Paris Jackson begins acting career - Lundon's Bridge - Summary of the book @pg42

What's going on in the "First Every - Behind The Scenes?" (I can't see the video clip.)

Are they ACTUALLY filming the movie or is this just more promo-hype? Can somebody please give a little description. Thanks!

they are filming the photoshot, that's all.
I don't know what to say about any of this anymore....therefore....I say nothing.,:(
Paris Jackson's First Ever Lundon's Bridge Behind the Scenes Video used: Breaking News, Behind The Mask and Hold My Hand. I don't know if it's promoting Lundon's Bridge or the Michael album.
i guess using paris on her own wasnt enough to get the film attention and funding so they are now using. michael. i hope they have paid or got permission to use those songs. if the motives of the ppl using paris for this film wasnt clear before it is now that they are using mj aswell
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Paris Jackson's First Ever Lundon's Bridge Behind the Scenes Video

Songs used: Breaking News, Behind The Mask and Hold My Hand. I don't know if it's promoting Lundon's Bridge or the Michael album.

Paris is beautiful but orz....................What's this. This video just again proves that the whole thing is about exploiting MJ's kid. If they wanted to do a promote of the movie, why put out a video of Paris's photo shoot session instead of a "actual clip of movie" (I guess no money no film yet)? Never saw any movie trailer or promotion of a film like this. What's the point to use MJ's songs???? I just can't make the connection of the movie to MJ. It's just make the connection to say that Paris is related to MJ. BTW, did they get permission of estate to do that? On the other hand, I thought they are saying "breaking news" is fake song. Why they even use a fake song of MJ is again beyond me. I really got a bad feeling day by day after seeing all these things. At beginning I was like a little big worried, but I think maybe Paris can still find her way out just like Dakota Fanning. If this is what she really wanted to do, there's always a possibility out there. However, the production like this is really scary. They are just using her being MJ's daughter. This is so sad. MJ would be so pissed to see people using his daughter like this. Katherine should stop this insanity. However, I know she would not do anything just like she never did with MJ. Motown at least treat J5 well artistically, this production of the film really sucks. I just hope Paris can see through things after this fiasco. I really hope she can find her own way out. God bless PPB.
So much for the "You have to start small" argument.

If the above photo shoot doesn't show that this film is nothing but a z list film, I don't know what does. Just so much unprofessional things are being done.
So they are using the "michael album for the movie.....oh dear god :doh: dont they know of the uproar that album caused!?
It's just a behind the scenes clip LOL! It doesn't mean the song/Michael's songs will be used in the actual film.
wow...some people actually making excuses for this mess aka child exploitation?
It's about promoting the film not about actual film. We will see so maybe they'll put this songs into the film too. It's clear they are using MJ theme for promotion and it's a reasonable question of why
Just further depressing confirmation of how this 13 yr old is being exploited for who her father is. In this industry to have any credibility you have to prove you get a job because of your skills not because of who your parents are - it leads to a lack of respect amongst your peers/public - yet paris's guardian ignores this and instead broadcasts the opposite in neon 10foot high letters. It's painfully obvious that this 'film' needs paris and her name more than paris needs to be lumbered with this unknown film franchise, so my question is what is in it for paris's guardian? Not to be too cynical, but there;s probably things about this deal we don't know.
I thought they are saying "breaking news" is fake song. Why they even use a fake song of MJ is again beyond me.

Just further confirmation that "NOBODY IS MINDING THE STORE!"

I mean, when that song and album came out there was a severe backlash from members of the Jackson family. Now somehow or another "Breaking News" makes it to a promo piece for Paris' new movie.

One hand doesn't know what the other is doing, shades of the whole KISS thing.

If it weren't so sad, it would be funny!
So what is the film even about? I saw no actual film making being done. Just people taking photographs of Paris Jackson.
yet paris's guardian ignores this and instead broadcasts the opposite in neon 10foot high letters.
If we were talking about anyone else who was older I would probably find all this to be funny because it's so blatant so it just comes across as a joke, but because it's MJ's kid, who is only 13, it is just sad.
Lundons_Bridge Lundon's Bridge
New Video is down for now.SME requested that we do not use the songs and we are respecting that request. We'll have a new video up soon.
Lundons_Bridge Lundon's Bridge New Video is down for now.SME requested that we do not use the songs and we are respecting that request. We'll have a new video up soon.

That was quick. LOL!

SME must have dispatched a "cease & desist" letter on the Lundon's Bridge folks. Which in my opinion is just MORE confirmation that Paris Jackson's family has allowed her to get involved with a pack of know-nothings. I mean, clearly they should have KNOWN that they wouldn't be able to get away with that.

Looks like SME dispensed some of their own "Breaking News." LOL!

(Thank you very much for posting.)
Lundons_Bridge Lundon's Bridge
New Video is down for now.SME requested that we do not use the songs and we are respecting that request. We'll have a new video up soon.

I guess they figured that royalties from the songs would have eventually went to Paris anyway so they didn't need to bother with pesky permissions. I'm not sure if this reaks of Howard Man or Latoya but one of them has to behind this production company.
I guess they figured that royalties from the songs would have eventually went to Paris anyway so they didn't need to bother with pesky permissions. I'm not sure if this reaks of Howard Man or Latoya but one of them has to behind this production company.

I have a feeling that Howard Mann got kicked to the curb, once it became apparent that he would NEVER be able to use the trademarks from the "fake" Heal The World charity. LOL! I have a "feeling" that Katherine Jackson has no more use for Mr. Mann. So as always it's: NEXT!

Now LaToya is another story. Just like it eventually became apparent that one of her companies had something to do with that horrible Michael Tribute concert, if she's involved with this, it too will come out sooner or later.
Lundons_Bridge Lundon's Bridge
New Video is down for now.SME requested that we do not use the songs and we are respecting that request. We'll have a new video up soon.

lol It's kind of strange to say this but good job SME. All those greedy people needed to be stopped. I can't believe that just went to use those music...............Again, it showed how shady the whole project is. SIGH...............I just hope Paris won't fall too sadly.
[h=6]Lundon's Bridge
[/h][h=6]Sorry for the inconvenience we thought we were clear with SME on the music. We are currently working on a new music track composed in house and should have the new video posted very soon. Stay tuned for updates on Facebook. Thanks to all who have viewed the video to this point? We had just short of 6000 views till it was put on hold from SME. Thanks for all your support.[/h]
I can see the family brainwashing Paris into thinking ''it's ur dad's music and they won't let u use it, tho it's urs, evil estate evil, u should use it,'' I can totally see Latoya saying that.
Lundons_Bridge Lundon's Bridge
New Video is down for now.SME requested that we do not use the songs and we are respecting that request. We'll have a new video up soon.

So this means like they put the "michael" songs off their lil video?