Paris Jackson begins acting career - Lundon's Bridge - Summary of the book @pg42

Oh dear god for crying out why isnt anyone mointering her when she is online! :rant: they need to warn her bout the dangers of being on the intesnet
Is this a rumor? I've been hearing this story for quite some time now, How do we know this is true? Did Paris confirm this herself? I simply cannot understand this scenario, it's like trying to picture a square circle. :scratch: How can this be real???
I'm beginning to think that Paris' twitter account was set up for entertainment purposes, it just seems so unreal if what I'm hearing is true.
A girl on twitter was tweeting that Paris gave her brother her number and she seemed excited about that.

We all know she gave that girl from Twitter she met personally her number.

From Lipstick Alley:
So Paris have given out her number to another girl on twitter (_michaeljackson)

_michaeljackson is another one of her twitter friends that Paris talks to a lot.

The girl's

Paris tweeted this:


The girl's named Madina.
But none of this craziness is happening with Prince. I wonder why? Is it because he doesn't give a shit about being famous and wants to stay in the background? I hope so. I also hope Blanket will turn out more like Prince, although that seems to be the case seeing how poor Blanket hates being in public and stuff.

Did Michael over protect his kids to the point that they are so niave to give numbers out and think the world is a happy jolly place? If Prince was doing the same thing, I could see that could be somewhat the case - but Prince (so far) is extremely careful and doesn't live on his twitter page, so this is all Paris wanting fame and acceptance so badly.
But none of this craziness is happening with Prince. I wonder why? Is it because he doesn't give a shit about being famous and wants to stay in the background? I hope so. I also hope Blanket will turn out more like Prince, although that seems to be the case seeing how poor Blanket hates being in public and stuff.

Did Michael over protect his kids to the point that they are so niave to give numbers out and think the world is a happy jolly place? If Prince was doing the same thing, I could see that could be somewhat the case - but Prince (so far) is extremely careful and doesn't live on his twitter page, so this is all Paris wanting fame and acceptance so badly.

It could be possible that Paris is not receiving that much attention at home so she looks for attentions else where like twitter, media, ect. The Jackson family do prefer boys over girls, something that Michael and Janet confirm.
You know, this girl on twitter does seem to be an MJ fan but if she and Paris really do get along and are friends, then I'm happy. Honestly, not everyone you meet off the internet is some weird and obsessed stalker, sometimes these things work out way better than you can imagine. It seemed to be a safe situation and Paris is okay, so let's look at it a little more positively instead of saying "this is the worst thing that can happen!!" and "we need to pray for them!" etc etc. Yeah, it's a bit weird hearing about it but I really don't think it's as bad as some people are making it out to be.
You know, this girl on twitter does seem to be an MJ fan but if she and Paris really do get along and are friends, then I'm happy. Honestly, not everyone you meet off the internet is some weird and obsessed stalker, sometimes these things work out way better than you can imagine. It seemed to be a safe situation and Paris is okay, so let's look at it a little more positively instead of saying "this is the worst thing that can happen!!" and "we need to pray for them!" etc etc. Yeah, it's a bit weird hearing about it but I really don't think it's as bad as some people are making it out to be.

IMO it's worse. Ok so this relationship may be an ok one, but what about the next time or the time after that. And lets be honest if this 'friendship' is genuine then it's more luck than judgement. But in any case if this 'friend' is posting your messages and bragging then it's not really a friendship now is it.

I really wish people would remember that Paris is not an adult, not even a young adult. She is getting built up by these pseudo fans/friends and I only hope for her sake that she has the talent to back it up. And I do trust that all these MJ fans who are following her and encouraging her will continue to do so even if she happens to be unsucessful in showbiz.
They arent friends they are ppl wanting to befriend a "celeb" like that 18 year old who met her. What 18 year old talks to and meets up with a 13 year old normally. if that was any other child it wouldnt be happening. maybe paris craves the attention cause she lost the only person who she was close to. and thats why shes doing what she is cause any other 13 year old would be well away of the possible dangers of this let alone when u are who she is. all it shows is she has no adults in het life that care. what happens when the next person she gives her number out yo is 45 year old man or someone who sends her abusive messages etc
It could be possible that Paris is not receiving that much attention at home so she looks for attentions else where like twitter, media, ect. The Jackson family do prefer boys over girls, something that Michael and Janet confirm.

When you throw in too that at one time she was showered with attention from her dad, you can understand even more her seeking to compensate for that loss, and not even realize she's doing it. That's not even to say she's being neglected, but Paris grew up being told everyday throughout the day, she was loved, had someone to look her directly in the eye to tell her that, so she knew it, felt it. In addition, her parent read to her nightly, did improvs with her, shared her passion for art, talked to her, tried consciously to instill life lessons into her, and was just all around intently involved in HER, for HER, for no other reason than she was just Paris.
After the trial, he devoted himself almost exclusively to her and her brothers.

Even though on the surface she seems to have adjusted to not having that kind of involvement, attention, and self reinforcement, it could be so much a part of her makeup, she tries to replace it on some level.

Of course too, she's just a teen, and like all of us as teens, we explore and test boundaries. That's why it's important for an adult to set boundaries. It's doesn't seem like they are being set to the extent that should be here, and that's what's bothersome, and even scarey.

You know, this girl on twitter does seem to be an MJ fan but if she and Paris really do get along and are friends, then I'm happy. Honestly, not everyone you meet off the internet is some weird and obsessed stalker, sometimes these things work out way better than you can imagine. It seemed to be a safe situation and Paris is okay, so let's look at it a little more positively instead of saying "this is the worst thing that can happen!!" and "we need to pray for them!" etc etc. Yeah, it's a bit weird hearing about it but I really don't think it's as bad as some people are making it out to be.

This is EXTREMELY dangerous. If it's a "safe situation" once or twice, it only enboldens her to do it more, and the results can be tragic. This is just how interntet predators get their victims, pretending to be someone they are not. And if we're hearing about this junk, devious predators are too.

Somebody in that family needs to get a clue and stop this stuff NOW.
They arent friends they are ppl wanting to befriend a "celeb" like that 18 year old who met her. What 18 year old talks to and meets up with a 13 year old normally. if that was any other child it wouldnt be happening. maybe paris craves the attention cause she lost the only person who she was close to. and thats why shes doing what she is cause any other 13 year old would be well away of the possible dangers of this let alone when u are who she is. all it shows is she has no adults in het life that care. what happens when the next person she gives her number out yo is 45 year old man or someone who sends her abusive messages etc


And I find it plain strange that some will excuse just about anything inappropriate in defence of the Jacksons. There is nothing great about Paris seeking attention and friendship online. Her fame and her father's name is enough to warrant that the majority approaching her are doing so just because of that. It's 100 x more dangerous, because of who she is. Period.

The situation is similar to the way leaching opportunists wriggled their way into her father's life. He trusted them too, only to be let down. Most of the girls who have caught Paris' attention, have done so by playing on her weak points. They tell her constantly she is 'Hot' or 'Sexy'. I can't wrap by mind around this. They are older to Paris, and in real life, I highly doubt they would ever tell an average 13 year old that she's hot, let alone continuously. It's so obvious that these people are drawn to Paris for superficial reasons.

Yet some people think it's great, because to say otherwise would be to criticise Paris' guardian and other adult relatives.

Yet some people think it's great, because to say otherwise would be to criticise Paris' guardian and other adult relatives.
Quoted for emphasis, also I'd like the ones who don't find anything wrong with this, or who find this ''okay'' to go out and encourage their daughters and younger siblings/sisters who are Paris's age do the same thing, I bet none of those who state there is nothing wrong with this, would EVER do such a thing.

For over two years now I'm really wondering what ELSE has to happen for the hardcore stans to finally admit, some things are going TERRIBLY WRONG, when it comes to Katherine's duty as a guardian, or Michael's opportunistic siblings role. Why is it that nobody gives a :censored: about these children?! So much happened since June 2009, one stunt was pulled after the other yet you have a handful of people vehemently denying any wrong doing on the Jackson's part. Like seriously?!
Paris gonna have some problems.

She doesn't adults who monitor her, so get ready, Paris Jackson gonna have a lot of problems.

Poor Mike.
The only interest those kids have for most of their family is the attraction they bring from the media, and the general public. Quiet children focusing on their studies are not interesting enough, and none of the aunties/uncles can afford to wait.
When you throw in too that at one time she was showered with attention from her dad, you can understand even more her seeking to compensate for that loss, and not even realize she's doing it. That's not even to say she's being neglected, but Paris grew up being told everyday throughout the day, she was loved, had someone to look her directly in the eye to tell her that, so she knew it, felt it. In addition, her parent read to her nightly, did improvs with her, shared her passion for art, talked to her, tried consciously to instill life lessons into her, and was just all around intently involved in HER, for HER, for no other reason than she was just Paris.
After the trial, he devoted himself almost exclusively to her and her brothers.

Even though on the surface she seems to have adjusted to not having that kind of involvement, attention, and self reinforcement, it could be so much a part of her makeup, she tries to replace it on some level.

Of course too, she's just a teen, and like all of us as teens, we explore and test boundaries. That's why it's important for an adult to set boundaries. It's doesn't seem like they are being set to the extent that should be here, and that's what's bothersome, and even scarey.

This is EXTREMELY dangerous. If it's a "safe situation" once or twice, it only enboldens her to do it more, and the results can be tragic. This is just how interntet predators get their victims, pretending to be someone they are not. And if we're hearing about this junk, devious predators are too.

Somebody in that family needs to get a clue and stop this stuff NOW.

I just want to add that this kind of attention seeking behavior is actually quite common among kids and pre-teens who lost any close parent or guardian. Which is why it takes allot of love and patient to get most kids who experience such trauma back on their feet and well adjective. To me, it seems that the guardian is not serving Paris' mental needs too well and she clinging to Toya who probably do understand her the best. Both want the attention of their families, but the family always focuses on the boys and they feeling like they come second.

But, I could be thinking about it too much.
The most scary thought is Latoya turn Paris into a 'mini me'. The boys seemed strong headed, blanket still kept his hair no matter what others suggest cuz dad love it and prince always say my dad wouldn't do it this way.didn't the Jackson insider said on people magazine prince was so strong minded. only Paris I felt she was impressionable, so easy to brainwash. fame and attention what's all about the Jacksons, and that's she wants now sigh... but thank god Michael gave her some intelligence and good foundation. It's painful to hear Latoya or the Jacksons speak, they are so inarticulate. So even the worst nightmare come true, she is still far better than the rest of the Jacksons, because she once had the great parent for 11 years.
Brainwashing is a powerful thing you know. The Jackson's could erase completely what Michael taught Paris. Prince and Blanket have a strong will which will be hard to crack. Paris on the other hand was already posting how songs in the 'Michael' album were not her dad, even in obvious songs that were her dad! Where did she get that from? Exactlty. You didn't see any of that BS from Prince.

Brainwashing is very easy to do and it has showed in history how it can damage a person to the point of no return. A famous example is Charles Manson. He took a bunch of normal thinking kids and brainwashed them into murderers. You got some crazy religious fanatics out there who have been brainwashed too. Very common.

So Paris still has some of what her father taught her very fresh in her mind, but little by little I seen the cracks give in. First on her formspring and now on twitter.

Lets just say I would not be shocked if Prince and Blanket are in college doing what Mike thought would have been great for them and Paris is somewhere in the middle of the Chateau Marmont high as a kite because of all that brainwashing done to her when she was at her most vulnerable state - 11 - 13 years old. I can picture Latoya telling Paris that Playboy is artsy fartsy and would be great for her career and exposure - no pun intended - for her acting career. Then if the Payboy thing goes bad, Latoya can teach her how to say she was "forced" to take her clothes off.

If things continue like they are going right now, we will have a Lindsay Lohan in the making, and all the people here thinking that it's ok for a 13 year old to give out her number to total strangers and carry on the way she has with no adult supervision will NOT be able to defend twitter or any of the actions that will occur because of it.
I don't think its brainwashing, just a little bit more monitoring would go a long way especially with Paris and these days monitoring doesn't simply involve watching what time the kids come home or who they have as friends but also their online life so to speak. I know Katherine may be too old to keep up with this techy stuff but I agree the Aunts, uncles, and older cousins who do have a moderate online presence should be able to pitch in and help in that capacity at least. I don't understand why they are letting her do whatever she wants online at her age, its not like she's a celebrity.

You know, this girl on twitter does seem to be an MJ fan but if she and Paris really do get along and are friends, then I'm happy. Honestly, not everyone you meet off the internet is some weird and obsessed stalker, sometimes these things work out way better than you can imagine. It seemed to be a safe situation and Paris is okay, so let's look at it a little more positively instead of saying "this is the worst thing that can happen!!" and "we need to pray for them!" etc etc. Yeah, it's a bit weird hearing about it but I really don't think it's as bad as some people are making it out to be.

So? That doesn't make it any better. Some MJ fans can act pretty loon. Adults don't place themselves in dangerous situations like that let alone should a child. This is one of those issues that cannot afford to be downplayed. That said, I think Paris' twitter account is beginning to look more and more like a fake "reality" show in an online format. Some mentioned Paris Hilton however I'm getting a Kardashian style vibe from all this hoopla. I can only pray it doesn't end up that way.
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So? That doesn't make it any better. Some MJ fans can act pretty loon. Adults don't place themselves in dangerous situations like that let alone should a child. This is one of those issues that cannot afford to be downplayed. That said, I think Paris' twitter account is beginning to look more and more like a fake "reality" show in an online format. Some mentioned Paris Hilton however I'm getting a Kardashian style vibe from all this hoopla. I can only pray it doesn't end up that way.

My parents let me meet someone online. That person is still one of my closest friends today, and I was about 15 or 16 at the time. Fans are blowing this way out of proportion in my opinion. I'm glad Paris has a friend, my only worry is that this friend is more of a fan of Michael's than anything else, and that could potentially lead to a very awkward and not "real" friendship.
My parents let me meet someone online. That person is still one of my closest friends today, and I was about 15 or 16 at the time. Fans are blowing this way out of proportion in my opinion. I'm glad Paris has a friend, my only worry is that this friend is more of a fan of Michael's than anything else, and that could potentially lead to a very awkward and not "real" friendship.

Thing is, no offense (lol) you're not Paris Jackson. Like you said yourself, what are the odds that this friendship is genuine? Considering the increased public exposure she gets, how many lunatics (not necessarily MJ fans btw) do you think that could attract?
Ben;3565415 said:
Thing is, no offense (lol) you're not Paris Jackson. Like you said yourself, what are the odds that this friendship is genuine? Considering the increased public exposure she gets, how many lunatics (not necessarily MJ fans btw) do you think that could attract?

I understand that, but I'm saying that some fans are blowing the NOTION that she met this girl from online way out of proportion. It's not uncommon, and not everyone on the internet is a predator. I'm not saying she should make a habit out of it, but she obviously trusted and knew this girl enough for it to happen. And actually, Paris would have a lot more security surrounding her than the average teenager; she'd have a better chance of escaping a dangerous situation, and she'd have a heck lot more people looking for her if she went missing.

I'm not going to sit here and criticise a 13 year old girl. A lot of girls that age are attention seeking, post similar things on their twitter/facebook/whatever and go through the same phase she's going through. I bet you in a few years when her mind matures a little bit more and she grows up a bit, she'll calm down and rethink some things. I do think it's terrible that nobody is saying no to her at the moment - I'm not sure I agree with this whole acting thing right now - but what can you do? She's not my responsibility and sitting here on the internet lamenting and whining about it is not gonna do anything. At the end of the day, we're just fans of her dad. I can't even believe we have threads on Paris' twitter account and sharing all her photos, but hey that's what's happened!

I guess I get labeled as a "family supporter" so often because I'm pretty blasé about the whole thing. It's a situation that I can't control and I don't find the need to get upset about it. It worries me, yeah but I have a feeling that Paris has her head on straight and she's a strong girl, and she'll push through this.
1) It's not uncommon, and not everyone on the internet is a predator. I'm not saying she should make a habit out of it, but she obviously trusted and knew this girl enough for it to happen. And actually, Paris would have a lot more security surrounding her than the average teenager; she'd have a better chance of escaping a dangerous situation, and she'd have a heck lot more people looking for her if she went missing.

2) I can't even believe we have threads on Paris' twitter account and sharing all her photos, but hey that's what's happened!

3) I have a feeling that Paris has her head on straight and she's a strong girl, and she'll push through this.

1) You'd be surprised at the number of sickos online, passing for teenagers to attract attention, and make "new friends". The stakes are much higher when you are someone like Paris. For someone who has so much security, it doesnt prevent weirdos from showing up where she goes. The fact that people would look for her if something bad happened doesnt make it OK to try any kind of dumb experience out there. It doesnt mean it would not end up badly or be a very traumatic experience. That's why parents are supposed to do their jobs.

2) On this board? :blink:

3) Like you said we have no power over this. Maybe expressing our concerns is totally pointless. But I think trusting her strong head and so called maturity is an easy way to avoid all worries.
1) You'd be surprised at the number of sickos online, passing for teenagers to attract attention, and make "new friends". The stakes are much higher when you are someone like Paris. For someone who has so much security, it doesnt prevent weirdos from showing up where she goes. The fact that people would look for her if something bad happened doesnt make it OK to try any kind of dumb experience out there. It doesnt mean it would not end up badly or be a very traumatic experience. That's why parents are supposed to do their jobs.

2) On this board? :blink:

3) Like you said we have no power over this. Maybe expressing our concerns is totally pointless. But I think trusting her strong head and so called maturity is an easy way to avoid all worries.

1. Where did I say that I was NOT aware of this? When I met my friend from online (who also happens to be a girl) of course my parents were wary. But I spoke with her many times on the phone, made sure to meet her at my dad's work so it was completely safe. And as I said, she's still a close friend six years on. That said, I have also run into weirdos online that have taken over my life, and I know the dangers VERY well. They are out there, and it's sickening. But I'm just saying that this situation with Paris seems not be that, the girl seems very sweet and I'm glad it worked out well. What on earth is wrong with saying that, haha! Goodness gracious.

3. It's not an "easy way" to avoid worries. Why should I sit here and worry all day long about a situation I cannot control? I am hoping the absolute best for her, and yes I do have concerns but I don't spend every waking minute thinking about it. It doesn't make me any less of a fan either - I'm a fan of MICHAEL'S and some fans think that you automatically have to carry over that obsession and whatever to his kids, which to me is a bit sickening. His children are separate people, and while I do think it's sweet that so many are concerned for the kids, in reality they not belong to us and they are not an extension of Michael.
1. Where did I say that I was NOT aware of this? When I met my friend from online (who also happens to be a girl) of course my parents were wary. But I spoke with her many times on the phone, made sure to meet her at my dad's work so it was completely safe. And as I said, she's still a close friend six years on. That said, I have also run into weirdos online that have taken over my life, and I know the dangers VERY well. They are out there, and it's sickening. But I'm just saying that this situation with Paris seems not be that, the girl seems very sweet and I'm glad it worked out well. What on earth is wrong with saying that, haha! Goodness gracious.

3. It's not an "easy way" to avoid worries. Why should I sit here and worry all day long about a situation I cannot control? I am hoping the absolute best for her, and yes I do have concerns but I don't spend every waking minute thinking about it. It doesn't make me any less of a fan either - I'm a fan of MICHAEL'S and some fans think that you automatically have to carry over that obsession and whatever to his kids, which to me is a bit sickening. His children are separate people, and while I do think it's sweet that so many are concerned for the kids, in reality they not belong to us and they are not an extension of Michael.

1) Bold part makes all the difference. Thing is, we dont know if it will work out well or not. Bragging about having Paris' number online is not a good start IMO. Where did I say you were wrong with saying anything??

2) To worry is not something you control or decide. It happens. I think many people rely on Paris being strong, mature, smart or whatever, to believe she'll be fine in the future. And I think it's a bit easy to think that way. Of course I hope she'll be ok, not because she's Michael's daughter, but just because she's a kid who lost her only parent, and ended up living with people who dont pay enough attention. Sadly, she's far from being the only one in that situation.
Where did I doubt your being a fan? Where did I say you had to do/say/think anything?
1) Bold part makes all the difference. Thing is, we dont know if it will work out well or not. Bragging about having Paris' number online is not a good start IMO. Where did I say you were wrong with saying anything??

Paris met this girl with a bodyguard and in a public place. How is that any different? And after I presented both sides - saying that some experiences can be good, and others bad - you still felt the need to go on about the dangers, even though I pointed them out myself.

2) To worry is not something you control or decide. It happens. I think many people rely on Paris being strong, mature, smart or whatever, to believe she'll be fine in the future. And I think it's a bit easy to think that way. Of course I hope she'll be ok, not because she's Michael's daughter, but just because she's a kid who lost her only parent, and ended up living with people who dont pay enough attention. Sadly, she's far from being the only one in that situation.
Where did I doubt your being a fan? Where did I say you had to do/say/think anything?

I do apologise, I wasn't referring to you. I meant generally on this board, I get singled out as a "family supporter" and not a "real fan" because of where my opinions lay. It's frustrating, it hurts and it's really not what MJ fans should be telling each other. Just because I feel differently or not as strongly on some matters doesn't make me any less of a fan.

To me, it's not "easy" to think that way. I put my trust into the situation and I can see myself that she is a strong person. I'm looking at it from all ways, and I'm deciding to take this stance because to me, it's the best thing to do. I don't want to spend all my time on an MJ forum going on about how Paris is doing this and this person is taking advantage of her etc etc etc. Like I said, I'm not in the belief that we have to carry over our fandom for Michael to his children.
Paris met this girl with a bodyguard and in a public place. How is that any different? And after I presented both sides - saying that some experiences can be good, and others bad - you still felt the need to go on about the dangers, even though I pointed them out myself.

To me it's very different in the sense that her supposed guardian or any other member of her family bothered to show up to see who that person was. The very fact your dad was there shows he thought different. Good for you. Your dad did his job.

I do apologise, I wasn't referring to you. I meant generally on this board, I get singled out as a "family supporter" and not a "real fan" because of where my opinions lay. It's frustrating, it hurts and it's really not what MJ fans should be telling each other. Just because I feel differently or not as strongly on some matters doesn't make me any less of a fan. The fact we dont agree on an issue doesnt make me suspect your love for Michael. I didnt agree with the Man himself all the time.

To me, it's not "easy" to think that way. I put my trust into the situation and I can see myself that she is a strong person. I'm looking at it from all ways, and I'm deciding to take this stance because to me, it's the best thing to do. I don't want to spend all my time on an MJ forum going on about how Paris is doing this and this person is taking advantage of her etc etc etc. Like I said, I'm not in the belief that we have to carry over our fandom for Michael to his children.

Couldnt agree more. I am not a fan of any of those kids. I only naturally worry about all kids I know about. lol That being said, the convos we have about Paris' actions express concern, not adoration.
^ *sighs* I do understand where you're coming from, but this is why I try to stay out of the Paris threads as much as I can. I do pop in every now and then and speak my mind, but so often I get attacked for going against the grain. It's frustrating, like I said. I do understand that you're expressing concern but as I said, for me it's pointless going round and round in circles constantly being negative about the family and really, a situation that we don't know the full details of. I don't believe in judging people until I know them, and I don't know any of the Jacksons so there fore I can't be negative towards them. That's just the way I was brought up - perhaps its a cultural difference, I don't know.
I agree with you but the only criticisms I've seen were related to public actions, and therefore dont shock me.
Re-expressing our opinions, as I've said, yes, it's probably pointless, but sometimes it helps to talk about what worries you with others who understand. I think it's the main goal of that board, whether it's happy or sad stuff.
Honestly, I would be relieved and delighted to get happy news from that family. I am tired of learning things that make me shake my head or outrage me. I dont want to be negative about them, the way they behave publically makes me that way.
Sorta off-topic but Paris gave one of her closest friends permission to start a Twitter account about her life called ParisJFacts. I'm already worried about her because it will give her more haters to attack her (since her Twitter account is verified and media follows her)

Like this tweet, the Jacksons better get Paris off the internet....

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]ParisJFacts[/FONT] Paris Facts
Paris knows about the illuminati more than any other member of the Jackson family.
1 hour ago