Paris Jackson begins acting career - Lundon's Bridge - Summary of the book @pg42

Sorta off-topic but Paris gave one of her closest friends permission to start a Twitter account about her life called ParisJFacts. I'm already worried about her because it will give her more haters to attack her (since her Twitter account is verified and media follows her)

Like this tweet, the Jacksons better get Paris off the internet....

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]ParisJFacts[/FONT] Paris Facts
Paris knows about the illuminati more than any other member of the Jackson family.
1 hour ago
this is sooooo wrong. why can't MJ be alive to teach his children the way of life and give his daughter the love and attention she's craving (and need)? why God, why?
I wouldnt worry too much about that stupid tweet, to me it's just part of being a teenager. You like secrets, conspiracies, and all that crap. You usually grow out of it.

The new twitter account is much more worrying, because its one more proof of the way she sees herself, and of what people put in her mind. But, again, when you have thousands of followers on a social network, without having achieved anything else than being born... it gives you one hell of a distorted view of reality.

Those who think they're looking out for her are actually part of the problem. It's a vicious circle. Add auntie Toy toy to the picture...
I just find it all desperatly sad. I just pray that this all works itself out but with the brainwashing of certain Jackson family members my heart just sinks, especially when Paris' father did everything he could to keep her protected.
Google Translation from French: [So the words might be a little iffy]

But La Toya needs to STFU!!!

- LaToya, how often do you see Prince, Paris and Blanket?
I see them all the time. Two Saturdays ago, we went to the movies, and we have dinner together all the time. They like amusement parks and things like that. I am very involved in their homework (school) and school.

They seem so balanced and so well behaved. Does all of this is due to Michael?
He did an amazing job (with children). It was the mother, father, nanny - it was everything to her children. They are extremely intelligent and mature for their ages. Children are very resilient. But their father is no longer with us, and of course they complain a lot.

They now live with their grandmother, Katherine. Is it strict?
Yes. She does everything in a very subtle, but you understand and you're done. It is with them every day and she did a good job.

It has been reported that Debbie Rowe, the biological mother of Paris and Prince, had supervised visits now. Is now a presence in their lives?
No, it is not (a presence in their lives). This is disinformation.

Did you give advice to children to better cope with the spotlight?
Yes, I do. I spoke yesterday with Paris because she made ??a television [The Ellen DeGeneres Show] and she asked me to watch. And I said: "You were very confident. You must always be confident. Remember, whether you like it or not Paris, you'll be in the public eye and (be) a model, it is very important to you than to behave in the right way "- and of course they do.

Paris now has a work (set time), do not worry she's too young?
is something she wants (to do). She loves to play and loves show business. The boys love it too. They are very involved in show business, because that's what they did with their father before his death. They took lessons to play (comedy / drama) and the achievement.

Michael's children should be the target pests. How can you help them protect themselves?
You see people trying to hang on to them at all times. But they are very intelligent. They can fix that themselves.
- LaToya, how often do you see Prince, Paris and Blanket?
I see them all the time. Two Saturdays ago, we went to the movies, and we have dinner together all the time. They like amusement parks and things like that. I am very involved in their homework (school) and school.

:bugeyed La Toya helping with homework.........that's a lie!!!!

It has been reported that Debbie Rowe, the biological mother of Paris and Prince, had supervised visits now. Is now a presence in their lives?
No, it is not (a presence in their lives). This is disinformation.

i dont believe for a second that all of her so called fans r 12 year old kids, i believe some just grown folks encouraging paris to reveal as much private info , expose herself thru pics etc as possible
i dont believe for a second all of her so called fans r kids, i do howevwr believe some r grown folks encouraging the madness and craving for tiny private tidbits thrown by paris, which imo is a sad
Twinklee ^^you are right about that because some of her followers post here too and disclose what she is doing and saying.
i dont believe for a second all of her so called fans r kids, i do howevwr believe some r grown folks encouraging the madness and craving for tiny private tidbits thrown by paris, which imo is a sad

The simple fact of being another one of her followers fuels the fire, whatever the reason for doing it.
i dont believe for a second all of her so called fans r kids, i do howevwr believe some r grown folks encouraging the madness and craving for tiny private tidbits thrown by paris, which imo is a sad
Yeah alot of adult mj fans follow her twitter otherwise nothing would be posted on here for starters. but i cant imagine adults are the ones calling ivy an hater etc
I can picture ``some`` adults calling ivy a hater i mean look at the way some r trying to justify this f*ckery, going out of their way, claiming paris is a grown adult, able make her own decisions with no outside influence, that the adults in her life have nothing to do with it. I can totally see adults going off on ivy or any voice of reason, as it opposes their own views and maybe even prevents this drama unfolding on a bigger scale.
This book and its claims to have half the profits going to schools just irks me. On the lundon bridge website, it's clear that schools have to shell out around $6 to buy at least 10 of these books. It's not in bookshops so teachers can't browse it and assess it for suitability - there's just a few pages on amazon they can look at (and come to the inevitable conclusion it's incredibly badly written). There's not even an indication of reading age which is unheard of in children's books. The book is then to be sold by the school to parents for around $12, double what the schools paid, which is alot compared to similar books - so i'm assuming this is where the claim that half profits going to schools comes from - purely because parents in this economic climate have to shell out $12 for a poorly written book by an unknown author. It's an incredibly cheap way for an author to get his book sold to the public - no discount to bookshops to take into account, or money to a publisher and unlike bookshops the schools don't buy the books on a sell or return basis, they're landed with the books if they can't sell them. The author meanwhile has cash in hand of $6 per book. The schools even have to shell out for post and packing for the books to be sent to them!

Re the claim that half profits for the film go to schools - i'm assuming net not gross profits (there's been no definition of profits and the devil is always in the detail), well any accountant worth their salt esp those that work in hollywood can make profits be as small as they like by inflating the overheads and salaries. I just find it all highlly dubious. The companies involved in this project are proper commerical companies not charities/Not for profit orgs - like globalive they'll have investors that want to see some profit for their risky outlay, and hollywood animated films are not cheap.
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<that's how="" i="" heard="" it="" lol[="" quote]
<that's how="" i="" heard="" it="" lol[="" quote]
Janet was on Jay Leno's show tonight and talked about Paris
- Talks about Paris acting again. She prefers Paris to wait. Wants her to study, focus on school. Enjoy her youth. Then when she's 18 she can choose for herself if she wants to act and go on Twitter <<< that's how I heard it lol Anyway the audience clapped loudly for that
<that's how="" i="" heard="" it="" lol[="" quote]<="" html=""></that's></that's>
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At 7:56 Janet talks about Paris

Bla bla bla............