Paris Jackson begins acting career - Lundon's Bridge - Summary of the book @pg42

i'd like to see her and her best friend katie hilton rather far off the kids.


Kathy Hilton is very much around La Toya apparently. And that's not good. :fear: God forbid that Paris becomes a second Paris Hilton. :nono: God will not let that happen. :pray:

There is no other better person to be with these children... besides Michael. It is only him and nobody else. I do not see anyone who is fit (maybe Diana Ross? I wish she was around them NOW.). Well, now, without Michael, they are in God's hands. :(
btw few days ago I read that Paris gave her cell number to another random girl she met on Twitter. Personally, although I have no say whatsoever, I don't see how her giving away number (leave alone meeting up with strangers) to literal strangers is a good thing to do.
That's parental supervision for ya.

As for Paris becoming Paris Hilton II, yeah, that's a nightmare that could become true. Not that I doubt her, but do I know how you can influence a kid.
That's parental supervision for ya.

As for Paris becoming Paris Hilton II, yeah, that's a nightmare that could become true. Not that I doubt her, but do I know how you can influence a kid.

You make Paris Hilton sound evil or something. lol

Paris Hilton had some issues in 2007-2008, but acts much better now of days. She is actually quite a success woman who doesn't live off her parents' money or fame, she does her own thing for better or worst. There are far worst things Paris can become besides another Paris Hilton.
Oh evil no. That would be if she becomes Latoya. But I think Paris can become far better than the Hilton girl. Like someone with a real brain, that makes a change in this world. No offense to the older Paris.
Oh evil no. That would be if she becomes Latoya. But I think Paris can become far better than the Hilton girl. Like someone with a real brain, that makes a change in this world. No offense to the older Paris.

Exactly, besides Hilton was arrested for Coke possession just last year, but somehow got her way out of it, so no she still hasn't changed that much.
btw few days ago I read that Paris gave her cell number to another random girl she met on Twitter. Personally, although I have no say whatsoever, I don't see how her giving away number (leave alone meeting up with strangers) to literal strangers is a good thing to do.
I hope this isn't true because it is the internet after all. How does she know it is a girl?:puke:
Exactly, besides Hilton was arrested for Coke possession just last year, but somehow got her way out of it, so no she still hasn't changed that much.

Possessing drugs doesn't mean you use or sell it. Just ask Mac when he got arrested over someone's else weed stash. If you don't know the entire story, you can just dismiss it as 'getting away' with it. Besides, I wouldn't put drug possession on the same level as drunk driving, but that's me.

Also, I think fans don't give Paris Hilton. She is very smart given she had the media eating out of her hand for two years, got how own hit show, and she did nothing but really just party. She didn't even have to do half of the outrages stuff Britney Spears did in that same time period to get people's attention. I really just think, like Michael, she lost control of her image after playing with the media too much which is why people thinks she's a selfish idiot.

Now, the question was can Paris do better than Hilton. Yes and she should because she can learn from Hilton's mistakes. However, Paris is still a human at the end of the day so I don't think we should expert her to be a saint or a expy of Michael. So, I wouldn't be surprise if she does gain some characteristics from Hilton, but I don't see this as a completely bad thing.
Now I give Paris the fact that she didn't sit on her ass lazy while spending other folks money. I do give her the fact that she built up an entire, and was at some point really in control of her image. But no I don't think drug possession is something to turn a blind eye on, especially not if it's drugs like cocaine, hard drugs. No.
Now I give Paris the fact that she didn't sit on her ass lazy while spending other folks money. I do give her the fact that she built up an entire, and was at some point really in control of her image. But no I don't think drug possession is something to turn a blind eye on, especially not if it's drugs like cocaine, hard drugs. No.

The thing is, we don't know if it was hers or if it was someone's else. That' why I mentioned Mac. He got in trouble because he was in a friend's car, got pulled over, and arrested over his friend's weed stash. I honestly don't know the story of Paris and the cocaine, but since it never went any further, I would assume it wasn't her. I doubt they would let her go if it was hers since the people in LA have been making an effort in the last couple years to make examples of celebrities that act badly.

Also, I personally don't see drug possessing as a big deal because as long as they don't harm anyone or selling the stuff, I honestly could careless if someone snorts white powder or stick a needle in their arm. It's one of the few things I agree with Ron Paul about. lol
Also, I personally don't see drug possessing as a big deal because as long as they don't harm anyone or selling the stuff, I honestly could careless if someone snorts white powder or stick a needle in their arm. It's one of the few things I agree with Ron Paul about. lol
That is your opinion mine clearly differs from yours
Unfortunately it is true. This isn't the first person she gave her number out online. She gave her number to a boy her age and that girl she met online.

it is all very scary to think about,,,my question?? How do we know that she gave some boy her phone number? I know about the girl she met from twitter. The boy...are we sure he is just not a classmate of hers from school?
As for Paris becoming Paris Hilton II, yeah, that's a nightmare that could become true. Not that I doubt her, but do I know how you can influence a kid.


Paris Hilton had some issues in 2007-2008, but acts much better now of days.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm :scratch:I think not. :fear: Well, here in Brazil (it seems that she like here :fear:), every time she comes is a shame. Last year in the carnival, she got drunk, danced to the people on the table, fell to the ground several times and tried to undress in front of people. Everyone laughed at her. A shame. :doh: I believe that Paris might be OK and behaving well, when not drunk, because when she drinks... :fear:

Hmmmmmmmmmmm :scratch:I think not. :fear: Well, here in Brazil (it seems that she like here :fear:), every time she comes is a shame. Last year in the carnival, she got drunk, danced to the people on the table, fell to the ground several times and tried to undress in front of people. Everyone laughed at her. A shame. :doh: I believe that Paris might be OK and behaving well, when not drunk, because when she drinks... :fear:

When I say act better, I mean she doesn't do PR stunts like she did during 2007-2008. I don't follow celebrity news, but I knew about Paris' antics because they were all over the news just about everyday. Since that time, however, you actually have to search to find out what Paris Hilton is doing. I'm not saying she still doesn't have issues, but I don't see her as a bad person or someone who should be looked down on. I honestly thinks she has a good heart underneath all the Tab crap. So, I can't really call Paris becoming Paris Hilton II a nightmare. Her becoming more like Lisa Lohan is scarier to me, no offense to Lisa.

I will agree with you, however, that Hilton needs to stay away from the alcohol.
it is all very scary to think about,,,my question?? How do we know that she gave some boy her phone number? I know about the girl she met from twitter. The boy...are we sure he is just not a classmate of hers from school?
This girl tweeted that Paris gave her little brother her number. When she tweeted that she seemed excited about that.
^That is scary, anyone can pretend to be a child and befriend Paris on twitter. It's abosolutely scary that no one in that family seems to monitor nor stop Paris exchanging personal information with even more strangers.

They had to know that she went to the movies with some older unknown teenager. They should have been firm and made it clear that she should not exchange personal contact details with anymore strangers online, because the next one might not be a harmless child. It's a reckless gamble, and Katherine and the rest of adult Jacksons who are around Paris are completely at fault.
^That is scary, anyone can pretend to be a child and befriend Paris on twitter. It's abosolutely scary that no one in that family seems to monitor nor stop Paris exchanging personal information with even more strangers.

They had to know that she went to the movies with some older unknown teenager. They should have been firm and made it clear that she should not exchange personal contact details with anymore strangers online, because the next one might not be a harmless child. It's a reckless gamble, and Katherine and the rest of adult Jacksons who are around Paris are completely at fault.

Man, that's a very sad and DANGEROUS situation, in my opinion.

I read all of this, including the movie Paris wants to be in and have to wonder: "Who is raising those children or are they just raising themselves."

It's becoming more and more apparent that nobody in the family is saying NO to their request and they just basically do whatever they want to do. I don't, of course, know for a fact, but dang, it certainly "appears" that's what's happening.
My prayer is that Michael Jackson's children:
Prince, Paris, and Blanket are loved, cared for, and remain safe.

I pray God will allow their father, Michael Jackson, to continue to watch over them
from Heaven.
shell be saying branca killed mj next at this right. good ole conspiracy talk from latoya
^That is scary, anyone can pretend to be a child and befriend Paris on twitter. It's abosolutely scary that no one in that family seems to monitor nor stop Paris exchanging personal information with even more strangers.

They had to know that she went to the movies with some older unknown teenager. They should have been firm and made it clear that she should not exchange personal contact details with anymore strangers online, because the next one might not be a harmless child. It's a reckless gamble, and Katherine and the rest of adult Jacksons who are around Paris are completely at fault.
I don't get why Paris herself is being so careless. At this age you should know the whole stranger danger thing. And she saw what happened to her father when he allowed the wrong people around him. I don't get it. I thought she was about being around folks who love her for herself.
Kids dont know the things they arent taught, especially when it comes to trusting strangers. Paris is no different despite what many seem to think. And I doubt very much Michael told his children about all that happened to him, quite the contrary. I think he protected them, considering their age. Now what we can wonder, once more, is : what the :censored: is the GUARDIAN doing???
This girl tweeted that Paris gave her little brother her number. When she tweeted that she seemed excited about that.
Is this a rumor? I've been hearing this story for quite some time now, How do we know this is true? Did Paris confirm this herself? I simply cannot understand this scenario, it's like trying to picture a square circle. :scratch: How can this be real???
I'm beginning to think that Paris' twitter account was set up for entertainment purposes, it just seems so unreal if what I'm hearing is true.
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I don't get why Paris herself is being so careless. At this age you should know the whole stranger danger thing. And she saw what happened to her father when he allowed the wrong people around him. I don't get it. I thought she was about being around folks who love her for herself.
I HIGHLY doubt she realized that given her age then. Apart from her brother's I don't think there is a single individual who loves her for herself. The one who did, died nearly 3 years ago.
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This girl tweeted that Paris gave her little brother her number. When she tweeted that she seemed excited about that.

wow that really IS scary to think that she is doing that,,,anyone could get her number now...especially the way people pass out other peoples numbers.