Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 994*

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I just saw a little clip previewing the Oprah show on Dec.6.

Someone from the Cascio family said that there would be a knock on their door in the middle of the night and it would be Michael. They also showed a little clip of a family video of Michael in their home.

Teddy Riley was asked why he is convinced it is Michael.

People keep saying listen to your heart and what does your gut instinct tell you.

My heart tells me these people loved Michael and wouldn't betray him like some are suggesting. They have plenty of money. I think they value Michael and their integrity more. JMO.

So many on here seem to know what Michael would and wouldn't want. What Michael would and wouldn't do.

Well I will add one more. He wouldn't want us insulting these people who made him feel safe enough that he could knock on their door in the middle of the night and know that he would be welcome.

Please try to keep your hearts and your minds open until you hear the actual songs on Michael.

Remember we aren't the only ones who loved Michael with all our heart and soul. And we aren't the only ones who grieve him still.

I am reminded of Michael when I think what the Wizard of Oz said to the Tin man...
"A heart is not judged by how you love but how much you are loved by others"

I know it is out of love that makes many of us roar so.

does anyone know if there is a Youtube link to that commercial bit?

BTW, the Cascio that is on the show is Eddie "Angel". I'm not sure if any others will be on there. I believe this will be Eddie's first time being interviewed about Michael. Oh and a little tidbit about Eddie. Him and his gf had a baby girl a few months ago....named her Victoria Michael. :)
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

O.K. enough of this already.
If you don't want to buy the "Michael" album, then just don't buy it.
But, please, stop with all this nonsense about calling background vocals "fake". I'm just plain sick of this negativity campaign some of you are on.

Let those who want to have the JOY of celebrating
the "Michael" album be able to do so in peace. :cheers:

:clapping: THANK YOU!! Seriously, this is getting so old and ridiculous and upsetting. If you don't like it and think it's fake, we already know it. And if you don't want to buy it, then don't. And stop talking about Sony just wanting money. Of course they want money - they are a business! We want more MJ, they want money, so they put out his product for all of us to buy. Makes perfect sense really.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I just saw a little clip previewing the Oprah show on Dec.6.

Someone from the Cascio family said that there would be a knock on their door in the middle of the night and it would be Michael. They also showed a little clip of a family video of Michael in their home.

Teddy Riley was asked why he is convinced it is Michael.

People keep saying listen to your heart and what does your gut instinct tell you.

My heart tells me these people loved Michael and wouldn't betray him like some are suggesting. They have plenty of money. I think they value Michael and their integrity more. JMO.

So many on here seem to know what Michael would and wouldn't want. What Michael would and wouldn't do.

Well I will add one more. He wouldn't want us insulting these people who made him feel safe enough that he could knock on their door in the middle of the night and know that he would be welcome.

Please try to keep your hearts and your minds open until you hear the actual songs on Michael.

Remember we aren't the only ones who loved Michael with all our heart and soul. And we aren't the only ones who grieve him still.

I am reminded of Michael when I think what the Wizard of Oz said to the Tin man...
"A heart is not judged by how you love but how much you are loved by others"

I know it is out of love that makes many of us roar so.

Thank you for this post. It makes so much sense, and you're right. The line about how we aren't the only ones who loved Michael with all our heart and soul and we aren't the only ones who grieve him still really got to me. :cry:
I also love the line from The Wizard of Oz. Thank you.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

i am a bit late and in the uk :(
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Who knows what will be said here, you can choose to believe them or not believe them. Its what your heart tells you to do, that's the true guide.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Thanks, should be an interesting show. One thing we know is that this Oprah episode will give the album sales a massive boost leading into Christmas - and one thing I want to see is big numbers for this album for MJ.

I just saw a little clip previewing the Oprah show on Dec.6.

Someone from the Cascio family said that there would be a knock on their door in the middle of the night and it would be Michael. They also showed a little clip of a family video of Michael in their home.

Teddy Riley was asked why he is convinced it is Michael.

People keep saying listen to your heart and what does your gut instinct tell you.

My heart tells me these people loved Michael and wouldn't betray him like some are suggesting. They have plenty of money. I think they value Michael and their integrity more. JMO.

So many on here seem to know what Michael would and wouldn't want. What Michael would and wouldn't do.

Well I will add one more. He wouldn't want us insulting these people who made him feel safe enough that he could knock on their door in the middle of the night and know that he would be welcome.

Please try to keep your hearts and your minds open until you hear the actual songs on Michael.

Remember we aren't the only ones who loved Michael with all our heart and soul. And we aren't the only ones who grieve him still.

I am reminded of Michael when I think what the Wizard of Oz said to the Tin man...
"A heart is not judged by how you love but how much you are loved by others"

I know it is out of love that makes many of us roar so.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

In the preview clip shown between commercial breaks on Oprah they describe Michael's friendship with this family as a 25 year "secret relationship". I saw this and thought oh boy, the fans won't like that line, lol. But his relationship with these people was not a "secret", was it? Or is this just another bad promo line?
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

In the preview clip shown between commercial breaks on Oprah they describe Michael's friendship with this family as a 25 year "secret relationship". I saw this and thought oh boy, the fans won't like that line, lol. But his relationship with these people was not a "secret", was it? Or is this just another bad promo line?

I saw it today as well. They talk about how Michael would visit them whenever he wanted and Oprah asks "how did you keep it secret?". I felt like "secret" was used more in the sense that how they didn't tell MJ was visiting them in their New Jersey home and how their pictures and videos didn't become public.

Plus the voice over mentions never seen "video and recording" but it was too vague to understand if it's about the album/vocals or Michael's relationship with Cascio's.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I saw it today as well. They talk about how Michael would visit them whenever he wanted and Oprah asks "how did you keep it secret?". I felt like "secret" was used more in the sense that how they didn't tell MJ was visiting them in their New Jersey home and how their pictures and videos didn't become public.

Plus the voice over mentions never seen "video and recording" but it was too vague to understand if it's about the album/vocals or Michael's relationship with Cascio's.

Yes, that's probably what they are referring to. It was just odd that right after they used the term "secret relationship" they showed a picture of Michael and the Cascio kid together, like they were implying something. But maybe these Oprah threads are making me paranoid, hehe. Thanks.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Yes, that's probably what they are referring to. It was just odd that right after they used the term "secret relationship" they showed a picture of Michael and the Cascio kid together, like they were implying something. But maybe these Oprah threads are making me paranoid, hehe. Thanks.

And this is why I feel they didn't need to go to Oprah to do any type of promo work for the album if that's what is being attemped with this. What were Michael's (or Sony's) people thinking asking her to do this? Look at what she's done and implied through at least four interview-type shows about him in the last two months. And look how the media rattle on and on about each one for days afterward and make more trouble as if the interviews themselves aren't bad enough. I can already see possible controversy over Michael's friendship with the Cascios even outside of the fever-pitch album hoopla. It sounds to me like they're already implying something disgusting here by using suggestive terms and showing that photo. I was uncomfortable when I heard about this show to begin with. Because every time there is someone being interviewed about Michael, it just causes more damage to his memory is a person. I hope I'm wrong about it all just this once. Because it hurts me that one by one (with very few precious exceptions), people Michael knew, trusted, and cared about have gotten in front of a camera after his death and thrown him under the bus without any hesitation at all. The Cascios are some of the last people who haven't done that so far. And I will take everything back depending on what they say. Sorry. But I never trusted Oprah. And I have to admit I am slowly getting to the point where I don't even trust the ones who were thought to know Michael best. I know Michael wasn't perfect. But this is ridiculous.
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Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I saw it today as well. They talk about how Michael would visit them whenever he wanted and Oprah asks "how did you keep it secret?". I felt like "secret" was used more in the sense that how they didn't tell MJ was visiting them in their New Jersey home and how their pictures and videos didn't become public.

Plus the voice over mentions never seen "video and recording" but it was too vague to understand if it's about the album/vocals or Michael's relationship with Cascio's.
anyone record the preview clip??
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Yes, that's probably what they are referring to. It was just odd that right after they used the term "secret relationship" they showed a picture of Michael and the Cascio kid together, like they were implying something. But maybe these Oprah threads are making me paranoid, hehe. Thanks.

Actually I think it's a picture of Michael with the whole family at a (Dangerous?) concert backstage (remember those pictures where he has a red shirt on) but they were zoomed on Michael and only one of the Cascio kids were visible.

anyone record the preview clip??

I haven't seen it.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

well I just hope that the Cascio's don't throw MJ under the bus like Mike's parents and certain siblings have.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I'm DVRing this show. I want to see what they say about the album. I didn't watch the Oprah show with the MJ3 because I don't support the fact that the Jacksons allowed the children to be exploited like that. MJ protected them, and they went against his wishes by putting them on TV. They didn't like it and it showed.

But in regards to the album, I want to hear what the Cascio's, and whomever else involved with the album, has to say
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Originally Posted by ilmjj
I just saw a little clip previewing the Oprah show on Dec.6.

Someone from the Cascio family said that there would be a knock on their door in the middle of the night and it would be Michael. They also showed a little clip of a family video of Michael in their home.

My heart tells me these people loved Michael and wouldn't betray him like some are suggesting.

My intuition and my heart tells me that Michael Jackson loves and
appreciates having the Cascio family as his friends.
I am glad he and his children knew they could visit with them anytime of the day and night. This is so heartwarming to know.
:hug::huggy::friends: :sun:
Below Watch You-tube video of Michael Jackson with the Cascio family:
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Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Media are now beginning to report on the show. It will be divided in two parts. The Cascio's will speak to Oprah. All 3 Cascio tracks will be played on the show. (shorter 2 min snippets of each) And Teddy Riley will be there to give his thoughts.

The total running air time is 23 minutes (7 min of commercials). So essentially, half the show will be MJ related.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I'll watch this show online but all I can see it doing it causing arguments. As soon as it airs we'll have the inevitable Twitter rants from family members, urgh, this is all such a mess.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

this is huge - this is the first time I've heard of the mainstream media even dealing with this issue.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Oprah Meets Eddie Cascio On Monday, December 6th

Eddie Cascio was just 3 years old when he met Michael Jackson, who became his musical mentor. The two produced and wrote songs together, including three that will now be released publicly on "Michael," out on December 14.

On December 6th, Oprah sits down with Eddie Cascio and his family for their first ever interview. Eddie is joined on set by Michael Jackson's longtime producer Teddy Riley, who discusses the controversy surrounding these songs and the authenticity of Michael's voice in these recordings. These 3 songs that he wrote and recorded with Eddie Cascio (Breaking News, Monster and Keep Your Head Up) from the new album will be played during the episode.


Michael Jackson's "second family" comes out of the shadows Monday on "The Oprah Winfrey show."

The Cascio family, who live in suburban New Jersey, tell Winfrey he called them his "second family" and that he would drop by unexpectedly.

They share the experience with Winfrey, along with home videos, and other memories about the 25-year relationship.

"In the middle of the night, sometimes he'd just knock at the door," Connie Cascio, mother of five, tells Winfrey in the interview .

"We treated him as he was part of our family and that he was not the King of Pop but just a human being," she tells Winfrey.

Eddie Cascio was three when he met Jackson, who would go on to become his musical mentor.

Together they produced and wrote songs, three of them to be released on "Michael" set to hit Dec. 14.

Producer Teddy Riley joins Eddie Cascio on the set of the show to talk about the controversy surrounding the new songs that have surfaced. Three songs from the new CD, including one not heard yet, will be played during the show.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/2...ah_winfrey_on_her_show_mon.html#ixzz16zB98YBH
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I have complete faith that the Cascio family are legitimate people with no desire to sell Michael short. Therefore, I also believe that the Cascio songs are real, so much so that I can't wait to hear more of "Monster" on Oprah! I'm playing the leaked snippet non-stop because I love it so much! I can't wait to see the Cascios finally set the record straight.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Sony in damage control mode deluxe
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

The cascios just wanted money for this circus. The voices are fake. I am not happy to say this but it is. and the music from monster and Breaking News is like britney spears.
it's so poppy no MJ edge
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Michael Jackson has nothing to do with these 3 songs. the rest of the album will be great
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Oh well... I can't tell much about the Cascios, but it's clear Michael was really close to them, so I guess there is really nothing there for me to say. It must have been so greato to befriend Michael and just let him feel loved simply because he was Michael, not the super star. If Michael ever felt that by their side, that's good.

As for the songs... well... you know, I am not a fan of the Cascio tracks. We all know those are not 100% Michael and instead of peace and joy, these have only brought division and hate among fans, and of course, more reasons for the media to abuse Michael's good name.

So if I have to make a judgment on their appearance in OW.... was that really "needed"? To prove what? Michael loved them, so what else do they need to prove? Nothing else. If the songs were that good, the results amongst the fan base and general public had been very, very differents.

We just have to see its fruits to know what tree we have in front of our eyes :)
The results of the Cascio tracks are here for everyone to see. And so far, they are really bad results. Of course Michael worked on those tracks, but they should have left things just as they were and be honest and say "ey, here are some bits of music he was working on". Trying to turn those bits into real song hasn't proved to be a good idea.

ANd I am sorry for this. We had already enough division after the 25th, so this new "division" was really not needed at all :no: And certainly, I doubt any tv shows will change that.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I don't think the family will say anything negative about Michael on the show, at least I pray not. That Oprah preview clip was just designed to attract viewers I guess.

The song controversy is another subject all together. I really want to hear what all these people have to say. But I know what my ear (I'm deaf in one, ha) tells me so it may not matter what they say.

I will try to record the preview clip later this evening but I can only do it with my digital camera pointing to the TV, lol. Unless someone else can provide a better one, please do.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

The cascios just wanted money for this circus.

They're already loaded, they don't need the money. They've had a chance to betray MJ for his money for decades and never did, while everyone else went out of their way to. You really think they'd start now?

And Invincible had its fair share of "poppy" music, so I don't know what you're trying to get at there. Heck, Darkchild produced a number of the songs, and he's the very definition of pop.
I am saying Monster sounds nothing what Michael would do
With "poppy" i meant that it is to soft and mediocre and at least Invincible had pop songs with the flavor of MJ. the same with some demos around that time

I don't know michael was THAT close to that family maybe for a couple of years around the 80's to 90's. W'ill see

There's not a single Michael Jackson sound or voice to be found on this song except for the ad-lib effects lol :)
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Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

The cascios just wanted money for this circus. The voices are fake. I am not happy to say this but it is. and the music from monster and Breaking News is like britney spears.
it's so poppy no MJ edge

Michael Jackson has nothing to do with these 3 songs. the rest of the album will be great

Why put two negative reviews in a row?

I wish the staff would stop these trolls.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Oprah Meets Eddie Cascio On Monday, December 6th

Eddie Cascio was just 3 years old when he met Michael Jackson, who became his musical mentor. The two produced and wrote songs together, including three that will now be released publicly on "Michael," out on December 14.

On December 6th, Oprah sits down with Eddie Cascio and his family for their first ever interview. Eddie is joined on set by Michael Jackson's longtime producer Teddy Riley, who discusses the controversy surrounding these songs and the authenticity of Michael's voice in these recordings. These 3 songs that he wrote and recorded with Eddie Cascio (Breaking News, Monster and Keep Your Head Up) from the new album will be played during the episode.


Michael Jackson's "second family" comes out of the shadows Monday on "The Oprah Winfrey show."

The Cascio family, who live in suburban New Jersey, tell Winfrey he called them his "second family" and that he would drop by unexpectedly.

They share the experience with Winfrey, along with home videos, and other memories about the 25-year relationship.

"In the middle of the night, sometimes he'd just knock at the door," Connie Cascio, mother of five, tells Winfrey in the interview .

"We treated him as he was part of our family and that he was not the King of Pop but just a human being," she tells Winfrey.

Eddie Cascio was three when he met Jackson, who would go on to become his musical mentor.

Together they produced and wrote songs, three of them to be released on "Michael" set to hit Dec. 14.

Producer Teddy Riley joins Eddie Cascio on the set of the show to talk about the controversy surrounding the new songs that have surfaced. Three songs from the new CD, including one not heard yet, will be played during the show.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/2...ah_winfrey_on_her_show_mon.html#ixzz16zB98YBH
I can not wait for this :timer:.... >>>

And here we go... :fear: