Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 994*

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I was thinking about taking a day off and stay home to watch this episode because out of the three Oprah shows on Michael. This one interests me the most. I expected insights from the Cascios and Tedddy. I thought this show is going to be part of the album marketing campaign.

Based on the show summary, this espisode is disappointing. They didn't spend much time talking the music. What's the point then?

Anyway, I'm at work now, since I have a deadline tomorrow. Glad I didn't take the day off and waste a day.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

This thread is getting really derailed. For one, Michael apologized to Janet, as she said once, which Joseph never did to him. For 'two', he couldn't learn better with your cousins and brothers and father teasing you. Thank God, he was human, or else people be idolizing him.
There is nothing wrong with "derailing" for a bit. All issues have a connections.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Anyway back to the topic

So far as I can see by the fans commentary of the show it was very positive for
Michael and the Casico family. Even if the hard questions were asked the answer
was given and people will hear again that those who Truley knew Michael belive
in hs innocence

You may disagree with me but in my opinion the questions needed to be asked of
this family in order for answer to come forth loud and clear_ they were believable
The world need to here that over and over until it is imprinted on their brain

Even if much time wasnt spent discussing the album it was still promoted in the
fact that more people are aware it and it will peak thier interest to buy just for
the fact it is Michael Jackson.

There was no give away becuase there is no album or single CD to give away yet
pobssibly there will be on Ellen or Oprah once the MICHAEL Album is released

It was fans assumption this was a maojor promotion of the album
and that HMH would premiered on Oprah show.

Im still waiting to see the show _

Many here are obssessed with speaking about Oprah LOL
rather then the content of the show which is what I want to hear.
Im really not iinterested in her questions ONLY the answers

Just my humble opinion

Qbee, I humbly share that humble opinion of yours.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

It starts in 2 hours for me but again with the allegations? Why doesn't she have the guts to admit she thinks he was guilty and be honest to the public for once. His family (the Jacksons) goes and talks to this woman and laugh and all that? In a naive way I guess I hoped that maybe after talking to people who loved Michael that she would finally see the truth but she doesn't like Michael and in her eyes he is bad. She is never interested and seeing Michael's side of things. Interview Tom Mesereau or anybody and read court transcripts. I will be glad when she is done her show.
So true.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Many here are obssessed with speaking about Oprah LOL
rather then the content of the show which is what I want to hear.
Im really not iinterested in her questions ONLY the answers

Well, in my opinion in an interview it is also important the interviewer, not only the interviewed (which has a more passive role, since it is conducted, even edited...).
I'm also waiting for the youtube video, but knowing the same unnecesary question was asked again for the third time in such short time I concluded the obsessive was Oprah, not the fans. (I am very critical of those practising journalism in general, not only relating Michael Jackson; and it's only an opinion).

Going back to the family point, I must remember Michael's words at his speech at Oxford when forgiving his father, because he wanted one, and that was the only one he had and that he could see that even if imperfect there must have been love from him.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Well, in my opinion in an interview it is also important the interviewer, not only the interviewed (which has a more passive role, since it is conducted, even edited...).
I'm also waiting for the youtube video, but knowing the same unnecesary question was asked again for the third time in such short time I concluded the obsessive was Oprah, not the fans. (I am very critical of those practising journalism in general, not only relating Michael Jackson; and it's only an opinion).

Going back to the family point, I must remember Michael's words at his speech at Oxford when forgiving his father, because he wanted one, and that was the only one he had and that he could see that even if imperfect there must have been love from him.
ANd your post sums it up for me. I out.:D:punk:
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

So I'm a bit confused now. Did the show air already? They didn't talk much about the album, what did they talk about then?
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

It clear that you are not black (sorry but you are not going to know the ends and out of black life and everything there is to know; whereas when you are blacks, you know the ins and out) and also many blacks do NOT believe in psychiatrist, sorry but that is a known FACT. I have been black all my life and around blacks all my life from south to north. Even if you listen to black radio after the interview of Katherine, the same things were said in what I am telling you. Again, it does not make it right but that is how it went (and MJ grew up in at time where our images were more degraded etc even by other blacks who had self hate). Like I said, that is a issue within itself. Many blacks were picked on for either their nose being too small, too big, you are not black enough, too black, your big butt, you big lips, good hair bad hair, etc. you are right when it comes to the media, the public, etc, we know MJ "condition" was just a little more but being black just added more even MJ would tell you that. Ask MTV.

Good Heavens, Terrell, you cannot tell whether I am black or not based on what I said or anybody for that matter. There is not a specific way for each race to think/feel/experience, etc. We are all people with the same good and bad. Although some of us, not you of course, demonstrate more of the latter than the former. I will leave it there, because the main issue of the quote is not addressed.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Did they show the Hold My Hand video? That's one of the reasons I wanted to watch it.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Did something happen to Oprah as a kid or something, she seems to be obsessed with child abuse stuff.

I'm wondering the same thing.

She was molested by an cousin and an uncle. SHe had a baby at 14 years old (a boy that died at birth).

Explains it.

Poor Michael, everyone just pours their misfortunes on him from the right and left.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

No they did not show the video or give away any promotional material. We are not sure if this was a real promotion either. The family did speak about their personal relationship with Michael and were positive about allegations/drug issue.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I want to watch this.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

No they did not show the video or give away any promotional material. We are not sure if this was a real promotion either. The family did speak about their personal relationship with Michael and were positive about allegations/drug issue.
Who all were there? :blink: Sorry I haven't followed this thread too much..
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

No they did not show the video or give away any promotional material. We are not sure if this was a real promotion either. The family did speak about their personal relationship with Michael and were positive about allegations/drug issue.

I don't get the point then. Where are we suppose to see the video? I want to cry to be honest. I never hear the song and the radio and now I am wondering if they will even play the video. I just want Oprah to leave Michael alone and keep her hatred to herself.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

One, basically it was the Cascios and Teddy. Cascios were asked about the nonsense talked about and Teddy only had 2 mins to talk. Basically there was not much about the songs. They showed their studio and showed some pictures of Michael with them. If you want our first summary it is around page 35.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Good Heavens, Terrell, you cannot tell whether I am black or not based on what I said or anybody for that matter. There is not a specific way for each race to think/feel/experience, etc. We are all people with the same good and bad. Although some of us, not you of course, demonstrate more of the latter than the former. I will leave it there, because the main issue of the quote is not addressed.
Well, according to what you post, you do not seem to be otherwise you would have known what I am talking about. Is that better? And you are right, we all people with the good and bad because all group have issues within a group. Still a good conversation.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Did they show the Hold My Hand video? That's one of the reasons I wanted to watch it.

So far the best place to see the video is on the Michaeljackson.com website.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

One, basically it was the Cascios and Teddy. Cascios were asked about the nonsense talked about and Teddy only had 2 mins to talk. Basically there was not much about the songs. They showed their studio and showed some pictures of Michael with them. If you want our first summary it is around page 35.

Ok, thanks :)

I'm just disappointed they didn't premiere the video there. When are we gonna see it, argh!
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Ok, thanks :)

I'm just disappointed they didn't premiere the video there. When are we gonna see it, argh!

I'm starting to think it's nice that it didn't air there, although I am REALLY the most impatient person of this entire thread to see this thing...:hysterical:

But I am hoping it'll debut and premiere somewhere free of any of this cr*ppola attached to it.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I just watched the Oprah Interveiw with The Casio Family..

It concerns me that she decided to "promote" an Education Agenda when she knows Millions of Michael Fans are watching !! It felt like this was a "platform" for her to make her speech when she knew WE were watching ??

I knew alot of truth would come to light about Michael and that it wouldn'tcome from Oprah..I just didn't know how it would play out on her show !!

I don't understand fully how The Casio Family kept this all a secret for 25 years , and somehow this same story finds it way onto Oprah's show ??

I want to know how they found all this Families secrets about Michael, how did they come out so quickly if NO ONE KNEW ???

I am scared of what is the TRUE motivation behind it ALL, it they don't want MONEY or FAME or RECOGNITION ??

We WILL find the TRUTH and it shall be revealed again as I said in other ways !!


Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

MJ Tinker Bell - the pictures under your posts are really HUGE !!

The Cascios are great. They were nice to MJ, treated him better than MJ's own family. They have not made something with the tracks. - It is MJ all the way.

The Cascios seems soo nice.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I'm starting to think it's nice that it didn't air there, although I am REALLY the most impatient person of this entire thread to see this thing...:hysterical:

But I am hoping it'll debut and premiere somewhere free of any of this cr*ppola attached to it.

Ha Ha, now that I think about it, you are right. Let the video air somewhere where the air is nicer. Pun is intended.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

You may disagree with me but in my opinion the questions needed to be asked of
this family in order for answer to come forth loud and clear_ they were believable
The world need to here that over and over until it is imprinted on their brain

I agree. I was glad she asked the question. We all knew what the answer would be, but considering MJ's relationship with the Cascios and the allegations, it was the elephant in the room question.

I was also glad the father admitted he had asked his children. With molestation being perpetuated from relatives to priest, to have a close family friend being charged--no matter how good they believe he is--a parent would ask. It showed Cascio had been a responsible parent which made him relatable to other parents and the audience at large.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Thanks so much for live stream!

She talks about teachers now!

Will the Jackson stuff come afterwards?
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I am watching it right now.. Teddy and the Cascios are sitting in the first row.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

From feedback it doesn't seem like they revealed anything we already didn't know but will watch it tomorrow.