Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 994*

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I think MJ loved the Cascios very much. And Vice versa.

I don't know any of them, but it seems like it.

And the Cascios do not need money. So I don't see why they would cheat MJ.

I think the Cascios are honest and it is MJ's vocals on BN, KYHU and Monster.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

some pics of MJ with the Cascio family:


MJ & Dominic Jr.




MJ with Dominic Jr and Marie Nicole


MJ with Dominic Jr



MJ with the Cascio kids and a few of his cousins


MJ with the Cascio family at the Celebration of Love show in 2003


they are backstage with MJ during one of the tours




MJ and Dominic Jr at Celebration of Love




MJ and Dominic Jr in 2007


MJ with Frank when he was around 4-6 yrs old









Frank with Paris


Frank, Prince and MJ
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Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Yeah. MJ and the Cascios have a long history.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

honestly.. i had my doubts.. but the more i think about it, my doubts are just ridiculous..

all these cascio songs are really him imo...

there.. i said it..

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

honestly.. i had my doubts.. but the more i think about it, my doubts are just ridiculous..

all these cascio songs are really him imo...

there.. i said it..



It really is MJ.

And great songs. :clapping:
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I think Cascios were true friends and I am very very grateful Michael had them in his life. There weren't many people he could trust and last year showed that even his own family wasn't very trustworthy.

also, since they are going to play 3 songs during the show, I don't know what to do, cause I decided not to listen to the songs until I get the album.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

OK. So they are going to play the 3 Cascio songs in the program?
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

that's what I read in an article posted here a few pages back
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

My opinion - Cascio got some demos, unfinished songs + james Porte singing some vocal guides.

They handed those songs to Estate and Sony. The result is heavy mixing, effects on vocals, and blended voices. I do not think Cascios did that work.

Also Teddy Riley said bragging about that he worked 5 hours on BN. 5 hours??? Mike would have worked for few months, buddy! lol
I respect this man, he is talented, but 5 freaking hours cannot result in good work.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

well, I don't know what to think about the songs, cause... you know why. It actually ticks me off, I cannot say for 100% this is the man I'm listening for almost 20 years. But as some others say they believe in 10% it's him, I've got only 10% doubts. Cause what would be the point of cheating on us and that by this family?
I really respect the Cascios, I know they were for Michael all his life long.
During the trial the housekeeper was talking about Michael's associates and she mentioned few times Frank Cascio (A. Jones in Conspiracy writes "Casio" instead of "Cascio") as someone who was trying to begin career in music business, so I can easily believe Michael would record something with them, with Cascios.
As for now, Cascios were trustworthy - the measure of it let it be so long friendship with Michael.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

It is more than certain that the Cascios will show footage they have with Michael on Oprah claiming to be good friends etc. And I'm sure they were. And yes Michael stayed with them at NJ. But that's not the point.

The point is that the Cascios, like everybody else, want to have some extra bucks from that (their friendship with MJ) just as the Jackson family does. They are not saints you know and besides I am sure that from their point of view they feel that they honor him in some way, do you think Eddie Cascio considers his own songs as junk? (which they are I might add)
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Michael trusted many people and wanted to be loved and have real friends. I believed Mark Lester and his family to be very close friends with Michael and what happened after Michael died?

It must have been like a dream to good to be true to be associated with none other than the King of Pop himself and now that he is gone it must be hard to continue an "ordinary" life without all the advantages, luxuries and excitement that Michael provided for all these people.

If they really loved Michael so much I think they could gather their energy and resources to honor him in other ways, instead of providing songs of dubious character that have started a controversy that, mind you, songs like Much Too Soon have not. And why is that? Because it is Michael Jackson himslef singing on this song and there has been no doubt about that from any direction.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Please don't hate me - it's all for love.

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Michael trusted many people and wanted to be loved and have real friends. I believed Mark Lester and his family to be very close friends with Michael and what happened after Michael died?


Lester have been friendly with Mike but on and off.... He lost touch with Michael for years. That is not the case of Cascios.

Another thing - after June 25 Cascios were among the few that didn't rush to the media. From then to today 1 year and half passed, and they are on tv ONLY now.

I bet they wouldn't appear if this music scandal would have not existed... So, go figure.... they weren't in media giving up interviews, pics, opinions, lies etc
While others rushed to do it in the first week after Mike left us.

That speaks volumes for me..... I do not need more, to trust them..... Their behavior speaks up for them.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Lester have been friendly with Mike but on and off.... He lost touch with Michael for years. That is not the case of Cascios.

Another thing - after June 25 Cascios were among the few that didn't rush to the media. From then to today 1 year and half passed, and they are on tv ONLY now.

I bet they wouldn't appear if this music scandal would have not existed... So, go figure.... they weren't in media giving up interviews, pics, opinions, lies etc
While others rushed to do it in the first week after Mike left us.

That speaks volumes for me..... I do not need more, to trust them..... Their behavior speaks up for them.

This is 100% accurate. They were practically forced to come forward because their family was getting harassed and attacked by fans. They wanted to set the record straight. They are not in it for the money. They are not doing this interview to slam Michael. They loved and respected him. He was part of their family. Also they have money! Most of them don't want any kind of notoriety at all.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

The Cascios spent Christmas 2005 with Michael how come his family didn't? Michael lived with the Cascios for three months in 07 how when his family is trying to break into his house to see him why is that? And we know thanks to the bodyguards Michael often talked to Frank Cascio on the phone but never wanted his family around why is that? Just saying
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Dark, brooding music. Cut to Oprah wiping her eyes. "Tonight's Top Story: "Diane Sawyer, Diane Dimond and Oprah: We share a secret. We had a crush on Michael Jackson. He rejected us and hence we started bashing him. That is why we always look for something sinister. Hell has no wrath like ours." More when we return after this.

OMG! LOOOL! Did you just hear me laugh so loud?:hysterical: And so true.

Will the HMH video debut on Oprah?

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Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Here we go oprah trying 2 make out somthing sinister was going on :rolleyes:

Yep..I know. I'm so sick of Oprah, the Cascio's were his friends and they use this dark sinister music and subtle ways to make it seem like it's something negative when it's not.

They probably won't have the MJ stuff until the last part of the show. It forces everyone to tune in and watch the other bull shit Oprah is going to spew.

Hah, probably.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

My opinion - Cascio got some demos, unfinished songs + james Porte singing some vocal guides.

They handed those songs to Estate and Sony. The result is heavy mixing, effects on vocals, and blended voices. I do not think Cascios did that work.

That is what I've been thinking also. Maybe the Cascio's were not very music business savvy when they handed these songs over to these very powerful people/corporations.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

^I was under the impression that this was to be a full hour dedicated to the Cascios and the album. I guess not, if she's debuting her "book club pick for the holidAAAAYS!"
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Michael trusted many people and wanted to be loved and have real friends. I believed Mark Lester and his family to be very close friends with Michael and what happened after Michael died?

It must have been like a dream to good to be true to be associated with none other than the King of Pop himself and now that he is gone it must be hard to continue an "ordinary" life without all the advantages, luxuries and excitement that Michael provided for all these people.

If they really loved Michael so much I think they could gather their energy and resources to honor him in other ways, instead of providing songs of dubious character that have started a controversy that, mind you, songs like Much Too Soon have not. And why is that? Because it is Michael Jackson himslef singing on this song and there has been no doubt about that from any direction.

Lester was a leech. he was on and off (mostly off) of MJ's life. The proof, you saw it in August ....before MJ was put in the ground.

Lester have been friendly with Mike but on and off.... He lost touch with Michael for years. That is not the case of Cascios.

Another thing - after June 25 Cascios were among the few that didn't rush to the media. From then to today 1 year and half passed, and they are on tv ONLY now.

I bet they wouldn't appear if this music scandal would have not existed... So, go figure.... they weren't in media giving up interviews, pics, opinions, lies etc
While others rushed to do it in the first week after Mike left us.

That speaks volumes for me..... I do not need more, to trust them..... Their behavior speaks up for them.

Exactly. The Cascios would have most likely remain silent...was it not for the abuse and insults thrown at their family. And I think MJ would be proud that they decided to defend their good name. He called them his second family....

They have not given us any reason to distrust them.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Here's an interview Frank C. did,


Like some have said on here, the family more trusted than Lester or Deepak Chopra, or Some of Michael's own family members(I'm sorry but thats true)!!!

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

MJTLS, thank you for the information. It would be nice if the Cascios have a video showing Michael singing a complete song, not little snippets.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I'm sorry but sometimes, I really wish I could punch some of the so-called "fans" on this forum (if I get banned for saying this then so be-it), I swear, some of ya'll really need to check yourselves...your so desperate to hold onto and "prove" your opinions about these songs are right that you'd go as far as talking shit about a family you don't know and probably never would have known had these same dumb ass fans not harrassed and disrespected them , practically forcing them to defend themselves ("oh they just want money", "their just like everybody else that came into MJ's life") puh-lease. Its already been said but i'm going to say it again...this family has been nothing but LOYAL to MJ for 25 freaking years. They have not once talked shit about Mike to the media (something we sadly can NOT say the same for MJ's own damn flesh and blood). And because some of you FEEL (with no mothafreaking PROOF of your own btw) that the songs are "fake" you've resorted to trash talking this family who loved MJ and whom MJ loved. Stupid....
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Here's an interview Frank C. did,


Like some have said on here, the family more trusted than Lester or Deepak Chopra, or Some of Michael's own family members(I'm sorry but thats true)!!!


Thanks for posting! What a HUGE, and I mean HUGE difference to those people who only went on TV the week after Michael's death let loose a "I told you so" speech. Full of condescending drug talk.

You can tell he wasn't comfortable with this Lady fishing for 'tabloid' stuff such as this weird "aunt" question.

THANK YOU for posting that.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I'm sorry but sometimes, I really wish I could punch some of the so-called "fans" on this forum (if I get banned for saying this then so be-it), I swear, some of ya'll really need to check yourselves...your so desperate to hold onto and "prove" your opinions about these songs are right that you'd go as far as talking shit about a family you don't know and probably never would have known had these same dumb ass fans not harrassed and disrespected them , practically forcing them to defend themselves ("oh they just want money", "their just like everybody else that came into MJ's life") puh-lease. Its already been said but i'm going to say it again...this family has been nothing but LOYAL to MJ for 25 freaking years. They have not once talked shit about Mike to the media (something we sadly can NOT say the same for MJ's own damn flesh and blood). And because some of you FEEL (with no mothafreaking PROOF of your own btw) that the songs are "fake" you've resorted to trash talking this family who loved MJ and whom MJ loved. Stupid....
