Paris Jackson begins acting career - Lundon's Bridge - Summary of the book @pg42

So Mike was cool with Paris acting at a young age. This changes everything... And this crazy fan need to STFU...
xMJsBADgirlx Claudia J.
@ParisJackson I am sure your father didn't want you to start with acting at the age of 13..No
1 hour ago

ParisJackson Paris Jackso?
@xMJsBADgirlx he encouraged me at the age of 11
1 hour ago

xMJsBADgirlx Claudia J.
@ParisJackson WHAT? I bet you're lying! I know your father.He wanted to have you a ordinary childhood little lady
1 hour ago
in reply to ?

Paris Jackso?
@xMJsBADgirlx nope
1 hour ago via Twitter for iPhone
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So Mike was cool with Paris acting at a young age. This changes everything... And this crazy fan need to STFU...

Haven't follow this thread for a long time. I think MJ seemed to be cool with Paris acting at a young age and Prince directing at a young age. It seemed like he was culturing their interests like asking film professor to teach them at house or doing small film/acting project at home. However, I really doubt whether he would encourage them to involve in commercial film and entertainment business so young. Learning and acting at home and doing those film and movie project at home is different from going into show business. He said if his kids want to go show bis he would prepared them first and make sure them know the consequence (good or bad) before they step in. My POV, Even if he agreed Paris to act in commercial film so young, I think he would go through the project carefully to make sure it's a good project for his daughter. He won't allow some random film making project which doesn't even have funding and need Paris to go on Ellen to draw funding (Don't get me wrong, that interview content in general is nice but the purpose of the interview is questionable).
MJ was still covering his children in veils just before june 25th, just a hunch but i'm not feeling that he would be totally on board with paris starring in and seemingly providing the sole publicity for a 5 hollywood film franchise based on vanity published book noone has heard of, 2 years later.
MJ was still covering his children in veils just before june 25th, just a hunch but i'm not feeling that he would be totally on board with paris starring in and seemingly providing the sole publicity for a 5 hollywood film franchise based on vanity published book noone has heard of, 2 years later.
A hunch? I think it's a safe bet he wouldn't have wanted that for her. What parent would? This is a project only the Jacksons would go for. With all these reports about what celeb kids are doing these days, it's a given that if MJ was alive, MJ would've landed a more credible project for her. This film is as bottom of the barrel as you can get.

Even Steve Irwin's daughter Bindi was able to land Free Willy 15.
I think michael was helping paris with the acting for fun but i guess if she still wanted to do it, he would've done it within safe measures. I reckon he would've wanted at least untill she was 18 so that she would be mature enough to understand the pressures of acting world can bring
Michael was certainly encouraging his kids to pursue their dreams, whatever their age. I dont know if he would have minded about her age. There are young(er) actors. But he would not have used his kids to fund their first movie, and I'm sure their studies would still have come first. I doubt his daughter would have appeared on her own in a TV show without her dad. She would not be promoting a movie that does not even exist just for the sake of being in the public eye.

That being said, this "fan" is way out of line. Again.
Like every hollywood movie automatically gets greenlighted. Brad Pitt, mega movie star, dominated today's oscar noms. And he is telling how difficult it was to get his moneyball pic off the ground. The multi nominated movie was shelved several times.

Did not see Paris Jackson making the media rounds to promote this project. In show biz they use each other. REALLY.????
Michael was certainly encouraging his kids to pursue their dreams, whatever their age. I dont know if he would have minded about her age.

That's what i find really difficult to accept. MJ was the poster boy for losing your childhood to child stardom, he went on and on about it, even under the influence of murray's benzo cocktail special in the month before he died. So i can't see him allowing paris or any of them taking such a step into the public spotlight so young - he would have been castigated by fans and public as a complete hypocrite. The fact paris apparently thinks she would have had her father's blessing is odd, perhaps he did not share his negative experiences with his children?
That's what i find really difficult to accept. MJ was the poster boy for losing your childhood to child stardom, he went on and on about it, even under the influence of murray's benzo cocktail special in the month before he died. So i can't see him allowing paris or any of them taking such a step into the public spotlight so young - he would have been castigated by fans and public as a complete hypocrite. The fact paris apparently thinks she would have had her father's blessing is odd, perhaps he did not share his negative experiences with his children?

Or some opportunistic adults could have nudged her to connect some dots incorrectly. Supporting and culturing her dreams may not necessarily mean that he felt she was ready to enter the lion's den just yet. But little details like that can easily be overlooked, esp if you start treating a kid like an adult or friend because you see potential $$ making oppurtunities.
That's what i find really difficult to accept. MJ was the poster boy for losing your childhood to child stardom, he went on and on about it, even under the influence of murray's benzo cocktail special in the month before he died. So i can't see him allowing paris or any of them taking such a step into the public spotlight so young - he would have been castigated by fans and public as a complete hypocrite. The fact paris apparently thinks she would have had her father's blessing is odd, perhaps he did not share his negative experiences with his children?

There's a difference between being a young actor and being in the spotlight outside of the set. Michael was pushed in the light 24/7, and hardly had any life outside of being the frontman.
He would certainly not have let his kids be on TV shows, or giving interviews like they're doing it now. But letting Paris have a little role in a good movie, with a professional team he could trust, wouldnt have been hypocritical to me. He would not have prevented her from studying, or having fun. No way he would have done what Joe did. And she would certainly not have made one movie after the other.

I'm pretty sure there's a lot we know about Michael's past that the kids dont know. Otherwise, they would never have promoted grandpa's perfumes. I believe Michael wanted them preserved from those ugly stories, and being able to think they had somewhat of a "normal" family. Plus, they were really young.
Yeah the jacksons got their hands on them at the right time. another few years and those kids might have known alot more about alot of theres vertually no one who they physical know who can tell them the facts
We know from Michael himself and also Katherine has also said (yes I know) that Michael wouldn't want the children in showbiz until they are older. I'm sure that he did encourage them to be the best at their craft but I doubt that he would chose this for Paris right now. And that fan that tweeted her should STFU because if they feel they know he wouldn't like her acting then they should know that he wouldn't like her on twitter either and sure as hell wouldn't like strangers attacking her.
So Mike was cool with Paris acting at a young age. This changes everything... And this crazy fan need to STFU...

i suppose this changes nothing in this circumstances. he rehearsed with her, they were making kind of home movie together but i don't think he'd be happy with his young daughter have a role in cheap dvd movie without his care and instructions
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That's what i find really difficult to accept. MJ was the poster boy for losing your childhood to child stardom, he went on and on about it, even under the influence of murray's benzo cocktail special in the month before he died. So i can't see him allowing paris or any of them taking such a step into the public spotlight so young - he would have been castigated by fans and public as a complete hypocrite. The fact paris apparently thinks she would have had her father's blessing is odd, perhaps he did not share his negative experiences with his children?

Or some opportunistic adults could have nudged her to connect some dots incorrectly. Supporting and culturing her dreams may not necessarily mean that he felt she was ready to enter the lion's den just yet. But little details like that can easily be overlooked, esp if you start treating a kid like an adult or friend because you see potential $$ making oppurtunities.

I agree. I thinks there's a misunderstanding going on here or Paris is simply misstating some things.

I gave this example before. My cousin wanted to drop out of high school to become a musician. My uncle was against it. He wanted his son to finish high school, have his diploma and then do whatever he pleases. However he wasn't against his dreams either. He bought both a guitar and drum set and paid for guitar and drums lessons for years.

I have no doubt that Paris wanted to be an actress and that Michael encouraged her and supported her dreams by lessons , improvs and so on. I'm also sure that he wouldn't have problems with that as a career choice. However I'm also pretty sure that he wouldn't be okay with his 13 year old starting acting because

- he was always and still adamant of "lost childhood" notion
- he showed no desire to remove the veils
However I'm also pretty sure that he wouldn't be okay with his 13 year old starting acting because

- he was always and still adamant of "lost childhood" notion
- he showed no desire to remove the veils

True. However he would have had to deal with them growing older. At the time, Paris had just turned 11, she will be 14 in a few months. Without being a young adult, she's not a baby anymore either. He would have had to forget about the veils at one point.
But it's the challenge of all parents I believe, even if the veils are symbolic for others.

Without speculating, its obvious things would have been handled quite differently if Michael was still in charge.

First Published: January 26, 2012 7:17 PM EST

Paris, 13, is the first of Michael’s children to follow him into show business, as she gears up to star in “Lundun’s Bridge and the Three Keys,” a live action feature film, based on a children’s book series by Dennis H. Christen.

“There are other live actors in it, but like, ‘Pirates of the Caribbean,’ [which] had Davy Jones and all that, they’re going to be some animals or creatures in that look like that,” she said of the film, which also features the voices of Larry King as King Pom, his wife, Shawn King as Queen Dalina, and Joey Fatone as Paco, a sea horse.

Copyright 2012 by NBC Universal, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
I think this is incredibly unfortunate. It doesn't really take rocket-science to know what Michael would have wanted for his children at this stage of their lives? When he passed, then went almost immediately to appearing "unmasked," and doing talk shows, advertising a "fake" (IMHO) charity, appearing on stage for an ill-fated "tribute" show, and all the rest of it. Being photographed by paparazzi is NOT a "career," nor is having a huge internet presence. It's really nothing at all, except dangerous for the children's futures, and future privacy. And now this film, for which there is no funding? Seems sketchy, from the get-go.

There is nothing wrong with Paris following her dreams, and I'm sure Michael encouraged this. But, TIMING is everything, and thirteen really IS still a child, regardless of media and pop-culture pressure to grow up too fast. I think that not only do the Jacksons not prevent her from having a major Twitter presence, but may actually be encouraging it, to give her a high and bankable profile? And if the Jackson trend continues, this "film" seems to use her as bait, to get funding for its production?

The RISK is, of course, that she will become yet another "celebrity" known only for being famous. Like the Kardashians, who seem opportunistic beyond belief, and more of a curiosity rather than being respected for actual accomplishments. Paris has nothing to be famous FOR, other than her father. She has accomplished NOTHING yet in her own right -- which is as it should be, at her age, IMHO.

And, there is absolutely nothing we can do, but just watch this unfold. Michael, I am SO sorry. . . . .
Paris Jackson's First Ever Lundon's Bridge Behind the Scenes Video

Songs used: Breaking News, Behind The Mask and Hold My Hand. I don't know if it's promoting Lundon's Bridge or the Michael album.
What's going on in the "First Every - Behind The Scenes?" (I can't see the video clip.)

Are they ACTUALLY filming the movie or is this just more promo-hype? Can somebody please give a little description. Thanks!