Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 994*

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

... There are wars going on, children dying of hunger, people committing suicides, people destroying their lives and others in various ways. And all these people, with their disseminating confusion everywhere, making a brain wreck out of some is the ultimate example of an ample derision. I don't care how lunatic I may sound, or how 'elderly' and old-fashioned I may sound, but this is serious. Even when Michael was alive, especially when he was alive, with all his trials, with all the falsehoods from the tabloids, the Twitter mania that had just started shortly before June 25, to me, personally, it was a living hell, because my mind was consumed with all that, my heart was suffering, and I felt left like a legume, more concentrated and freaked on what tomorrow headline will be, what kind of sick rumors will there be, so I had to always think it through and get worked up and misfortunate because of some losers with the purpose of hurting souls: Michael's, his family's, ours. So that we don't focus on reality, on living our life and doing something to better it, as well as for the other, but just wonder about what is real or not.

So, I'm sick and tired, personally, of giving these unfortunate pricks, who think they're all that, my time and my pain. I've said it once and I'll say it again, with all the risks possible: there is a war going on right now: people after Michael's children that are after negative publicity towards the family, a family who has done questionable and even wrong things, so this will be used against them. People are thinking already "We can't trust the Jacksons, they've lied to us too often, they can't be trusted, they exploit the children" etc.. So that so-called 'second families', like Exotic Princess pointed out, could step in, i.e. the Cascios, Schafel, Lester, Fiddes, Klein, and take over. Meaning opportunists and leeches, for they're all lying about many things. It hurts to no end thinking these were people he trusted or wanted to trust. The children are strong and know what they want, they saw through Oprah, so I highly doubt they are going to remove them from Katherine Jackson's guardianship. But that is what is being sought: 'coming forward' and discrediting the family, having them deemed unfit, and they'll parade their 'perfect' relations with Michael, how they were his best friend and the rest of the cliche' lies. All the scandals with the fake songs off "Michael", all this is a derision, brainwashing.

Yes, this post is spot on. It is brainwashing.:yes:
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Are you lumping the Casio's in with that unsavory, money-grubbing group.?? That is hitting below the belt. Don't see this family suing mj's estate for money, or claiming paternity. The casio's are loyal friends to MJ and his kids.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

My opinion about Oprah is the worst possible and I admit it is mainly based on her opinion about Michael.
I mean....even if I wasn"t a die-hard fan I would respect the MAN for what he has done in his lifetime...I would recognize what was important to Michael and what message he was giving.There is no one like him and never will be.
She was allways too shalow and jelaous to see that. She was concetrating to her own fantasies and whisfull thinking.
It is her OBLIGATION to be objective because . But she is not. Not about Michael.
She has interviewed killers and rapists in jail and she was more sympathetic to them.
Oprah has some serious issues.
Who is next on her show ?! Debbie ?
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

The Oprah show will be used as a means of promoting the upcoming "Michael" ablum, and that is a wise buisness move.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

It's not, in fact.

Nobody should promote anything on Oprah, especially after the previous interviews about him. She made sure the sexually-abused-victims specials she did were on the same week as the Katherine Jackson and children's one. Who cares what she thinks about the album, it's not like it's a hundred percent Michael, just a little over 65, and it's not like people all of a sudden will see him any differently just because an album post-mortem gets released and by shady folks with shady means. Oprah knew exactly what she did when placing the Katherine interview in the same pot as the other ones just mentioned previously.

What's important is that a great degree of people still think of Jackson as a freak. You won't believe the comments made against him still, you won't believe that some... people actually call little Blanket gay. You won't believe how many sites are devoted to them, and how dissected would be. That's what is important, that's what it should be of concern, not what people, who gave their souls to the devil think and those who frequent their shows and what they allegedly wish to promote. What would Michael think of the children being exposed as they are, his worst nightmare ever. That is what should count, nothing else. Legacy? What exactly is legacy? Does that bring Michael back? No. Taking care and concerning oneself about each other could. And not because he said that, but because that's what is that matters. All that matters. As you grow and serious things unfold or just happen, but leave incredible consequences behind, you come to reduce the priorities in this life, which never was to last forever. Who cares about what anybody thinks about an album, ironically called 'Michael', that never had his blessing anyway (except for Hold My Hand single, I guess), and that is being contributed by people eager to disseminate their association with Jackson, for even if they worked with him (which by some accounts and photos, they did) on tracks, that doesn't mean they would've been released by Michael. The perfectionist. He'd never like tracks be released given that they're not finished, where he can't be even heard, with cheating impersonators ruining them.

All of this is just wrong, but people shouldn't concern themselves with promotion and other stupid things. Just look at the bigger picture, look at how everything seems to go down. Pray for that brainwashed family. Look (not with anger and spite, though) at that Murray is still free and has the time to concoct everything until the trial to continue to be free, mind that a lot others, criminals in their own way, are walking around free, such as Thome, think of how many 'friends' Michael had. And not wish things to them. Just think that they're free, while fans and other are arguing and cussing and screaming about new albums and stuff. Think how this ample derision is working right now. And ultimately just pray for important things in this life: such as life, and how to better it, and to think how frail it is. Think about others as well, about God. Someone in my family today almost died and they're under intensive care. Michael too went. It's things like that and everything going on more and more in this life that open the mind, that make you aware of more and more things, untangible things, and how other things just aren't that important anymore. And probably never were.
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Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Are you lumping the Casio's in with that unsavory, money-grubbing group.?? That is hitting below the belt. Don't see this family suing mj's estate for money, or claiming paternity. The casio's are loyal friends to MJ and his kids.

They registered the songs within 2 days of his death. How much money are they getting?:smilerolleyes:
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Are you lumping the Casio's in with that unsavory, money-grubbing group.?? That is hitting below the belt. Don't see this family suing mj's estate for money, or claiming paternity. The casio's are loyal friends to MJ and his kids.

I agree with you 100%. The Cascio's have never shown in their actions that they've done any wrongdoing. On the contrary,they've stood by Michael through thick and thin. Very loyal. Unlike Michael's own family, sorry to say, but very real.

Michael wrote and recorded songs in the Cascio's personal studio in NJ. When Michael passed the estate requested all songs belonging to Michael to be handed over. The Cascios did that. They were compensated, why wouldn't they. Period. Nothing sinister or disloyal here at all.

Some fans now are attacking them for releasing "fake" songs. Why wouldn't they want to defend themselves. Don't blame them at all.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I wonder if she is going to move away from the album talk and ask the Cascio boys "that question" she asks everyone else.

Anything is possible with Oprah, don't think she'll be able to resists!
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I have many issues with Oprah...but the Jacksons had it coming.

Michael is no longer here to fix their mess....They will learn Greed & Jealousy will never take them anywhere.

It is high time for the truth to come out.

Spot on!! I hope you are right! That family needs to be taught a lesson big time!

some people DO fall for jerks. lol.(oprah's one of those jerks)

anyway..Oprah envies Michael. even now. and always did. when she said she didn't want to be him, she lied. she wants that fame...that power...that appeal that Michael had and still has. there are two kinds of appeal. oprah has the one appeal, apparently. but Michael always had, and still has that other appeal everyone wishes for.

:agree::agree: Yes, she is a big time jerk!

Yes, it's amazing how she's obsessed ... really :bugeyed

Yes, with ratings.

I hate Oprah for all the reasons stated by many on this thread. She's a money grubbing, selfish, power hungry, egocentric, jerk. Michael made her and she hates that. He's the one that opened the door for many black ppl of today like her and Obama. But have they showed any respect for him? A resounding no! Remember Obama never ever issued an official statement on Michael's passing. Why? well, we know why. Oprah kept quiet.

Now of course she needs ratings, so it's all Michael now- all for her own selfish reasons., but of course she still has to drive her point across about the allegations or anything else to make Michael look bad. She never misses a chance to put a dig in. She is ruthless and sinister.
In the case of the Katherine/children interview, I fault both parties. Katherine could have easily not allowed the interview period. And if she did, why talk disparagingly about your own son:scratch:(that has scratching my head). Even though I was not happy the kids were in the interview, they did get to say great things about him which of course I knew they would, and that helped counteract Katherine's remarks.

Having said all this, I cannot argue with the marketing part of me that says this is a good business decision. I want this album to do well. That is just how I feel about it. To me, it is important, and if Winfrey can help then so be it. I'm thinking with my head not my heart. After she helps this album then I can speak from my heart and say - GOT TO HELL WINFREY! :D
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I understand why this show can be seen as a huge promotion, in north america... How about the rest of the world? Where no one gives a crap about O?
I have seen no boards, no posters, no TV ads, not even HMH on the radio. I am no promotion expert, dont get me wrong, just wondering.
Maybe there's still time, like smooth said... Dunno :unsure:
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Spot on!! I hope you are right! That family needs to be taught a lesson big time!

:agree::agree: Yes, she is a big time jerk!

Yes, with ratings.

I hate Oprah for all the reasons stated by many on this thread. She's a money grubbing, selfish, power hungry, egocentric, jerk. Michael made her and she hates that. He's the one that opened the door for many black ppl of today like her and Obama. But have they showed Her chats with Marie Osmond about her son, who committed suicide, former President George W. Bush, and her onetime talk-show rivals delivered a solid 6.1 rating for that week, averaging 8.3 million viewers -- putting her behind only Wheel of Fortune (11.9 million, 7.5) on the syndicated charts.

any respect for him? A resounding no! Remember Obama never ever issued an official statement on Michael's passing. Why? well, we know why. Oprah kept quiet.

Now of course she needs ratings, so it's all Michael now- all for her own selfish reasons., but of course she still has to drive her point across about the allegations or anything else to make Michael look bad. She never misses a chance to put a dig in. She is ruthless and sinister.
In the case of the Katherine/children interview, I fault both parties. Katherine could have easily not allowed the interview period. And if she did, why talk disparagingly about your own son:scratch:(that has scratching my head). Even though I was not happy the kids were in the interview, they did get to say great things about him which of course I knew they would, and that helped counteract Katherine's remarks.

Having said all this, I cannot argue with the marketing part of me that says this is a good business decision. I want this album to do well. That is just how I feel about it. To me, it is important, and if Winfrey can help then so be it. I'm thinking with my head not my heart. After she helps this album then I can speak from my heart and say - GOT TO HELL WINFREY! :D

Oprah Winfrey Earns Best Ratings in Nearly Three Years
The talk-show host, who will step down to launch her OWN network, has faced stiff competition from Judge Judy.
Oprah Winfrey has Michael Jackson to thank for one of her highest-rated weeks in three years.

Her interview with the King of Pop's kids, Prince, Paris and Blanket -- the first time they've opened up -- scored a 6.7 rating when it aired the week of Nov. 7 to Nov. 14.

Her chats with Marie Osmond about her son, who committed suicide, former President George W. Bush, and her onetime talk-show rivals delivered a solid 6.1 rating for that week, averaging 8.3 million viewers -- putting her behind only Wheel of Fortune (11.9 million, 7.5) on the syndicated charts.

Judge Judy beat The Oprah Winfrey Show in the ratings earlier this year, averaging 6.5 million viewers -- 600,000 more than Oprah.

C:\Documents and Settings\MUYIWA OLUDIRAN\My Documents\Oprah Winfrey Earns Best Ratings in Nearly Three Years - Live Feed.mht
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

So Oprah is still trying to cash in on him....
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

What the hell is going on here?? What the next step? We are open a X File about MJ mysterious Song?:tease:
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I just hope it's positive. No talk about drug use, allegation etc. Just focus on the music. I hope the shows that air before and after this one are about nice things or something positive not like with LMP and Katherine. I don't want anymore "coincidences".
Well, what can these guys say about the song Morphine... i mean they can say "Yes Michael used morphine so he did Morphine" and thats all, thats all they can say, they know nothing about music... stupid Oprah...
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Why would Oprah care about anything but ratings? It's her job! She's a business woman who knows her audience.

And why WOULDN'T the show be positive? I highly doubt she would disrespect MJ or the album to the face of the people that helped make it!!!

Plus the fact, unfortunately now Michael is dead it's the fashionable thing to do to jump on the "we love MJ" bandwagon. People don't know what they got til its gone.

Oprah does a show about the album= more sales= more MJ fans. Simple.

Come on. I think we need to start seeing things a little more positively. Like her or not, this is a good thing.

So what if she only cares about ratings for her show? It's mutually beneficial to the album, so who cares?
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I am staying away of labeling Cascios. those guys were Mike friends for more of an decade.

Maybe they did some wrong with those songs rushing to Sony with them.... But this is not a crime.

I'd love to believe that Mike was not that alone as some might think.... Maybe ,maybe he got some true friends left. Elisabeth Taylor, maybe those Cascio guys... Some of family too, I think of his mother, some nephews...

There's big craziness and chaos out there concerning Mike and even good guys are attracted in, and falling victims to it. I am gonna understand that this is unfortunate event and many are victims in it.

Regarding the legacy - I think the legacy is important. Not regarding money making machine, but regarding the person, and the artist. For all geniuses as Mozart, Michellangello, Ceaikovski... for all of them legacy was and still is important. Michellangello can be easily labeled as pedophile these days, in this modern witch hunting machinery that menaced to swallow Michael as well.
So all words are important, people appearing in all those shows and running their mouths speaking nonsense... or people sayign the right things, the right words... All is important, positive can be added, negative as well.

Michael works are also very important, even those not yet released.
As other geniuses works those should see the light of the day one day.
As for Mike perfectionism, I think he exagerated too much into this direction and perfectionism can be like a disease.... stopping the creating process so many times. Michael + less perfectionism would have been = more relaxed & rested MIke, with way more creations finished. This is not critic... I suffer from same perfectionism syndrome as Mike, and I am trying hard to cure it. LOL

As for the Oprah show, people rushing to her .... well Oprah is big manipulator, everybody almost, falls for that woman. Me? Not. Simple she is not in my view. I pray for those enchanted by her to see her 'true colors' one day. :angel:
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I just hope the show will be positive.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Please. Oprah is not a therapist and Jacksons shouldn't be using interviews to air their unresolved issues. That should be done in private.

That is spot on. I've felt about it just the same...
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

They registered the songs within 2 days of his death. How much money are they getting?:smilerolleyes:

Damn smart of the casios breaking the 100 yds dash to register those songs.!!! The casios aren't exactly clueless you know. They were up close and personal observers of the greed and insanity that surrounded MJ in life and now death.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

She don't smoke

She don't breathe

She don't hash

She don't dope

But she's a liar
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Damn smart of the casios breaking the 100 yds dash to register those songs.!!! The casios aren't exactly clueless you know. They were up close and personal observers of the greed and insanity that surrounded MJ in life and now death.

Do You know what's funny? If Cascio were slow to register the songs, the same 'fans' would be saying that the songs were false.

I'm tired of all these Drama Queens.

I'm waiting for the Vision (the DVD is not available in my country). If the Vision is not as bad as they say, I'll never trust these fans again.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Vision is great. Only TWYMMF is very bad at some points. Otherwise quality and sound is great.

And yes MJStorm - some would always find a reason to complain and make up conspiracy theories.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Vision is great. Only TWYMMF is very bad at some points. Otherwise quality and sound is great.

And yes MJStorm - some would always find a reason to complain and make up conspiracy theories.

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Do You know what's funny? If Cascio were slow to register the songs, the same 'fans' would be saying that the songs were false.

I'm tired of all these Drama Queens.


^^^ That. If the Cascios would have waited a couple of years, authenticity questions would be around even more. Happens to all great artists.

I'd be careful slandering and defaming a family that seemed to be his friends for a long time.

So yeah, they registered these songs- looking at it from the viewpoint of history- the only logic thing to do. Interesting people mention money- I personally don't care much about who has how much, sometimes I'm inclined to think there are envy issues for some people when they have to mention other people's money- sort of in a roundabout way.

I simply hope he had a good time in New Jersey and felt safe when he didn't feel that way elsewhere. That's all that matters to me.
The fact that that he did get creative there makes me hope even more, he must have felt confident enough in their home to record, that alone says HUGE things to me about the way he felt. Much more than angry Twittertons.

People all too easily turn around and do to another what was done to Michael. That family cuts and bleeds as well and being called the devil by anonymous enraged folks online is a horrific feeling.
Maybe people only understand that part once they have been slandered themselves.

We weren't there and and I'm not the Almighty to know for sure what went down where- giving somebody the benefit of the doubt by not assuming they MUST be the latest group of people MJ fans feel free to hate.

Sometimes keeping an open mind means less people get hurt.
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Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

^^^ That. If the Cascios would have waited a couple of years, authenticity questions would be around even more. Happens to all great artists.

I'd be careful slandering and defaming a family that seemed to be his friends for a long time.

So yeah, they registered these songs- looking at it from the viewpoint of history- the only logic thing to do. Interesting people mention money- I personally don't care much about who has how much, sometimes I'm inclined to think there are envy issues for some people when they have to mention other people's money- sort of in a roundabout way.

I simply hope he had a good time in New Jersey and felt safe when he didn't feel that way elsewhere. That's all that matters to me.
The fact that that he did get creative there makes me hope even more, he must have felt confident enough in their home to record, that alone says HUGE things to me about the way he felt. Much more than angry Twittertons.

People all too easily turn around and do to another what was done to Michael. That family cuts and bleeds as well and being called the devil by anonymous enraged folks online is a horrific feeling.
Maybe people only understand that part once they have been slandered themselves.

We weren't there and and I'm not the Almighty to know for sure what went down where- giving somebody the benefit of the doubt by not assuming they MUST be the latest group of people MJ fans feel free to hate. Like locust.

Sometimes keeping an open mind means less people get hurt.

Quoted for truth.

Nothing else to add.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

^ This ! thanx.. Pace,MioDolceCuore ..