Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 994*

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Who is tom joyner? .i dont remember him..
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I wonder what kind of shows she will be showing before an after this MJ special.

Because I still remember this.
10/18/2010 Exclusive: The 16-Year-Old Boy Who Killed His Molester
10/20/2010 First TV Interview - Tyler Perry Speaks Out About Being Molested
10/21/2010 Lisa Marie Presley Speaks Out About the Death of Michael Jackson
And this
11/05/2010 A Two-Day Oprah Show Event - 200 Men Who Were Molested Come Forward
11/08/2010 World Exclusive: Oprah Talks to Michael Jackson's Mother and Children

it's like you read my mind
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Is anybody at the same time an MJ fan and that woman fan?

Absolutely. While I can understand why MJ fans are upset with Oprah, and I am not too happy with things she has done in regards to him myself, I still have watched her show for many, many years and there are lots of things I like about her and her show...separate from MJ. It is possible.

I am going to be positive about this latest thing and hope it will bring good publicity for the new album...CD...whatever.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

you think so? I just don't know what to think about her at this point. When MJ was alive she dissed him whenever she spoke to her guests. Now that he's dead she's doing all of these shows but she's not being particularly nice to him either. I think it's all about the ratings. She doesn't care about MJ or his legacy, this is all about ratings. That is why I was totally disappointed with Katherine for talking to her and allowing her in Mike's home with his kids. Katherine had to know what Oprah did to MJ yet she didn't care and she fed into whatever Oprah was spewing. Oprah should not be trusted.

I do think part of it is guilt, yes. I know that she cares about ratings but, as someone said, isn't her show due to finish? Also, she strikes me as the type of person who is powerful enough not to cover something she does not want to cover. Maybe she wants to clear up any negativity that has been in her past shows before she finishes.

Let's see what the show is like and what fans she has on there and what they say to her. Hopefully she will not have 'plants' there who are not fans but are paid to say what she wants them to say.

As for Katherine going on her show, if you are going to get a message out there to a large audience then Oprah is the way to do it. Why Katherine chose her knowing her background with Michael and her motivations I can't comment on.

I don't think she's feeling guilty at all. You see the smirk on her face during the Katherine interview? She just smells ratings, that's all.

I have not as yet seen the interview as I have to be in the right place as I get very upset.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

For me, the way she interviewed Michael's mother and the children, wary-looking and emotionsless makes me seriously doubt she's changed her mind about him, and if she did, I don't care. She absorbed the children's looks, looking like thinking 'If only you'll say something less flattering about daddy now'. I'm one to forgive and hope she, as well as many power-blinded people, could come around. I've yet to see that in Winfrey's case.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Oprah doesn't realize that a lot of us hate her. She should, soon.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Regardless of whether Oprah is a bad woman, here's the reality:

Things on Oprah sell... If they promote the new album on her show, sales will be higher and interest will be higher. It's a good move from a marketing perspective. And when they debut the Hold My Hand video on the show, it will be good for the single :)
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

^This is true. Oprah has a lot of influence, at least here in the United States. I don't know how much airplay she gets everywhere else.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I know what you mean smooth and you're right BUT If Michael was still here with us that woman wouldn't be promoting his pruducts at all, she knows what she did to him, she knows Michael would despise her.
If it wasn't for him, she wouldn't be on the map. I used to admire her because I'm particulary sensitive on discrimination issues because I know what is like and I was glad she was able to be outstanding despite that issue.
She lost me in 2003 when she insinuate to all her audice Michael hurted those children without any proof and airing child molestation programs before MJ shows spoke volumes for many of us I'm sure.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Regardless of whether Oprah is a bad woman, here's the reality:

Things on Oprah sell... If they promote the new album on her show, sales will be higher and interest will be higher. It's a good move from a marketing perspective. And when they debut the Hold My Hand video on the show, it will be good for the single :)

So ...Will They wait two more weeks to show the video?????????
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

some people DO fall for jerks. lol.(oprah's one of those jerks)

anyway..Oprah envies Michael. even now. and always did. when she said she didn't want to be him, she lied. she wants that fame...that power...that appeal that Michael had and still has. there are two kinds of appeal. oprah has the one appeal, apparently. but Michael always had, and still has that other appeal everyone wishes for.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Yes, it's amazing how she's obsessed ... really :bugeyed
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

some people do fall for jerks. Lol.(oprah's one of those jerks)

anyway..oprah envies michael. Even now. And always did. When she said she didn't want to be him, she lied. She wants that fame...that power...that appeal that michael had and still has. There are two kinds of appeal. Oprah has the one appeal, apparently. But michael always had, and still has that other appeal everyone wishes for.

speak on it!!!
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I just hope it's positive. No talk about drug use, allegation etc. Just focus on the music. I hope the shows that air before and after this one are about nice things or something positive not like with LMP and Katherine. I don't want anymore "coincidences".
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

some people DO fall for jerks. lol.(oprah's one of those jerks)

anyway..Oprah envies Michael. even now. and always did. when she said she didn't want to be him, she lied. she wants that fame...that power...that appeal that Michael had and still has. there are two kinds of appeal. oprah has the one appeal, apparently. but Michael always had, and still has that other appeal everyone wishes for.

:clap: Excatly!
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

For me, the way she interviewed Michael's mother and the children, wary-looking and emotionsless makes me seriously doubt she's changed her mind about him, and if she did, I don't care. She absorbed the children's looks, looking like thinking 'If only you'll say something less flattering about daddy now'. I'm one to forgive and hope she, as well as many power-blinded people, could come around. I've yet to see that in Winfrey's case.

Good Post.. she is very cold and distant. You are right she could've helped MJ by saying that everyone should not rush to judgement and allow MJ to have his chance at trial but she didn't. She brought folks on her show like Chris Rock, Lisa Marie Presley and others and encouraged negative talk and mocking of MJ while he was fighting for his life. That was cruel. Now that he's gone she's doing shows on him and talking to people that knew him when she could've done that years ago.

That's why I was hurt when Katherine allowed her in their home and allowed MJ's kids to speak to her. Oprah is so fake and no one has yet to call her out.

I wish Oprah had a change of heart towards Michael but she doesn't. She comes across cold. There were times Katherine got choked up or crying and Oprah just sat there showed no feelings at all. I was in tears. Katherine hugging Oprah actually made me cringe. I have seen Oprah cry and show emotions but when it comes to Michael it's just cold and empty. When he died her silence was heard very well. People she admires spoke about Michael and she had nothing to say.

Michael put her on the map in 1993. He was kind and opened up his home to her. I don't think he did anything to her for her to dislike him so and then she had no problem believing the worst in him. She hever gave him a chance. I still don't see her giving him a chance. All these shows she is doing is for ratings. I don't see any guilt or trying to make up for anything. She always focuses on certain things about Michael. Like she wants to prove she was right or something. That is what it comes across to me. To me if you don't like someone then don't use them for ratings. Have more integrity than that.

Oprah is very influential and in Michael's darkest time she could have helped him by staying unbiased and wait for actual facts and not jump to conclusions. She could have at least done that since she did actually talk to him and spend time with him. She didn't have to be his friend but she could have given him the benefit of the doubt and wait and see. She can find out details and things but she chooses to ignore it.

I think that is just Oprah's interviewing style. She did the same when she interviewed Marie Osmond about the tragic suicide death of her son recently. Marie was crying and Oprah had little emotional reaction except to say to Marie "no sorry"s" when Maria apologized for breaking down. Oprah has been doing interviews for decades. She's heard it all. So maybe she is "cold" but it's certainly not just with regards to Michael. I just think she distances herself so she can continue with the interview because how can you conduct an interview if everybody is crying? lol. Just my thoughts.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I think that is just Oprah's interviewing style. She did the same when she interviewed Marie Osmond about the tragic suicide death of her son recently. Marie was crying and Oprah had little emotional reaction except to say to Marie "no sorry"s" when Maria apologized for breaking down. Oprah has been doing interviews for decades. She's heard it all. So maybe she is "cold" but it's certainly not just with Michael. I just think she distances herself so she can continue with the interview because how can you conduct an interview if everybody is crying? lol. Just my thoughts.

I agree....I think it's her 'job' to be very objective, and emotionless....She needs to remain professional...
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I agree....I think it's her 'job' to be very objective, and emotionless....She needs to remain professional...

And besides, unless I was hallucinating, I did see Oprah holding Katherine's hand during the interview. That isn't cold.

Edit: And when Katherine said "I'm sorry" for crying Oprah held her hand and said to Katherine "I'm sorry, I'm sorry". That doesn't seem cold to me.

I'm just pointing out the facts here.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

And besides, unless I was hallucinating, I did see Oprah holding Katherine's hand during the interview. That isn't cold.

Edit: And when Katherine said "I'm sorry" for crying Oprah held her hand and said to Katherine "I'm sorry, I'm sorry". That doesn't seem cold to me.

I'm just pointing out the facts here.

Agreed.....There is no use to have someone crying along with you...There would be no point of an interview....It's her job to LISTEN and ask questions....Use empathy, and not sympathy...Use open ended questions, not one word questions, in order for the person to further elaborate on what they're talking about...It's part of therapeutic communication
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Agreed.....There is no use to have someone crying along with you...There would be no point of an interview....It's her job to LISTEN and ask questions....Use empathy, and not sympathy...Use open ended questions, not one word questions, in order for the person to further elaborate on what they're talking about...It's part of therapeutic communication

Please. Oprah is not a therapist and Jacksons shouldn't be using interviews to air their unresolved issues. That should be done in private.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Please. Oprah is not a therapist and Jacksons shouldn't be using interviews to air their unresolved issues. That should be done in private.

I agree with that..
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Please. Oprah is not a therapist and Jacksons shouldn't be using interviews to air their unresolved issues. That should be done in private.

Agreed, but I'm saying it's not her job to be a therapist...so, why should she be sympathetic with whom she interviews...? that's my point...
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Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I think that is just Oprah's interviewing style. She did the same when she interviewed Marie Osmond about the tragic suicide death of her son recently. Marie was crying and Oprah had little emotional reaction except to say to Marie "no sorry"s" when Maria apologized for breaking down. Oprah has been doing interviews for decades. She's heard it all. So maybe she is "cold" but it's certainly not just with regards to Michael. I just think she distances herself so she can continue with the interview because how can you conduct an interview if everybody is crying? lol. Just my thoughts.

This is not really true. I began looking at Oprah in the early 80s. Back then she cried on every show. I remember that was what got people attached to her--her empathy. She would hug the guests, walk to the audience and break down crying. Everyone felt that she understood exactly what you were going through. Then rumors started that after the show she would brush the guest aside and become very aloof. Her style then changed to this lack-of-emotion-type-style that you are talking about. However, I heard she cried when she had Whitney Houston on last year, so it seems she can be emotional when she wants to. I stopped looking at her in the late 80s because I became tired of the subject matters that were typical on many talk shows at the time.

I am not judging Oprah. I am simply showing that her history shows that she can be emotional when she wants to, and it has nothing to do with her being objective. She did excellent interviews when she was weeping all the time. I am not saying, though, that she should be crying and screaming all the time either. This type of method must be exhausting and takes too much emotionally from the individual.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Oprah has been crying on other shows, including recent shows, and has been hugging people she likes in all sincerity. With the Jacksons, however, except for Jackie, she was emotionsless, and asked insensitive questions to Katherine Jackson, and her holding her hand reeked of fakeness.

I have nothing against Oprah. It's just that she is power-blinded and jealous of the Jacksons.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Whatever Oprah does in the future regarding Michael won"t change how I feel about her.
She never stoped thinking the allegations against Michael were true. I can see it, I can feel it. She does not want to hear the truth and she wouldn"t recognize the truth if it bites her **s.
She is shallow. There were more of her guests that felt really uncomfortable with her because of her kissing a**. Julia Roberts for example. I stumbled upon it few days ago and I was so embarraced.
But with Michael....he gave her the biggest ratings back in 1993 and she was allways so unfair to him .
It"s not like he needed her help in anything, thank God, he proved his innocence without a doubt.
I just hated to see his amazing children next to her.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Is this the show Teddy Riley is on?
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I understand about being objective and all that but I don't take Oprah as "serious journalist". She has a talk show and it's for entertainment. Sure she has shows about serious issues but a lot of what she does is for entertainment. I have seen her cry and there is nothing wrong with showing emotions. She doesn't like Michael and it's all over her face. When she is with people who loved him she tries so hard to hide it. When I see her holding his mother's hand it made me cringe to be honest. She and Michael didn't have to be friends but her attitude and coldness towards him I never understood.

I am not saying she should have been crying her eyes out but I guess I was hoping being with his mother maybe she would put down the wall she has against Michael down a bit. I think my problem is that I am a little naive in thinking that Oprah could finally see the good in Michael and not the worst.