Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 994*

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Oprah indeed should really talk to a psychiatrist or a psychotherapist. What has happened to her, and from what I see, to a lot of American celebrities is horrifying, it would scar anyone. But she should let go of hatred and suspiciousness especially projected unto the innocent. Just talk to a therapist in private and on long-term. Even better: turn to God. But don't try to destroy other people with your insinuations and personal opinions and strange show formats, she's supposed to be this role model or something.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

True all of the above... :(

He longed for the simplicity of the meaning of family, for only love: not contracts, not PR appearances, not brother reunions for money. And he did that ever since little or fresh teenager. He craved for normality. I think the reason for which he simply decided to walk around in PJ's in public, like sort of screaming inside, asking "hey, I'm a human being". He went as far as to say he doesn't even care about career (in the rabbi tapes). All he hoped for was attract some love from his father, hence some of the Big things he did meaning to draw attention. Maybe he'll get to love him like a parent should if he's number 1 in the charts. He even did This Is It, for fear of not disapointing his fans, of being dropped "like a hot potato". This is deep, but this was the huge amount of pain and fear that person had to endure all his life, that scarred him forever.

exactly. This could be it as well. Remember MJ was from a FAMOUS FAMILY so why continue to be around someone who is famous if you want to see non famous folks.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

My goodness! I think MJ loved his family ...
I'm quite sure he did which is why it hurt him so much to be the eternal cash cow while in search for love from his family. Co-dependency's a bitch to overcome. It hurts "like hell". Longing for your parents approval and love must hurt like nothing ever will. It's your source, the first source to tell you that you are worthy of love. Why do you think he went around the globe preaching that our children deserve our unconditional love?

and his family loved him.
Sometimes somebody says they love you, but you feel more pain than love. Very common.

You all need to stop acting like ALL families are perfect. ...
Actually, quite the opposite. That is why those that are able to break the mold of co-dependency at least try to move on and try to find people who will accept them they way they are. Every interview I hear from his family makes me wonder. Between being the financial pillar, you can't please anyone. Too big a nose, too small a nose. How in the world can you live in peace? Do a reunion tour.

I feel for him. His will spoke very clearly.

He was very brave in 1993 to PUBLICLY say that he was abused, beaten and what it did to him. He spoke very clearly on how he felt being beaten and going on stage as a teenager, when he wanted to hide in the dark.

That takes a lot.

He did the best he could under the circumstances.

You have to understand that Michael bears the role of a gigantic catalyst- ALL HIS LIFE.

People are attracted to him, he is like a mirror. Some try to mirror their own inner demons onto him- Joe for example. He abused his "golden child" (and others). Oprah projects her abuse onto him.

And pretty much 90% of the worlds population projected their inner demons onto this sweet man when they convicted him in the court of public opinion. Everyone dug up whatever inner unprocessed trauma they are carrying around.

It is SO MUCH when you think about it, that I start crying how in God's name he survived that without jumping from the next balcony. Most us would simply have chosen to end life under that stress and trauma.

What a load to carry. And that is why (beyond the art) his life is such a mind blowing metaphor for what is wrong with humanity and where our wounds are. He was willing to give LOVELOVELOVE- but those that want it and crave are standing in their own way to receive it, see Oprah.

^^^All his talk of oneness is especially poignant- even he, the most loving being could not live a simple, loving life because he fellow humans are bearing wounds that in turn can destroy your life. That is how we are ONE.

That is why "HEAL THE WORLD" is not a joke- because "WE ARE THE WOLRD" and we will not live happy lifes ourselves until EVERYONE has a chance at that.
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Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

True all of the above... :(

He longed for the simplicity of the meaning of family, for only love: not contracts, not PR appearances, not brother reunions for money. And he did that ever since little or fresh teenager. He craved for normality. I think the reason for which he simply decided to walk around in PJ's in public, like sort of screaming inside, asking "hey, I'm a human being". He went as far as to say he doesn't even care about career (in the rabbi tapes). All he hoped for was attract some love from his father, hence some of the Big things he did meaning to draw attention. Maybe he'll get to love him like a parent should if he's number 1 in the charts. He even did This Is It, for fear of not disapointing his fans, of being dropped "like a hot potato". This is deep, but this was the huge amount of pain and fear that person had to endure all his life, that scarred him forever.


Alma after reading your post it brought it all home to me again that--this man did NOTHING WRONG and was crucified and stigmatized till his death--all due to NO CHARGES. When you really think about this you can really feel his pain, and the Cascios tried to tell O. Was she listening?
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

It is SO MUCH when you think about it, that I start crying how in God's name he survived that without jumping from the next balcony. Most us would simply have chosen to end life under that stress and trauma.

What a load to carry.

I chose the above essential words. And the answer for it was: a profound faith in God, and children, which are God's gift. This is all coming back to Him and his miracles...
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

How much hours is it to the show is starting??
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I'm quite sure he did which is why it hurt him so much to be the eternal cash cow while in search for love from his family. Co-dependency's a bitch to overcome. It hurts "like hell". Longing for your parents approval and love must hurt like nothing ever will. It's your source, the first source to tell you that you are worthy of love. Why do you think he went around the globe preaching that our children deserve our unconditional love?

Sometimes somebody says they love you, but you feel more pain than love. Very common.

Actually, quite the opposite. That is why those that are able to break the mold of co-dependency at least try to move on and try to find people who will accept them they way they are. Every interview I hear from his family makes me wonder. Between being the financial pillar, you can't please anyone. Too big a nose, too small a nose. How in the world can you live in peace? Do a reunion tour.

I feel for him. His will spoke very clearly.

He was very brave in 1993 to PUBLICLY say that he was abused, beaten and what it did to him. He spoke very clearly on how he felt being beaten and going on stage as a teenager, when he wanted to hide in the dark.

That takes a lot.

He did the best he could under the circumstances.

You have to understand that Michael bears the role of a gigantic catalyst- ALL HIS LIFE.

People are attracted to him, he is like a mirror. Some try to mirror their own inner demons onto him- Joe for example. He abused his "golden child" (and others). Oprah projects her abuse onto him.

And pretty much 90% of the worlds population projected their inner demons onto this sweet man when they convicted him in the court of public opinion. Everyone dug up whatever inner unprocessed trauma they are carrying around.

It is SO MUCH when you think about it, that I start crying how in God's name he survived that without jumping from the next balcony. Most us would simply have chosen to end life under that stress and trauma.

What a load to carry. And that is why (beyond the art) is would give him any award, any praise, ANYTHING.
I understand everything you are saying;and you know what, alot of us goes through this in life and we are NOT famous even the comments about big nose, small nose, I do not know a black person who did not go through that in life (that is another issues within itself). Still it does not mean MJ did not love his family and they did not love him. that is all I am saying. ALL FAMILES has these kinds of issues of some kind but that does NOT mean we do not love our family. 90% of what you just posted I speak on for myself. And you have to remember, MJ called Janet "Dunkie" for her big butt in which alot of black women have as a trait. So you see, everyone get it.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I chose the above essential words. And the answer for it was: a profound faith in God, and children, which are God's gift. This is all coming back to Him and his miracles...

Exactly, and notice he did not take the easy way out. He was a fighter to the end. God bless him. Notice the bolded are things that Oprah seem not to posses.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Oh, but Dunk is a very sweet appelation. Donkeys are beautiful. He loved animals very much and he called lots by animal names. I do the same, I even call some members of the family 'pig'. Sounds terrible, but it's just because I love them and I love pigs.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Alma after reading your post it brought it all home to me again that--this man did NOTHING WRONG and was crucified and stigmatized till his death--all due to NO CHARGES. When you really think about this you can really feel his pain, and the Cascios tried to tell O. Was she listening?
And that is why I think this family was good and it was a good idea for them to speak. It does NOT matter what Oprah was thinking or not, the attention was ON this family. People know Oprah is the interviewer and she was NOT around Michael so it does NOT matter what she thinks. The family did good.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Is there youtube link yet?
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I understand everything you are saying;and you know what, alot of us goes through this in life and we are NOT famous even the comments about big nose, small nose, I do not know a black person who did not go through that in life (that is another issues within itself). Still it does not mean MJ did not love his family and they did not love him. that is all I am saying. ALL FAMILES has these kinds of issues of some kind but that does NOT mean we do not love our family. 90% of what you just posted I speak on for myself. And you have to remember, MJ called Janet "Dunkie" for her big butt in which alot of black women have as a trait. So you see, everyone get it.

That doesn't make it okay. At all. These issues run through many families, yes, but that doesn't make it okay. Not in the least.

Most people aren't even aware of these mechanisms in a conscious way and that is why unhealthy family dynamics continue on. "Hey, I turned out alright when my dad beat the ish out of me."

The fact that somebody sees a pattern in big called "big nose and big butt" should be the wake up call to consciously change that pattern.

The fact that you are aware of these unhealthy patterns ('everyone gets it') is almost an obligation to change the pattern. You can no longer claim denial.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Oh, but Dunk is a very sweet appelation. Donkeys are beautiful. He loved animals very much and he called lots animal names. I do the same, I even call some members of the family 'pigs'. Sounds terrible, but it's just because I love them and I love pigs.
That is a matter of opinion. TO Janet, that can be offensive just like certain words were offensive to MJ. You see my point. And see, you even said you call your family animals names. does that mean you do not love your family if one of your family members get offended? No. All I am saying do not read too much into some of the things the Jackson do. At the end of the day, All FAMILIES DO IT (It is just that the Jacksons are famous and every move they make get talked about whereas our moves and comments get NO air time). My sister use to call me "big bird" because I was tall as a child and I hated that name.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

That doesn't make it okay. At all. These issues run through many families, yes, but that doesn't make it okay. Not in the least.

Most people aren't even aware of these mechanisms in a conscious way and that is why unhealthy family dynamics continue on. "Hey, I turned out alright when my dad beat the ish out of me."

The fact that somebody sees a pattern in big called "big nose and big butt" should be the wake up call to consciously change that pattern.

The fact that you are aware of these unhealthy patterns ('everyone gets it') is almost an obligation to change the pattern. You can no longer claim denial.
No one said it was ok; however, no one needs to act like they are "holy and thy" and did not do things like this themselves. That is my point.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Michael was clearly in search of "his" family. Many people are. When you have 3 children and spend months at a time with another family- and you're family of origin is pretty much nowhere to be found- no words are needed to explain.

Not too sure if Michael was looking for a family he had his own kids. But also remember Michael was homeless during this period and the Casios took him in.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I understand everything you are saying;and you know what, alot of us goes through this in life and we are NOT famous even the comments about big nose, small nose, I do not know a black person who did not go through that in life (that is another issues within itself). Still it does not mean MJ did not love his family and they did not love him. that is all I am saying. ALL FAMILES has these kinds of issues of some kind but that does NOT mean we do not love our family. 90% of what you just posted I speak on for myself. And you have to remember, MJ called Janet "Dunkie" for her big butt in which alot of black women have as a trait. So you see, everyone get it.

But it is not the same: There is a difference in calling someone a name playfully or using the name to hurt them while not praising something else about them. I can tell you that I know many Black/African-American people who were not teased about their nose when they were young, and again that is not the issue. For Michael the nastiness was so deep, consistent, and ingrained that it left a prolonged effect on him. What he went through can not be easily attributed to the tragedies of childhood name-calling, etc. If that was the case, all people of color would be on the psychiatrist couch in America and in places where many Black people live. For Michael after being abused by the father, he was then abused by companies, the Media, and the public--his condition is not the same as that of the average African-American.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Yeah, but when your parent calls you 'big nose', and that 'you didn't get it from me' could touch and slowly destroy anyone. Associate this with the beatings and a very sensitive soul and people coming to you and not recognizing you and with being as famous as he was... I'm not famous, but as a former bullied child at school and sometimes on the street, it hurt infinitely. If my mother or father or sister ever insulted me, I don't know how I could have ever handled it.. I wouldn't have.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Oh, but Dunk is a very sweet appelation. Donkeys are beautiful. He loved animals very much and he called lots by animal names. I do the same, I even call some members of the family 'pig'. Sounds terrible, but it's just because I love them and I love pigs.

Yes, it all depends on the connotation. Somebody used to call me pig, and it was not an insult at all. It was a lovely inside joke that I loved.

Really depends on the meaning behind the nickname. If somebody constantly ridiculed me for my weight and that's my association- well, than that's the last time that nickname would be fun, of course.

Some of the nicks make me laugh. "Smelly". :D
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

That is a matter of opinion. TO Janet, that can be offensive just like certain words were offensive to MJ. You see my point. And see, you even said you call your family animals names. does that mean you do not love your family if one of your family members get offended? No. All I am saying do not read too much into some of the things the Jackson do. At the end of the day, All FAMILIES DO IT (It is just that the Jacksons are famous and every move they make get talked about whereas our moves and comments get NO air time). My sister use to call me "big bird" because I was tall as a child and I hated that name.

Yes so true Janet was teased by that nickname and even to this day she is very shy when an interviewer brings it up.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Anyway back to the topic

So far as I can see by the fans commentary of the show it was very positive for
Michael and the Casico family. Even if the hard questions were asked the answer
was given and people will hear again that those who Truley knew Michael belive
in hs innocence

You may disagree with me but in my opinion the questions needed to be asked of
this family in order for answer to come forth loud and clear_ they were believable
The world need to here that over and over until it is imprinted on their brain

Even if much time wasnt spent discussing the album it was still promoted in the
fact that more people are aware it and it will peak thier interest to buy just for
the fact it is Michael Jackson.

There was no give away becuase there is no album or single CD to give away yet
pobssibly there will be on Ellen or Oprah once the MICHAEL Album is released

It was fans assumption this was a maojor promotion of the album
and that HMH would premiered on Oprah show.

Im still waiting to see the show _

Many here are obssessed with speaking about Oprah LOL
rather then the content of the show which is what I want to hear.
Im really not iinterested in her questions ONLY the answers

Just my humble opinion
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Yes so true Janet was teased by that nickname and even to this day she is very shy when an interviewer brings it up.
exactly. And according to JANET, MJ teased her alot about her but and weight. SHe said he use to say "you getting so big". So MJ was not exempt from his own ways of talking about people and family.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Anyway back to the topic

So far as I can see by the fans commentary of the show it was very positive for
Michael and the Casico family. Even if the hard questions were asked the answer
was given and people will hear again that those who Truley knew Michael belive
in hs innocence

You may disagree with me but in my opinion the questions needed to be asked of
this family in order for answer to come forth loud and clear_ they were believable
The world need to here that over and over until it is imprinted on their brain

Even if much time wasnt spent discussing the album it was still promoted in the
fact that more people are aware it and it will peak thier interest to buy just for
the fact it is Michael Jackson.

There was no give away becuase there is no album or single CD to give away yet
pobssibly there will be on Ellen or Oprah once the MICHAEL Album is released

It was fans assumption this was a maojor promotion of the album
and that HMH would premiered on Oprah show.

Im still waiting to see the show _

Many here are obssessed with speaking about Oprah LOL
rather then the content of the show which is what I want to hear.
Im really not iinterested in her questions ONLY the answers

Just my humble opinion
EXACTLY. I am looking at the big picture and I know NOT everyone is member of a fan club or website. Also, good to hear you from you Bee.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

This thread is getting really derailed. For one, Michael apologized to Janet, as she said once, which Joseph never did to him. For 'two', he couldn't learn better with your cousins and brothers and father teasing you. Thank God, he was human, or else people be idolizing him.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I'm quite sure he did which is why it hurt him so much to be the eternal cash cow while in search for love from his family. Co-dependency's a bitch to overcome. It hurts "like hell". Longing for your parents approval and love must hurt like nothing ever will. It's your source, the first source to tell you that you are worthy of love. Why do you think he went around the globe preaching that our children deserve our unconditional love?

Sometimes somebody says they love you, but you feel more pain than love. Very common.

Actually, quite the opposite. That is why those that are able to break the mold of co-dependency at least try to move on and try to find people who will accept them they way they are. Every interview I hear from his family makes me wonder. Between being the financial pillar, you can't please anyone. Too big a nose, too small a nose. How in the world can you live in peace? Do a reunion tour.

I feel for him. His will spoke very clearly.

He was very brave in 1993 to PUBLICLY say that he was abused, beaten and what it did to him. He spoke very clearly on how he felt being beaten and going on stage as a teenager, when he wanted to hide in the dark.

That takes a lot.

He did the best he could under the circumstances.

You have to understand that Michael bears the role of a gigantic catalyst- ALL HIS LIFE.

People are attracted to him, he is like a mirror. Some try to mirror their own inner demons onto him- Joe for example. He abused his "golden child" (and others). Oprah projects her abuse onto him.

And pretty much 90% of the worlds population projected their inner demons onto this sweet man when they convicted him in the court of public opinion. Everyone dug up whatever inner unprocessed trauma they are carrying around.

It is SO MUCH when you think about it, that I start crying how in God's name he survived that without jumping from the next balcony. Most us would simply have chosen to end life under that stress and trauma.

What a load to carry. And that is why (beyond the art) his life is such a mind blowing metaphor for what is wrong with humanity and where our wounds are. He was willing to give LOVELOVELOVE- but those that want it and crave are standing in their own way to receive it, see Oprah.

^^^All his talk of oneness is especially poignant- even he, the most loving being could not live a simple, loving life because he fellow humans are bearing wounds that in turn can destroy your life. That is how we are ONE.

That is why "HEAL THE WORLD" is not a joke- because "WE ARE THE WOLRD" and we will not live happy lifes ourselves until EVERYONE has a chance at that.

:cry: :clapping:

You Made me cry! I swear! Everything you said is soo true!!! God bless you!!! :angel: :cry:

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Not too sure if Michael was looking for a family he had his own kids. But also remember Michael was homeless during this period and the Casios took him in.

Well, can someone tell me what could be even worse- having 3 children and no permanent home in which you feel safe?

You have the most famous man on the planet with 3 children whom he loves, who depend on him- and he feels like the loneliest soul on earth?

"Family" has more meaning than having children.

"Oh look, he took his first steps", "look, he he smeared his diaper across the room"- if you can't share that at the end of the day, it gets mighty lonely. Having children must be excruciatingly lonely when you cannot crawl into bed at night and share the war stories of the day.

I have a child- and let me tell you, it renews my utter admiration for everyone who raises children by themselves without sharing the burden in an emotional way, sharing the emotional responsibility. Why do think he would write something like Keep you head up (even if that was written way before his own children, not like the empath Michael would feel these feelings as if they were own emotions).
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

In general what people will see as the bigger picture is that when it deals with Michael Oprah will always ask these questions so there must be something in what she believes. People are not going to think that Waw the Cascios said nothing happened so we believe them. If that was the case then everyone would believe Michael was innocent after the verdict. People will simply think that the Cascios are covering up or that Michael did not do it to their children, that is all. If you want Oprah's show to have the bigger picture that you suggest, then she needs to have a show saying: Turn into Oprah today to learn all the facts that clears up for all that Michael is--------.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

This thread is getting really derailed. For one, Michael apologized to Janet, as she said once, which Joseph never did to him. For 'two', he couldn't learn better with your cousins and brothers and father teasing you. Thank God, he was human, or else people be idolizing him.

Yeah, but even a derailed thread serves a purpose... There's a reason Michael spoke about the issues he spoke. He just used music and art as vehicle to bring these issues out to us.

So we might derail a thread by talking about this stuff, but in the end Michael himself spoke about these issues.

And secondly, THANK GOD he apologized and realized this stuff.

He said to Bashir how he parents- that the abused does not have to become the abuser. Not all all. He obviously broke the mold by looking through the pattern.

That's why I go on about it, because all us are stuck in potential patterns like that. That's why I love MJ, because he brings these issues out to the forefront, no matter how much the world cringes. The ultimate humanitarian.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

It starts in 2 hours for me but again with the allegations? Why doesn't she have the guts to admit she thinks he was guilty and be honest to the public for once. His family (the Jacksons) goes and talks to this woman and laugh and all that? In a naive way I guess I hoped that maybe after talking to people who loved Michael that she would finally see the truth but she doesn't like Michael and in her eyes he is bad. She is never interested and seeing Michael's side of things. Interview Tom Mesereau or anybody and read court transcripts. I will be glad when she is done her show.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

But it is not the same: There is a difference in calling someone a name playfully or using the name to hurt them while not praising something else about them. I can tell you that I know many Black/African-American people who were not teased about their nose when they were young, and again that is not the issue. For Michael the nastiness was so deep, consistent, and ingrained that it left a prolonged effect on him. What he went through can not be easily attributed to the tragedies of childhood name-calling, etc. If that was the case, all people of color would be on the psychiatrist couch in America and in places where many Black people live. For Michael after being abused by the father, he was then abused by companies, the Media, and the public--his condition is not the same as that of the average African-American.
It clear that you are not black (sorry but you are not going to know the ends and out of black life and everything there is to know; whereas when you are blacks, you know the ins and out) and also many blacks do NOT believe in psychiatrist, sorry but that is a known FACT. I have been black all my life and around blacks all my life from south to north. Even if you listen to black radio after the interview of Katherine, the same things were said in what I am telling you. Again, it does not make it right but that is how it went (and MJ grew up in at time where our images were more degraded etc even by other blacks who had self hate). Like I said, that is a issue within itself. Many blacks were picked on for either their nose being too small, too big, you are not black enough, too black, your big butt, you big lips, good hair bad hair, etc. you are right when it comes to the media, the public, etc, we know MJ "condition" was just a little more but being black just added more even MJ would tell you that. Ask MTV.