Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 994*

Kapital77;3120779 said:
You can tell whatever you want.

But the truth is that the Cascio´s did not show any PROOF that Michael recorded voices with them.


Uhmm what? Other than youtube video's made by disheartened fans, no proof whatsoever exists that says it's not Michael on these recordings.
Korgnex;3120735 said:
Weak argument. Like the Jacksons themselves, you're only thinking about money.

When you don't believe someone, you're saying "that person must be paid off".

Tell me, did you actually listen to what they told you?

Do I have to tell you WHAT kind of families were false false friends of Michael and exploited him for the money? There were 2 very prominent court cases, one in 1993 and one in 2005.

Don't tell me you consider the Cascios to be like them.

The Cascios didn't need money. They were extremely fortunate to have that special relationship with Michael. A relationship that Michael didn't have with his own family (except for Janet).

I'm so getting bored of lame accusations.

I will never say that Cascios were not MJ friends. Sure they were. But they SOLD (real or not real) tracks to Sony after Michael died and got money too like anybody else used to make money from MJ. It is a simple fact and you cannot deny it. They got 5 millions dollars to their pockets if the article I have read got a correct number.

Jacksons did not push them to sell anything to Sony and Jacksons did not push them to go to Oprah. They did it on their own interest. Why, tell me pls Jacksons are still so bad and "greedy" but everybody else is so good? Again, I am not saying Cascios are bad ppl cos I have my own theory about those tracks.
BTW the family members were with Mike during the trial and they are going to face another trial which won’t be easy for all of them. Why there are so many family haters on this board? Is sort of epidemic or a result of the media brainwashing? Just trying to get a clue…. .

Edit: Is there a second part of the Oprah show somewhere or it will remain a mystery? I still hope to see a body language "thing" in order not to be behind of this discussion.
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Kapital77;3120779 said:
You can tell whatever you want.

But the truth is that the Cascio´s did not show any PROOF that Michael recorded voices with them.


They showed the love to Michael. That's enough for me to know that this family would never do something like that.
The show proved nothing. How can teddy say that nobody screams like michael while we all know he cut and paste it
Again it's all very double. I appreciate the Cascios for sticking to Michael when Oprah (again...) had to ask the question. Can she ever let go of it!!! And how they also showed the world he was a normal guy trying to find some normality in his life.

On the tracks, I don't know, I'm confused. On a lot of the songs his voice sounds different every time. That could be due to the added backing vocals of others, unfinished tapes or whatever. I'm still not convinced this is what Michael would want.
They showed the love to Michael. That's enough for me to know that this family would never do something like that.

There is no real proof that those tracks are real and there is no proof that they are not. Every fan has to make own decision by listening. Sony/Estate did not publish any official documents/ expertise so far regarding those tracks I guess because Cascios tracks contain mixed vocals. Besides, parts of other MJ songs were inserted to Cascios tracks. Good example is HYHU.
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please, speak for yourself, that's all I am asking. thanks!

Its obvious though, whether the vocals are his or not. The ad libs are clearly cut and paste from other songs. Its especially obvious when you hear the accapella of Breaking News.

So when Teddy says 'nobody can do those screams like Michael' it just takes away alot of their credability to me.

I can kind of see their game now.....if they tried to duplicate Michael's ad libs then it would be a big giveaway.
They showed the love to Michael. That's enough for me to know that this family would never do something like that.

There is no need to show their love because we know it.

The program was planed to cut the rumors about MJ vocals on Cascio tracks.

And there is no PROOF, NONE.
Speaking of what would Michael want...we all know he was a perfectionist and if he was here the new album would be...who knows ?! Amazing - that is for sure.
But I also think that he would want his fans to hear his music.
I doesn"t have to be perfectly produced, not for me. I have heard words like " autotune " and " vibrato " million times and I bet even those who talk about it don"t know what it means. ( some of them ).I don"t wanna hear " vibrato " word again.
" Michael " is here and I love it.
Can you imagine all those beautiful songs being locked up forever ?!
I can"t get enough of his music and I will be grateful for whatever I get from Michael in years to come.
I am sad.Becuse all of this. :(
Why there are so many family haters on this board? Is sort of epidemic or a result of the media brainwashing? Just trying to get a clue….
ppl get judged on their actions and their previous history
And there is no PROOF, NONE.

But calling everything fake and everyone that says the opposite a liar or "paid off" and creating those avatars and signatures, trying to INFLUENCE more people, WITHOUT ANY PROOF to backup your claims, is CORRECT???

World turned upside down.
elusive moonwalker;3120840 said:
ppl get judged on their actions and their previous history

Instead being paranoid and obsessed with Jacksons some fans have to move their asses and focus on their own lives and their own families for God sake. Every family has issues and it is none of fan's business to discuss those issues. It is very bad manner and not healthy. Also, Jacksons haters have to listen and to watch Michael’s videos where he speaks about his family with love and respect including the last TII footage. Those fans I guess do not "f*ing care" about it? Some even went too far and Katherine, his beloved mother, became a target now. This is too much. Those folks ignore all stop signs.
There is no need to show their love because we know it.

The program was planed to cut the rumors about MJ vocals on Cascio tracks.

And there is no PROOF, NONE.
Nobody is obligated to show anybody anything. You're free to buy this album or not.

What's funny to me is people claiming "proof" when most people don't have the guts to post under anything but an anonymous screen name. The people with the biggest "fake" siggies will leave the least amount of trail of an actual person.

Maybe I should demand that everybody here tell me their actual name and city/country they live in.

Most would say, no freaking way, this is the internet, safety what have you.

Nor are you obligated to tell me anything about your actual, real life persona.

You could say, I am not offering up an album by Michael Jackson- to which I would reply that nobody is forcing anyone to buy goods that you assume to be false goods.

Very simple.

When Michael Jackson called Tommy Mottola a racist he did so letting people film him. He put money where his mouth is. He even corrected one Fox Reporter who asked him "So, you called Sony racist."
"I didn't call Sony racist, I said Tommy Mottola is a racist."

Michael stood publicly up to his believes and one way or another he might have paid for that believe with his life because he did step on many toes with his believe in a better world.

Most people would need diapers for backup just sitting on a couch with a camera on them, lol. Not to mention speaking about your friend of 25 years who passed, whom you grief, miss and love. I'm glad he got to hang out in his PJs without a camera shoved into his face.
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Asedora;3120888 said:
Instead being paranoid and obsessed with Jacksons some fans have to move their asses and focus on their own lives and their own families for God sake. Every family has issues and it is none of fan's business to discuss those issues. It is very bad manner and not healthy. Also, Jacksons haters have to listen and to watch Michael’s videos where he speaks about his family with love and respect including the last TII footage. Those fans I guess do not "f*ing care" about it? Some even went too far and Katherine, his beloved mother, became a target now. This is too much. Those folks ignore all stop signs.

Hypocrisy does rule the day, ain't it? :D

Asedora;3119392 said:
I saw how their house looks like from outside on the picture. I was on the net somewhere but I cannot find it. My impression was that the house is not small and it seemed that they had some space there for a studio. Cascios are not a poor family.And as you sad his son was recording (this is what I have read too), so they should have a nice studio in the house unless they decided to move it to the basement for Mike. :)

Asedora;3119281 said:
Good observation btw. I read somewhere that Cascios had a small recording studio in the house with all equipment needed. I wonder why they moved it to the basement?


I am starting to wonder who is paranoid and who is obsessed with other people.

You're constantly calling someone out for being obsessed for the wrong reasons.

It is utter hypocrisy to be demanding that people respect the boundaries of privacy when we're demanding all sorts of "explanations" and "proof".

I don't care who pays for Hayvenhurst as it's none of my business and it is none of my business who who puts what in their freakin garage and basement.

Maybe their name be Jackson, or Cascio. Same rules apply to EVERYONE.
Pace said:
Hypocrisy does rule the day, ain't it? :D

I am starting to wonder who is paranoid and who is obsessed with other people.

You're constantly calling someone out for being obsessed for the wrong reasons.

It is utter hypocrisy to be demanding that people respect the boundaries of privacy when we're demanding all sorts of "explanations" and "proof".

I don't care who pays for Hayvenhurst as it's none of my business and it is none of my business who who puts what in their freakin garage and basement.

Maybe their name be Jackson, or Cascio. Same rules apply to EVERYONE.

Hypocrisy and an obsession are in some ppl's twisted minds.:) It includes MJ privacy discussions and Jacksons family talking. This forum is a very good indication of what folks are interested in the most. Many times it is not MJ music and his legacy. So, move on.... .
Cascio's "basement thing" has to be a subject of a close attention because it became a part of a business with millions of dollars profit. Nobody wants to feel fool because somebody’s greed, like Sony or whatever... . I hope it helps.:)
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Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

Not sure why everyone so quick to believe TR and Cascios over Tarryll, Theres some major major money being made here and as well all know it changes people, don't forget TR was broke not so long ago and the Cascios aren't rich.

I can only believe my ears and I've listened to the whole album now and still the cascio songs definiteley have another lead voice on them, MJ has for sure played a part in these songs but not lead voice of if it is he is being drowned out by other voices.

I don't care to get back in the whole fake debate though, just remarking that theres a sudden backlash to Tarryl here yet the timing of this interview on oprah =++ Sales and whilst the family on the whole seem normal and nice and genuine,it doesn't mean the 2 younger lads don't have a financial agenda (as well as an opportunity to finally 'make it' in the music world)

I'll never betray or deceive
You my friend but

If you show me the cash
Then I will take it
If you tell me to cry
Then I will fake it
If you give me a hand
Then I will shake it
You would do anything for money

Clearly, this family is one that Michael could and did trust. He trusted them with his children. He was friends with them for many, many years. They never betrayed him, they never spoke badly about him, they defended him, they went on Oprah and did what no one has ever done, including Michael's family, which is to flat out say that he did nothing wrong. They said they trusted him completely, he was a normal guy, and he liked that they treated him as a person and not a celebrity. I have no reason not to trust them or believe them, and don't forget that an increase in sales is a GOOD thing for Michael Jackson. If they benefit from it, so be it. Obviously, they are not just in it for the money.

wow, Oprah and her sexual twisted mind, regardless of what actually did happened to her, she needs HELP on that matter, she sounds sicko and obssesed asking about the fake allegations..

she's clearly not so well in the head, sorry for her, but i mean, woman get some HELP , she need s a psychiatrist, and NOW... God that woman is really bad....

Oprah! get some help...you are in need...

I agree about Oprah, but look at the positive from it. They were able to further dispute the stupid rumors about Michael, and they seem very credible too. I think it was actually helpful and beneficial, and the sales WILL be greater since Oprah did talk about the album on her show. Like it or not.
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You record TWELEVE tracks with music superstar Michael Jackson and you don't have a single photo, video or audio recording logging the event?


This Oprah show has done NOTHING to help the Cascio's or try to SET the story straight. I believe they are a good family and the relationship with MJ was all very well, but Eddie just saw $$$ after MJ died and did whatever possible to "present" these tracks to sony.
So WHY dont post it in the right place????? Respect the community 'darling'.

Exactly, thank you!

Just watched Oprah. It's difficult to believe that the Cascios allowed another person to sing on the tracks in attempts to fool the public.

That would be so disrespectful to Michael.

Does anyone truly believe they would do that? Or is it your conspiracy fantasies getting the best of you.

Michael spent time with this family for over 20 years. He trusted them enough to treat them like they were family. He slept over and hung out with their children. And now they are going to lie about some songs they made with him???

It simply doesn't make sense.

They would have to be true MONSTERS to do that.

I realize that at first listen Breaking News and Monster don't sound EXACTLY how MJ has sounded in the past. But it still does sound like him.

Not have Swedian recording or doing so in a true recording studio could have distorted things a bit.

But I think part of the conspiracy nonsense is jealousy. Every last one of you wish you had a relationship with MJ like the Cascio's did. So it's easy for you to be negative and nasty toward them.

Shame on you all for playing this game.
:yes: Great post, and I completely agree!

Untrue. I'm a professional musician who has worked everywhere from basement studios to the biggest recording studios in the world. My band and I recently spent a week at Metalworks in Toronto mixing our new album. That's the studio where Prince recorded his Grammy-winning "Musicology" album in 2004 and has recently been used by Katy Perry and Drake. I also have a budget studio in my own bedroom where I write and record demos, engineering them myself before taking them to the big studios.

Not once has the difference in studios ever made one person sound like a completely different person. Not once has the difference between the vocal recordings ever made someone even sound REMOTELY different in their vocal tone, vibrato, accent or pronunciation. You shouldn't speculate on things you know nothing about.

Um...it didn't sound like a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT person or there wouldn't be so much controversy. If it sounded drastically different, then everyone would have known right away that it wasn't him, if it wasn't.

Okey,gonna throw in my 2 cents about this.

Firstly, before I begin, I must say that some of you guys have the sick obsession to mention the word `impersonator` and `fake` in every post.Why do you think it's necessary to say that?You mentioned already 35972w63756034620356230653460546 times before and it's getting really annoying.

You don't like the tracks?Ok.Why should I care?This thread is about the Cascio family, not about your imaginary Jason Malachi.And yes, it is imaginary until you prove that I'm wrong,and you really can't in this situation.Remember guys, innocent until proven guilty and you really can't prove anything,at least not at the moment.

Back to the Cascios.They seem an amazing family.They are united.They are happy.They achieved many things in their life and don't seem the kind of persons that can lie.I really have an envy for this family as my parents are divorced and my father abandoned me 3 years ago.While I was watching the interview I was thinking about how close they were so Michael,I think he really had a pretty good time with them.If I had any doubts until now,I can really see that there's no way they could hire an impersonator to finish Michael's song.They have money,why would they need more?And do you really think they are that type of persons?I am really sorry about the judgement I have passed upon them...

I'm supporting the album as much as I can,God bless the Cascio family.

Another great post, and I couldn't agree more. I'm getting so sick and tired of all the negativity and the huge bolded letters in all caps, trying to tell us to listen to how you feel. We KNOW, BELIEVE ME. It's simple - buy the album or don't, like the songs or don't.
I agree that the Cascios deserve our respect for how they were so good to Michael. It made me cry to realize how they treated him so much better than his own family ever has. Thank God he had them.

I'll disagree with you on this as I can also say that I have been in a studio environment. (and you really shouldn't assume that we know nothing about what we are talking about. I'm quite sure that you aren't the only musician on the universe as I'm not only one of my type)

My first question to you will be this : Okay you recorded demos in your bedroom. Did that demos ever used as a finished product for a professionally released album? Or did they get re-recorded at a professional studio?

I bet the answer will be the later one as those demo recordings do not produce high quality products to be used on recordings. (On my 10 years in the industry I have never seen a musician to say "I recorded this at my bedroom and it's album quality". every demo got rerecorded and worked on by professionals who charge tens of thousands of dollars for their time).

or every musician would be recording and mixing their albums at their basements or bedrooms and wouldn't pay for professional studios.

Secondly isn't sounding "completely different" a little far fetched? I haven't seen anyone claiming that Michael started to sound like Bono for example - that's completely different. Everyone is comparing the vocals to Jason Malachi who is known to sound "close/similar" to Michael. If Jason is the only name mentioned in this comparison saga then it's obvious that the vocals isn't sounding that different than Michael's.

your superstar friend who has been followed by media everyday in his life comes to your home to escape away from it all and yes the first logical thing to do will be to put a camera to their face and take pictures.

so it might not be convenient but it sure is respectful.
:clapping::yes: Great points!! You're right about all of it.
OMG Once again WHY the Cascios would have pics and videos of Michael recording??? Come on man REALLY!!! He is they friend and Plus, Michael never had pics OR videos of himself in the studio, Well not shown opening yet...
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

They took pics and videos at all other moments, why was this an exception plus I thought they had video of MJ in the studio. This was their claim to prove it was MJ.

Maybe when he was actually recording, they left him alone and weren't taking pictures during it? I could understand that. Also, even if they did have pictures of him recording, people would STILL question the songs. They would say, "We don't know if he's really recording THOSE songs," or "We don't know if he's actually recording anything or just playing around." There is no way they could win with some people, and that's obvious.
^^ is this pic from 2009? or from the time when MJ lived with the Cascios?

Yep, January 2009.. the last pic of Eddie and Michael.

Edit: Is there a second part of the Oprah show somewhere or it will remain a mystery? I still hope to see a body language "thing" in order not to be behind of this discussion.

If you go to page 67 in this thread (post 994) you will find both the first and second part of the show.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

Maybe when he was actually recording, they left him alone and weren't taking pictures during it? I could understand that. Also, even if they did have pictures of him recording, people would STILL question the songs. They would say, "We don't know if he's really recording THOSE songs," or "We don't know if he's actually recording anything or just playing around." There is no way they could win with some people, and that's obvious.

SOOO true @butterflies!!!