Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 994*

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Just saw it: They seem like a very honest and nice family. I trust them, and I usually have great instincts. Regarding the sound of the Cascio tracks. I'll put it down to this... MJ has never once recorded in anyone's basement. The studio is different, the equipment is different, and the songs were unfinished. I believe they are him singing.

A family like this who already has money, would not hire some impersonator to come to their home and sing fake MJ vocals. Once a person sits back and thinks about that, you realize how ridiculous the theory is. I'm glad they stood up for him and I'm glad the world got to hear the truth.:)

Spot on - very true.

How some can doubt it is MJ is beyond me.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Hold on, he had to ask his son if MJ ever touched him?
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Just saw it: They seem like a very honest and nice family. I trust them, and I usually have great instincts. Regarding the sound of the Cascio tracks. I'll put it down to this... MJ has never once recorded in anyone's basement. The studio is different, the equipment is different, and the songs were unfinished. I believe they are him singing.

A family like this who already has money, would not hire some impersonator to come to their home and sing fake MJ vocals. Once a person sits back and thinks about that, you realize how ridiculous the theory is. I'm glad they stood up for him and I'm glad the world got to hear the truth.:)

You can practically hear where Michael "popped" the Ps into the mic, where the Ts are being spit, you practically hear his tongue touch the roof of his mouth and a HUGE gigantic snort sung through his nose that wasn't eliminated. :D

You hear how raw this is, literally in someone's "garage"- the basement.

It is what it is, it's actually very touching to hear some of these little things- when I saw the basement, I nearly cried because it makes sense. I record stuff in my living room, literally, and man, I rolled across the floor.
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Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I might be the only who thinks this but I like the idea of Michael recording in that little basement. It's like he was starting all over again even though he was the most famous person in the world. It just comes across special to me. After everything he went through he was determined to come back.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Hold on, he had to ask his son if MJ ever touched him?

They had to explain to their kids what was going on (the charges and trial) and he felt he needed to ask as a father. But right away he said he never believed it and all the kids said he would never do such a thing. They came across very strong about Michael's innocence.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Um, I see people watching this interview, observing that the Cascio family is a very nice family, and then using that as a rationalisation for their tracks' authenticity. It simply does not follow.

I don't know the Cascios, I have nothing against the Cascios, and frankly I don't really care about the Cascios. If they're a nice family and MJ found them supportive, that's great. However, some fans who accuse others of being 'brainwashed' should perhaps look a bit closer to home. Don't judge the family (the Jacksons or the Cascios), judge the songs themselves.

The timing of this interview is very deliberate. That's all I'm going to say.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

As a father you would have to do what he did.

They talked so perfect pro Michael. This was very positive for MJ.

And after seeing this, hearing the album versions of the song it it clear to me that it is MJ's vocals - no doubt.

The new version of BN is better and vocals soo much more clear. It is MJ.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Just finished watching the show twice (I taped it).

I got to say it was good. Yes O went there but God Bless the Cascios, they left no doubts in anybody's mind about Michael's innocence. NOT like LMP's "don't know, I wasn't there" stupid answer.

Is easy to see how genuine is this family. Down to earth and truly warm family. No wonder Michael loved them. I balled my eyes out again (sorry I'm a cry baby when it comes to Michael) and hurt for the loss this family endure.

The cd was promoted as well as it could be. The songs sounded good. MJ's voice was clearly heard and everybody that still use the word "fake" to talk about Michael's art should just be banned IMO.

Please mods, some time ago, it wasn't even allowed to criticize Michael on this forum and now people are still criticizing his art. After today's show, it shouldn't be allowed and the "fake" threads should be deleted.

Lastly all I can't say is
"Michael forgive them, for they know not what they do".


Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

As a father you would have to do what he did.

They talked so perfect pro Michael. This was very positive for MJ.

And after seeing this, hearing the album versions of the song it it clear to me that it is MJ's vocals - no doubt.

The new version of BN is better and vocals soo much more clear. It is MJ.

agree with u completely.when we hear stories of priest and uncle ,close friend molesting children ,it was his job to ask his children which in fact come as real fact ,u know parents can relate to that behavior ,hence Michael came as innocent man more than ever.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Is it me or did Connie Cascio want to say "with all the BS", but quickly went on to use another word? :D

"What he considered cleaning". Bwahaha. Love that accent, 'oooool aloaaaaang." No wonder he had a good time with the family. "I don't know, but he slept at my house and relaxed." Bet he did. I would, too. Must have been mutually pleasant for everyone to accept MJ knocking in the middle of the night and have him live there for months. And mothers of 3 children don't just put up with anyone rising their 3 kids from sleep= 'cause you're usually happy once everyone IS asleep. :hysterical:

I started bawling when Cascio said that amazingly they had spoken to him 3 days before his death- and surprisingly everyone happened to have been there. So everyone got a chance to speak to him one last time (and a weird divine little comfort- notice how certain people got these little very, very special memories- one of the guitarist from TII has one from seeing him the last time, Michael Bearden has his "internal jolt" memory of feeling something "God bless you" from the Earth Song, and the Cascios have theirs- take note...it'll tell you something)

That's it, I am bawling my eyes out.
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Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Um, I see people watching this interview, observing that the Cascio family is a very nice family, and then using that as a rationalisation for their tracks' authenticity. It simply does not follow.

I don't know the Cascios, I have nothing against the Cascios, and frankly I don't really care about the Cascios. If they're a nice family and MJ found them supportive, that's great. However, some fans who accuse others of being 'brainwashed' should perhaps look a bit closer to home. Don't judge the family (the Jacksons or the Cascios), judge the songs themselves.

The timing of this interview is very deliberate. That's all I'm going to say.

A lot of us are judging based on the songs and feel it is Michael. Thinking the family is nice is an extra thing for me anyways. It was the drama and controversy of the songs in first place is the reason why they were on the show in the first place.It goes the other way too. If they say nothing then people think they are hiding something. It's hard to know if you should or should not say something.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Very sad show to watch. Yeah, lots of good things said about Michael, emotional home videos. BUT: Cascio's and Teddy's body language about the authenticity of Michael's voice was just heartbreaking (looking down, uncomfortable). No real "proof" Michael actually recorded these songs..
Michael practically raised these kids yet their ambition/ hunger for money got the best of them. It's either that or Michael suddenly and sadly lost his voice and became a sub-par vocalist (basement or not, he would sound better on my voicemail, really)...
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Still no youtube links? Now even I am getting impatient! ;)

Also, and I don't really feel like discussing this or anything, but I know it has been mentioned a couple of times in the first pages of this thread, people saying they don't know who this family is, I of course didn't know either until I started looking through the court transcripts a few weeks ago. Let's just say this family was there in 2003. So them answering the "innocent" question makes sense, because to an extent they have first hand knowledge.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Um, I see people watching this interview, observing that the Cascio family is a very nice family, and then using that as a rationalisation for their tracks' authenticity. It simply does not follow.

I don't know the Cascios, I have nothing against the Cascios, and frankly I don't really care about the Cascios. If they're a nice family and MJ found them supportive, that's great. However, some fans who accuse others of being 'brainwashed' should perhaps look a bit closer to home. Don't judge the family (the Jacksons or the Cascios), judge the songs themselves.

The timing of this interview is very deliberate. That's all I'm going to say.

It was recorded in a home studio, in a basement. There was no form of filtering other than the foam material that was on the wall. Something like that can drastically alter the recording and a person's sound. I know this from experience, there's no doubt that Michael are on these songs, and I don't believe this family, who have remained silent all these years about their relationship with Michael, is all of a sudden in it for the money. That doesn't make sense to me, nor is it very plausible.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

^^^ MsCassieMollie.. thanks for the link!
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

By the way, that Oprah is an odious little creature.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Is it me or did Connie Cascio want to say "with all the BS", but quickly went on to use another word? :D

"What he considered cleaning". Bwahaha. Love that accent, 'oooool aloaaaaang." No wonder he had a good time with the family. "I don't know, but he slept at my house and relaxed." Bet he did. I would, too. Must have been mutually pleasant for everyone to accept MJ knocking in the middle of the night and have him live there for months. And mothers of 3 children don't just put up with anyone rising their 3 kids from sleep= 'cause you're usually happy once everyone IS asleep. :hysterical:

I started bawling when Cascio said that amazingly they had spoken to him 3 days before his death- and surprisingly everyone happened to have been there. So everyone got a chance to speak to him one last time (and a weird divine little comfort)

That's it, I am bawling my eyes out.

Ya she wanted to say BS. Did MJ even called his father on Father's day?

BTW that youtube above has all the edge cut off. You can't see the whole screen. Please someone upload a better one?
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Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

The Cascios are a warm, friendly, loving family.
I'm thankful Michael Jackson and his children have them as friends.
I hope Michael's children: Prince, Paris, and Blanket are allowed to
continue to visit them. I would rather they spend more time around the Cascios and less time around Alejandra, who sells their pictures to the tabloids. :yes:
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

how did that startin with Michael Jackson knew that family? just asking
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

It was recorded in a home studio, in a basement. There was no form of filtering other than the foam material that was on the wall. Something like that can drastically alter the recording and a person's sound. I know this from experience, there's no doubt that Michael are on these songs, and I don't believe this family, who have remained silent all these years about their relationship with Michael, is all of a sudden in it for the money. That doesn't make sense to me, nor is it very plausible.

This is what I'm talking about. This interview is a doubt remover. If people did have doubts, for many people these doubts will be going now as they think 'Aw, they wouldn't do that'. This is what I'm talking about. It might not change opinion, but it reinforces it. This quote right here is a stone cold example of what I'm saying.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Ya she wanted to say BS. Did MJ even called his father on Father's day?

BTW that youtube above has all the edge cut off. You can't see the whole screen. Please someone upload a better one?

"Letting the secretary send flowers would be too polite in that case. And I am a VERY friendly person. More like cement shoes- with kisses from New Jersey. Just kidding."

Don't know what got "into me."
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Anyone got a link to the show??

The links provided here are only showing half of the show.. it ends just all of a sudden and it never gets to the point where they talk about the album and where Teddy Riley joins.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Does anyone have a link to the second half of the video?
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

how did that startin with Michael Jackson knew that family? just asking

That's why I said that YT isn't the full screen. It cut off the bottom where it says "Hemsley Palace Hotel" when they showed an old photo.

Mr Cascio was the manager and Michael was a frequent guest and he took a liking to him and ask if he had a family and if he could meet them.

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

anybody has part 2... cause the ones who have like 8 or 9 videos on youtube.. it's actually all the same...
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Very sad show to watch. Yeah, lots of good things said about Michael, emotional home videos. BUT: Cascio's and Teddy's body language about the authenticity of Michael's voice was just heartbreaking (looking down, uncomfortable). No real "proof" Michael actually recorded these songs..
Michael practically raised these kids yet their ambition/ hunger for money got the best of them. It's either that or Michael suddenly and sadly lost his voice and became a sub-par vocalist (basement or not, he would sound better on my voicemail, really)...

I agree...
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

It says part 4 , the link on the start of this page. The end of the video is about this school thing or whatever. Where's the rest? It's awesome to hear them talk like that about Michael. About how he loved the simple things in life like cleaning their house, in his own way..LOL. And taking out the garbage, incredibly good to know this man had a second family like that.

And sigh...how predictable. As soon as one of the Cascio's talked about MJ's bad times, Oprah just had to interrupt and mention 'The molestation allegations'...yes yes Oprah...we are not stupid, we already know that, everybody knows that. And a few minutes later after having asked if anything happened...they clearly said NO. And then after they had mentioned the 2003 case...and how he kept returning to their home. Oprah asked it again....oh my,can she get more annoying? This woman.....sigh.....

Where's the part where they answer the questions about the songs??