Paris Jackson begins acting career - Lundon's Bridge - Summary of the book @pg42

Does she have an agent? Who's going to those things with her? Who's protecting her image? Who's making sure she doesnt forget about school?
oh Dear!!
Does she have an agent? Who's going to those things with her? Who's protecting her image? Who's making sure she doesnt forget about school?
Not sure who or if anyone's doing these things, but I know that grandma for sure ain't the one, grandma is busy with her sixty plus year old sons in Japan reminiscing about the good old early 1970s.
That's what worries me. If no one bothers enough to check out the people she meets on twitter... wait... or did any of the good uncles protecting her go with her?? SMH
^^ You know, i must admit i checked on jatail's website before i came on here as i remembered that they have a 'management of talent division'. But fortunately i can report no pictures of paris as a client, or indeed of anyone else.
From Lipstick Alley:

he did ask Janet about Paris and the whole acting thing and she said she just wants Paris to go to school and finish high school before she thinks about being in the industry...she doesn't want her in the industry before she turns 18...Tom and his co-hosts were all like "yeah, I like that"...

OMG! Janet is sooooooooooooooooo worried... :eek:

Does she have an agent? Who's going to those things with her? Who's protecting her image? Who's making sure she doesnt forget about school?

I'm soooooooooooooooooo curious to know.
who are those people?

on the very left - Stephen Sobisky - the guy who does the animations - he was also credited as producer

the guy next to Paris on the left (black shirt, white pants) is Dennis Christen - writer of the book as well as the producer and an actor
on the very left - Stephen Sobisky - the guy who does the animations - he was also credited as producer

the guy next to Paris on the left (black shirt, white pants) is Dennis Christen - writer of the book as well as the producer and an actor

thank you Ivy,,,so Mr. Christen has more than one roll in this project...he is the writer,,,the producer,,AND an actor. Seems like Mr, Christen is well invested in this "project".
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shawnieora shawn king

Just finished a Lunden's Bridge production meeting with @parisjackson. Hard work and fun times ahead!

click the lockerz there is a photo...Paris. Larry King and Katherine.
From LSA:
Apparently these pix that's popping up of her in these meetings were done on the first anniversary, June 25, 2010. Remember how she got chewed out for just tweeting "tanning"? I guess she was being secretive as to what she was really doing, unless she really did go tanning that day too.
Well at least we know that picture cannot be from today. Katherine is in Japan and Dennis has posted a picture of him with Paris (same clothes) a week ago.

^^ and probably the LSA poster meant second anniversary and June 2011?
Why would u wanba be out doing stuff like that on the anniversary. makes u sick seeing these ppl around the kids.they are only doing it cause its mjs kids its like they are rubbing mikes face in it
Did I see someone here write that there are 5 books?? If they are going to make movies of all of them, does this mean Paris will be tied to tis project for years to come?? I wonder what her contract says.

On another note... I wish that in her future projects (when she is older) that she goes to auditons instead when taking on roles so that she can be picked solely because of her talent- and not because of her name. It would be so good, professional wise, if she competes with other aspiring actresses as well. She will be taken more seriously then. Remember how MJ said he doesnt want his kids to be treated any different than other kids??
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I wonder what her contract says.

There is an article here, or somewhere else in this section, which states that Paris does not have a contract yet, because if she had a contract it would have to go before the Courts, due to her age.

I'm not sure how that works, but I'm guessing that all actors who happen to be "MINORS" have to follow this same procedure in order to protect their interest.

Which, in my opinion, makes this "deal" even more fishy. I mean, how are these folks asking for funding IF Paris doesn't even have a contract to be in their movie. Just seems mighty, mighty strange to me.
There is an article here, or somewhere else in this section, which states that Paris does not have a contract yet, because if she had a contract it would have to go before the Courts, due to her age.

I'm not sure how that works, but I'm guessing that all actors who happen to be "MINORS" have to follow this same procedure in order to protect their interest.

Which, in my opinion, makes this "deal" even more fishy. I mean, how are these folks asking for funding IF Paris doesn't even have a contract to be in their movie. Just seems mighty, mighty strange to me.

I checked it. yes the law exists , it's for protecting minors. it requires the contract to be filed with superior court - checked magazine was right nothing filed in Paris's name. it requires a trust account to be set up and it also says that minor 100% own the earnings and unauthorized use of it by the minor's family is stealing.

In other words majority of the money she *might* make will be protected (managers/ agents and such can take a percentage)
U can bet there wont be any such contract if the family can help it
Has anyone watched the full interview yet? It was on some channels this morning at 7am (Pacific time) but not able to as I don't subscribe to some of the channels (I'm in Canada). Will be able to watch it 4pm on others though.
Has anyone watched the full interview yet? It was on some channels this morning at 7am (Pacific time) but not able to as I don't subscribe to some of the channels (I'm in Canada). Will be able to watch it 4pm on others though.

it airs hear at 4pm as well.
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I checked it. yes the law exists , it's for protecting minors. it requires the contract to be filed with superior court - checked magazine was right nothing filed in Paris's name. it requires a trust account to be set up and it also says that minor 100% own the earnings and unauthorized use of it by the minor's family is stealing.

In other words majority of the money she *might* make will be protected (managers/ agents and such can take a percentage)

I figured that these kind of financial issues would be the reason the court has appointed Margaret Lodise, Guardian Ad Litem.
So we know that Paris doesn't have a contract to appear in this more - yet, but what about her picture on the cover of the book?

I'm "wondering" how that came about and who reaped the benefits of those proceeds, if there were any proceeds.

I'm sorry, but this thing stinks to high heaven, in my opinion.