told the kids horrible things about Debbie. But seeing where it came from it's probably just more lies from Randy.

You see what I mean? You can't trust nothing you read. Why would Michael be that way? He never was. Still that doesn't mean he trusted her. If he had any trust for her, why did he not put her in the will? You see what I mean? It was only Katherine he trusted.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

You see what I mean? You can't trust nothing you read. Why would Michael be that way? He never was. Still that doesn't mean he trusted her. If he had any trust for her, why did he not put her in the will? You see what I mean? It was only Katherine he trusted.

And isn't it heartbreaking that the only person he DID trust turned out to not be worthy of his trust after all
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

And isn't it heartbreaking that the only person he DID trust turned out to not be worthy of his trust after all

I just think Katherine has been naive all her life. Poor woman. She was passive all her life. Obviously Michael had that as one of his traits because like Katherine, Michael hung around what he thought were friends and they became leeches and some of her children keep leeching off of her and she feels if she doesn't let them do whatever they want, they'd turn on her like they turn on Michael. :sigh: There was one point I was really angry at Katherine but I honestly can't anymore. :no:
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

I didn't know Debbie tried to get custody of the kids during Michael's trial. That's low. The only thing I knew was that when she testified during the trial that she said good things about Michael. At the same time, if the kids want to know Debbie it's their right to do so. I don't think Paris should live with her especially when they have only gotten to know each other a few months.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

yeah Michael was telling his kids horrible things about their mother to hate her , the same way he was telling them about "certain people and their ways " , MJ was unstable and paranoid, that's the point Randy wants everybody to get . Prince should listen to him not to what his "troubled" dad said
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

I just think Katherine has been naive all her life. Poor woman. She was passive all her life. Obviously Michael had that as one of his traits because like Katherine, Michael hung around what he thought were friends and they became leeches and some of her children keep leeching off of her and she feels if she doesn't let them do whatever they want, they'd turn on her like they turn on Michael. :sigh: There was one point I was really angry at Katherine but I honestly can't anymore. :no:

I have no ill feelings towards Katherine, but I'm very disappointed in how she puts her own grown children before her young grand children. If she cannot put PP&B as her number one priority (which she obviously can't) then she needs to let them be with someone who can.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

I have no ill feelings towards Katherine, but I'm very disappointed in how she puts her own grown children before her young grand children. If she cannot put PP&B as her number one priority (which she obviously can't) then she needs to let them be with someone who can.

I think that someone is in Heaven now. :( But who knows? :sigh:
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

yeah Michael was telling his kids horrible things about their mother to hate her , the same way he was telling them about "certain people and their ways " , MJ was unstable and paranoid, that's the point Randy wants everybody to get . Prince should listen to him not to what his "troubled" dad said

The same Randy who also said Prince dissed Paris and that this led to Paris slashing her wrists with the you see how silly he is? Like anyone takes him seriously? If you ask me, he's the worst one in the family. Everyone else is alright unless they tag along with him (that goes for Jermaine too lol stop hanging around that big a$$ fivehead...)
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

yes it was her posting that.. no hacking, it was all debbie. she writes in a certain way and just went off on a fan. why racist remarks tho??

and not to forget her fam member who said on FB that he's glad Paris looks more like Debbies side of the family and not like "the other side".

thats such a low remark. complete jerk

I wasn't aware of that. I don't have Twitter and I don't follow her Facebook.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

I believe that Katherine loved Michael and she loves his children. But she puts the interests of the whole family ahead of them. That's not going to change. But one day the kids will grow up and they will have the resources they need to make their own lives away from certain Jacksons just like their father did.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

I believe that Katherine loved Michael and she loves his children. But she puts the interests of the whole family ahead of them. That's not going to change. But one day the kids will grow up and they will have the resources they need to make their own lives away from certain Jacksons just like their father did.

Pretty much... that's why I can't really blame Katherine. We are not in her shoes so who knows what is really going on? I also hope the kids definitely make their split from certain Jackson members like Michael. In fact I'm sure they're planning to do just that in the future. Besides Katherine (and probably TJ?), they're all they really have at the moment.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

I do blame Katherine because she is old enough to know better. She raised 9 kids and she saw Michael destroyed because he never got closure from the abuse he suffered under her and Joseph's watch. After all the pain she saw him go through it's her choice to STILL put the interest of her whole family ahead of PP&B! That is unforgivable!
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Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

So we should just accept her acting a fool on Twitter?

Yes, you have to accept it. You have no choice. She doesn't owe being intelligent or well-behaved to you, or any of the fans. She is what she is.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Yes she did. The bodyguard Faheem testified he turned around when he heard noise and saw the kids. Prince was shocked/frozen with tears running down his cheeks and Paris was on her knees on the floor balled up crying :(

Yeah I remember that, but did she see the body. Was there someone who said she was in the hallway or doorway? Who was in the hallway? I have to reread that thing again.