Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 994*

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

While some people attack Cascio, the interview with the Jacksons will be shown throughout my country during prime time and only the worst parts, of course.

The commercial is already showing the worst pictures of Michael and saying that the M's mother will speak ill of his nose.

Congratulations to the Jacksons family. You are a gang of idiots and losers.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I feel I need to ask something of the people whose only 'beef' with the Cascios is the registering the songs "2 days after Michael died".

How do you know that these songs weren't sent weeks, or even months, before Michael died? The registration date is normally the date the application is 'processed' - not the day it is sent, or even received by the department.

I have worked in similar organisations and it sometimes used to take us months to process applications if we were busy. Do you honestly think the Cascios took the applications 'by hand', 1 or 2 days after MJ died, and sat around until the appications were processed saying "Hurry up guys! We need these songs registered immediately so we can sell them to Sony."

I think that it is very niave to use that as the only 'stick to beat them with'. I think your arguments against them are on very sandy footings, if that is all you have.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I believe certain members of the Jacksons do not value Michael Jackson's solo career, which enriches the lives of Millions of people all around the world?

I thank God, that unlike "the Jacksons" on the Oprah Winfrey Show,
the Cascios will be supporting
the "Legacy of the solo career of Michael Jackson."

"Hold My Hand".:flowers:
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Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

am interested in what she will be saying about this.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I think we all know what to think about O, her agenda is the clearest one. Ratings. Well, that's her job, sadly. We all know she doesnt care about Michael. That's a given.

As far as the others go, well, I remember someone very dear to me that said : "don't judge a person, do not pass judgement, unless you have talked to them one on one". I doubt I'll ever meet the Cascio family, but at least, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, and hear them out. Then, and only then, will I make up my mind about them. If I feel I can from what I've heard.
I dont feel I know enough about the how, when, why they gave the tracks to sony, to give me the right to judge them, so far. I'll wait and see/listen.

And for the record, I still think Michael is not the only or lead vocalist on BN.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

why doesnt she just make a show on the new kanye west album instead of always tryin to make money off mike.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Damn smart of the casios breaking the 100 yds dash to register those songs.!!! The casios aren't exactly clueless you know. They were up close and personal observers of the greed and insanity that surrounded MJ in life and now death.

I agree they are very smart and making lots of money.:agree: So is Oprah & $ony & E$tate.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

When a song is registered the date it is received is the one placed on the registration date. If by mail the day the mailman delivers it wheras if by digital files transferred then it would be registered the same day it is received. It may would not show for the people who sent songs immediately but once the process completes the reception date is what is recorded. I'm not saying this to knock the Casios and hope they did not betray Michae as many others have done but that is the way registration dates are to be recorded.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

This is really annoying.

I do love watching Oprah, but this is definitely something that I do not agree with. Enough already! I hope she gets a rogue fan who will have quotes and dates from her previous shows, especially the ones with LMP, ready to call her out on her shenanigans.

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Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

When a song is registered the date it is received is the one placed on the registration date. If by mail the day the mailman delivers it wheras if by digital files transferred then it would be registered the same day it is received. It may would not show for the people who sent songs immediately but once the process completes the reception date is what is recorded. I'm not saying this to knock the Casios and hope they did not betray Michae as many others have done but that is the way registration dates are to be recorded.

:flowers:Thanks so much for this information.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

When a song is registered the date it is received is the one placed on the registration date. If by mail the day the mailman delivers it wheras if by digital files transferred then it would be registered the same day it is received. It may would not show for the people who sent songs immediately but once the process completes the reception date is what is recorded. I'm not saying this to knock the Casios and hope they did not betray Michae as many others have done but that is the way registration dates are to be recorded.

That would make them the most efficient government entity, 'cause literally everywhere else the date shown is "when we get to it."

It kind of would make sense in terms of copyright dates to assign the date when it was received- why be neat if all government agencies would work that way- because literally everywhere else you'll get a date, when you get a date- meaning, when someone gets to your "case".
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

This is really annoying.

I do love watching Oprah, but this is definitely something that I do not agree with. Enough already! I hope a she gets a rogue fan who will have quotes and dates from her previous shows, especially the ones with LMP, ready to call her out on her shenanigans.


I agree.. but I doubt that will happen. Both of those two need to be called out on their shenanigans. I'm quite sure both of them know how MJ's fans feel about them.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I feel I need to ask something of the people whose only 'beef' with the Cascios is the registering the songs "2 days after Michael died".

How do you know that these songs weren't sent weeks, or even months, before Michael died? The registration date is normally the date the application is 'processed' - not the day it is sent, or even received by the department.

That's what I've been thinking from day 1 when I first read the "2 days" thing. But I didn't post it, because it's really hard to get a word in, people are too busy with hating certain people and will probably be forever stuck in the "fake-not fake" discussion, twisting everything they read to fit their theory (talking about both sides here, I also remember how this all started and I understand why people are upset and who caused it).

Also, I'm not sure if I remember correctly, but wasn't it said by someone (the Cascios maybe? Not sure anymore) that he wanted to work on new stuff in London? And also on those Cascio songs (not sure about that anymore either? Someone remember this better than I do?)? It would make sense to register them in this case, probably months earlier.

As for Oprah - love her or hate her, but with all the MJ shows it's obvious that this is part of the promotion, starting a couple of weeks before the release and building up interest. For her it's ratings of course, but that's the business.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Vision is great. Only TWYMMF is very bad at some points. Otherwise quality and sound is great.

And yes MJStorm - some would always find a reason to complain and make up conspiracy theories.

^ This ! thanx.. Pace,MioDolceCuore ..

It depends if you got the NTSC version (which is ok) or the PAL version (which is terrible).
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Can someone explain to me about Cascios?

Fracesco (Frank) and Eddie "Angel" are two brothers - that is what I know. Who are Connie and Dominick? Their parents or another brother and sister?
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

^^^ That. If the Cascios would have waited a couple of years, authenticity questions would be around even more. Happens to all great artists.

I'd be careful slandering and defaming a family that seemed to be his friends for a long time.

So yeah, they registered these songs- looking at it from the viewpoint of history- the only logic thing to do. Interesting people mention money- I personally don't care much about who has how much, sometimes I'm inclined to think there are envy issues for some people when they have to mention other people's money- sort of in a roundabout way.

I simply hope he had a good time in New Jersey and felt safe when he didn't feel that way elsewhere. That's all that matters to me.
The fact that that he did get creative there makes me hope even more, he must have felt confident enough in their home to record, that alone says HUGE things to me about the way he felt. Much more than angry Twittertons.

People all too easily turn around and do to another what was done to Michael. That family cuts and bleeds as well and being called the devil by anonymous enraged folks online is a horrific feeling.
Maybe people only understand that part once they have been slandered themselves.

We weren't there and and I'm not the Almighty to know for sure what went down where- giving somebody the benefit of the doubt by not assuming they MUST be the latest group of people MJ fans feel free to hate.

Sometimes keeping an open mind means less people get hurt.


It depends if you got the NTSC version (which is ok) or the PAL version (which is terrible).

I thought VISION was only released in NTSC. Where can I buy it in PAL ?
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I agree they are very smart and making lots of money.:agree: So is Oprah & $ony & E$tate.

The family provided a safe haven for MJ. Why does it irks you so that they are getting paid for honest labor.??
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

The family provided a safe haven for MJ. Why does it irks you so that they are getting paid for honest labor.??

Breaking News does not seem right. I do not trust it. It is not that I do not hear MJ at all, but I think there are all kinds of things that can be done with technology. Sony has a bad history & money has a way of corrupting even good people.:no:
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

The family provided a safe haven for MJ. Why does it irks you so that they are getting paid for honest labor.??

I agree.. I think Mike trusted them more than his own family
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I think Michael Jackson just liked being around the Cascio family, because they were long time friends that he could depend on.
However, for reasons only the Jackson family knows they are jealous of them. I don't think the Jacksons should have ever involved the fans in this matter.
They should have worked it out among themselves.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Not to be completely negative, I do love Hold My Hand, so maybe they will play that on Oprah.:yes:
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I feel I need to ask something of the people whose only 'beef' with the Cascios is the registering the songs "2 days after Michael died".

How do you know that these songs weren't sent weeks, or even months, before Michael died? The registration date is normally the date the application is 'processed' - not the day it is sent, or even received by the department.

I have worked in similar organisations and it sometimes used to take us months to process applications if we were busy. Do you honestly think the Cascios took the applications 'by hand', 1 or 2 days after MJ died, and sat around until the appications were processed saying "Hurry up guys! We need these songs registered immediately so we can sell them to Sony."

I think that it is very niave to use that as the only 'stick to beat them with'. I think your arguments against them are on very sandy footings, if that is all you have.

When a song is registered the date it is received is the one placed on the registration date. If by mail the day the mailman delivers it wheras if by digital files transferred then it would be registered the same day it is received. It may would not show for the people who sent songs immediately but once the process completes the reception date is what is recorded. I'm not saying this to knock the Casios and hope they did not betray Michae as many others have done but that is the way registration dates are to be recorded.

let me add a little more to this

yes the registration date is the date all the necessary documents are received and yes cascio/porte used electronic registration - which means that all of the documents were probably uploaded on June 27.

However in order to copyright a song as far as I can see (see the quote below) you also need to send them the copy of the song (audio file), so if you think these songs/vocals are fake then it would mean that
a) they already had these songs recorded by a MJ sound alike or
b) they recorded the sound a like vocals in a 2 day period.

For each composition you (1) fill out the standard Form PA; (2)
enclose a copy of the CD of your song: (3) send in a fee of $30. You
can register multiple copyrights at the same time and enclose one CD
of all the songs.

some people also question why they would need to rush to copyright the songs in such a short period of time. When Michael was alive they most probably trusted Michael if and when he used those songs to give them credit. However with Michael dead, the people to run the estate (whether it might the Jackson family or anyone else - they didn't know it at the time) could have registered those songs solely in Michael's name and leave Cascio/Porte out. So the quick registration could have been to protect their interests.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I agree.. I think Mike trusted them more than his own family

Yeah, it could seem so. He reffered to them as his other family on page 18 in the Invincible booklet.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Breaking News does not seem right. I do not trust it. It is not that I do not hear MJ at all, but I think there are all kinds of things that can be done with technology. Sony has a bad history & money has a way of corrupting even good people.:no:

Don't see the casios as turncoats, after an eternity of praising and defending MJ. And spitting on the tabloid media who offered boat loads of cash.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Do You know what's funny? If Cascio were slow to register the songs, the same 'fans' would be saying that the songs were false.

I'm tired of all these Drama Queens.

I'm waiting for the Vision (the DVD is not available in my country). If the Vision is not as bad as they say, I'll never trust these fans again.

LOL You are so right!! and if the media were to say that those songs were fake, they'd be screaming that they aren't. TOTAL DRAMA QUEENS that is for sure.

As for the Vision DVD- It is really great. The intros are awesome, the quality is better than the other DVDs I have, imo. I know in the TWYMMF, there are a couple of instances were its a bit grainy, but overall it is great quality and it is the complete full version. The prison version has the full unedited lyrics of the song which I love. Bad has the full video with a great ending that I had never seen. Smooth Criminal is the full version from Moonwalker which I had not seen prior on any other dvds.
The Drama Queens as you noted are complaining about some of the videos having a black box around it. It honestly doesn't bother me, I wouldn't have noticed it much until they started complaining.

Well, anyway I hope you are not deterred from buying it because of these fans.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

why doesnt she just make a show on the new kanye west album instead of always tryin to make money off mike.

Would that help Michael's sales?

The family provided a safe haven for MJ. Why does it irks you so that they are getting paid for honest labor.??

I agree.. I think Mike trusted them more than his own family

Don't see the casios as turncoats, after an eternity of praising and defending MJ. And spitting on the tabloid media who offered boat loads of cash.

Agree. It is clear to me Michael trusted and loved the Cascios. He felt very comfortable around them and I believe that is why he landed on their doorstep in 2007. In my mind he achieved a degree of normalcy and happiness he hadn't before with any family, definitely not his. The trust he needed was there. He called them his "first family of love" for a reason.

It is very sad that the Cascio family will honor and respect Michael more than his own family ever has and ever will. The Jacksons have shown their true colors, and they are pretty ugly colors if you ask me.

I believe that is one of the reasons why "the Jacksons" are jealous and have issues with the Cascios. Michael seemed to love and trust the Cascios more than his own family. And who dothe Jacksons have to blame for that? themselves. They did it to him during life and they keep on doing it while gone- the disrespect is astonishing, and they think they deserve one penny coming to them- NO WAY.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

LOL You are so right!! and if the media were to say that those songs were fake, they'd be screaming that they aren't. TOTAL DRAMA QUEENS that is for sure.

How do you know that they'd be screaming? Some people can think with their own minds and hear with their own ears. It's not their fault others can't see/hear what some others do.

If you're that amused and ready to call out on others, i.e. 'drama queens', don't type LIKE THIS.

It's amazing how people so easily badmouth others without addressing the direct parties. If you have something against some, PM is your friend. There are some important, profound thoughts being expressed here, so don't poo on them just because you don't agree with them - I'm referring to all who express themselves like on the above reply.

Will someone explain how in the world did an album end up being put out with 3 songs sung by an impersonator? From all the hundreds of songs Michael composed in his lifetime, the great part of which being finished, how could 3 Cascio tracks, unfinished, and weak end up on the album? I mean, seriously, out of all the songs, is that all they could do?.... 0_o This doesn't even have to do with any conspiracy issues. But really, wouldn't Michael at least be heard on these 3 tracks? The weak lyrics that are on these songs, so unmichaelish, the "Obituary" mention on Breaking News, which nobody mentions are alright? Not in the least suspicious?

Whatever.. Like I should care about what people think.
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