Paris Jackson begins acting career - Lundon's Bridge - Summary of the book @pg42

I'll be honest, I giggled when I heard Sony made a copyright claim on the video ehehe
This is totally a mess. What a unprofessional team............... I already lose all my hope of this production. Best luck to Paris. I feel sorry for her. I can just hope she will find her way out someday. This project seemed to be doom...............SIGH, Really start to felt like the tribute concert part II.
IMO .... Paris had alot of input in making that video because she was thanked for it.

If Paris was happy using "Breaking News" .... it kinda tells me something .....

That she feels / thinks / knows it's her father singing or else she wouldn't use it.

Anybody else feel this???
Well, I read the summary, and the book itself sounds like s--t. I don't think the film will do any better. Paris should get out of it while she still can, bide her time, and star in a worthy production when she's truly ready.
IMO .... Paris had alot of input in making that video because she was thanked for it.

If Paris was happy using "Breaking News" .... it kinda tells me something .....

That she feels / thinks / knows it's her father singing or else she wouldn't use it.

Anybody else feel this???

I remember when she opened her twitter acct and had like only 10k followers and someone wrote that he/she love MJ's song Hollywood Tonight. Paris said something like "You know it is not him singing".

Sooo first I was confused as heck on why she would write that about Hollywood Tonight, a non-Cascio song. So at that time Paris believed that some parts of the album were fake I guess.
Please guys, do not ease into a debate about the Cascio songs. This is not the proper place on the forum to do so. We have to enforce this whether a person is pro or against. That is only what is fair.

Sorry and thank you. :flowers:
IMO .... Paris had alot of input in making that video because she was thanked for it.

If Paris was happy using "Breaking News" .... it kinda tells me something .....

That she feels / thinks / knows it's her father singing or else she wouldn't use it.

Anybody else feel this???

Paris didnt make the video - The company did - they thanked her for being in it
The fact that they used Michael's music to promote this movie that has nothign to
do with Michael is very distrubing and that fact they were that dumb not to know
they cant use MJ copyright material for thier movie without permission makes
me wonder how professional this project really is. Didnt they learn from what
happened to the Jacksons when they tried the same..!/shawnieora/status/164095899969130497

From Dennis Christen's twitter:

dennishchristenDennis H Christen

Lundon's Bridge and Three Keys. We are promoting the story and characters. 50% of our profits go to American Schools. Paris Jackson stars.

13 Dec

dennishchristenDennis H Christen

Happy Birthday Blanket! You'll be coming into your own soon!

21 Feb

dennishchristenDennis H Christen

Can you guess who has the most magic eyes in the world? She's someone that most of us know!

27 Feb


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ahaha his other tweets were a lot more hilarious

Dennis H Christen ‏ @dennishchristen
How could anyone that has really read the story of Lundon’s Bridge and the Three Keys say it is not a story about saving the earth?

---> Because You did. In 2009 you said it was about child kidnapping and family unit. Only after Paris's involvement it became about saving the earth.


9 Feb Dennis H Christen ‏ @dennishchristen
Lundon and her dad (Kevin) make a promise to each other that they will do everything they can to help clean up the sea.
9 Feb Dennis H Christen ‏ @dennishchristen
Kevin and Jumper create a new fish that eats the muck (pollution). They are called Muck Munchers.

---> true but that's only first few pages

Dennis H Christen ‏ @dennishchristen
Varkor does everything he can to stop Lundon’s dad and Jumper from being successful, etc., etc. . .

---> Varkor says "this is my kingdom now and it's I and only I that they'll obey" . So in the book the reason for Varkor being a traitor is because he wants to rule the kingdom, it's not because is against the environment, he just uses the situation with the environment to plot his scheme. Plus Varkor's involvement is again only the last few pages.

So yeah I say the main point is not about saving the earth and that's just a side story.
ivy;3605520 said:
ahaha his other tweets were a lot more hilarious

Dennis H Christen ‏ @dennishchristen
How could anyone that has really read the story of Lundon’s Bridge and the Three Keys say it is not a story about saving the earth?

---> Because You did. In 2009 you said it was about child kidnapping and family unit. Only after Paris's involvement it became about saving the earth.


9 Feb Dennis H Christen ‏ @dennishchristen
Lundon and her dad (Kevin) make a promise to each other that they will do everything they can to help clean up the sea.
9 Feb Dennis H Christen ‏ @dennishchristen
Kevin and Jumper create a new fish that eats the muck (pollution). They are called Muck Munchers.

---> true but that's only first few pages

Dennis H Christen ‏ @dennishchristen
Varkor does everything he can to stop Lundon’s dad and Jumper from being successful, etc., etc. . .

---> Varkor says "this is my kingdom now and it's I and only I that they'll obey" . So in the book the reason for Varkor being a traitor is because he wants to rule the kingdom, it's not because is against the environment, he just uses the situation with the environment to plot his scheme. Plus Varkor's involvement is again only the last few pages.

So yeah I say the main point is not about saving the earth and that's just a side story.
lol he sounds really weird.

Honestly I found him sorta shady...
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From Dennis Christen's twitter:

dennishchristenDennis H Christen

Lundon's Bridge and Three Keys. We are promoting the story and characters. 50% of our profits go to American Schools. Paris Jackson stars.

13 Dec

dennishchristenDennis H Christen

Happy Birthday Blanket! You'll be coming into your own soon!

21 Feb

dennishchristenDennis H Christen

Can you guess who has the most magic eyes in the world? She's someone that most of us know!

27 Feb


What the hell was that suppose to mean? Or am I reading to much in to it? Well, I hope so. But, just incase I wasn't. LEAVE BLANKET ALONE! LET HIM ATLEAST BE A KID!
^ No i don't think you're reading too much into it. I'm going to predict that blanket is going to get a role in this movie - aren't there meant to be lots of kidnapped children that turn into bugs?, he'll probably be one of those. As joe would say, 'the kid's got to start somewhere'.

Bit depressing to see the photo of the kings on set, i thought no news was good news and lundon bridge had disappeared off the radar.
Dennis H. Christen liked this link on his Facebook page on February 1:
Michael Jackson's Daughter Paris to Become a Movie Star

Paris Jackson, the 13-year old daughter of the late King of Pop Michael Jackson, has signed on to star in the CGI/live-action hybrid fantasy adventure Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys. It's based on the young adult book published last month by Dennis H. Christen about a girl who is abducted and brainwashed by an evil jellyfish queen but snaps out of to become a warrior in the battle between land and sea. Jackson has signed a five-picture deal; there's only one book but it appears the producers are hedging their bets. Half of the profits from both the book and movie will be donated to schools.

Source: Fandango via People
I know this is crazy because Paris looks so happy in the video and is having a lot of fun, but in watching it, I was overcome with sadness. I don't understand it. I've seen the promotion videos before, but today, it hit me that here is MJ's little girl, not little anymore of course, but here she is with all these adults surrounding her, taking pictures of her, telling her what to do, how to do it, and I just got sad. Like I's crazy on my part. Paris is really growing up. I guess I just wish her father was here to help her through it all. Oh well...
Has this so-called movie actually starting shooting yet? Or are they STILL trying to obtain the funding?

Because, to be honest, the ONLY place I see any talk of this "movie" is here. Which is not a very good sign, in my opinion.
Has this so-called movie actually starting shooting yet? Or are they STILL trying to obtain the funding?

Because, to be honest, the ONLY place I see any talk of this "movie" is here. Which is not a very good sign, in my opinion.
This is why it's called a Z-list movie. Notice the movie industry media and all movie forums that discuss upcoming films aren't saying anything about this film.
This is why it's called a Z-list movie. Notice the movie industry media and all movie forums that discuss upcoming films aren't saying anything about this film.
This is so sad, I feel so sorry for her. Poor girl. I can't believe this exploitation! Michael has worked with some of the most influential people on the planet and all they could pull for her was this?
On a side note: Paris looks absolutely stunning! I wish Michael was here to see her and guide her... to protect her and love her...
This is so sad, I feel so sorry for her. Poor girl. I can't believe this exploitation! Michael has worked with some of the most influential people on the planet and all they could pull for her was this?
On a side note: Paris looks absolutely stunning! I wish Michael was here to see her and guide her... to protect her and love her... too...."sigh"
She has signed a 5 picture deal with these people? Is the book going to be a series? I really don't understand the reason for committing Paris to 5 movies with these people if true. I think she is being taken advantage of. They know her dream is to be an actress so the wolves pounced.
She has signed a 5 picture deal with these people? Is the book going to be a series? I really don't understand the reason for committing Paris to 5 movies with these people if true. I think she is being taken advantage of. They know her dream is to be an actress so the wolves pounced.

She hasn't signed anything....she is a minor. Her contract MUST be submitted to court for review and it hasn't.
Paris Jackson is so such a "Natural Beauty", I suspect a lot of Hollywood types are going to be just plain jealous of her.

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Paris Jackson - My Little Girl xx:
Really enjoyed this one!

This is one of the best photo tributes I've seen of the young lady that is going to play Lundon O'Malley in the Lundon's Bridge series of 5 movies. It made me? smile several times. I too hope that no matter how big she gets in her career that she always remembers who she is and where she came from! paralightfilms
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