Paris Jackson begins acting career - Lundon's Bridge - Summary of the book @pg42
(15-12-2011) In a recent interview with Access Hollywood, Janet Jackson said she is a little scared about her neice's decision to step into the spotlight.

Michael Jackson's little sister told Access Hollywood, "I'm excited for her... but it worries me a...bit. I wish that she would maybe wait."

Janet's hesitation on Paris's behalf is a result of her own experiences as a child actor. "Your completely lose," she explained. "It's not an easy thing."

Janet admits that, while she understands that the decision ultimately belongs to Paris, she says she actually tried to dissuade Michael's daughter from giving up her childhood. Something her famous brother might have done himself. "I told her I would take this time to just study...really, really study the craft."

Janet's interview with Access Hollywood airs tonight. Check your local listings for times.

Source: MJFC /
I figured that these kind of financial issues would be the reason the court has appointed Margaret Lodise, Guardian Ad Litem.

she's only the guardian ad litem in the probate court in regards to issues about the Estate. I don't think her powers will cover the movie.
she's only the guardian ad litem in the probate court in regards to issues about the Estate. I don't think her powers will cover the movie.
See, I'm still trying to understand the totality of her role. All of the kids' financial well being- or just as it relates to the Estate? The latter one like you said would make more sense though.
See, I'm still trying to understand the totality of her role. All of the kids' financial well being- or just as it relates to the Estate? The latter one like you said would make more sense though.

As she's hired by the Probate court I'll say Estate related - or at least what it was for. Technically Katherine is their guardian and also a beneficiary of the Estate so she could make decision to benefit herself while hurting the kids - that's why they have a guardian ad litem in the Estate matters. I'm not sure if her powers can be extended.
La Toya supports Paris in her aspirations to be an actress in the latin show La Academia 2011:

"Everything she wants, will continue to support the aspirations of all its possible ways, she has so much talent. Although children change their minds all the time, but the important thing is to follow your heart and do what you really want, "said La Toya before the end of The Academy 2011.

“Todo lo que ella quiera, la seguiremos apoyando en sus anhelos de todas las maneras posibles, ella tiene muchísimo talento. Aunque los niños cambian de opinión todo el tiempo, pero lo importante es que siga a su corazón y haga lo que en verdad quiera” dijo La Toya antes de comenzar la final de La Academia 2011.
That "Everything she wants" comment from La Toya left a bad taste in my mouth.

Honestly just like some of the family, I don't think she gives a damn on what's right for Paris.
Latoya only cares about the money SHE can make off paris by leaching off her .
Word on the street is that Paris won't be going to Buckley with Prince next year to focus on her project which I think is the movie. She might be homeschooled again.

Education comes FIRST.

Oh and you can now have Paris plastered on your wall. The movie site is selling a poster of her for the film

I think we'll see Latoya somewhere included in this mess with JaTail.

and hope this movie doesn't interfere with her schooling.
I agree with what Janet said in one of her interviews about Paris. Except for the part where she says it's Paris life and her decision. But, I say she is only 13 and an adult like her gaurdian can stop her decision if they don't think it's right whenever they want to. DUH! It's called parenting! So I don't get the whole letting a 13yr old make such a big decison like that on her own. But, If the Guardian don't care and just call it supporting her like I'm sure Katherine and other member's of the fam like toya are doing then noting will change.
I am pretty sure Paris' unofficial guardian is Latoya. The mark is too clear. She went from the best parent to the worst ever.

I wouldnt bet on the school part, we all know how much it matters to those people. Look at the kind of stuff they putting in her head : you havent done anything but you're a star, all that matters is your face in the public eye, share your private life and pictures online, promote a movie that doesnt even exist... SMH
I get the feeling that Paris listens to La Toya more than Janet. La Toya tells Paris what she wants to hear, Janet tells Paris what she needs to here.
Latoya is here all the time, she needs PAris to get a bit a media attention, and she tells Paris much more than what to wear. She tells her what matters in life. That's the scariest part.
I am pretty sure Paris' unofficial guardian is Latoya. The mark is too clear. She went from the best parent to the worst ever.

yeah seems she is. it bothers me. i'd like to see her and her best friend katie hilton rather far off the kids. yes i'm not a guardian and don't know them personally but i have a strong feelin and sad examples with katie's daughter that this women shoud stay away from Paris!
I get the feeling that Paris listens to La Toya more than Janet. La Toya tells Paris what she wants to hear, Janet tells Paris what she needs to here.
It's indeed scary and frightening. Paris needs to stay away from that lunatic, or else she'll God forbid, end up just like her.
I don't see a problem with Paris to start acting. For someone that's not related to anyone famous it can be a huge change, because being in showbiz means you will live under public scrutiny, with your face constantly plastered on the tabloids. If you are not able to handle well you may have problems. Not easy. However, having a celebrity parent means you are, in a way, a celebrity too. Do you know how many headlines Harper, David Beckham's new born daughter made? Or Suri Cruise, Tom Cruise's daughter? Willow Smith, Will Smith's daughter is already an artist and it seems she's enjoying and doing very well. They grow up in this environment. Michael was trying to avoid that, covering the kids's face with masks, teaching them at home, etc.. Not a good choice, imo. Paris wants to act. It's her dream. Janet's advice should be more than welcome. She has experience and could lend a helping hand, giving her advice on the pitfalls she may encounter in her way. It's wrong though, pushing her not to follow her dreams.
It's indeed scary and frightening. Paris needs to stay away from that lunatic, or else she'll God forbid, end up just like her.

I agree...and I just wanted to add that I dont know if it is just me,,but when she did that interview with Ellen,,,when she came walking out,,,the first thing I thought about her outfit that she was wearing was,,,OMG...she looks like LaToya. So I am NOT to surprised at the news of her not going back to Buckley...I seen her tweeting TOya a few months back when the posers as she calls them were pretending to be her. So I agree..LaToya is WAYYY to much in her life...and for that I am so sorry CANNOT lead to anything positive...imo. Michael would say education FIRST...actress LATER...we ALL know that, I dont know where Paris's future will end up...I pray for her safety and well being daily...that is all I know to do at this point. They will probably have a tutor for her on the set,,,that what they do to children that are bad...makes me think of what they did to Michael...and how much he hated it, The Jackson's have failed this child.
It's wrong though, pushing her not to follow her dreams.

See this is the thing I don't get.

First of all, I see no problem with a person, regardless who they are, following their dream, but what's the big hurry for Paris to follow her dream? She's 13 years old, what's the rush.

Folks act like she's 80 years old and maybe too old to follow her dream at that age. LOL! But she's not 80 years old, she only 13 and has a long, long life ahead of her.

When I hear folks talk about Paris "following her dream," all I hear is Michael CONTINUING to speak about his Lost Childhood. Even in that "stupor" that Murray put Michael in (which was recorded and played at trial), even then, Michael STILL had the presence of mind to talk about his Lost Childhood. Even in that "condition" he still spoke of his Lost Childhood. It's more than apparent that entire episode was very, VERY troubling for him.

Can't she follow that same dream when she's 18 years old?
These are the facts:
Janet Jackson and Rebbie Jackson have made the decision to spend very little or none of their time helping raise Michael Jackson's children. Only LaToya Jackson visits her brother Michael's children on a regular basis and provides them guidance.

Pray God grants LaToya Jackson wisdom and
"Pray without ceasing for the well being of Michael Jackson's children: Prince, Paris, and Blanket. :angel:
These are the facts:
Janet Jackson and Rebbie Jackson have made the decision to spend very little or none of their time helping raise Michael Jackson's children. Only LaToya Jackson visits her brother Michael's children on a regular basis and provides them guidance.

Pray God grants LaToya Jackson wisdom and
"Pray without ceasing for the well being of Michael Jackson's children: Prince, Paris, and Blanket. :angel:

I think you put FARRR to much faith in LaToya showing these kids guidance...LaToya wants to be their friend...I have seen it myself on twitter. imo...LaToya is like the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz....she needs the wizard to give her a brain. She SHOULD NOT be trying to guide these kids ANYWHERE but to stay in school and NOT rely on the Jackson name for a career...they NEED knowledge from books and so fourth...NOT what Toya wants to teach them. I agree with the rest of your post about praying for the children,
I think you put FARRR to much faith in LaToya showing these kids guidance...LaToya wants to be their friend...I have seen it myself on twitter. imo...LaToya is like the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz....she needs the wizard to give her a brain. She SHOULD NOT be trying to guide these kids ANYWHERE but to stay in school and NOT rely on the Jackson name for a career...they NEED knowledge from books and so fourth...NOT what Toya wants to teach them. I agree with the rest of your post about praying for the children,

That's unfair to Scarecrow. He was probably the smartest one in Wizard of Oz.

As for Toya, she has been using Michael's kids, especially Paris, since before Michael was buried. She sold the kids' grief, parentage, so why not sell to some director. Give her something new to sell.

We can only pray for the best.
I wish Paris would talk to Stacy Lattisaw and how she feels about missing high school and all the the things that go with it. I know it won't make a difference. We have our youth for such a short time and it is time we can't ever get back. I wish she would wait. Michael was haunted his whole life by his lost childhood . I just don't understand the rush... Oh well.
First of all, I see no problem with a person, regardless who they are, following their dream, but what's the big hurry for Paris to follow her dream? She's 13 years old, what's the rush.
This is the million dollar question.
I dont think Auntie Toy can afford to wait too long, and she probably doesnt feel like waiting any more years. Lets make the most of the situation while we can, shall we?
I dont think Auntie Toy can afford to wait too long, and she probably doesnt feel like waiting any more years. Lets make the most of the situation while we can, shall we?
yes we shall and yes we can
btw few days ago I read that Paris gave her cell number to another random girl she met on Twitter. Personally, although I have no say whatsoever, I don't see how her giving away number (leave alone meeting up with strangers) to literal strangers is a good thing to do.
ilmjj;3563798 said:
I wish Paris would talk to Stacy Lattisaw and how she feels about missing high school and all the the things that go with it. I know it won't make a difference. We have our youth for such a short time and it is time we can't ever get back. I wish she would wait. Michael was haunted his whole life by his lost childhood . I just don't understand the rush... Oh well.

You mention touring with Michael Jackson as a highlight of your career. How did you feel when he died so unexpectedly?

I was devastated like everyone else. It was so sudden and unbelievable. I was never as big as Michael Jackson, but I was a child star, so I can relate to that stress he was under. You have to come out of school and be tutored, and you can’t play with your friends because you have to be on the road. I never went to my high school prom. I never went to the high school games. Sometimes when I take my son, I tear up because I missed all that, and once you’re an adult, you can’t go back. I reached out to Jermaine and I sent him a message. All you could do is offer prayer and condolences. It was like a bad dream.
In 1981, Lattisaw was the opening act for the Jacksons on the Jacksons Triumph Tour. By that time, the Jacksons had become a platinum-selling recording group and Lattisaw jumped at the opportunity to sing with the group, though, she had reserves at first.

“I was 15 when [the Jacksons’] management called my manager and I said no,” Lattisaw remembered. “At 15 you’re not thinking about going on the road. You just want to stay home and play with your friends. I just wanted to be a normal child.” Lattisaw, with pressure from her parents, eventually did say yes and went on the road for 13 weeks with the Jacksons. She toured 38 states and every night would spend the evening talking with fellow child star Michael Jackson in his dressing room. He would be someone that Lattisaw finally could relate to.

“Most [of what people] see [is] the glamour and glitz of it, but I had so many things I dealt with,” Lattisaw said about her career. “[Michael Jackson] would pretty much have to disguise himself when he went out. He had to come out of school at an early age.” Lattisaw remembered. “People don’t really understand the type of pressure and stress that you are put under at that young age.”