Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 994*

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

LOL You are so right!! and if the media were to say that those songs were fake, they'd be screaming that they aren't. TOTAL DRAMA QUEENS that is for sure.

As for the Vision DVD- It is really great. The intros are awesome, the quality is better than the other DVDs I have, imo. I know in the TWYMMF, there are a couple of instances were its a bit grainy, but overall it is great quality and it is the complete full version. The prison version has the full unedited lyrics of the song which I love. Bad has the full video with a great ending that I had never seen. Smooth Criminal is the full version from Moonwalker which I had not seen prior on any other dvds.
The Drama Queens as you noted are complaining about some of the videos having a black box around it. It honestly doesn't bother me, I wouldn't have noticed it much until they started complaining.

Well, anyway I hope you are not deterred from buying it because of these fans.

I think Sony will release the DVD in my country in two weeks. So I'll buy it.
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Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I've bought both Vision and Michael album, along with Chopin, from Amazon.

Now I am waiting for 2 separate shipping. Michael album will arrive only in January. :-(
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

... the "Obituary" mention on Breaking News, which nobody mentions are alright? Not in the least suspicious?

I have seen people post this a million times ... I don't get it, what's the problem with this line? It's a metaphor, it means something like ... how they wanted to "kill" him in a metaphorical sense by writing negative things until he is basically dead to the public and nobody takes him seriously anymore, people don't want his music anymore, ridiculed, etc. Makes perfect sense in the context of the song and is used as a "picture", not in the sense of an actual obituary. So no, that line is not the least suspicious.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

^^^Michael also sang "they wanna get my ass dead or alive" in 'D.S.' (HIStory), so "he wanna write my obituary" isn't all that weird. Even the sentence structure (+grammar) is pretty "Jacksonese".

The song was also recorded after the trial- did people forget how the media was literally hoping to report that MJ was on "suicide watch"? And that quite literally? Media WAS on "suicide watch". Why wouldn't he write that 'he wanna write my obituary'? Given the fact that the same vultures who were salivating for a "guilty" verdict ended up being the same vultures on TV, sitting in front of the Staples Center, commenting on the Memorial. Sounds to me like Michael was spot-on, unfortunately. SAME people, same names.

Is it me, or do I hear Martin Bashir as one of "the voices" in the beginning of 'Breaking News'?
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Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Will someone explain how in the world did an album end up being put out with 4 songs sung by an impersonator? From all the hundreds of songs Michael composed in his lifetime, the great part of which being finished, how could 4 Cascio tracks, unfinished, and weak end up on the album? I mean, seriously, out of all the songs, is that all they could do?.... 0_o This doesn't even have to do with any conspiracy issues. But really, wouldn't Michael at least be heard on these 4 tracks? The weak lyrics that are on these songs, so unmichaelish, the "Obituary" mention on Breaking News, which nobody mentions are alright? Not in the least suspicious?

Whatever.. Like I should care about what people think.

And it is amazing how you can say with certainty all these songs are sung by impersonators. This is your opinion so don't state it as fact. In YOUR opinion the 4 Cascio tracks are sung by impersonators. First of all, when did you get so lucky and hear those 4 tracks? And in YOUR opinion the lyrics and the songs are weak. For many those 2 songs that we've heard sound great.

As a matter of fact the "orbituary" metaphor is excellent - couldn't have chosen a better word really for Michael to use to explain how they are actually waiting to kill him with their crazy lies.

Anyway, looking forward to this show. I believe the Cascios are going to do great.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Is James Porte going to be on the show ?
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Will someone explain how in the world did an album end up being put out with 4 songs sung by an impersonator? From all the hundreds of songs Michael composed in his lifetime, the great part of which being finished, how could 4 Cascio tracks, unfinished, and weak end up on the album?

there's only 3 cascio tracks on the album. so what's the 4th song you are talking about?
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

let me add a little more to this

yes the registration date is the date all the necessary documents are received and yes cascio/porte used electronic registration - which means that all of the documents were probably uploaded on June 27.

However in order to copyright a song as far as I can see (see the quote below) you also need to send them the copy of the song (audio file), so if you think these songs/vocals are fake then it would mean that
a) they already had these songs recorded by a MJ sound alike or
b) they recorded the sound a like vocals in a 2 day period.

some people also question why they would need to rush to copyright the songs in such a short period of time. When Michael was alive they most probably trusted Michael if and when he used those songs to give them credit. However with Michael dead, the people to run the estate (whether it might the Jackson family or anyone else - they didn't know it at the time) could have registered those songs solely in Michael's name and leave Cascio/Porte out. So the quick registration could have been to protect their interests.

Interesting. Thanks for posting this bit of info.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

However in order to copyright a song as far as I can see (see the quote below) you also need to send them the copy of the song (audio file), so if you think these songs/vocals are fake then it would mean that
a) they already had these songs recorded by a MJ sound alike or
b) they recorded the sound a like vocals in a 2 day period.

c) They recorded the vocals of a soundalike anytime between when they were created and when they were submitted for registration.

Also, we really don't know what state the songs were in when they were submitted for registration, seeing as they were later reworked by producers like Teddy Riley. So who knows what happened between registration and the versions that appear on the album.
Sorry, I meant 3 Cascio songs.

Yeah, those songs are sung by impersonators. That's hardly MY opinion. Or my opinion only. At one point, Tricia, you said you "hate Oprah" for various reasons, I guess, in my opinion, we can all agree on that hating is wrong.

I am still rhetorically wondering this, as I don't expect to get any answers just yet: How did an album (a post-mortem one too) end up being put out with 3 Cascio songs out of a 10-song album only? Out of all the hundreds of songs Jackson composed in his lifetime, a good part of which being finished, how could these unfinished tracks end up in there? They hoped no one would really catch on it isn't Jackson, or, to be more popular, Only Jackson singing all along, and when people, not few, started to catch on something and feel weird about it, they relented a bit and said there were some extras there giving what they call 'accents'.

"the jackson brothers and 3t are brainwashing everyone because of there own jelousey! including the kids! michael distanced himself from his brothers for a reason! they were all greedy, and always looked for trouble and they are doing the same now! remember that they have no say in the estate, and they are not entitled to any money from the estate…" - yeah, calling out Jackson's own family like that in public, like the Cascios do - even though he distanced himself from them, even though they're not faultless - that would 'please' him a lot. As it would 'please' him to know his 3 grieving children (shown at his memorial) are depicted on the cover of this album with a dollar-bill floating around them (or before them?..) 0_0... He never dissed his family in public, calling them out, and never wanted his children (who are still children, by the way, not public figures) in the limelight, which is why they were covered. So, I wonder, what they feel about that.

"You can say that he sounds different, your right, different studio, different equipment, different point in time in michaels life!" - too many different things that make Jackson sound like a dot in all this. In "Hold My Hand", he sounds like himself, because he is himself. He's got that instantly recognizable voice where one doesn't have to pause and mull over it. And that song won his approval and wanted to release it, because it was really good and ( now almost) finished. Those 3 songs sound less than unfinished. And their approach is not credible from the get-go, throwing the blame on others, calling them out like kids do, 'Oh, you're bad!', "No, you're the bad one", 'Oh, no, I ain't, you are'. ...

Of all of the songs he ever recorded in his lifetime... At least Akon is a person of integrity (so far), since he and Michael worked on other songs, most of which being just concepts, so he doesn't release concepts and things that didn't have Michael's blessing ultimately.

I'm tired of all this nonsense and hate to criticize people just to demonstrate something. I'm sure the Cascios had been nice and good friends to Michael and the children before, so I'll give them that, but in this case, sorry. There are far more important things to worry about, though, and what's done is done. This doesn't even matter in the end, it's like "Next..." ....
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Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I am just find it curious that the Cascios took such a long time to make a formal statement. The right time, to me, should have been immediately after the uproar, but better late than never. I hope they will stick to the facts.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

c) They recorded the vocals of a soundalike anytime between when they were created and when they were submitted for registration.

So you think they would've recorded soundalike vocals before he died or within two days following his death? Because if they had to submit an audio file to register the songs, I'm fairly certain they wouldn't have just sent in an instrumental track without any vocals.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I think that Cascios didn't do anything wrong.. I think that Teddy Riley and Sony put too much of James Porte vocal guide in the final mix. Eddie Cascio didn't do production on these songs, he just co-wrote the songs with James Porte and Michael and record MJ demo tape and James Porte vocal guide for MJ. When he gave those tracks to The Estate he didn't know what will happen. So I don't blame Cascios for anything.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

So you think they would've recorded soundalike vocals before he died or within two days following his death? Because if they had to submit an audio file to register the songs, I'm fairly certain they wouldn't have just sent in an instrumental track without any vocals.

I don't know man. Anything's possible. How do we know what the state of the songs were when they sent them in?
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

^^That's interesting. I wonder too what was the condition of the songs when they were registered. Were the backup vocals in place? The song obviously was worked on by the producers, so I wonder what the original sounded like.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Can someone explain to me about Cascios?

Fracesco (Frank) and Eddie "Angel" are two brothers - that is what I know. Who are Connie and Dominick? Their parents or another brother and sister?

FYI --- Dominic Sr. and Connie are the parents of Frank, Eddie "Angel", Dominic Jr., Marie-Nicole and Aldo Cascio. Their family has very successful restaurants in NJ and NYC. They don't need MJ's money nor any controversy. They have always been loyal to Michael since the beginning. Michael has known most of the kids since they were babies.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

question for you...what is wrong with Eddie Cascio and James Porte to secure songs that they participated in by writing and producing on with Michael? The Estate aka "MJ's kids" will get more money out of those songs than Eddie or James will ever get. Some of you are trying to find anything negative to be against them.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

question for you...what is wrong with Eddie Cascio and James Porte to secure songs that they participated in by writing and producing on with Michael? The Estate aka "MJ's kids" will get more money out of those songs than Eddie or James will ever get. Some of you are trying to find anything negative to be against them.
I agree with you. :agree:
I, also believe it is time for people to stop being so negative,
and, instead, just get ready to enjoy Michael Jackson's new
album, "Michael".
I thank God for this gift from Michael Jackson. :angel:
Superstition;3101737 said:
I don't know man. Anything's possible. How do we know what the state of the songs were when they sent them in?

I think that "as told Friedman", they only registered the lyrics on day 27 of june:


From Friedman:

"Indeed, two days after jackson died–on june 27, 2009–cascio filed a copyright claim along with michael jackson and another songwriter for something called “mj songbook.” the filing is just for lyrics."

source: http://www.showbiz411.com/2010/05/03/new-michael-jackson-album-may-pose-legal-problems

Later (3/18/2010) they registered other things:

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Actually look to the screenshots that you added and read the authorship which states : sound recording, performance, production, compilation, lyrics. Furthermore the copyright.gov website states the type as "Sound Recording and Music". It's not just lyrics.

Note : It might have taken copyright.gov some time to listen to the uploaded sound files and determine legitimacy / update the type of work but the claim doesn't look like it was for lyrics only as they are claiming authorship of sound recording and performance. Plus the copyright date government site show is the date when they received all the necessary documents and copies of work. If it was initially done for lyrics but the sound and vocals were added later logically the date would have changed to a later date.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I agree with you. :agree:
I, also believe it is time for people to stop being so negative,
and, instead, just get ready to enjoy Michael Jackson's new
album, "Michael".
I thank God for this gift from Michael Jackson. :angel:

Yes, Cherubim, I support you 100% Keep the positivity going! Sing it loud and clear. Love it!:clapping:
ivy;3102354 said:
Actually look to the screenshots that you added and read the authorship which states : sound recording, performance, production, compilation, lyrics. Furthermore the copyright.gov website states the type as "Sound Recording and Music". It's not just lyrics.

Note : It might have taken copyright.gov some time to listen to the uploaded sound files and determine legitimacy / update the type of work but the claim doesn't look like it was for lyrics only as they are claiming authorship of sound recording and performance. Plus the copyright date government site show is the date when they received all the necessary documents and copies of work. If it was initially done for lyrics but the sound and vocals were added later logically the date would have changed to a later date.

Check what Friedman told many months ago:

From Friedman:

"Indeed, two days after jackson died–on june 27, 2009–cascio filed a copyright claim along with michael jackson and another songwriter for something called “mj songbook.” the filing is just for lyrics."

source: http://www.showbiz411.com/2010/05/03/new-michael-jackson-album-may-pose-legal-problems
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Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Interesting.. thanks K77.

I'm not convinced that just because it says "performance" on there, that the vocals were complete. It's pretty vague and probably leaves a lot of room for change. I'm not an expert though, that's merely a guess.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

^^Very interesting information.
Superstition;3102374 said:
Interesting.. thanks K77.

I'm not convinced that just because it says "performance" on there, that the vocals were complete. It's pretty vague and probably leaves a lot of room for change. I'm not an expert though, that's merely a guess.

You only have to check what Friedman (yes, the same man who wrote that there are tapes of Mj on Cascio´s house) wrote on his webpage many month ago:


"According to one source who’s heard the material, Michael’s vocals are “perfect.”" :wild:


"what everyone who’s heard the tracks agrees on is that michael jackson’s vocals sound great." :doh:

My version is that Friedman helped Cascio family to sell the fake songs to Sony.

Friedman always attacked Mj when he was alive. Later, when he died, Friedman support all the Cascio tracks to help them to sell it to Sony/Estate.

Friedman searched Quincy Jones to talk about the tracks, "telling him that it´s Michaelish style on the songs" but Quincy avoid questions...

Friedman on first place talked about the good quality on Mj vocals on that songs, later we all heard the vocals. They are very mixed and in bad quality.

Friedman is supporting Cascio tracks, it´s sure that there is so much money between Cascio and Friedman.

By the way... to me, all Cascio tracks (12) are fake: Monster, KYHU, BTN, All i need, Carry on, etc...
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Kapital77;3102408 said:
You only have to check what Friedman (yes, the same man who wrote that there are tapes of Mj on Cascio´s house) wrote on his webpage many month ago:


"According to one source who’s heard the material, Michael’s vocals are “perfect.”" :wild:


"what everyone who’s heard the tracks agrees on is that michael jackson’s vocals sound great." :doh:

My version is that Friedman helped Cascio family to sell the fake songs to Sony.

Friedman always attacked Mj when he was alive. Later, when he died, Friedman support all the Cascio tracks to help them to sell it to Sony/Estate.

Friedman searched Quincy Jones to talk about the tracks, "telling him that it´s Michaelish style on the songs" but Quincy avoid questions...

Friedman on first place talked about the good quality on Mj vocals on that songs, later we all heard the vocals. They are very mixed and in bad quality.

Friedman is supporting Cascio tracks, it´s sure that there is so much money between Cascio and Friedman.

By the way... to me, all Cascio tracks (12) are fake: Monster, KYHU, BTN, All i need, Carry on, etc...

Thanks so much for your info.

It is my impression thru the years though that Friedman gets most info from Branca. He had alot during the trial too. Frank's lawyer, Joe Tacopina, I thought fed him info too during that time.

He always supports for whatever side Branca is on. I am sure somehow Friedman gets paid for his support.

Maybe the Cascio tracks are a payback for some info given to Branca.

Maybe your version is correct - either way something is very fishy. If I were Sony, I'd be real mad.

This site here has Frank Cascio, Tyson interviews during the trial on CTV:

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Kapital77;3102363 said:
Check what Friedman told many months ago:

From Friedman:

"Indeed, two days after jackson died–on june 27, 2009–cascio filed a copyright claim along with michael jackson and another songwriter for something called “mj songbook.” the filing is just for lyrics."

source: http://www.showbiz411.com/2010/05/03/new-michael-jackson-album-may-pose-legal-problems

I can check the copyright.gov registration with my own eyes and see that the registration is not and was not for lyrics only.

When did Friedman become more truthful than an official government document?

Friedman on first place talked about the good quality on Mj vocals on that songs, later we all heard the vocals. They are very mixed and in bad quality.

and is everyone at Sony deaf or do they take Friedman's word as gospel? Seriously regardless of what Friedman wrote if they wanted to not use those songs, they wouldn't have.
ivy;3102430 said:
I can check the copyright.gov registration and see that the registration is not for lyrics only.

When did Friedman become more truthful than an official government document?

Since Mj died and tell everybody about those songs, since he helped the Cascio family and now is supporting all the Cascio tracks....which some fans love, since Friedman is the man who is talking about tracks are real Mj voice, since Friedman is the man who is talking about there are tapes from the Cascio house.

I know Friedman has good sources about all the Cascio songs and it´s sure that he helped the Cascio family to sell the songs to Sony/Estate:


"That deal does not include newly discovered material. This could mean that other record companies could bid for the collection of songs."

I think that these words were a direct arrow to Sony, to hurry up to buy the Cascio tracks and to avoid other record companies could buy it.

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Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'


"That deal does not include newly discovered material. This could mean that other record companies could bid for the collection of songs."

I think that these words were a direct arrow to Sony, to hurry up to buy the Cascio tracks and to avoid other record companies could buy it.

Clever observation.