Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 994*

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Did something happen to Oprah as a kid or something, she seems to be obsessed with child abuse stuff.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

She's obviously obsessed with the word and subject 'abuse' really...i mean, at one point in the LMP interview she even said it herself that MJ really had a calming aura around him or something like that, it was friendly though. And still despite that, she keeps digging and going there....

correct me if i'm wrong, but wasn't she a victim of abuse herself? Maybe that's where the obsession comes from.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

After hearing the whole album i am convinced that all the Cascio tracks are filled with an imposter and some parts are the real mj. Very sorry about this.
50 Cent has indeed been duped. His 16 bar is very dope though!

A veeery strange vibratto in all the Cascio songs gives it all away in my opinion.
BTM is veeeery dope!
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Is dope good ?
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Yes she did. That is why we are all upset again. We thought this was going to be a positive interview about the music, but sadly, O had to bring in some nastiness into it. What we are left with is a quasi-promotion of an album while we dirty the author of the album.

Yep. So much for the "This is great promotion!!!!" train of thought, we could have done without her "promotion".. I'm glad her piece of :censored: show is ending, then we don't have to deal with this anymore hopefully.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

exactly. you think they would have caught on as to why mj spent his adult life attaching himself to random families looking for the one thing he didnt getfrom his own. theres a whole bunch of jacksons in denial and mj aint one of them
I think he did that just to connect to people outside of hollywood and not in the music biz. Sometimes you just want to deal with people outside of your rim/surroundings.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Did something happen to Oprah as a kid or something, she seems to be obsessed with child abuse stuff.
She was molested by an cousin and an uncle. SHe had a baby at 14 years old (a boy that died at birth).
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

He spent his life looking for that, did Katherine ask herself why? :smilerolleyes:

I doubt if she did .... from all evidence I think Katherine hounded MJ a lot about doing a family tour too so that her other sons could get some money. Katherine stayed with Joe for 50 years so she obviously has taken some of Joe's ways if you ask me. Mike was attaching himself to other families for love and I think the Jackson's should wake up and see it. Jermaine talks about 'family unity' when the family is anything but united.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Did something happen to Oprah as a kid or something, she seems to be obsessed with child abuse stuff.

Even if something happened when she was a kid, this obsession is over the top, and behind it I see a clear dislike of Michael. She also likes these types of topics so maybe that is the reason she is always mentioning it. If you mainly listen to Oprah about Michael, you would not know that he can sing, have albums, give to charities, etc.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

We thought this was going to be a positive interview about the music, but sadly, O had to bring in some nastiness into it. What we are left with is a quasi-promotion of an album while we dirty the author of the album.
One can only imagine what was left on the "cutting room" floor.

Oprah didn't get what she wanted from the Casico family. From READING what took place, it "appears" that the Casico's didn't even FLINCH when being interrogated by Oprah. That must have pissed her off.

All she needs is one "un-answer" or a "slow response" and she either answers the question herself, or goes in for the kill. I'm happy to see that the Casico family provided her with neither scenario.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

They need to stick with selling they pianos.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I really can't wait to see this entire interview.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

expecting loads of horse---- this is Oprah you guys what do you expect praises? gad she disgusts me, filthy filthy filthy b***h.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Did she disclose what the big secret was? Maybe the secret is that Michael has an album out and everyone she go out and buy it.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

correct me if i'm wrong, but wasn't she a victim of abuse herself? Maybe that's where the obsession comes from.

Well, there are plenty of people she can do a show on if it was about "abuse". I do not know. I think alot of this has to do with ratings, for individuals to talk about MJ to show he was innocent. I do not see this as a "see MJ was guilty" as much as some fans want it to be although I think it is alot now; however, I like the fact that this family was talking because it bring more "crediablity" to the few people who still had question (sorry I am not talking about Jackson haters who want to believe the worst no matter who say what). I liked the interview.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

It's like an oath Oprah took not to mention Michael Jackson's name without bringing up the allegations.

She does not truly believe he did what he was accused of, she simply does not want anyone's achievements to overshadow hers, especially him. This is her way of trying to downplay his role in the American history. I don't know but she should have learnt by now that people still listen and admire everything with the name 'Beatles', Elvis, Bob Dylan....etc but you rarely see anyone interested in the 'interviewers' from that period of time . A lost battle for Winfrey if you ask me.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

One can only imagine what was left on the "cutting room" floor.

Oprah didn't get what she wanted from the Casico family. From READING what took place, it "appears" that the Casico's didn't even FLINCH when being interrogated by Oprah. That must have pissed her off.

All she needs is one "un-answer" or a "slow response" and she either answers the question herself, or goes in for the kill. I'm happy to see that the Casico family provided her with neither scenario.

Yeah. I would like to pick up the garbage from the studio and disclose everything!!! The Cascios took control of the interview it seemed, which many people cannot do with O.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Thanks for posting.

Look at this wonderful, WONDERFUL man. He made sure they all said Grace before meals and talk about what they were all thankful for. That little clip spoke VOLUMES for me!

Michael Jackson was truly an angel who walked this earth!

It was just a small clip, but they all seem so sincere. They loved him and he certainly was a part of their family. I have a lot of respect for the entire Casico clan!
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

It's like an oath Oprah took not to mention Michael Jackson's name without bringing up the allegations.

She does not truly believe he did what he was accused of, she simply does not want anyone's achievements to overshadow hers, especially him. This is her way of trying to downplay his role in the American history. I don't know but she should have learnt by now that people still listen and admire everything with the name 'Beatles', Elvis, Bob Dylan....etc but you rarely see anyone interested in the 'interviewers' from that period of time . A lost battle for Winfrey if you ask me.

The bolded, excellent. If I keep drilling into people's head that Michael=abuse/drugs/M, then they will begin to believe it, and my status will be cemented as O the great.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Thanks for posting.

Look at this wonderful, WONDERFUL man. He made sure they all said Grace before meals and talk about what they were all thankful for. That little clip spoke VOLUMES for me!

Michael Jackson was truly an angel who walked this earth!

It was just a small clip, but they all seem so sincere. They loved him and he certainly was a part of their family. I have a lot of respect for the entire Casico clan!

You're welcome!

Agreed! The Cascios were such a blessing in Michael's life. He adored them and they adored him.

I, too, gained so much respect from them.

Michael was such a beautiful person....
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Even if something happened when she was a kid, this obsession is over the top, and behind it I see a clear dislike of Michael.
Yes, if she herself was a victim of abuse, more reason to avoid become yourself an abuser, as she is with Michael. Besides that it's not professional to ignore the facts related to the 2005 trial!!!
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I doubt if she did .... from all evidence I think Katherine hounded MJ a lot about doing a family tour too so that her other sons could get some money. Katherine stayed with Joe for 50 years so she obviously has taken some of Joe's ways if you ask me. Mike was attaching himself to other families for love and I think the Jackson's should wake up and see it. Jermaine talks about 'family unity' when the family is anything but united.
My goodness! I think MJ loved his family and his family loved him. You all need to stop acting like ALL families are perfect. Do the Jacksons have problems? Yes they have problems, but so does mine, yours and everyone else. To me, MJ befriended people just as we all befriend families and people who touch us; and in MJ's case, he befriended families who were not so much in show biz and who can treat him normal as much as possible; however that does NOT mean he (we) do not love our own family. I saw this interview and I think it was good. Yes, I am glad she brought it up in to this family because this was a family who been around him to speak and give her audience insight (sorry but LMP was a stupid interview because she was NOT around him in later years). Sorry but NOT everyone and not all MJ fans are on a MJ website. I think people can see for themselves when this family speak (I do not think Oprah expressions good or not mean anything. MOST people will focus on this family talking). Yes, Oprah has made me angry in the past, but for now, I am hope the message is clear on MJ and these claims to the people who watch and still were confuse because everyone is saying the same thing that MJ was innocent.
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Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

That little clip at the top gave me a funny feeling. Remember there was a thread about Michael in Ireland and michael's doctor did not want him to see some kids that were burnt because it was right after the trial. The doctor felt people would not understand and Michael looked at him hurt and asked him if he believed that he (Michael) would do a thing like that. The doctor said no to Michael but after Michael died regretted that he did not let him visit the kids. Now, the Cascio dad asked the children about any inappropriate behavior, and I know he was supposed to do so because he is a parent, but at the same time, I know based on the other incident that if Michael knew he asked or had some doubts Michael would be hurt. So, I am glad this came out after Michael died.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

My goodness! I think MJ loved his family and his family loved him. You all need to stop acting like ALL families are perfect. Do the Jacksons have problems? Yes they have problems, but so does mine, yours and everyone else. To me, MJ befriended people just as we all befriend families and people who touch us; and in MJ's case, he befriended families who were not so much in show biz and who can treat him normal as much as possible; however that does NOT mean he (we) do not love our own family. I saw this interview and I think it was good. Yes, I am glad she brought it up in to this family because this was a family who been around him to speak and give her audience insight (sorry but LMP was a stupid interview because she was NOT around him in later years). Sorry but NOT everyone and not all MJ fans are on a MJ website. I think people can see for themselves when this family speak (I do not think Oprah expressions good or not mean anything. MOST people will focus on this family talking). Yes, Oprah has made me angry in the past, but for now, I am hope the message is clear on MJ and these claims to the people who watch and still were confuse because everyone is saying the same thing that MJ was innocent.

I see what you mean and i agree too. At the end of the day we are fans and we can't know every single thing there is to know about Michael, and neither do i want to, that would not be healthy. We have heard all kinds of stories of how Michael would distance him from his family or just people in general if he didn't get his way with certain things, he wasn't used to hearing 'no' , we don't know the exact reason why he distanced himself from his family. So just let's not bash the Jacksons so much. I just don't think that's right.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

My goodness! I think MJ loved his family and his family loved him. You all need to stop acting like ALL families are perfect. Do the Jacksons have problems? Yes they have problems, but so does mine, yours and everyone else. To me, MJ befriended people just we all befriend families and people who touch us; and it MJ's case, who is not so much in show biz and who can treat us normal; however that does NOT mean we do not love our own family. I saw this interview and I think it was good. Yes, I am glad she brought it up in to this family because it is a family who been around him to speak and give her audience insight (sorry but LMP was a stupid interview because she was NOT around him in later years). Sorry but NOT everyone and not all MJ fans are on a MJ website. I think people can see for themselves when this family speak (I do not think Oprah expressions good or not mean anything. MOST people will focus on this family talking). Yes, Oprah has made me angry in the past, but for now, I am hope the message is clear on MJ and these claims to the people who watch and still were confuse because everyone is saying the same thing that MJ was innocent.

Michael was clearly in search of "his" family. Many people are. When you have 3 children and spend months at a time with another family- and you're family of origin is pretty much nowhere to be found- no words are needed to explain.

It seriously breaks my heart to see that clip because it is so obvious that all Michael wanted besides his art was the love and safety of a family to call his own. Like many other people.

That proud look of 'show me what you got' to the little one playing piano, holding the other little ones in his arm.

Oprah on the other hand also is in search- the search for ratings.

(and apparently unprocessed trauma as well)

It must a psychologist's dream to look at Oprah trying to process her trauma through Michael Jackson. That is serious unprocessed trauma that gets played out on the back of someone who got more than just traumatized by a witch hunt being wrongly accused of horrendous crimes- while no child is actually safer than with Michael Jackson. Twisted, very twisted. The only "crime" that Michael is capable of- giving a child cookies at bedtime- yeah, that's a crime alright. Bring on the cookies.

It's very sad. And is meant to produce ratings. Sad for everyone.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

My goodness! I think MJ loved his family and his family loved him. You all need to stop acting like ALL families are perfect.

I'm sorry and I mean no offense, but the fact that Michael left the MAJORITY of his family out of his will and the fact that he went from his mother to Diana Ross as caretaker of his children speaks volumes.

He has all of those siblings but he chose Diana Ross over them all.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Michael was clearly in search of "his" family. Many people are. When you have 3 children and spend months at a time with another family- and you're family of origin is pretty much nowhere to be found- no words are needed to explain.

It seriously breaks my heart to see that clip because it is so obvious that all Michael wanted besides his art was the love and safety of a family to call his own. Like many other people.

That proud look of 'show me what you got' to the little one playing piano, holding the other little ones in his arm.

Oprah on the other hand also is in search- the search for ratings.

(and apparently unprocessed trauma as well)

It must a psychologist's dream to look at Oprah trying to process her trauma through Michael Jackson.

It's very sad. And is meant to produce ratings. Sad for everyone.

True all of the above... :(

He longed for the simplicity of the meaning of family, for only love: not contracts, not PR appearances, not brother reunions for money. And he did that ever since little or fresh teenager. He craved for normality. I think the reason for which he simply decided to walk around in PJ's in public, like sort of screaming inside, asking "hey, I'm a human being". He went as far as to say he doesn't even care about career (in the rabbi tapes). All he hoped for was attract some love from his father, hence some of the Big things he did meaning to draw attention. Maybe he'll get to love him like a parent should if he's number 1 in the charts. He even did This Is It, for fear of not disapointing his fans, of being dropped "like a hot potato". This is deep, but this was the huge amount of pain and fear that person had to endure all his life, that scarred him forever.

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Michael was clearly in search of "his" family. Many people are. When you have 3 children and spend months at a time with another family- and you're family of origin is pretty much nowhere to be found- no words are needed to explain.

It seriously breaks my heart to see that clip because it is so obvious that all Michael wanted besides his art was the love and safety of a family to call his own. Like many other people.

That proud look of 'show me what you got' to the little one playing piano, holding the other little ones in his arm.

Oprah on the other hand also is in search- the search for ratings.

(and apparently unprocessed trauma as well)

It must a psychologist's dream to look at Oprah trying to process her trauma through Michael Jackson. That is serious unprocessed trauma that gets played out on the back of someone who got more than just traumatized by a witch hunt being wrongly accused of horrendous crimes- while no child is actually safer than with Michael Jackson. Twisted, very twisted. The only "crime" that Michael is capable of- giving a child cookies at bedtime- yeah, that's a crime alright. Bring on the cookies.

It's very sad. And is meant to produce ratings. Sad for everyone.

You hit on something substantial there--her issues are being transferred onto Michael Jackson. She maybe a candidate for a psychiatrist's couch, I do not know. Whatever it is she should get it resolved. She has enough money to hire the best doctors.

Obviously the Cascio's had something Michael yearned for, and while with them, he was able to be a part of it. This does not mean his own family was useless or he did not like them, so there is no reason for anyone to say that members are bashing the family.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I'm sorry and I mean no offense, but the fact that Michael left the MAJORITY of his family out of his will and the fact that he went from his mother to Diana Ross as caretaker of his children speaks volumes.

He has all of those siblings but he chose Diana Ross over them all.
No you did not offend but it just gets me when some people act like they know the facts of what is going on. SO what if MJ left the Majority out of will. That proves nothing either. He may want them to work for their money. And who to say his siblings would want to raise more children if something happen to him. Maybe he knew that they did not want that job (remember MJ died an untimely death and that will was done in 2002). and remember MJ had a love for Diane Ross anyway.
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