Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 994*

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

The video shown during the Monster preview would make a prefect music video.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

It was nice to see the Cascio family and to hear them talk. I'd never heard of them before 'Breaking News' was released and had no idea that they'd known MJ for so many years. Seriously -- we're talking close to 25 years here!... Respect to them for never saying anything and standing by him through the darker times of his life.

This also pretty much shatters any last bit of doubt I might've had left about the authenticity of the vocals on 'Michael'. I believe Eddie (and Teddy) and 'Keep Your Head Up' and 'Monster' sounded awesome (I hadn't heard a single second of these songs before the interview), so I'm looking forward to the album even more now! :)

I never knew either. Such a wonderful family.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Watching it right now.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I realize exactly what I'm saying!
I don't hate you or the community!
I hate Oprah right to my bones and I have every right to feel this way!
I prefer to express my feelings rather than start pretending!
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Is it on You Tube yet?
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

The Cascios seemed like a very likeable family to me. They seemed very sincere. I loved seeing the footage of Michael with them, and the last photo that had with him. Michael taking out the garbage and wearing his blazer with his pjs--wonderful images. So, now I'm not sure about the songs.....The vibrato still doesn't sound right to me.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

It was nice to see the Cascio family and to hear them talk. I'd never heard of them before 'Breaking News' was released and had no idea that they'd known MJ for so many years. Seriously -- we're talking close to 25 years here!... Respect to them for never saying anything and standing by him through the darker times of his life.

:agree: :clapping:
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Did they show the HMH video as they said they would?
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Hating...? Gosh, this is so childish... This forum ain't a hating tool. Grow up. This is not an insult, seriously. It's human not to like, but hate, and visit hating forums?... Really childish.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

HMH video was NOT shown.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Oprah has gotto be the worst interviewer ever! How can she not ask a follow up question when they said they spoke to him 3 DAYS BEFORE HE DIED! Did they notice anything different, did he seem tired? Did he say anything about the shows, was he happy about them and so on!

It's strange that she didnt ask them that. I think that she was more focused on getting some gossip on child abuse and when she didn't get that she considered the interview over.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Is there a link where we may see this now?
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'


Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I don't think the video for HMH is going to be shown on Oprah. But I thought it was as well... but I also heard that it might be shown on ABC this same day. But the question is, what time? :mello:
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Just finished watching the show twice (I taped it).

I got to say it was good. Yes O went there but God Bless the Cascios, they left no doubts in anybody's mind about Michael's innocence. NOT like LMP's "don't know, I wasn't there" stupid answer.

Is easy to see how genuine is this family. Down to earth and truly warm family. No wonder Michael loved them. I balled my eyes out again (sorry I'm a cry baby when it comes to Michael) and hurt for the loss this family endure.

The cd was promoted as well as it could be. The songs sounded good. MJ's voice was clearly heard and everybody that still use the word "fake" to talk about Michael's art should just be banned IMO.

Please mods, some time ago, it wasn't even allowed to criticize Michael on this forum and now people are still criticizing his art. After today's show, it shouldn't be allowed and the "fake" threads should be deleted.

Lastly all I can't say is
"Michael forgive them, for they know not what they do".

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

The Cascio's do seem like a great family :)
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

So when will HMH premiere?

I really thought it would be today during Oprah.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Anybody can provide youtube links. pls? I did not watch the show. I really knew that Cascios will say that the vocals are MJ's. There is nothing new. What esle they have to say? It would be strange if they had any doubts about tracks they sold to Sony.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

MJ's voice was clearly heard and everybody that still use the word "fake" to talk about Michael's art should just be banned IMO.

Please mods, some time ago, it wasn't even allowed to criticize Michael on this forum and now people are still criticizing his art. After today's show, it shouldn't be allowed and the "fake" threads should be deleted.

Lastly all I can't say is
"Michael forgive them, for they know not what they do".


Sorry, but can't help replying to this. Where are people criticizing Michael's art? People have got a right to express their doubts on the authenticity of some tracks, without being afraid of posters like you.

"Michael forgive them, for they know not what they do". - forgive them for what? Don't mistake Jesus with Michael, although he was a godlike person in many ways. The passion of fandom can be one step close to idolatry and one to irrationality.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Sorry, but can't help replying to this. Where are people criticizing Michael's art? People have got a right to express their doubts on the authenticity of some tracks, without being afraid of posters like you.

"Michael forgive them, for they know not what they do". - forgive them for what? Don't mistake Jesus with Michael, although he was a godlike person in many ways. The passion of fandom can be one step close to idolatry and one to irrationality.

Have you seen the show? If not, adressed me later. Specially when you see where the songs have been recorded. :cheeky:

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Sorry, but can't help replying to this. Where are people criticizing Michael's art? People have got a right to express their doubts on the authenticity of some tracks, without being afraid of posters like you.

"Michael forgive them, for they know not what they do". - forgive them for what? Don't mistake Jesus with Michael, although he was a godlike person in many ways. The passion of fandom can be one step close to idolatry and one to irrationality.
I love your posts. Would give you rep but I just did so I can't right now. :)
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Okay I finally got to see it on tv. The family is so nice and I can see why Michael would be friends with them. I thought they did an excellent job defending him and making people see what a great and caring person he was. Michael will stay with them forever. I have a friend who I have been friends with for almost 30 years. That's a big part of your life. I thought Oprah was actually nice to them. She did mention more than once that the album comes out Dec 14 and I thought that was good.

You know what I liked? They came back from commercial and showed all this footage of Michael on stage etc and the audience gave a warm applause. That was nice.
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Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

So Cascios said that MJ vocals are real? Whoa! What a huge surprise :lol:
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Have you seen the show? If not, adressed me later. Specially when you see where the songs have been recorded. :cheeky:


Haven't yet, going to bed first. But really, where the songs were recorded have nothing to do with that. Really. Just like some nice folk talking sweet things haven't got to do that much with whatever can be heard on the tracks. They're nice but don't need others telling me what I should hear, I can do it myself.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

In short good interview but, stupid predictable questions from Oprah! Not enough info about the Cascio tracks from them nor Teddy other then it's MJ! Hearing the album leak I say the songs are better improved then the original first leaks of each Cascio tracks but, they still stick out like a sore thumb when hearing the rest of the tracks! And that's all I will say about that, it is what it is!
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Just saw it: They seem like a very honest and nice family. I trust them, and I usually have great instincts. Regarding the sound of the Cascio tracks. I'll put it down to this... MJ has never once recorded in anyone's basement. The studio is different, the equipment is different, and the songs were unfinished. I believe they are him singing.

A family like this who already has money, would not hire some impersonator to come to their home and sing fake MJ vocals. Once a person sits back and thinks about that, you realize how ridiculous the theory is. I'm glad they stood up for him and I'm glad the world got to hear the truth.:)
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

i watched the interview in my opinion family of love (Casio) defended better then family by blood.from the interview i can tell these were the people my stayed in touch but his own family has to make appointment that says alot to me .he really rejuvenated at their home and was ready to face the world again.
i just wish that mj3 stays in contact with them ,this family is knows him better than his own family.
about the song.these are all mj again my opinion what teddy said was true no one can duplicate that angelic voice .i am going to believe teddy because he was with mj for last 25 yrs ,not like will i am who came just now (like 2-4 yrs) or quincy who worked with him like 30 yrs before and whose age is keeping him thinking straight and for the fact that he showed his true color after mikes passing.
now i am really looking forward to this album,i was down with all controversy surrounding the album ,but like true Michael fan ,nothing can keep us down for long .so lets just make History again and put Michael on his favorite place NO-1
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Yeah, that part of the home studio... we have to take in account that it wasn't really professional, and when he recorded them of course it would sound different. And for this album, I guess they tried to just deal with the quality of the recording. It does give some insight.