Osama Bin Laden is Dead- Celebrity Tweets Concerning Death Post 71

Even though I understand why the White House won't release it, I want to see it so that I can laught at it. Good riddance bin bag.

Laughing at the dead is in poor taste, even at a dead Bin Laden.

I feel like Obama made the right decision. The guy is not some sort of trophy to gasp at.
So because he hasn't murdered/killed since 2001 there was 'no reason' to go after him?! Are you kidding me? Are you foreal? The Al Quida would be killing people/planning new terror attacks regardless of OBL's death, as they have proved thruout the past years. (9/11 wasn't the only Al Quida adiministrated terror attack in the past decade) The only difference there is now, is that if they were to attack again, be it in the U.S, EU or any in any other country/continent there will be justifying it differently (by using OBL's death), as oppsed the ''standard'' 'Jihad' justification they usually give.

Saying there was no reason to go after Obama is like saying, there is no reason to go after a gang boss -as his fellow gang members would revenge his death as well, which again would put innocent lives at risk- b/c he hasn't killed/murdered people in years.

This. ^^^
Laughing at the dead is in poor taste, even at a dead Bin Laden.

I feel like Obama made the right decision. The guy is not some sort of trophy to gasp at.

I totally agree. I have lived in the U.S. my entire life. And I thought what my country did by doing a public celebration of his death was very wrong to do that. I know he had thousands of innocent people in my country killed. But doing a public celebration of his death was in very poor taste. It just makes you wonder what God must be thinking. I'm glad that the president is not releasing those pictures. Personally I hope those pictures are burn so they will never be seen.
Al Qaeda, in Web message, confirms bin Laden's death

(CNN) -- Al Qaeda released a statement on jihadist forums Friday confirming the death of its leader, Osama bin Laden, according to SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors Islamist websites.

The development comes days after U.S. troops killed bin Laden in a raid on a compound in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad.

The statement, translated by SITE, lauded the late militant, threatened to take action against the United States, and urged Pakistanis to "rise up and revolt."

Bin Laden's death will serve as a "curse that chases the Americans and their agents, and goes after them inside and outside their countries," the message said.

"Soon -- with help from Allah -- their happiness will turn into sorrow, and their blood will be mixed with their tears," it said.

The statement said al Qaeda will "continue on the path of jihad, the path walked upon by our leaders, and on top of them" bin Laden "without hesitation or reluctance.

"We will not deviate from that or change until Allah judges between us and between our enemy with truth. Indeed, He is the best of all judges. Nothing will harm us after that, until we see either victory and success and conquest and empowerment, or we die trying."

It said that Americans "will never enjoy security until our people in Palestine enjoy it."

"The soldiers of Islam, groups and individuals, will continue planning without tiredness or boredom, and without despair or surrender, and without weakness or stagnancy, until they cause the disaster that makes children look like the elderly!"

It urged Pakistanis "to cleanse this shame that has been attached to them by a clique of traitors and thieves" and "from the filth of the Americans who spread corruption in it."

Bin Laden and other militants used the Internet to post messages to their followers before and after al Qaeda's September, 11, 2001 attack on the United States.

^What a poor statement. It reads like words from a really bad twisted fairytale villain. About Palstinians, Oh please, Arabs are hardly helping out with the Palestine fugitives as it is, so to start blaming the US for this problem is a tad one-sided.
so after getting Bin Laden this what what they found in HIS own personal information.....see it wasn't going to end...

Bin Laden Raid Discovery: Al Qaeda Considered Attacking U.S. Train On 9/11 Anniversary

WASHINGTON -- Holed up in a compound in Pakistan, Osama bin Laden was scheming how to hit the United States hard again, according to newly uncovered documents that show al-Qaida plans for derailing an American train on the upcoming 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

Details of the plan emerged Thursday as some of the first intelligence was gleaned from the trove of information found in bin Laden's residence when Navy SEALs killed the al-Qaida leader and four of his associates. They took his body and scooped up computers, DVDs and documents from the compound where U.S. officials think he had been living for as long as six years.

The confiscated materials reveal the rail attack planning as of February 2010. One idea outlined in handwritten notes was to tamper with an unspecified U.S. rail track so that a train would fall off the track at a valley or a bridge. Counterterrorism officials said they believe the plot was only in the initial planning stages, and there is no recent intelligence about any active plan for such an attack. The FBI and Homeland Security issued an intelligence bulletin with details of the plan to law enforcement around the country. The bulletin, marked "for official use only," was obtained by The Associated Press.

Other intelligence pulled from the compound represented a terrorist wish list but has revealed no specific plan so far. Some documents indicated a desire to strike the U.S. with large-scale attacks in major cities and on key dates such as anniversaries and holidays. But there never was any sign that those were anything more than ambitions, said a U.S. official who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the intelligence.

Even before the raid, intelligence officials for years had warned that al-Qaida was interested in attacking major U.S. cities on prominent dates on the American calendar.

Monday's raid by helicopter-borne SEALs was fraught with risk, sensationally bold and a historic success, netting a man who had been on the run for nearly a decade after his terrorist organization pulled off the devastating Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania. During the raid, the SEALs met far less resistance than the Obama administration initially described. The commandos encountered gunshots from only one man, whom they quickly killed, before sweeping the house and shooting others, who were unarmed, a senior defense official said in the latest account.

The New York Times and Washington Post reported Thursday on their websites that a CIA surveillance team had been watching bin Laden's residence from a rented house near the compound for months. The agency declined to comment on the reports.

President Barack Obama visited New York's ground zero on Thursday during a somber and understated event where he avoided mentioning bin Laden by name.

The U.S. account of what happened inside bin Laden's Abbottabad compound is so far the only one most Americans have. Pakistan has custody of the people rounded up afterward, including more than two dozen children and women. Differing accounts purporting to be from witnesses have appeared in Pakistani and Arab media, and on the Internet.

Intelligence analysts have been reviewing and translating the material seized from the compound, looking for information about pending plots and other terror connections. In light of the intelligence indicating al-Qaida was considering an attack on a U.S. railway, the FBI and Homeland Security told local officials to be on the lookout for clips or spikes missing from train tracks, packages left on or near the tracks and other indications that a train could be vulnerable.

"While it is clear that there was some level of planning for this type of operation in February 2010, we have no recent information to indicate an active ongoing plot to target transportation and no information on possible locations or specific targets," Thursday's warning to law enforcement said.

Homeland Security spokesman Matt Chandler said, "This alleged al-Qaida plotting is based on initial reporting, which is often misleading or inaccurate and subject to change." He said the government has no plans to issue an official terror alert because of it.

On Monday, the FBI and Homeland Security warned law enforcement officials around the country that bin Laden's death could inspire retaliatory attacks in the U.S., and terrorists not yet known to the intelligence community could be operating inside the country.

The transportation sector – including U.S. railways – continue to be attractive targets for terrorists. In the past few years, U.S. officials have disrupted other terror plots that targeted rails, including a 2009 plan to bomb the New York City subway system.

Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, said she's urged the homeland security secretary to increase the country's threat level while the material seized from bin Laden's compound is reviewed.

"I continue to question the secretary's decision not to increase the threat level," said Collins, the top Republican on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

Counterterrorism officials have been meeting regularly since bin Laden was killed to evaluate the threat to the U.S.


Associated Press writers Adam Goldman and Matt Apuzzo contributed to this report.
They couldn't bring him to court, could they..? I can't help but harp on this. And on how they miraculously got him during this electoral campaign, so Obama can get new votes from his manipulated, now elated masses. It took 10 years and thousands upon thousands of deaths to do so, so it means it was well worth it? Why, 'cause maybe they don't really count (1 millions dead ppl and children), but the 3000 deaths from the 9/11 attacks? Amidst whom were Islamic people on there as well, like of many other nationalisties? We're yet to be seeing a trial unfold for the terror instigators on this planet. Only that it won't happen, for they're ruling it, so they're always gonna be ready to dispose their tools for it. And it also wont happen, for most won't take the streets and yell the truth out loud about it to their faces.
^The electoral campaigns have not started yet if I'm not mistaken. If this was all exactly 'planned' to play into Obama's favour, he should have been caught at least half a year later.
Whilst yes I agree that Bin Laden dead is not a bad thing the whole reveal that he was unarmed and only one person firing shots leaves a bad taste in my mouth. The Western World has a justice system which we use to bring criminals to justice, don't the terrorists win in a way when we scrap our laws and ways and just say 'lets kill em'
This is what leaves a bad taste in MY mouth:
and this: More people are killed by Islamists each year than in all 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition combined.
And this: More civilians were killed by Muslim extremists in two hours on September 11th than in the 36 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland.

They do not live in the Western World. These are people who have no compunction about killing, who perceive the West as weak. They essentially spit on our way of life and our laws. They hate everything about us. It is naive to think that bringing someone like OBL to trial would have been seen as anything other than weakness, would have exposed the site of the trial to unbelievable risk, would have incited violence and heaven only knows what kind of retaliatory actions. At least this shows the terrorists that we are not afraid to get tough when necessary. No, I do not think that they win at all.
xthunderx2 Thanks for posting that article... I felt kickin myself in the ass after hearing that on tv. Not that I never though they'd try to do some macabre sh*t again, but you don't think about it all the time. So that was a good way of re-iterating "these mofos are relentless".
This is what leaves a bad taste in MY mouth:
and this: More people are killed by Islamists each year than in all 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition combined.
And this: More civilians were killed by Muslim extremists in two hours on September 11th than in the 36 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland.

They do not live in the Western World. These are people who have no compunction about killing, who perceive the West as weak. They essentially spit on our way of life and our laws. They hate everything about us. It is naive to think that bringing someone like OBL to trial would have been seen as anything other than weakness, would have exposed the site of the trial to unbelievable risk, would have incited violence and heaven only knows what kind of retaliatory actions. At least this shows the terrorists that we are not afraid to get tough when necessary. No, I do not think that they win at all.

Please could you refer to them as Islamic extremists rather than Islamics, that is rather offensive. Islam is a peaceful religion and most Muslims are more than happy to abide by the laws of the country they live in. It's the extremists that don't. I agree when I see extremists protesting in London about how they despise Western values, yet they live in countries such as the UK and US, is incredibly wrong but you cannot generalise here.
Please could you refer to them as Islamic extremists rather than Islamics, that is rather offensive. Islam is a peaceful religion and most Muslims are more than happy to abide by the laws of the country they live in. It's the extremists that don't. I agree when I see extremists protesting in London about how they despise Western values, yet they live in countries such as the UK and US, is incredibly wrong but you cannot generalise here.

That pisses me off to no end. It's hypocricy at its finest. These extremists despise western countries but have no problem feeding off of our social security system, education and health care. If they hate us so much, what the hell are they doing here? Nobody forced them to live here. Reminds me of Osama criticizing western consumerism yet sending his helpers out to bring him Coca Cola and Pepsi.
^The electoral campaigns have not started yet if I'm not mistaken. If this was all exactly 'planned' to play into Obama's favour, he should have been caught at least half a year later.

I think they've started, or at least the pre-campaigns have, image-wise, they always do, at least on here, they do it a year and a half before the actual campaign.
xthunderx2 Thanks for posting that article... I felt kickin myself in the ass after hearing that on tv. Not that I never though they'd try to do some macabre sh*t again, but you don't think about it all the time. So that was a good way of re-iterating "these mofos are relentless".
your welcome...what gets me is that they found this right there in Osama's home. I wonder what else they found that we dont know about...then again,,I dont think I want to know. I know taking out Osama will NOT stop terrorism..but..it is a beginning. THEN I see your BEAUTIFUL siggy and I am like Michael..Michael..Michael...:love:
I think we should lock this thread too mods...I think it has gone far enough...Idont want to see folks fighting about Osama Bin laden,,he has done enough damage...
Thread is cleaned
Please dont be attacking the Muslim people or the Islamic faith

many MJ fans are Islamic and or Muslims _ and we dont attack people
becuase of their nationalitlity Race or religion on this board

You can continue the discussion without going in that direction
Ok I'll add my opinion here...

To me it was about time to get Osama Bin Laden.

However it is not ok to kill anyone without a fair trial before coming to the conclusion of guilt. To me it was never proven that BinLaden really was the leading head behind 9/11, yes he proclaimed it himself, well all his life he had the tendency to make himself bigger than he really was, narcistic personality I'd diagnose him with without ever talking to him in person... he always wanted to be a 'hero' in the world of terrorism and now his death really made him one in the eyes of many terrorists. A martyr is officially defined by being killed without getting a fair trial... I think that's unfortunate and stupid. I would have wished for a more intelligent solution. To me this will produce more hate and more terrorists and this way also more victims... and honestly I think we all had enough.

I also think we all need to overthink what we really stand for.

If killing someone who's not armed is wrong?!
we want to be valid
then it has to apply to everyone,
also in the BinLaden case.

If innocent until proven guilty?!
we want to be valid
then it has to apply to everyone,
also in the BinLaden case.

I surely do not sympathize with any terrorist in this world.
But I am very disappointed by this decision of the USgovernment how to handle this.
I am very very unhappy with the message 'we' (the western world) have given to the rest with these actions which clearly is: Killing is ok under certain circumstances if your guts are telling you.
That's what the terrorists next attacking us will think also I guess.

And one more thing... even if this did not happen to strengthen Obamas stand because he had been at his weakest point ever before... this is then such a low level propaganda move... but yeah that surely can't ever be proven... however it sooooooooooooooo smells like it and Obama will never get rid of this smell and to me that's sad when it's about someone who was the winner of the nobel peace prize... almost ridiculous to me.

I respect everyone who disagrees with me but I had to get this out somehow.
I agree, Mechi on the fair trial part He wasn't even armed when he got allegedly shot.

But that's the modus operandi these days, unhappily. .. Ritualistic crimes are also in fashion. Absolutely gross how the US adm. thinks they're fighters against terrorism and are after peace, but are breaching the Constitution and Internal Law tenets to no end.

The injustice is way too big (and in saying this, I'm considering the loss of the many thousands who are dropping like flies in a world where the UN, who were supposed to be the world's alternative government fighting against peace disruption and the like, are doing nothing, but apparently condoning such injustices, condoning war, and condoning the slaughtering of many, doing nothing but fuel violence. ..Nothing at all.
I agree, Mechi on the fair trial part He wasn't even armed when he got allegedly shot.

Were the thousands who died on 9/11 armed? No. He deserved to be put in the same situation.
Even though he wasn't armed when he was shot, he WAS reaching for a weapon, so the shooting was justified.
Again there is no evidence linking Bin laden to 9/11 according to the FBI
Again there is no evidence linking Bin laden to 9/11 according to the FBI

The FBI don't know everything, though. Osama bin Laden himself confessed it was him who was behind the attacks, and evidence found from the places where the hijackers lived were traced to al-Qaeda and bin Laden.
There will be no 9/11 conspiracy theories in here. This is not the place for it and it's upsetting for a lot of people to read.
Ok I'll add my opinion here...

To me it was about time to get Osama Bin Laden.

However it is not ok to kill anyone without a fair trial before coming to the conclusion of guilt. To me it was never proven that BinLaden really was the leading head behind 9/11, yes he proclaimed it himself, well all his life he had the tendency to make himself bigger than he really was, narcistic personality I'd diagnose him with without ever talking to him in person... he always wanted to be a 'hero' in the world of terrorism and now his death really made him one in the eyes of many terrorists. A martyr is officially defined by being killed without getting a fair trial... I think that's unfortunate and stupid. I would have wished for a more intelligent solution. To me this will produce more hate and more terrorists and this way also more victims... and honestly I think we all had enough.

I also think we all need to overthink what we really stand for.

If killing someone who's not armed is wrong?!
we want to be valid
then it has to apply to everyone,
also in the BinLaden case.

If innocent until proven guilty?!
we want to be valid
then it has to apply to everyone,
also in the BinLaden case.

I surely do not sympathize with any terrorist in this world.
But I am very disappointed by this decision of the USgovernment how to handle this.
I am very very unhappy with the message 'we' (the western world) have given to the rest with these actions which clearly is: Killing is ok under certain circumstances if your guts are telling you.
That's what the terrorists next attacking us will think also I guess.

And one more thing... even if this did not happen to strengthen Obamas stand because he had been at his weakest point ever before... this is then such a low level propaganda move... but yeah that surely can't ever be proven... however it sooooooooooooooo smells like it and Obama will never get rid of this smell and to me that's sad when it's about someone who was the winner of the nobel peace prize... almost ridiculous to me.

I respect everyone who disagrees with me but I had to get this out somehow.

thats the beautiful thing...everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion...and that is great...:hug: