Paris Jackson begins acting career - Lundon's Bridge - Summary of the book @pg42

Why would you think she didnt? In fact Im sure she did
Janet did speak to Paris about it so most likely she also adressed her concerns with her Mom.

Well basically cuz katherine has allowed paris to be invloved in that movie
Why would you think she didnt? In fact Im sure she did
Janet did speak to Paris about it so most likely she also adressed her concerns with her Mom.

If someone said or not said... So what? It seems that nobody cares. I do not expect any action of this family. What we are seeing is the thing get worse over time.... is what is really happening. :doh: So for me, it is completely impossible to imagine that someone is doing something and looking carefully for PPB. :(
Michael Jackson | Janet Jackson Wants Paris To Put Career On Hold | Contactmusic

Janet Jackson wants her niece Paris to wait before starting her acting career in fantasy film 'Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys'.

Janet Jackson wants her niece Paris to wait before starting her acting career.

The 'Rhythm Nation' singer has adviser her 13-year-old niece - daughter of her late brother Michael Jackson, who has reportedly signed up to star in fantasy film 'Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys' - not to get too involved in the showbiz world at such a young age and to focus on her education.

Janet - who started her career at a young age, appearing with her siblings in a Las Vegas show at the age of seven - said: "I'd prefer for her to wait, I think she should enjoy her youth.

"You're only young once and to really have a wonderful time and enjoy it, she has the rest of her life to be an adult, and she should study, she should go to school and study the craft and think about college and maybe study abroad, acting, and then when she becomes 18 she could dive into it if she wants."

Paris - who has two siblings, Prince Michael, 14, and nine-year-old Prince Michael II, nicknamed 'Blanket' - reportedly convinced her legal guardian, grandmother Katherine, to let her star in the film by telling her Michael would have appreciated the message of the film, which will feature both real and animated characters.

Meanwhile, Janet also said she doesn't like her famous gleaming white smile, as she thinks it is so big it makes her look like The Joker, the notoriously wire-grinned adversary of comic book character Batman.

She added to talk show host Jay Leno: "I felt I looked like The Joker, because my smile is so broad, it goes from ear to ear, and you can see all the teeth to my mouth all the way to the back, it's so broad."
Charles Williams Bush


Packaging and poster for Paris Jackson’s first film Lundon’s Bridge and her first photoshoot. She was an absolute sweetheart.
You dont know if Paris has talent or not and this thread was not created to attack paris. She is a child still. Michael's Child.
The Conrad Murray story, with the good doctor in the lead role, will be made before this stunt.

From an industry source, no studio is interested. Even Sony passed it up...because not many books sold=no public for this movie.

This is no Twilight or Harry Potter.
You dont know if Paris has talent or not and this thread was not created to attack paris. She is a child still. Michael's Child.

I don't attack Paris.

How many girls did a try for this role? How many " young professional actresses " did a try for this role ?

How many ?

The " MJ's daughter " is bankable. That's why they took her, without to try real teenagers actresses.

An insult for Paris. Hope she knows that.
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I don't attack Paris.

How many girls did a try for this role? How many " young professional actresses " did a try for this role ?

How many ?

The " MJ's daughter " is bankable. That's why they took her, without to try real teenagers actresses.

An insult for Paris. Hope she knows that.

Yes I agree they chose her becuase of her name and she was bankable. But maybe not bankable - There doesnt seem to be much interest from backers for this movies. Time will tell and Paris will have to prove herself other than being Michael's daughter. She may suprise us all. For her sake I hope she can live up to all the hype. If not it will be hard lesson learned.
From an industry source, no studio is interested. Even Sony passed it up...because not many books sold=no public for this movie.

This is no Twilight or Harry Potter.
I had wondered about this. If the book didn't do squat, I mean, did this book ever rank above #700,000 on Amazon's book list, how could they seriously make a movie for it?
I had wondered about this. If the book didn't do squat, I mean, did this book ever rank above #700,000 on Amazon's book list, how could they seriously make a movie for it?

I hope they don't ask the estate to fund it. I can see them using their connection with an heir of the estate to try something that stupid.
The estate is going to stay away.. they have to stay away I don't want Michael's legacy to be associated with this mess, this is all Paris' and whomever is guiding her (Toy Toy) i.e. the Jackson's
You dont know if Paris has talent or not and this thread was not created to attack paris. She is a child still. Michael's Child.

? I'm sorry but what does her "being Michael's Child" has to do with anything? That does not mean that she should automatically get a free pass in life.
let's not forget that Latoya is the same woman whom said that " She was responsible for Micheal's fashion, she gave lots of input towards his music, created the crown logo" so basically what she was claiming is that she was the person behind the scenes that created the whole "Michael Jackson" image.

Of course she would spew these lies now that he is 13 feet under. I was "acceptive" of the entire family before Michael passed, but afterwards, their true colors begin to show and now I understand why Michael kept his distance from many of them, and the ones he did trust seem to let him down on a regular basis.
Heck i didnt even know lundon's bridge was a book lol
I had wondered about this. If the book didn't do squat, I mean, did this book ever rank above #700,000 on Amazon's book list, how could they seriously make a movie for it?

They were hoping to sell enough books to attract investors.

I was told last december, they were actively looking. Even after the Paris Interview, the book still didn't move.

Paris is NOT bankable yet....right now, people are just gaga & googooing over her MJ connection.

ALL of her attraction is her MJ connection. People are not gonna run to the bookstore to buy a random book because a 13 year old said so. I can guarantee you, if the book was written by MJ, people would have flocked to buy it before, during and after the interview.

At some point, they will either want to separate themselves from MJ's legacy or embrace it... But, for better or worse, These kids will live in MJ's shadow for years to come.

I wish them the best of luck...
Paris is 13, ya'll need to calm down, and stop being so hard on her. Do you guys EVEN remember how you were when you were 13?! STOP expecting the maturity of a 20 year old in her, when she's JUST 13.
? I'm sorry but what does her "being Michael's Child" has to do with anything? That does not mean that she should automatically get a free pass in life.

I agree with you
I never said she should _ I dont believe she should based on being MJ's daughter.
I was replying to a "particular post" that said she had no talent. what I am saying
Is she is Michael's beloved child. Michael Loves her and we who love him shouldn't
"attack" his child. if only Out of respect for him and our love for him. regardless

And as Twiklee stated above she is a 13 yr old child.

(Michael's Child) he is not here for her - How will we treat her in his absense ?
Paris is 13, ya'll need to calm down, and stop being so hard on her. Do you guys EVEN remember how you were when you were 13?! STOP expecting the maturity of a 20 year old in her, when she's JUST 13.

Maybe you should take your own advice next time :) no offense.
Why did the production team put Paris on the Ellen show to promote a movie which had no investment, no started shooting or nothing yet??

Shame on them for using Paris as a bait. They all learned a valuable lesson I guess.
They put her on the show to get attention to attract potentional investors. they used her plain and simple
Why did the production team put Paris on the Ellen show to promote a movie which had no investment, no started shooting or nothing yet??
The bigger question is, why did the family allow her to be used? I just find it disgusting that no one is publicly calling what it is the family is doing with these kids. To see the media act as if she would become a star from this project is just so WTF??
The media only care about ratings, and as long as people keep watching, clicking, they'll keep on following the story without any criticism. If she fails, even better.