Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 994*

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Anyone got a link to the show??

The links provided here are only showing half of the show.. it ends just all of a sudden and it never gets to the point where they talk about the album and where Teddy Riley joins.

It has only just been broadcasted in America, so have some patience...:smilerolleyes:
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I agre... during those 5 minutes.. I don't know how many times she said the word 'charges'....

totally obsessed... in a bad way.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

It has only just been broadcasted in America, so have some patience...:smilerolleyes:

well... it has been broadcast 3 hours ago.. lol.. long enough to have it on youtube ;)

I'll just wait.. but I'm at work and I'm waiting for that to go home, I'm hungry now!
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

"Letting the secretary send flowers would be too polite in that case. And I am a VERY friendly person. More like cement shoes- with kisses from New Jersey. Just kidding."

Don't know what got "into me."

Ya, I was just curious. I'm not saying he should've. Having been raised by the same type of father I just send a card so I don't have to talk to him.

Just wondering because we heard that he called nurse Lee saying half his body had gone cold and he was asking for help and now we hear he talked to the whole Cascio family and was fine. And they were all in the Eastern time zone. I'd like to know the time span between the two calls.:scratch:

Also, sorry I don't know how to upload a YT from a VHS tape but hopefully someone will upload a good quality soon.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Very sad show to watch. Yeah, lots of good things said about Michael, emotional home videos. BUT: Cascio's and Teddy's body language about the authenticity of Michael's voice was just heartbreaking (looking down, uncomfortable). No real "proof" Michael actually recorded these songs..
Michael practically raised these kids yet their ambition/ hunger for money got the best of them. It's either that or Michael suddenly and sadly lost his voice and became a sub-par vocalist (basement or not, he would sound better on my voicemail, really)...

I have yet to see the rest of the episode..they look real strong and calm when answering the allegations questions. But they looked unconfortable answering the questions about the songs? A friend of mine told me that too..but mostly about Teddy Riley..he got the feeling he was lying his behind off.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

This is what I'm talking about. This interview is a doubt remover. If people did have doubts, for many people these doubts will be going now as they think 'Aw, they wouldn't do that'. This is what I'm talking about. It might not change opinion, but it reinforces it. This quote right here is a stone cold example of what I'm saying.

All it shows is that unlike many people who claimed they were friends of his, they remained true to that title. We have every indication that Michael enjoyed the company of these people, and vice versa, whether it be documentary videos or photos from a camera phone. There is no such indication that they're liars and in this for money, other than what your own ears hear on a song, and like I said before in my post, many of you aren't taking into consideration the recording conditions, unless you've been in a home studio and a recording studio and realized the difference in sound, how can one talk as if they know so much about it? It's unfortunate that you feel these people would hire an impersonator for a quick buck, but I don't believe that's the case.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

well... it has been broadcast 3 hours ago.. lol.. long enough to have it on youtube ;)

I'll just wait.. but I'm at work and I'm waiting for that to go home, I'm hungry now!

hmm.. ok it might be a bit more than only just.. then.. lol

But we just have to be thankful, that there are some people out there who does the work for us.. and not just demand it, if you know what I mean..:cheeky:
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Album discussion aside, I am so happy how good Michael looked coming out of this interview. That is how people should be talking about Michael and to Oprah of all people. There was nothing that they said that rubbed me the wrong way or anything. If you were not a fan you could still see what a great person he was. As a fan it just felt really good to see that.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

It's unfortunate that you feel these people would hire an impersonator for a quick buck, but I don't believe that's the case.

I don't think I did say they hired an impersonator. In fact, I think they seem like jolly nice people. Go back and read what I said again :)

I specifically said don't judge the family, good or bad.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

On-topic. I really like this family. They really loved Michael and he really loved them. I'm glad he had them ib his life. This was probably the most genuine sincere interview (besides Michael's kids) about Michael ever. I'm actually toward their side on the authenticity of their tracks.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

thanks for the YT link guys , God Bless :)
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

On-topic. I really like this family. They really loved Michael and he really loved them. I'm glad he had them ib his life. This was probably the most genuine sincere interview (besides Michael's kids) about Michael ever. I'm actually toward their side on the authenticity of their tracks.

But their honesty about the tracks doesn't have to mean anything really. Michael could have recorded some in their studio, but it could have been incredibly unfinished and nowhere near good enough to use. So Sony did some things about that.

But also....someone on here who saw the episode actually said they looked uncomfortable answering the questions about the tracks. It surely would explain alot. I however haven't seen anyone else mentioning this...i wonder.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

After watching that, I must say I am glad he had SOMEPLACE to be "normal" and not "Michael Jackson!" since he sure as hell didn't have that with his own family.

I gotta say I'm a little more confident that it actually is Michael on those controversial tracks. Different place from a big time studio, which as mentioned, creates a different sound.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

But their honesty about the tracks doesn't have to mean anything really. Michael could have recorded some in their studio, but it could have been incredibly unfinished and nowhere near good enough to use. So Sony did some things about that.

But also....someone on here who saw the episode actually said they looked uncomfortable answering the questions about the tracks. It surely would explain alot. I however haven't seen anyone else mentioning this...i wonder.

That is because most are looking at the niceness of the family and their personal relationship to Michael, and not much time was given to promoting the album.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

But their honesty about the tracks doesn't have to mean anything really. Michael could have recorded some in their studio, but it could have been incredibly unfinished and nowhere near good enough to use. So Sony did some things about that.

But also....someone on here who saw the episode actually said they looked uncomfortable answering the questions about the tracks. It surely would explain alot. I however haven't seen anyone else mentioning this...i wonder.

I saw the episode and it didn't come across as uncomfortable but they looked sad. Sad that they have to verify that is Michael. They probably thought they would never had to do that. To me anyways.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

It would be interesting to have a "body language" expert look at their interview. They seemed very sincere and honest to me. Though my ears tell me otherwise on their tracks. So, ???
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Well, Cascios are a nice family and if MJ kids are still allowed to visit them it means that Jacksons are friends with this family as well. I am glad Michael had ppl who never sold him for profit.
I have not seen a second part of the show where they answered questions about the tracks. But I know their answers and it was NOT surprising for me personally. :) It fits perfectly in my theory what is "wrong" with Cascios tracks. I think I know the answer and it is nothing to do with basement recording. Well, I prefer not to say more than that anyways.
If anybody can provide a second part of the show, it would be nice. Thank you.:flowers:
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

^^That is interesting: you think they look sad and someone else think they look uncomfortable. That is why it is good to have different views about things.

Anyone heard if the Jackson camp responded to the interview yet?
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Well, Cascios are a nice family and if MJ kids are still allowed to visit them it means that Jacksons are friends with this family as well. I am glad Michael had ppl who never sold him for profit.
I have not seen a second part of the show where they answered questions about the tracks. But I know their answers and it was NOT surprising for me personally. :) It fits perfectly in my theory what is "wrong" with Cascios tracks. I think I know the answer and it is nothing to do with basement recording. Well, I prefer not to say more than that anyways.
If anybody can provide a second part of the show, it would be nice. Thank you.:flowers:

I would like to hear what you wanted to say though, it's all alowed. It's all opinion, nothing more nothing less. :)
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Well, Cascios are a nice family and if MJ kids are still allowed to visit them it means that Jacksons are friends with this family as well. I am glad Michael had ppl who never sold him for profit.
I have not seen a second part of the show where they answered questions about the tracks. But I know their answers and it was NOT surprising for me personally. :) It fits perfectly in my theory what is "wrong" with Cascios tracks. I think I know the answer and it is nothing to do with basement recording. Well, I prefer not to say more than that anyways.
If anybody can provide a second part of the show, it would be nice. Thank you.:flowers:

Asedora, I think I know what you want to say, and I agree with you also.

It is strange though, that Katherine should make such a statement about the Cascio tracks when she knows that Michael's children will be spending time with them. This will cause an uncomfortable situation.

Bull, she cannot say because she wants to keep the peace. Let her do the right thing.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

^^That is interesting: you think they look sad and someone else think they look uncomfortable. That is why it is good to have different views about things.

Anyone heard if the Jackson camp responded to the interview yet?

I haven't heard anything yet. I did notice that you can tell they were not used to being on national tv in front of an audience. I am sure they had to been nervous. I know I would be lol.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

^^That is interesting: you think they look sad and someone else think they look uncomfortable. That is why it is good to have different views about things.

Anyone heard if the Jackson camp responded to the interview yet?

No worries. Jacksons imo were pretty much aware of what Cascios had to say before they went there. lol If you are waiting for a family reaction, I think you will not hear anything from them.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Asedora, I think I know what you want to say, and I agree with you also.

It is strange though, that Katherine should make such a statement about the Cascio tracks when she knows that Michael's children will be spending time with them. This will cause an uncomfortable situation.

Bull, she cannot say because she wants to keep the peace. Let her do the right thing.

Thanks God, that somebody is able to think otside the box. :flowers: I do not know what are thinking about, but still it nice to know :)
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Funny. I do not remember anyone asking for a "body language" expert the Jackson family, the Masters of Deception.

Some people are really obsessed.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I haven't heard anything yet. I did notice that you can tell they were not used to being on national tv in front of an audience. I am sure they had to been nervous. I know I would be lol.

Yeah, I would be nervous all through the interview.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

The Cascios - very nice, honest, sincere! :yes:

When I hear Oprah I sneeze because like Will Smith...

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Funny. I do not remember anyone asking for a "body language" expert the Jackson family, the Masters of Deception.

Some people are really obsessed.

The bolded answered your answer. We know their character. Many did not see the Cascios before so we are just exploring things people mentioned after looking at the interview: The casios warmness, love, etc. I was on the thread all day and this is the first time this has been mentioned.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

No worries. Jacksons imo were pretty much aware of what Cascios had to say before they went there. lol If you are waiting for a family reaction, I think you will not hear anything from them.

they are busy fighting each other , who will sell out MJ and his kids faster... the three generations of them think alike ! strange !