Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 994*

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

Why can't people state their opinion without others attacking them!? By this point we should all be use to it! Those who believe should be okay with people saying they don't believe and vice versa!

It's not right trying to shut out the ones that u don't agree with let's not censor people like that cause u don't agree! Labeling them non fans? I mean really? What is all that about?!

Respect people...RESPECT!

I agree with you. Some fans here need to chill! I honestly stopped posting for a while because of all the hate.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

This is what it looked like.. the Cascio studio where MJ recorded

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

They didn't seem to be short of pics/video outside the studio.

They had all sorts of other pictures/videos of him. Not one of him recording? Not one of him posing with a friend in the studio? A co-worker? Anything?

They took pics and videos at all other moments, why was this an exception plus I thought they had video of MJ in the studio. This was their claim to prove it was MJ.

Did we watch the same show? They showed videos and pictures from the 80s not all through their relationship. Plus perhaps they didn't want to photograph Michael in his pajamas.

not ALL moments, just some moments. don't you take photos or videos of your family's memorable moments like holidays etc? well, the footage they showed might have been from similar occasions. It's not like they photographed his every step when he lived with them.

You guys have to understand that to the Cascios Michael was a part of the family. Imagine your brother or sister (or any other close relatives you have) visit you. Would you take photos of them all the time? Or would you just let them relax and enjoy some family time together?

Frank was alleged to be a co-conspirator in the 2005 case, so he couldn't testify for Michael. This was the whole point of Sneddon naming him (and others) as non indicted co-conspirators: to eliminate them from testifying. Because Frank knew a LOT of unpleasant things about the Arvizos....

Well I think you are saying that Sneddon put him at a position that he wouldn't prefer to testify because he wouldn't want to implicate himself. Well okay legit argument but again that's not Frank's choice but Sneddon's and T-Mez's.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

Well I think you are saying that Sneddon put him at a position that he wouldn't prefer to testify because he wouldn't want to implicate himself. Well okay legit argument but again that's not Frank's choice but Sneddon's and T-Mez's.

I didn't say it was Frank's choice or fault. I was defending him for not testifying.
The Cascio family seemed very genuine, they came across as a normal family I don't see any wrong doing or false statements. I didn't realise how close he was too them, they were literally his second family and Eddie Cascio would have seen Michael as a Uncle. There is no possible way they would use fake vocals on there tracks.
You know I knew she was going to ask The Child Molestation question. That Burns me. How come everytime Ms.O has a guest that knew Michael for years or has been around him when it comes to kids,She has to ask that question ? Can't she get the hint,Michael wouldn't hurt a fly and He would have been a fool if he did do something like that. I think Michael Spurned her for some reason and she got pissed. Heck and She said She had a crush on Jackie. what if Michael was still alive ? Would she still have that crush on Big brother? I'm glad The Cascios bursted her bubble again.It was bad enough that LMP was interviewed just for Oprah to get her to say that Michael was guilty of CM,LMP declined to say what she wanted to hear. Mother Jackson held her ground on the Drug Issue but Oprah kept needling her to show her son in a bad light..Teddy Riley,I'm suprised.I hope he wasn't paid to say That was Michael on Alltracks when earlier he said he wasn't that much involved in the project on earlier tweets. I know you Guys saw Stevie Wonder on Larry King the other night and Stevie was right.Why call yourself a friend to the man after he's gone when you were hardly around to continue a friendship with him when he needed a friend the most.Old Gramps Larry Cut him off quick and that ticked me off. We all know that Larry really wanted Michael on his show and Michael declined to be on for his reasons.I quess this trend is going to continue to happen... I was thinking about that Woman that was fatally shot in Beverly Hills. You know the one that always was involved with the stars at Galas and Movie Premieres. She was last seen at the premiere of Burlesque.People was saying that it was a professional hit. I'm wondering did she also know Michael.. If she did,You know it's a real Conspiracy. Look how long this is taking and People are Missing all of a sudden. I do hope I'm wrong.Anyway. I guess Oprah got the ratings she's been asking for so she can move on to her next venture and you have to have Cable or Satilite to see her shows. I bet you have to pay alot for the Channel.
This interview did nothing for me. The family tried to portray themselves as good and loyal friends of Michael, well they might of been, but now they are just backstabbing him. Anything for money. This is so sad.
I like it! This is good promotion for the album.

The Cascio family seemed really nice and Teddy is such a MJ trooper. Love him!
God bless them for the happy moments they gave our beautiful Michael. :wub: I'm much grateful.
This interview did nothing for me. The family tried to portray themselves as good and loyal friends of Michael, well they might of been, but now they are just backstabbing him. Anything for money. This is so sad.

No they're not. They were very good friends to Michael and now they are releasing music Michael recorded. The money earned from these releases will benefit Michael's children, mother, and charities he loved. This is backstabbing?
I loved how they said he loved to do things like help Vacuum...clean up the house and take out the garbage :lol:
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

Do anyone know why Diana Ross hates Oprah !? why they are not friends at all !?

they were both invited in Kennedy Center Honors , but they never have a pic together and i never saw Diana Ross the boss in Oprah show !? why
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

I'll disagree with you on this as I can also say that I have been in a studio environment. (and you really shouldn't assume that we know nothing about what we are talking about. I'm quite sure that you aren't the only musician on the universe as I'm not only one of my type)

My first question to you will be this : Okay you recorded demos in your bedroom. Did that demos ever used as a finished product for a professionally released album? Or did they get re-recorded at a professional studio?

I bet the answer will be the later one as those demo recordings do not produce high quality products to be used on recordings. (On my 10 years in the industry I have never seen a musician to say "I recorded this at my bedroom and it's album quality". every demo got rerecorded and worked on by professionals who charge tens of thousands of dollars for their time).

or every musician would be recording and mixing their albums at their basements or bedrooms and wouldn't pay for professional studios.

Secondly isn't sounding "completely different" a little far fetched? I haven't seen anyone claiming that Michael started to sound like Bono for example - that's completely different. Everyone is comparing the vocals to Jason Malachi who is known to sound "close/similar" to Michael. If Jason is the only name mentioned in this comparison saga then it's obvious that the vocals isn't sounding that different than Michael's.

your superstar friend who has been followed by media everyday in his life comes to your home to escape away from it all and yes the first logical thing to do will be to put a camera to their face and take pictures.

so it might not be convenient but it sure is respectful.

IVY you and I think so much alike and seems to have had similar life experience. Are you my long lost twin sister? :D
I am thankful to the Cascios for promoting Michael Jackson's new solo
work of art. The "Jacksons" refuse to do it, because they don't want the public to think of Michael Jackson as the WONDERFUL solo artist that he is. This is truly a pity, but true. :yes:
the cascio family seems to be very nice.i believe they're true friends of michael.
for oprah,i knew it.there's no such thing as just-an-episode-for-the-album
she would never give up any opportunities to bring up the molestation charges.it's no surprise for me.

I can feel the Jackson Family´s Jealousy from here

get over it Jackson Family, you abandoned Michael,
Cascio´s never profit from Michael like you guys did and always do
from Joe Jackson all the way to the brothers
every effin one of them, was all over the TV,
LaToya released a song to MJ, just to profit
The brothers made a tv show right after his death
Jermaine shot a video in India, all of them tried to profit from his death
and now they are angry, I dont blame Michael for avoiding that family
only wanted his $$$
I bet they always asked about $$$

now they are JEALOUS that the humble Cascio family is coming out on air and telling the truth.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

Do anyone know why Diana Ross hates Oprah !? why they are not friends at all !?

they were both invited in Kennedy Center Honors , but they never have a pic together and i never saw Diana Ross the boss in Oprah show !? why

Pretty interesting..., I wonder why...

(btw, why MJ has never been awarded with this medal or what it is...)
good to see the cascios defending mj. which is more than can be said of his "family"
Specially if there are a lot of money from Sony.

The money that Sony paid for the 12 Cascio tracks.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

Do anyone know why Diana Ross hates Oprah !? why they are not friends at all !?

they were both invited in Kennedy Center Honors , but they never have a pic together and i never saw Diana Ross the boss in Oprah show !? why

Diana has been on Oprah's show. Diana even had her daughter on with her. Oprah has often remarked on her admiration for Diana.

Where did the bad blood rumor come from?
I am thankful to the Cascios for promoting Michael Jackson's new solo
work of art. The "Jacksons" refuse to do it, because they don't want the public to think of Michael Jackson as the WONDERFUL solo artist that he is. This is truly a pity, but true. :yes:

The Jacksons on some other ish... they like to voice there opinions on things but they never put there words into action. As far as Im concerned, Michael doesnt need their support because frankly they havent been doing that.. I just dont get why all these people are running to Oprah when talking for Michael.. Oprah doesnt give a damn about Michael. She only cares about her self and her ratings as well as kissing the medias ass. Cant stand her
zacky89;3120593 said:

I can feel the Jackson Family´s Jealousy from here

get over it Jackson Family, you abandoned Michael,
Cascio´s never profit from Michael like you guys did and always do
from Joe Jackson all the way to the brothers
every effin one of them, was all over the TV,
LaToya released a song to MJ, just to profit
The brothers made a tv show right after his death
Jermaine shot a video in India, all of them tried to profit from his death
and now they are angry, I dont blame Michael for avoiding that family
only wanted his $$$
I bet they always asked about $$$

Now they are JEALOUS that the humble Cascio family is coming out on air and telling the truth.

I actually agree... The Cascio family has treated MJ better in death than Mike's own family.. Like I've said I haven't heard the Jackson family say much positive about MJ at all since his death. His own mother went there with plastic surgery and drugs, two of his sisters said he was an addict in denial and his brothers haven't been too nice either. The way the Cascios' acted is the way you treat a family member that has passed with respect without airing their problems and issues to the public. Mike was killed by his own personal physician and his own family can't even say that. The way the Jacksons talk you would think that MJ committed suicide by overdosing on crack or something.
Specially if there are a lot of money from Sony.

The money that Sony paid for the 12 Cascio tracks.

Weak argument. Like the Jacksons themselves, you're only thinking about money.

When you don't believe someone, you're saying "that person must be paid off".

Tell me, did you actually listen to what they told you?

Do I have to tell you WHAT kind of families were false false friends of Michael and exploited him for the money? There were 2 very prominent court cases, one in 1993 and one in 2005.

Don't tell me you consider the Cascios to be like them.

The Cascios didn't need money. They were extremely fortunate to have that special relationship with Michael. A relationship that Michael didn't have with his own family (except for Janet).

I'm so getting bored of lame accusations.
You can tell whatever you want.

But the truth is that the Cascio´s did not show any PROOF that Michael recorded voices with them.

Kapital77;3120779 said:
You can tell whatever you want.

But the truth is that the Cascio´s did not show any PROOF that Michael recorded voices with them.


personally im more intrested in them defending mj when hes called a abuser and a drug addict then being concerned about whether some songs are fake or not.but i guess everyone has their own priorities