Osama Bin Laden is Dead- Celebrity Tweets Concerning Death Post 71

Saddam & now Usama are dead. Yes terrorism will continue, but the big fish is dead.

Agreed about the symbolic value of killing Osama, but Saddam? I mean, he was no sweetheart, but he's no worse than many of the other dictators in the region and has never initiated an attack on the US. The US had no business taking him out, or invading Iraq, just like Afghanistan. It's a good thing that the region is now slowly getting rid of the megalomanic dictators themselves. Hopefullly this will be a somewhat peaceful road to some sort of democracy. Without the US interfering to suit their own agenda.
I have waited almost 10 years for the day to come when OBL was captured/killed. Although his death doesn't mean terrorism is over, it is good that this monster, who is responsible for the brutal killing of almost 3000 Americans (most of them fellow New Yorkers) is gone from this earth. I'm just sorry it took this long but thanks to President Obama (and our armed forces), the job is done.
How can anyone buy the throwing in the water crap? Or maybe Mr. Obama has read the Bible thoroughly and is following the way certain people had been killed by being thrown in the sea. Or about the crusade times of the 'heretic' priests -- those that were. Kinda reminds me of the mad monk saga too...

So, the world is now a safe place because the tool got killed? Yes, the same propagandistic tool America and the servant allies have been using and sold all this time as the head of the terrorism in this world, all the while the American Presidency, the 'fighter for freedom', 'the fighter against terrorism', being butt-kissed by one of the world's most propagandistic television channel ever, CNN, who's butt-kissed all of the presidential administrations so far. All the while the war in Irak and Afghanistan continuing to unfold and grow bloodier, so that they one day cease to exist and the conquering be made complete? Who is going to "revenge" the thousands of innocents that perished at the attack of brainwashed, unstable suicide bombers -- those tools of the powers that be? Also, where is the solid proof Osama got killed?

The unspoken oil pretext, Obama and adm. The invisible weapons of mass destruction in Irak and Afghanistan. Where are they? The more than 1 million innocent dead people and children in those countries, how can you justify them or explain them, real terrorists?. How can one be praising the US army and all armies today who are going to war to serve your contemptuous wars and 'pax americana'? How can those soldiers say no to you? And what about those who have no choice, or are actually dilligently serving your filthy means? How can one pride oneself with the army today? Who are going to war to kill. Not defend. But kill and ruins places and the dwellings of the people. Countless children. Who can protect the indoctrinated children sent to war in some Islamic countries, learned that war is a dignified measure? .. Then you're complaining that terrorism is extending? Who has started it all along? How come you don't come clean about any of this? How come since Sept 11, every single human being on this planet has ceased being deemed innocent until proven otherwise, all having been deemed possible infractors, so you can extend your filthy, shameless, illimited control over the privacy of the people and tamper with this huge vulnerability?

How come you always side with the said terrorists in the beginning, not intervening when, say, Saddam was killing people in his country by the thousands, or when Gaddafi was abusing his power in Libya, the same with Mubarak, all you NATO allies with the US in the front, then when the smell of oil started permeating, the so-called terrorists allofa sudden pose as real threats to you, the US (not to the rest of the world, as it never mattered to you, governors in there), and so you began your said quest to catch and eliminate all your enemies, so you can peacefully proceed with your massive thefts and exploitations at the expense of numberless innocent lives, including dictators. Yes, intervening when a dictator abuses his power is abiding by the law and perfectly justifiable. Dictators are proud and don't really like to settle. But just to achieve massive, unprecedented wealth and power, you abuse your power to make things worse and leave no room for a normal cooperation between nations. You almost leave the allies no choice as well: either they're with you or against you and it's certainly not wise to side against the US, right?... How you declared war to Irak by grossly breaching the UN Security Council's tenets? Why you keep silent about that and splash us with your counterfeited positive globalization strategies?

What a tasteless novel mass indoctrination. Mr Obama lately has actually been thinking himself as a comedian, taking shots at Trump first (massively cringe-worthy too, lousy acting skills) and now this Osama tool, who was thrown into the sea. 0..0 Obama and Osama, funny how alike they are. The names, I mean, of course. ... No shame in having fun fooling the masses. Let us know when your terrorism has ended, US, it's only up to you and the suiciders and other fervent slaves you've always been using to achieve your foul objectives. It's a good thing quite a few are catching unto this morbid bread and circus. Many, however, are staying basking in the gloriousness of the American spirit and with the sun in the eyes, one can't see for real. Also, rejoicing over the death of someone, no matter how blood-thirsty or not, is a monstruous thing. Public lynching could soon be legalized again, as back in the ancient and medieval times or from the tribes. After all, the audience at the corridas are in ecstasy when the bull gets tortured and slain ... The head of the snake was never Bin Laden, but, of course, it's trendy to believe this. Because, first: the whole story is being kept away from our sight, second: we don't even know if or when Osama got killed or if he died earlier or of natural causes or not, we only know what the Presidential Administration told us, and I'm sorry, but there are far too many reasons to believe very, very little of what these dominators are saying.

...What about the eco-terrorism we're living? .. Yadda-yadda....

This is really unsettling and hurtful. I hate myself for feeling this, but can only feel disgust and pain about all these people and their bombastic, over-the-top lies. ...): They say you have to pray for the enemies and love them, but few are saints in this world to be actually able to do that... Also, how can you love the essence of evil?.. The instigators of evil in this world?... Beating dead horses is the very worst to be done. ..
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I have waited almost 10 years for the day to come when OBL was captured/killed. Although his death doesn't mean terrorism is over, it is good that this monster, who is responsible for the brutal killing of almost 3000 Americans (most of them fellow New Yorkers) is gone from this earth. I'm just sorry it took this long but thanks to President Obama (and our armed forces), the job is done.
have to agree with this, I myself lost an aunt due to 9/11. We left NY on 9/10 and reached back home on 9/11 only to hear about this horror in the news, I remember back then I thought the Twin Towers were on fire, while seeing the images on tv, as I didn't know how else to interprete images of people, jumping down from there, but then my folks filled me in on what had happened, though I was a kid then, like many others - will never forget this.
How can anyone buy the throwing in the water crap? Or maybe Mr. Obama has read the Bible thoroughly and is following the way certain people had been killed by being thrown in the sea. Or about the crusade times of the 'heretic' priests -- those that were. Kinda reminds me of the mad monk saga too...

So, the world is now a safe place because the tool got killed? Yes, the same propagandistic tool America and the servant allies have been using and sold all this time as the head of the terrorism in this world, all the while the American Presidency, the 'fighter for freedom', 'the fighter against terrorism', being butt-kissed by one of the world's most propagandistic television channel ever, CNN, who's butt-kissed all of the presidential administrations so far. All the while the war in Irak and Afghanistan continuing to unfold and grow bloodier, so that they one day cease to exist and the conquering be made complete? Who is going to "revenge" the thousands of innocents that perished at the attack of brainwashed, unstable suicide bombers -- those tools of the powers that be? Also, where is the solid proof Osama got killed?

His religion says bodies must be buried within 24 hours of death, plus do you know how dangerous it would have been to keep the body or give it a proper burial?

There are photos of his dead body and a film of his body being thrown in the sea, it's going to be released soon. DNA matchings have proved the person killed was bin Laden. Anyway, even if there was no pictures/camera footage, it doesn't mean it didn't happen. I walked downstairs then back upstairs, it happened yet there is no video footage to prove this. Why do conspirators like yourself have to think everything that has no video proof or something like that be fake?

I can't be bothered to read the rest of your post.
I agree with Joker, just accept that it has happened. We don't need proof for everything in life.
"How do we know he's dead"...reminds me of people who still say MJ is alive (NO NO NO I AM NOT MAKING A COMPARISON IN THE SLIGHTEST BETWEEN THEM. One of my angel and the other is a coward). What I mean is, people just accept fact.
yeah im surprised they havnt released pictures and videos. they were very quick to parade saddam and his sons. of cause there will always be doubts by some if pics arent released. as anyone can saty we killed so and so. not that i beleive it but it would be funny if in 6 months a tape surfaces saying im still here. if there is fottage as ppl are saying then i guess it will be released soon enough
White House to Release Osama Death Photo

President Barack Obama has decided to release at least one photo of Osama bin Laden's corpse ...
this according to The Drudge Report.


So far, no word on when the White House plans to release the first image.

Story developing ...
If OBL would be still alive he would be quite amused and Obama would ridicule himself when a new video from OBL would appear..
Osama is dead and Obama did a great job and I hope they can get more of these terrorists!
So far, no word on when the White House plans to release the first image.

A senior U.S. official tells CNN ... there are 3 sets of photos that were taken from the day OBL was killed: 1) Photos of OBL's body taken at a hangar moments after the raid. 2) Photos of the burial at sea. 3) Photos of the raid itself.

The official explains ... the photo that most clearly shows OBL's face is also the most graphic -- due to the massive head wound across his face. Officials do not believe it is suitable to run in the media, however it's the photo that most clearly identifies the son of a bitch.
If OBL would be still alive he would be quite amused and Obama would ridicule himself when a new video from OBL would appear..
Osama is dead and Obama did a great job and I hope they can get more of these terrorists!

Exactly. Obama wouldn't announce that OBL is dead unless he was absolutely sure. He wouldn't want to be embarrassed on the world stage. Imagine OBL releasing a statement in the near future that he is still alive? It would cost Obama the elections. No way he is that stupid.
His religion says bodies must be buried within 24 hours of death, plus do you know how dangerous it would have been to keep the body or give it a proper burial?

There are photos of his dead body and a film of his body being thrown in the sea, it's going to be released soon. DNA matchings have proved the person killed was bin Laden. Anyway, even if there was no pictures/camera footage, it doesn't mean it didn't happen. I walked downstairs then back upstairs, it happened yet there is no video footage to prove this. Why do conspirators like yourself have to think everything that has no video proof or something like that be fake?

I can't be bothered to read the rest of your post.

What a snap. Then don't torture yourself to read it and let me express these (might I add) very important points in a discussion forum. 0..0 Labeling me down as a conspirationalist just because you can't bare to read the whole points expressed makes you in the wrong for sure, as you're choosing to dismiss things from the start that are dissonant from what we've been told, so it's hard to let them go. The essence of the post goes farther than getting stuck in the problem you perceive to be the proof Osama's dead. Osama himself's not the problem here either, the terrorists of the world who are ruling the US and the world as we speak, and some of their desperate allies. And the believers. If only more people could learn to accept, to see that instead of swallowing mostly anything that flies, we'd be a less controlled, illusion-oriented planet. Also, if Osama had been killed and thrown into the sea, or like Saddam Hussein when he was hanged, don't expect everyone to enjoy such ritualistic crimes and be, even for a moments, in line with the avengers or the killed dictators and share their self-nurturing satisfaction. And allow us to rely on history facts that keep on being surprisingly recurrent and similar.

Also, no need to bring up Michael's name into yet another non-Michael discussion, just maybe out of a drought of pertinent ideas for this topic. People have a right to express themselves differently from others, especially in the case of such a serious topic as that. Apologies in advance to all those who believe in the 'democratic' values of these increasingly 'democratic' nations run by 'democratic' people, the messiahs for the hope of mankind. We are being run by officials who want the best for us and our freedom and the future of humanity. .... (ends annoying sarcasm). So you're labeled a conspirationalist because of such mad important views, crucially important. What else is new? If you can't countradict properly, resort to cowardly approaches.

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Then don't torture yourself to read it and let me express these (might I add) very important points in a discussion forum. 0..0 Labeling me down as a conspirationalist just because you can't bare to read the whole points expressed makes you in the wrong for sure. The essence of the post goes farther than getting stuck in the problem you perceive to be the proof Osama's dead.

Osama is dead.
Lets just wait for the death photo to come out - at least one is coming soon.
Osama is dead.

And I wrote that you're getting stuck in this so-called problem. I didn't even question now whether he's alive or dead. And I already said that I wasn't getting worked up about it, but apparently you are. Not seeing the forest for the trees is a common setback. And since you didn't need to read the rest of the views, sorry, but I can't reply to half-assessed views either, unless this' monologue. This issue is much, much larger than Osama being dead or not and his picture coming up or not, and how dead he is and how 'triumphant' we all must feel as a result. I suppose an appetite for gruesomness (like waiting to see the mighty proof, the 'truth that shall set us free') beats most/all else, too, though.

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And I wrote that you're getting stuck in this so-called problem. I didn't even question now whether he's alive or dead. And I already said that I wasn't getting worked up about it, but apparently you are. Not seeing the forest for the trees is a common setback. And since you didn't need to read the rest of the views, sorry, but I can't reply to half-assessed views either, unless this' monologue. This issue is much, much larger than Osama being dead or not and his picture coming up or not, and how dead he is and how 'triumphant' we all must feel as a result. I suppose an appetite for gruesomness (like waiting to see the mighty proof, the 'truth that shall set us free') beats most/all else, too, though.


I'm just too busy to read everything you wrote, it's not because I wasn't 'assed' to.
Exactly. Obama wouldn't announce that OBL is dead unless he was absolutely sure. He wouldn't want to be embarrassed on the world stage. Imagine OBL releasing a statement in the near future that he is still alive? It would cost Obama the elections. No way he is that stupid.

I agree. We heard the news from Obama - very reliable source.
Well right now I actually would like to express a bit of disappointment and frustration with the U.S government. I am proud of any man or woman who serves their country, however after I read an article where Geronimo was a code name for Osama. I thought I was witnessing along with all of you a moment in history but after reading this article, I became saddened and don't know whether this is a step forward for the U.S government or a step back. I find this to be an unfair match-up of a man who was a murderer of innocent people with a native american leader who fought against U.S and Mexico expansion for his Apache people.

As a native american from the Hopi and Navajo tribes in the state of Arizona, my heart goes out to the Apache tribe who are my neighbors, that they or any other native american tribe won't be treated unfairly.

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"Geronimo E-KIA." Those words were heard in the Situation Room when Osama bin Laden was killed by bullets to the head and chest. Geronimo was the code name given by U.S. officials for bin Laden; E-KIA stands for "Enemy Killed In Action."

Apparently the code namers thought of bin Laden as a 21st century equivalent of the Chiricahua Apache leader, who waged battles against the Mexico and the United States, countries engaged in colonizing Indian lands.

Like bin Laden, Geronimo proved to be an elusive target. More than 5,000 soldiers were deployed to capture him in around 1885.

Geronimo was fighting for his land, and committed what U.S officials at the time might have called acts of terrorism, conducting raids on white settlers in Apache territory. U.S. officials said they could convict Geronimo and his fighters of murder, and exiled the outlaw Apache to Florida as a prisoner of war, never to return to his homeland.

But bin Laden was in a completely different league. The al Qaeda leader was a mass murderer, out to destroy Western civilization, not primarily to protect his lands.

In 1998, bin Laden declared, "We--with God's help--call on every Muslim who believes in God and wishes to be rewarded to comply with God's order to kill the Americans and plunder their money wherever and whenever they find it. We also call on Muslim ulema, leaders, youths, and soldiers to launch the raid on Satan's U.S. troops and the devil's supporters allying with them, and to displace those who are behind them so that they may learn a lesson."

However, unlike bin Laden, Geronimo lived to tell his tale, and in 1905 he appeared in President Theodore Roosevelt's inaugural parade.

During his latter years, Geronimo converted to Christianity.

"Believing that in a wise way it is good to go to church, and that associating with Christians would improve my character, I have adopted the Christian religion... I am not ashamed to be a Christian... I have advised all of my people who are not Christians, to study that religion, because it seems to me the best religion in enabling one to live right," he wrote in his autobiography.

Exactly. Obama wouldn't announce that OBL is dead unless he was absolutely sure. He wouldn't want to be embarrassed on the world stage. Imagine OBL releasing a statement in the near future that he is still alive? It would cost Obama the elections. No way he is that stupid.

Excatly , i mean come on why would he just interept a show and annonce something like that . It would be stupid of not to say something like that when it anit true
No matter what happens in life, there will always be conspiracy theorists I'm afraid. bin Laden is dead, accept it people.
I don't believe for a second this propoganda bs... Also found it hard to stomach all the celebrating and chanting 'america... F osama' .
Finally, there was no reason to go after him. He hasn't been involved operational wise since 9/11, he hasn't been a threat for years. What the US has just done here, is opened a whole new can of worms, and put thousands of it's citizens lives at risk.

Yours, Martyn. :)

So because he hasn't murdered/killed since 2001 there was 'no reason' to go after him?! Are you kidding me? Are you foreal? The Al Quida would be killing people/planning new terror attacks regardless of OBL's death, as they have proved thruout the past years. (9/11 wasn't the only Al Quida adiministrated terror attack in the past decade) The only difference there is now, is that if they were to attack again, be it in the U.S, EU or any in any other country/continent there will be justifying it differently (by using OBL's death), as oppsed the ''standard'' 'Jihad' justification they usually give.

Saying there was no reason to go after Obama is like saying, there is no reason to go after a gang boss -as his fellow gang members would revenge his death as well, which again would put innocent lives at risk- b/c he hasn't killed/murdered people in years.