Osama Bin Laden is Dead- Celebrity Tweets Concerning Death Post 71

Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

Its about time!!!!!! After 10 years..finally he got what he deserved. Well done to the U.S forces.

Sadly it don't end terrorism.

That is the sad truth.
The list is very long...
Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

And they broke into "Celebrity Apprentice" for Obama's speech! :p

Listen, we finally got rid of the #1 most wanted man in the world! Terrorism will never end. However, at least we're finally getting what we were setting out to originally do completed. Republicans use disasters to enact their own backwards agenda. Sit back and let 9/11 happen = we can get that war we wanted in Iraq now! This man lived ten years too long! If it weren't for Obama, Osama would have been still living it up. Did you read about how he was living??! Obama told them to go in and get him, and he took a risk that could have ended in ultimate disaster.

Anyway, it's going to be memorable how the Right deals with this event. How are they going to bash Obama for Osama's death? Don't worry, they'll think of something! Get ready.

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority." - G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

Obama just won his 2nd term. Next!

Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

^^^lol i love that pic
N i agree with the above. I knew that man wasnt living in any mfing cave while being treated for DIALYSIS. Sometimes I think they play us for dummies. N honestly, for a good while I started to think he was dead because we hadnt found him and he is ill. I guess its possible but im sure with the US intelligence they had to know where he was because of his illness (i think you have to take dialysis treatement daily). Maybe they were looking in the wrong area all along. I dont see how people are saying "I can sleep better tonight." Terroism isnt over and it wont be anytime soon. This war will last FOREVER. The only way it will change is if 99% of them are killed and it still wont change because they will look at it as the 'western world is trying to push their beliefs on us (not all but extremist).'
Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

Thank-you Obama !

Remembering all those who lost loved ones in 9/11 :flowers:
Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

I wouldn't want to rejoice over someone's death but obviously this is a significant moment.. better dead than alive.

Sadly it don't end terrorism.

Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

I don't know how to adequatly put my feelings about this into words. Bin Laden is a mass murderer who used religion to justify his sick aims. He killed thousands of people and is it good that he is no more, yes. But the world certainly isn't a safer place this morning-there is the real risk of Al Qaeda retaliating and terrorism has been around for centuries-it isn't going to end today. What will happen now remains to be seen-all we can do is hope. I do not believe this is a cause for celebration-I was disturbed to see the scenes of people toasting beer cans and having a party because of this. As a world community we must work together to make this world a safer place.
Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

The world feels much more peaceful without him around.

However, the first time time I saw the headline my first reaction was: "Oh boy, this is about to get nasty!" What I'm talking about is that maybe (and I hope I'm wrong, I truly hope I am) Al-Quaeda will want revange for killing their leader. Which means they'll try to attack America again.

I would HATE to see that happening. Enough people died in other people's personal wars, it's just enough for #%@& sakes.

And as much as America might want to pull back their troops, I personally believe they need to keep them there now for at least a couple of months. Stuff's about to get nasty there.

A happy day for world peace nontheless. I'm happy, I truly am, that this low human being isn't breathing the same air I am anymore.
Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

doubt it will make much difference in the long run. those who follow him and believe in such idiologies will believe even if hes gone.nothingwill change with the attacks its symbolic and nothing more imo. and how embarassing all the americans in n.y celebrating. talk about tacky i guess they forget to realise that theres gonna be big retaliations now

i guess bush is upset that obama was the one to get him lol
Re: Usama Ben Laden is Dead

The World is a safer place.

no. not in 1000 years. i dont feel any better with this death. the world is still a very dangerous place. and btw, so you believe the usa have nothing to do with 9/11? the usa is also guilty.
politcs always lying the half about what they say or doing.

what i've found on twitter. i was laughting when i read it.

So Osama Bin Laden is dead... Amazing what the Americans can do when the Playstation Network is down.
Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

They will always use those fake pics.. When someone important dies.
Remember Michael?

I already said it in the chat and will say it here.
Death is way to easy and if we want justice for all who died, then put a bullet in his knee and bring him in court.

Oh and terrorism will always stay, Osama died, but who knows there already been dozens of people who are much likely like him. And will do the same.
Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

And i don't believe it for a second. All those years they can't get him, and now all of a sudden he's dead? Nah..nonsense. I also remember the many photos claiming it was all Osama and they were all clearly different men, nope...i'm not falling for this at all. The US is full of lies...and i just refuse to believe it any longer.

Nope i'm not a big fan of America and it's ways.
Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority." - G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

George bush really say that?.....oh my gosh
Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

me too. i don't believe this story he is dead. if they got him. ok they kill him. but why the hell so fast throw him into the sea. why not showing him? hm??? they do this cause they dont have him.
always the same with the usa. lying lying lying.
obama, i dont like the direction u are now walking. thats like the mass murderer Bush.
Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

George bush really say that?.....oh my gosh

yup, he said that. i remember to see the video. wasnt this also in the movie fahrenheit 9/11 from michael moore?
Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

Good Job to President Obama, now can we bring our troops home
Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

me too. i don't believe this story he is dead. if they got him. ok they kill him. but why the hell so fast throw him into the sea. why not showing him? hm??? they do this cause they dont have him.
always the same with the usa. lying lying lying.
obama, i dont like the direction u are now walking. thats like the mass murderer Bush.

Believe what you want, but keeping the body would have been very dangerous.
Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

We have also not seen Michael Jackson's dead body, does that mean he is alive?
Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

Lets try to keep this in mind...Osama is dead...terrorism DIDn't end with his death..BUT...terrorism ONLY HAS POWER..IF WE ALLOW IT TO. I dont give the extremist the opportunity to terrorize my mind...I will REFUSE to let happen...THEY cannot win if we don not give them that power.
Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

We have also not seen Michael Jackson's dead body, does that mean he is alive?

Honsetly i dont wanna see mjs dead body, the thought of that makes me wanna :puke:
Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

Remember that Osama was a Muslim and religiously they require their dead to be buried within 24hrs. By doing so, I guess it could appease the Muslims who follow him. A kind of gesture of respect. Also, they probably do not want the opportunity for Osama's body to be martyred.
Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

Good Job to President Obama, now can we bring our troops home

No. Those troops were not there to kill Osama Bin Laden. They disrupted the entire region. Please finish things properly instead of just pull out when the grand prize is in. That would be the worst possible advertising for the US as a country that wants to spread 'freedom and democarcy' around the world. Keep it believable at least.
Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

Exactly ginvid...his body is n the middle of the ocean..as I heard it put this morning..."tribute cannot be paid to Osama from rowboat in the middle of the Ocean"
Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

....and then I look at my own beautiful siggy of Michael and I am reminded that the UGLINESS of Conrad Murray STILL exists...JUSTICE MUST PREVAIL FOR MICHAEL AS WELL!!
Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

The moment I've heard this... It literally hit me again to see how many are falling into this Osama trap, and the scepagoat he always was (no matter how terroristic he was) to 'justify' the war in Irak and Afghanistan and the existence of the mass-destruction weapons they couldn't to this day find. Because they never existed. Suicide bombers are always easy preys and slaves, bowing down to their mad sacred-war philosophy. You accept bombing your self to death and others, and their gods of sacrifices will get their sacrificial selfs to high heaven. Indoctrinations with stupidity and false values and their full easy exploitation, and the resulting mass ignorance are the biggest of the foes. What an ongoing big-scale farce and bread and circus. 'We shot Osama to death. We, America, are overcoming terrorism and are your heroes.' Do you really? .. Are u really? Shame, shame how lame pretexts for oil look and sound like, and how the real terrorists of this world, from WWI till now often get the praise/credit. ...
Re: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

Remember that Osama was a Muslim and religiously they require their dead to be buried within 24hrs. By doing so, I guess it could appease the Muslims who follow him. A kind of gesture of respect. Also, they probably do not want the opportunity for Osama's body to be martyred.

Well, that's right that the dead has to be buried within 24 hrs but a burial at sea is not how it should be according to the religion. So I don't see that as a gesture of respect. I find that weird anyway. Why was he not put on trial?