Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 994*

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

pianos? lol Uhm, just a little FY for you, they aren't in the piano business, they are in the restaurant business! ;)

Does anyone know the names of the Cascio restaurants? I believe some here said the restaurants were in NYC?
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

from twitter



3 T should stop with this twittering nonsense. Go to TRIAL or stop, please... As for the TRIAL they should have started it already, the sooner the better, before the album is out.

The same amount of energy + more - they should put toward MURRAY, and to demonstrate that Michael was no junkie. I am so tired when I see those priorities MIXED UP so bad.... Those songs are important, but getting some justice for Mike is more important, and not exposing those kids that much again is very important, also clearing up mess about Mike as being drugged and puppet....

But that's what happens when priorities get mixed up, and humans are wondering in the dark, almost blind... they throw huge amounts of energy and fight in the secondary directions...
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

I'm a professional musician who has worked everywhere from basement studios to the biggest recording studios in the world. My band and I recently spent a week at Metalworks in Toronto mixing our new album. That's the studio where Prince recorded his Grammy-winning "Musicology" album in 2004 and has recently been used by Katy Perry and Drake. I also have a budget studio in my own bedroom where I write and record demos, engineering them myself before taking them to the big studios.

Not once has the difference in studios ever made one person sound like a completely different person. Not once has the difference between the vocal recordings ever made someone even sound REMOTELY different in their vocal tone, vibrato, accent or pronunciation. You shouldn't speculate on things you know nothing about.
I am :smarty: in computing science and I know a lot about pattern recognition (voice identification & acoustic analysis are part of it). First of all as you probably know sound of each individual's voice is completely unique just like fingerprints or people's irises and with objective, scientific procedure/analysis expert can prove that certain voice is product of certain individual.
Also, human hearing is SUBJECTIVE and like the other senses, easily fooled, so for example someone can disguise a voice so much that it'll sound different (unrecognizable) to human ear BUT through scientific analysis expert can identify that voice. Voice identification isn't some mumbo-jumbo science, it has been successfully applied around the world on countless criminal cases and also voice identification are used in security systems/applications etc.

At least 2 independent voice identification tests were done on Cascio songs and result is - it's Michael Jackson's voice. Q.E.D.

Also, I'll repeat, I never doubted for a second who is singing - Michael Jackson and another singer on backing vocals but that was (is) my subjective opinion.
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Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

I havent watched the show yet....did any Chicago MJ fans show up?
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

Where can I see Teddy Riley talking to Oprah? Any youtube links?
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

The reviewer in the Rolling Stone article, seems to know about a Michael Jackson product, so we are not the only people who question this drama that is going on now.

They found out like us, or even worse on MJ Boards... Of course they gonna pick it up, it's negative and suits their agenda of trashing MJ new product.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

At least 2 independent voice identification tests were done on Cascio songs and result is - it's Michael Jackson's voice. Q.E.D.

Fantastic, just what I've been looking for. Could you PM the proof to me please? I'd like to see what method they used and the results.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*


Very good!

I'm not saying Sony are definitely lying, but they haven't provided any proof it is MJ's voice on BN or the others. All they have done is told us they tested the songs.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

I'm not saying Sony are definitely lying, but they haven't provided any proof it is MJ's voice on BN or the others. All they have done is told us they tested the songs.

I am sure they will provide the proof if somebody will challenge them in the court of law. I don't see why they would just publish the test results for no reason. It's not the way the things are done. The Estate stated in a press release that the tests were done and that the voice belongs to Michael. So in order to make them show the actual documents, someone should challenge them in court. Otherwise I don't see them publishing the docs.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

I believe the Cascios are telling the TRUTH! I also believe Taryll Jackson on his twitter page is telling the TRUTH!

I also do not believe the vocals on Breaking News, Keep Your Head Up and Monster are Michael.

So here lies the mystery.

If the vocals on the 3 Cascio songs are MJ's why does it clearly sound different and not Michael's?

The reason WHY was not addressed on Oprah.

This is a mystery. I believe both sides are telling the truth but the vocals are not Michael's.

So did Michael's vocals get replaced by an imitator without the Cascio's knowing or what?

Anyways, I also read some mean and hateful things directed to the Jackson family on this thread.

Please NEVER say something cruel or mean about the Jacksons. They are great great people and they know the TRUTH and they love their brother more than anyone and have always stood up for MJ and stood up for the TRUTH except on a few occasions (ie: La Toya) but on those few occasions they repented for the lack of a better word and stood up for the TRUTH after they repented.

When someone repents, we need to forgive that person because we would want others to forgive us.

What we don't like are those reporters and false accusers who have never apologized or repented.

I'm so excited for the album but I also do not believe the vocals on the Cascio songs are Michael's. That is NOT his voice. But I also believe the Cascios are telling the truth so this is a mystery at the moment.

For example I love the music of Monster. It sounds and feels like Michael. It sounds like his song except for the vocals. This is a mystery that still needs to be solved.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

Fantastic, just what I've been looking for. Could you PM the proof to me please? I'd like to see what method they used and the results.
Sue Sony and Estate Of Michael Jackson and I am pretty sure that you'll see test results with detailed explanation. ;)
BTW did you ever worked on some pattern recognition project?

Hi bobmoo79 I am HAL9000 from another forum. :)
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

Well I'm glad that's cleared up.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

I hope this doesn't upset anyone but I'd rather believe any family over the Jacksons. What some have been saying about the circumstances surrounding his death shows they have no facts and what? Have they yet to read the autopsy results?

That's why I'd rather ignore them.

P.S. I think the Casico tracks have been HEAVILY, HEAVILY edited.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

They mention MJ loving art and Michelangelo could that be how they pick the name for their restaurant?:scratch:They indirectly promoted the restaurant by the way when they said that ha ha ha....:mello:
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

I repect everybody who says Breaking News, Monster and Keep Your Head Up are sung my Michael Jackon.

But... for me, it's not him. It's clearly another guy there singing. I hope someone actually sues Sony and the Estate.

I am not trying to be negative, but honestly that's what I believe. That's not Michael on those songs. And we know who is on the payroll...

Cascio's may have had good relationships with Michael in the past, but I think they betrayed him. This makes me realize how Michael felt so lonely with nobody to trust. It's so sad that everybody in his circle tried/tries to take advantage of him.

He had a good relationship with Chandlers and Arvizos, and yet the betrayed him. Why would Cascios be an exception. Why should we believe them, when we have our own ears?
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

I am sure they will provide the proof if somebody will challenge them in the court of law. I don't see why they would just publish the test results for no reason. It's not the way the things are done. The Estate stated in a press release that the tests were done and that the voice belongs to Michael. So in order to make them show the actual documents, someone should challenge them in court. Otherwise I don't see them publishing the docs.
Sorry JMie didn't saw your post before. I completely agree with you.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

I repect everybody who says Breaking News, Monster and Keep Your Head Up are sung my Michael Jackon.

But... for me, it's not him. It's clearly another guy there singing. I hope someone actually sues Sony and the Estate.

I am not trying to be negative, but honestly that's what I believe. That's not Michael on those songs. And we know who is on the payroll...

Cascio's may have had good relationships with Michael in the past, but I think they betrayed him. This makes me realize how Michael felt so lonely with nobody to trust. It's so sad that everybody in his circle tried/tries to take advantage of him.

He had a good relationship with Chandlers and Arvizos, and yet the betrayed him. Why would Cascios be an exception. Why should we believe them, when we have our own ears?

maybe its just me, but i feel like that last comment of urs was a little uncalled for.. thats some really fucked up comparison u just tried to make...

if u dont think its him, and nothings gonna change ur mind, then let it be..

we get it..

move on..

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

I also find it a little 'off' that suddenly this John McClain character from 'the estate' has managed to get 2 producing rights on the album (if not more), why anyone should trust the estate I am not sure.

There is more to this whole story than meets the eye. Jeez we could make a Zeitgiest 3 movie out of all this!

What is hard here is that everybody has a financial stake in it so its hard to know who we trust, ultimately if you buy the album then you are giving money to someone who may be leading you astray but on the other hand MJ is on the album so as fans we want his stuff and I really believe MJ has had a hand in the Cascio tracks (just not his voice on lead vocal)

They really should just had all the wannabbees (usher, neyo etc) do duet type stuff with the missing parts like the Akon track. I would be fine with that.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

I repect everybody who says Breaking News, Monster and Keep Your Head Up are sung my Michael Jackon.

But... for me, it's not him. It's clearly another guy there singing. I hope someone actually sues Sony and the Estate.

I am not trying to be negative, but honestly that's what I believe. That's not Michael on those songs. And we know who is on the payroll...

Cascio's may have had good relationships with Michael in the past, but I think they betrayed him. This makes me realize how Michael felt so lonely with nobody to trust. It's so sad that everybody in his circle tried/tries to take advantage of him.

He had a good relationship with Chandlers and Arvizos, and yet the betrayed him. Why would Cascios be an exception. Why should we believe them, when we have our own ears?

How dare you, simply, how dare you!?

Do you know the Cascios!? Your post is rude and offensive - The fact these decent people did what they did and stayed out of the public eye for 20 something years, to me, speaks volumes. To brand them as betrayers is uncalled for and totally disrespectful!
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

How anyone can think Hollywood Tonight and Best of Joy is not MJ I really don't understand.

I enjoy this album sooo much. Really it's 10 fantastic MJ songs.

Hold on, who's saying these these two songs are not MJ? I certainly never did. It's crystal clear that it's Michael, no single doubt.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

I repect everybody who says Breaking News, Monster and Keep Your Head Up are sung my Michael Jackon.

But... for me, it's not him. It's clearly another guy there singing. I hope someone actually sues Sony and the Estate.

I am not trying to be negative, but honestly that's what I believe. That's not Michael on those songs. And we know who is on the payroll...

Cascio's may have had good relationships with Michael in the past, but I think they betrayed him. This makes me realize how Michael felt so lonely with nobody to trust. It's so sad that everybody in his circle tried/tries to take advantage of him.

He had a good relationship with Chandlers and Arvizos, and yet the betrayed him. Why would Cascios be an exception. Why should we believe them, when we have our own ears?

I agree, but i don't think the Cascio's betrayed him but Phony and the Estate. I don't trust The Estate anymore. All this has opened my eyes. They only care about money nothing else. Bunch of leeches and vampires.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

I repect everybody who says Breaking News, Monster and Keep Your Head Up are sung my Michael Jackon.

But... for me, it's not him. It's clearly another guy there singing. I hope someone actually sues Sony and the Estate.

I am not trying to be negative, but honestly that's what I believe. That's not Michael on those songs. And we know who is on the payroll...

Cascio's may have had good relationships with Michael in the past, but I think they betrayed him. This makes me realize how Michael felt so lonely with nobody to trust. It's so sad that everybody in his circle tried/tries to take advantage of him.

He had a good relationship with Chandlers and Arvizos, and yet the betrayed him. Why would Cascios be an exception. Why should we believe them, when we have our own ears?

Hey, that's pretty low of you comparing the Cascios to these leeches?

What kind of fan are you? I hope you became a fan after june 25th...that would be the only acceptable excuse for this foolishness.

As far as I can remember, i knew about the Cascios since 1993....And yesterday was the first time i ever saw them sit down for an interview.

Again, how dare you?
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

I repect everybody who says Breaking News, Monster and Keep Your Head Up are sung my Michael Jackon.

But... for me, it's not him. It's clearly another guy there singing. I hope someone actually sues Sony and the Estate.

I am not trying to be negative, but honestly that's what I believe. That's not Michael on those songs. And we know who is on the payroll...

Cascio's may have had good relationships with Michael in the past, but I think they betrayed him. This makes me realize how Michael felt so lonely with nobody to trust. It's so sad that everybody in his circle tried/tries to take advantage of him.

He had a good relationship with Chandlers and Arvizos, and yet the betrayed him. Why would Cascios be an exception. Why should we believe them, when we have our own ears?

I'd like to say I 'respect' your opinions, but I don't. I think you are talking complete bollocks.

Congratulations though. Only about 30 posts, and you've amanged to go to the top of the 'Talking Bullshit' table - and that's no mean feat with some of the shit that gets written on here.

Jog on!
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*




tHEN ON "Hollywood Tonight"
there are little parts that are made by an impostor (not the beatboxing, thats Michael Jackson CLEARLY) and in the chorrus some vocals ARE Michaels :), and also many parts on that song ARE Michaels but you can clearly hear there is an impostor in a few lines...i mean, thats the reality, that song is NOT completed, it has not the complexity and Quality Michael gave... and is an attemp to be like a second Dangerous, but filled with a fake singer, they mix the real vocals and the impostor vocals to make it sound like its all MJ, but i mean, people with fine ears KNOW what im saying, anyway, what can i do, im happy JUST about hearing those little pieces of MJ splendor on that song :) anyway that impostor... why... but im happy about the real voice there, well part of it.

Monster Is soooooooooo fake, i can take it, thats super extra mega FAKE is not Michaels.. they did put many "aow's" and MJ characteristical sounds taken from the REAL Michael Jackson, but the main singer is NOT MICHAEL JACKSON.

"Breaking News
", again Main singer FAKE, sorry, but have to say it, and its my ear hearing it, its not MJ, also here they put caracteristical and real MJ voice here and there, but MAIN singer is NOT MJ, cant believe Teddy Riley...

Best Of Joy, have some doubts.... sounds like a Bee Gees song, michael loved Bee gess :) , but in a whole i think ITS Michael, or a very trained and maybe modified voice of an impersonator, thats real possible.

  • songs with HIS, entirely (MJ) voice







peace AND
l.o v.e :hi:

Only 3 tracks are fake and those are, Monster, BN and KYHU, nothing more.
BOY is like the Beegees and it's clearly MJ. HT could be questionable sometimes, but i think that's because of the oooh soo ugly auto-tune (i really hate it). MJ doesn't need the effect on his voice, which is ruining the whole hiphop industry at the moment! I think the song would be better without the stupid effect. I like the melodie and voice though.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

Does anybody know where people from outside the USA can watch it?

Oprah is usually not up for download..
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

Hey, that's pretty low of you comparing the Cascios to these leeches?

What kind of fan are you? I hope you became a fan after june 25th...that would be the only acceptable excuse for this foolishness.

As far as I can remember, i knew about the Cascios since 1993....And yesterday was the first time i ever saw them sit down for an interview.

Again, how dare you?

I have been a loyal fan for more than 25 years. I have setup the biggest MJ fanclubs in Turkey and have supported MJ for all of my life. (Look at my "join date" please, it's on the left of this post, and then look at yours ;) )

How dare you judge me without knowing a fact about me?

And please read my post carefully, I don't compare Cascios to the Chandlers or Arvizos. I just wanted to make a point that people took advantage of Michael and they betrayed him for all of his life. Can you deny that?

So why do you believe Cascios won't betray Michael? I am not saying they did, but it seems to me as if they did. Because that's not Michael singing on their songs...

If you have any other explanation to this, then I can listen. But please don't attack me, because you don't know me at all!
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