Osama Bin Laden is Dead- Celebrity Tweets Concerning Death Post 71

Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

Well, that's right that the dead has to be buried within 24 hrs but a burial at sea is not how it should be according to the religion. So I don't see that as a gesture of respect. I find that weird anyway. Why was he not put on trial?
from what I heard ..he was asked to surrender and he refused to...guess he wanted to go out as a martyr ...so they gave him his wish. They tried to respect his religion to the best of their ability...yes he should be facing Mecca...but ya know what..he gave the order on September 11 2001 for over 3,000 lives to be called to an end...I think they accommodated Osama enough.
Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

All seems great and everything but this doesn't end, Al-Queda will be mega mad, and will be looking for revenge.
Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

Well, that's right that the dead has to be buried within 24 hrs but a burial at sea is not how it should be according to the religion. So I don't see that as a gesture of respect. I find that weird anyway. Why was he not put on trial?

It was a shoot-out, if he wasn't killed he would have shot the American soldiers, they had no choice but to kill him.
Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

^It's in the news now that the intention of the mission was to kill him all along, not to capture him.
Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

I have really confused feelings on this whole thing. I don't believe in the whole "war on terror" thing and I certainly don't like that Australia still has troops in Iraq - despite so many promises to bring them home - but, I don't know. Killing someone isn't a good thing. I would've preferred to see him put away in high security for the rest of his life, rather than die a martyr for his organisation.
Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

doubt it will make much difference in the long run. those who follow him and believe in such idiologies will believe even if hes gone.nothingwill change with the attacks its symbolic and nothing more imo. and how embarassing all the americans in n.y celebrating. talk about tacky i guess they forget to realise that theres gonna be big retaliations now

i guess bush is upset that obama was the one to get him lol

bet the republicans are too, including 'the donald' lol

Jokes aside, this is good news, Good riddance Mr. Terrorist. May you burn in the eternal flames of hell. On the other side like someone stated, Osama may be dead terrorism still isn't, and I can see the news of his death -him being shot by American soldiers- inflaming the wrath of radical Muslims.
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Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

Oh the radical muslims are going to be really mad now.. I hope the US is watching over us right now
Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

Osamas sharkbait now.
Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

Where is that clip from??
Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

Electoral spoof.
Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

I don't know how to adequatly put my feelings about this into words. Bin Laden is a mass murderer who used religion to justify his sick aims. He killed thousands of people and is it good that he is no more, yes. But the world certainly isn't a safer place this morning-there is the real risk of Al Qaeda retaliating and terrorism has been around for centuries-it isn't going to end today. What will happen now remains to be seen-all we can do is hope. I do not believe this is a cause for celebration-I was disturbed to see the scenes of people toasting beer cans and having a party because of this. As a world community we must work together to make this world a safer place.

^^Yeah, that! It's sickening to watch!
Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

me too. i don't believe this story he is dead. if they got him. ok they kill him. but why the hell so fast throw him into the sea. why not showing him? hm??? they do this cause they dont have him.
always the same with the usa. lying lying lying.
obama, i dont like the direction u are now walking. thats like the mass murderer Bush.

And i don't believe it for a second. All those years they can't get him, and now all of a sudden he's dead? Nah..nonsense. I also remember the many photos claiming it was all Osama and they were all clearly different men, nope...i'm not falling for this at all. The US is full of lies...and i just refuse to believe it any longer.

Nope i'm not a big fan of America and it's ways.

I think we couldnt find Usama because 1) we werent actively looking for him 2)Pakistan was hiding him and they
told us he wasnt there 3)we were looking in the wrong areas
Idk why people ever believed that bs about him being in a mfing cave. He was on dialysis before 9/11 even happened. I think the cave story was something that was made up to tell us so that we would belive its soooo hard to find him to cover the fact they werent looking. They say the compound was built in 2005 and he has been living there since then. PLEASEEEE!!!!!
90% of myself feel that this is true, the other 10% is conspiracy lol

Lets try to keep this in mind...Osama is dead...terrorism DIDn't end with his death..BUT...terrorism ONLY HAS POWER..IF WE ALLOW IT TO. I dont give the extremist the opportunity to terrorize my mind...I will REFUSE to let happen...THEY cannot win if we don not give them that power.

I agree people need to understand that. We kiiled ONE man, there are hundred of thousands more like him. People are brainwashed to believe that way and it starts when they are little.

No. Those troops were not there to kill Osama Bin Laden. They disrupted the entire region. Please finish things properly instead of just pull out when the grand prize is in. That would be the worst possible advertising for the US as a country that wants to spread 'freedom and democarcy' around the world. Keep it believable at least.

I agree, we have to finish our job. We still occupy Germany, Korea, Japan and many other places we first occupied years ago. Even though I hate that TRILLIONS of dollars are spent over there when education funds are cut all the damn time and people dont have healthcare.

from what I heard ..he was asked to surrender and he refused to...guess he wanted to go out as a martyr ...so they gave him his wish. They tried to respect his religion to the best of their ability...yes he should be facing Mecca...but ya know what..he gave the order on September 11 2001 for over 3,000 lives to be called to an end...I think they accommodated Osama enough.

I have really confused feelings on this whole thing. I don't believe in the whole "war on terror" thing and I certainly don't like that Australia still has troops in Iraq - despite so many promises to bring them home - but, I don't know. Killing someone isn't a good thing. I would've preferred to see him put away in high security for the rest of his life, rather than die a martyr for his organisation.

Also jail isnt free. People in this country would of had a mfing fit knowing that we are paying for his 3 meals a day, his dialysis treatements(healthcare), and for a roof over his head. We also have to pay for his trial (which isnt cheap and could go on forever), all his appeals after his initial trial and his execution(if he was sentenced to death). It already cost $30,000 a yr to house prisoners not adding in other cost.

PS: I hear that Usama has a suicide/death/matyr tape
I don't know how to feel about this. I have a lot of questions but perhaps they will be answered when more information comes out. Some say this operation intended to kill Osama. If that were true, why did American troops enter the mansion and engaged in a shooting? They could have just bombed the place as they did with other Al-Quaida members. It is said the American troops offered Osama a chance to surrender but he refused and a shooting ensued. Did any Americans get hit in this shooting? Also, how is it possible for Osama to live in a mansion in a city of one million people, with a military academy in close proximity, without the Pakistani authorities knowing about it? I find that very hard to believe.

Unfortunately, this will not solve the terrorist threat. In fact, it will only get worse as the remaining Al-Quaida members are bound to take revenge for the death of their leader. Although, the term 'leader' must be understood more in a symbolical sense. Al-Quaida is highly decentralized, they work in de facto independent cells which makes them very hard to catch. The death of Osama has no significant impact on the practical functioning of these cells, so to say "the world is a safer place now that Osama is dead" as President Obama claimed, is nonsense. New 'leaders' will emerge and I'm afraid they will be even more dangerous as they now have a martyr to look up to and they have their 'honour' to defend. Perhaps this is why the Americans did not want to give Osama a proper burial. It would give the radical muslims an official memorial site to express their respect and admiration for their 'hero'. On the other hand, I don't understand why they would dump his body in the ocean so soon after his death. It looks suspicious, as if they are trying to cover something up. I highly doubt it has anything to do with Americans "respecting the muslim tradition of burial within 24 hours" as some suggested. I do hope they have some physical evidence of his death otherwise I can feel another conspiracy theory coming up.

Finally, I find it rather tasteless the way some Americans are celebrating this "victory". I can understand that they're happy to see the man who is thought to be the brain behind the horrible events of 9/11 being punished for his crimes, but this was not just an "America vs. Osama" battle. Let's not forget the thousands of (perished) soldiers from other countries who were dragged into this conflict by the USA or the thousands of civilian casualties in the Middle East that were sacrificed in order to hunt Osama down. The exaggerated patriotism demonstrated by some people is really quite disrespectful in my opinion.
Well well, the last thing Osama saw was the face of a U.S Navy Seal shooting at him
I do believe they caught Bin Laden. However, I do find strange they threw his body in the sea. Why the hell would they do that, esp without having taken a single photo of his body?
I do believe they caught Bin Laden. However, I do find strange they threw his body in the sea. Why the hell would they do that, esp without having taken a single photo of his body?

i think they have pictures of his body. Im even sure they have video of the whole thing
News reports say they have pictures and video of Bin Laden. It's just a matter of when to release it because they're saying it's pretty grusome. I say release the pictures. Let's see the dead Mother effer!

They burried him quickly because they are following Islamic Religion. Puting him out to sea is fine by me. Better than giving his body to a country and having a country build a memorial in his honor.

Personally if it was my decision, I would have put his body in a plane and crash it into the side of a mountain side somewhere.

The son of bitch got what he deserved. He killed THOUSANDS of innocent people. He was a coward to the end, hiding behind a innocent bystandard as a human shield. Whomever was the lucky one to take the shot at him....they are a war hero.

Saddam & now Usama are dead. Yes terrorism will continue, but the big fish is dead.
Of course fox did it on purpose.they have done it before with obama