Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 994*

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

Michael makes HUGE jump on US Amazon sales chart post Oprah - to #20.

That's good. She did mention more than once when the album was coming out too.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

Taryll could be out promoting the album, if he wants attention. I believe him over the the Cascio guy.

Time is up for Taryll and others to stop obsessing on what's MJ'S and get going building their own empire/legacy.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

Blue, I like when they chirp constantly because they become so angry that they spill what I want to hear to begin with. The moral is Let Them Chirp.


I hope so?! Cause all their doing is making a lot of noise without making any sense!

Until someone throws enough bread, they won't be satisfy! :no::ph34r:
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

I'll be honest and say that after seeing Teddy's tweets I consider Taryll's tweets to be low and vindictive. I mean he called Teddy and Cascio's liar and betrayer but yet you see no name calling from Teddy.

And this part settles all these argument for - as it already has-

Pls god hld me bk. He knows how he was blabbering him mouth about MJ in front of everyone about how much he know his uncle. Cont.

And how we're gonna get sued. He's Not right and he needs to move on and pursue his career. This is what people will remember you as. Cont.

Why didn't he sued like he said? Cause he's in denial...and I truly understand why, which is why I can't go on to tell the truth about him..

Unless Taryll can provide a good answer (not name calling and no proof accusations) to why he didn't take legal action, I'm done with these argument and controversy.

I'm gonna enjoy this album damn it.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

About this studio issue. Someone posted here a few days ago that the son was producing. If that is the case and this family has money, I find it odd that they did not have a better studio.

And please give your view once you see the other parts. I never shy away from different views and think it is a healthy thing to do.

I saw how their house looks like from outside on the picture. I was on the net somewhere but I cannot find it. My impression was that the house is not small and it seemed that they had some space there for a studio. Cascios are not a poor family.And as you sad his son was recording (this is what I have read too), so they should have a nice studio in the house unless they decided to move it to the basement for Mike. :)
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

^ enjoy the album Ivy , it is 100% Michael !
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

He was 86 from the studio til his grandma spoke to the estate and I had 2 verified. We can go on with the truth but ill stop here.

What does that mean? he was 86 from the studio... ?
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

I'll be honest and say that after seeing Teddy's tweets I consider Taryll's tweets to be low and vindictive. I mean he called Teddy and Cascio's liar and betrayer but yet you see no name calling from Teddy.

And this part settles all these argument for - as it already has-

Unless Taryll can provide a good answer (not name calling and no proof accusations) to why he didn't take legal action, I'm done with these argument and controversy.

I'm gonna enjoy this album damn it.

Does Taryll have money to do it? I guess it costs hell of a lot.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

Still can't stand oprah wack ass I hope this can be the last interview she does containing MJ
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

Does Taryll has money to do it? I guess it costs hell of a lot.

Let me understand. Poor Joe can sue Dr. Death and the Estate; 3T can sue the murderer of their mother, but they can not sue a producer (or the Estate)?

The U.S. justice is pretty weird.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

If they can take legal action then why haven't they? The family is taking legal action against others. This is important too. This is about Michael's work.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

What does that mean? he was 86 from the studio... ?

86 is a slang term that means to be banned , kicked out

Does Taryll have money to do it? I guess it costs hell of a lot.

all it requires a lawyer and some sort of evidence (such as an expert report)

Katherine could have taken it to the probate court to stop/delay it.

edited to add:

and why wouldn't they have money to sue?

Joe sued Murray, the executors and had a request for allowance.
Katherine has lawyers for probate court and lawsuit against AEG.

and why are we forgetting Janet? She can provide money for any lawsuit.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

Well, it happened quicker than I thought it would. I hope Taryll takes a lead on this and follows through.

Btw, the attitude of some of the posters preceding and following me is quite insightful.
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Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

If they can take legal action then why haven't they? The family is taking legal action against others. This is important too. This is about Michael's work.

You know the answer. There are two expert reports claiming the voice is from Michael. There are witnesses confirming the voice. There are millions of evidences against the Jackson family.

And do you belive a jury would believe the Jacksons?????The family is a laughingstock around the world.
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Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

he won't and if he does poor him
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

I have not seen so much energy and insistence of the family since...never. I did not see it when Michael was being beaten by his father; accused of crimes by La Toya; being ridiculed by the press everyday; attacked by his own brother through a song; or having his memory tarnished by self-proclaimed journalists after his death. Moreover, these journalists were sought by the Jacksons in order to hear statements like "his nose was a toothpick".

But it seems that the authenticity of some music is more important for the Jacksons. Never mind that they have no evidence.

We only have one good thing about it: the Jacksons are being exposed for what they are. And history will know to honor Michael and forget the REST.

Well put.

Good Job Taryll, you cant even rocognize the voice of your uncle ! Ahahah!!!

He can. He is just mad, he just missed a huge royalty check. Someone on twitter asked him why did he agree to be on the HT if he knew the Cascios tracks were fake? Based on his tweets tonight, Teddy got the Cascio tracks before Hollywood tonight. So why would he agree to be part of the project knowing some songs weren't MJ???

If they can take legal action then why haven't they? The family is taking legal action against others. This is important too. This is about Michael's work.

Because he knows it's MJ...but he is too bitter & angry to let it go.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

I'd like to watch the whole thing, but I've yet to see the beginning of it. It's blocked on youtube due to violation rights and all that so could someone please send me a link to both parts of the show that's not on youtube and that works and isn't in violation?! I really wanna see it!!
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

theres a summery on oprahs site in case you all missed it or like me fergot
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

More from Teddy...

"All I did was listen to him blabbering him mouth about what he don't really know about his own uncle. Let the truth be told."

"Management consistently inquired about him going to see and talk to him uncle and he didn't. Now, leave me alone b4 it gets worse."
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

I watched it today just to see the Cascios and what they had to say, and I'm very glad they were on there. I think it's very beneficial to Michael the person and Michael the album. It showed a different side of him, and this family truly loved him, had his back, never used him, and I love them for that. They spoke the truth, and I don't even care that Oprah was her usual biotch self, asking the question because that gave them a chance to say unequivocally that NO Michael never did ANYTHING wrong. In your face! I also believe them that it's Michael on the tracks, so I'm happy now. Overall, I'm very pleased with the show today.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

86 is a slang term that means to be banned , kicked out

all it requires a lawyer and some sort of evidence (such as an expert report)

Katherine could have taken it to the probate court to stop/delay it.

edited to add:

and why wouldn't they have money to sue?

Joe sued Murray, the executors and had a request for allowance.
Katherine has lawyers for probate court and lawsuit against AEG.

and why are we forgetting Janet? She can provide money for any lawsuit.

Ivy, the bolded, if Teddy is hinting that something caused T to be banned, would that be a motive for him not fully disclosing what he knows, or why Teddy is going with the program. I mean, there seems to be some punishment in the industry-artist relationship. I must say though, that I do not think T has concrete facts, which is one of the reasons he is not taking legal action.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

If they can take legal action then why haven't they? The family is taking legal action against others. This is important too. This is about Michael's work.

I too think that this is simply about a legit argument (and proof) for grounds to sue.

I mean let's look to lawsuits and the arguments being used : Joe wanted to remove the executors and his argument was that Branca was fired and investigated by Michael. Joe sues Murray based on the argument that he was providing Michael's healthcare. Joe asked an allowance based on the argument that he's living on social security and he was being supported indirectly. Katherine sues AEG and her argument is that as they were determining his schedule and staff there were responsible.

Now whether they will win or lose those lawsuits are a different discussion topic but at least you see legitimate arguments that allows a judge/court to look to these matters further.

Now look to the argument that we are presented in this situation : "I know my uncle". It's a subjective statement at best.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

At this point since the famliy has not taken any legal action it's hard to take their side. All this talk and tweeting. If Michael is being wronged then he should still be protected even though he isn't here. Doing nothing and just throwing out accusations isn't protecting him. All the arguing between everyone is helping either.