Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 994*

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Hope for a YT link soon. :)
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I want to know too. I get the feeling that this album is not really being promoted. Where is the campaign? Lets think about this: If we want to promote our product, do we first go to a show and introduce our links to drugs/molestations/etc. How is that being positive to promote our product. This leads me to believe that Oprah's intent was not to promote this album at all, so maybe Sony did not contact her to do this. If they did, they most likely will steer her in another direction? What do you think?

I think that by Oprah asking if Michael molested children on a show that is supposed to be about the new album coming out, then her intentions are clear . I don't know if she is linked to Sony, but she is an ultimate :censored: ,regardless of why she did this show.

Anyways, the Cascios are great people, and I am very happy that Michael had such great people in his life.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

This was sickening - how could Oprah? This is like desecration of the grave.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Oprah is a nutcase.. Like Terrell said if she's going to ask someone, the Cascio's are good folks to ask. They have a lot of kids and they all spent time with MJ alone for over 25 years so if MJ was going to hurt someone, they would know. They have consistently said 'no way, he wouldn't hurt a fly' and I respect them for that. Like I said maybe Oprah feels guilty for what she did to MJ in the past and this is her way of righting a wrong.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

But Stacy J, how is this a way to right a wrong? Explain it to me a little better.

TSUKIJI, I agree with you. Intentions are clear that is why I want Stacy to clarify her opinion to me.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I too believe that the Cascio's did a good job with this interview. They actually answered the questions better then some family members, in my opinion.

They truly loved Michael and it shows, in my opinion. I'm glad Michael had them in his life.

Exactly.. The Cascio family knew more about MJ than Mike's own family. Mother Cascio knew about MJ's insomnia etc yet Mama Katherine didn't? what does that tell you? Janet was absolutely clueless saying she didn't know about insomnia and she thought propofol was for pain. I honestly believe with all my heart that the Cascio's are good people and they will never betray MJ, like Mike's own family. Mike was more comfortable in their house and with that family than his own family.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

But Stacy J, how is this a way to right a wrong? Explain it to me a little better.

TSUKIJI, I agree with you. Intentions are clear that is why I want Stacy to clarify her opinion to me.

Oh I hate Oprah's guts I just think she feels guilty for her past actions against MJ and maybe this is her way in trying to right a wrong. The folks she's asking, with the exception of Lisa Marie and Janet, have been positive about MJ. I didn't like Katherine's 'nose' comment but I try to respect her because she's old and had no business talking to Oprah in the first place.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Oprah doesn't try righting any wrong.

Good to know the Cascios spoke well of him. I only hope nobody else Michael-related will 'bump in' to Oprah for an interview. When her show ends, I'll say good riddance. She actually used to have some interesting shows, but her curiosity on all things dark and perverse only make me say "good riddance' of the show.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

thanks for the summaries, can't wait to see the episode. I hope it will be posted on youtube soon.

I can't believe Oprah asked about allegations again. She's obsessed and completely crazy. I am so glad her show will soon be over. I don't want her to talk about Michael ever again. Aren't there other tv shows with decent hosts? People should go there to talk about Michael. Like, go to Ellen.

Also, I am so happy the Cascios were a part of Michael's life. He had a real caring family thanks to them and I am so glad about it. They stayed in touch till the very end, they truly loved him and he loved them. I hope Katherine lets Michael's kids stay in touch with Cascios. At this point I think they are the only people who can help them remember their father the way he was and not being brainwashed into believing all those druggie stories.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I believe the Cascios way more than the Jacksons.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

yeah ppl that were actually around him and in his life. they knew about his insomnia which is more than can be said for janet and co
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Oh I hate Oprah's guts I just think she feels guilty for her past actions against MJ and maybe this is her way in trying to right a wrong. The folks she's asking, with the exception of Lisa Marie and Janet, have been positive about MJ. I didn't like Katherine's 'nose' comment but I try to respect her because she's old and had no business talking to Oprah in the first place.

Do you mean that she is righting the wrong by asking people about it who would say YES? But does that not defeat the purpose if you focus on the same question and have a demeanor that is big CONTRAST to YES. Remember Michael's song about Body Language.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I believe the Cascios way more than the Jacksons.

me too.. The Cascio's saw MJ more than the Jackson's did.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

yeah ppl that were actually around him and in his life. they knew about his insomnia which is more than can be said for janet and co

yep... you noticed that? The Cascio's knew about it, even Lisa Marie said she knew about it but his own mother and sister didn't? that shows you what's going on there.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Do you mean that she is righting the wrong by asking people about it who would say YES? But does that not defeat the purpose if you focus on the same question and have a demeanor that is big CONTRAST to YES. Remember Michael's song about Body Language.

ok forget I said that ( LOL...) Oprah isn't trying to right any wrongs she's just nuts and is obsessed with child abuse. All I know is I can't stand her and I can't wait until she's off the air and moves over to the Discovery channel or wherever the hell she is going.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

ok forget I said that ( LOL...) Oprah isn't trying to right any wrongs she's just nuts and is obsessed with child abuse. All I know is I can't stand her and I can't wait until she's off the air and moves over to the Discovery channel or wherever the hell she is going.
I just LOL'D in real life.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

yeah ppl that were actually around him and in his life. they knew about his insomnia which is more than can be said for janet and co

I am with you on that one. Someone send the report to the Jacksons please. I like them having all the information, since they do not have it themselves.

STACY, You know I love you!!!
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I don't think the Cascios would fake MJ songs. Now had it been the Jacksons that had the songs I would be much more worried.

But no way the Cascios would do anything bad to MJ.

An listen to BN on the album version - there is no doubt it is him. Vocals are much clearer and not so layered. It's MJ 100 %
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

the Jacksons would not fake MJ's voice (i don't think) BUT I KNOW they would put themselves in the songs as much as possible for there own exposer..
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

^ Hess ++ KOPV

i agree !
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I was hoping to see some links befofre going to bed. Nothing yet, huh?
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

me too.. The Cascio's saw MJ more than the Jackson's did.
It's like Mother Cascio said: The Casico home had a relaxed, family environment, there was nobody in their home BEGGING Michael to go on the road with his brothers. In my opinion, that's "probably" one of the reasons Michael chose to spend 4-months with the Casico family, instead of a member of his OWN family.

Once again, I'm glad he had them.

On a side note, can you just imagine going to put your garbage cans on the curb and looking over to see MICHAEL JACKSON doing the very same thing. I probably would have passed out. LOL!
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

The words i got for this piece of work called Oprah are no doubt not allowed on MJJC, so i won't. And nope i don't know her personally and i rather have it stay that way, but what a horrible woman...horrible person.

More than a year after his passing, after having bugged his own damn mother with it, and Lisa Marie Presley, a show that is supposed to be about his music and that 'secret' family...and then she goes asking about those horrible lies, WHY did she go there? F this woman....really...sigh.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Yep, I peeped that as well.

Also the fact that Mother Casico said that they always keep a RELAXED, FAMILY ENVIRONMENT and our sweet, dear angel was able to sleep in their home. It makes me happy that he had that type of relationship with the Casico family and that he was able to spend FOUR WHOLE MONTHS at their home.

Michael must have felt rejunvenated when he left their home in New Jersey.

He spent his life looking for that, did Katherine ask herself why? :smilerolleyes:
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

We will soon find out what questions she asked about the music, if any. Thank God it was the Cascios that were there, but I want someone to tell her he was proven innocent in a court of law. So far, no one has done that yet.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

exactly. you think they would have caught on as to why mj spent his adult life attaching himself to random families looking for the one thing he didnt getfrom his own. theres a whole bunch of jacksons in denial and mj aint one of them
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

The words i got for this piece of work called Oprah are no doubt not allowed on MJJC, so i won't. And nope i don't know her personally and i rather have it stay that way, but what a horrible woman...horrible person.

More than a year after his passing, after having bugged his own damn mother with it, and Lisa Marie Presley, a show that is supposed to be about his music and that 'secret' family...and then she goes asking about those horrible lies, WHY did she go there? F this woman....really...sigh.

NOOOO! Really? She went there AGAIN? I just can't believe it. :no::(

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

:( ... what's up with Oprah?

You would think she has learnt by her mistakes regarding doing Michael an injustice during his life ... but seems not so ... because she goes on to do it again even after his tragic passing.

:( ... just saddens me & proves that with all her money ... she still lacks what's most important ... compassion & integrity.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

NOOOO! Really? She went there AGAIN? I just can't believe it. :no::(


Yes she did. That is why we are all upset again. We thought this was going to be a positive interview about the music, but sadly, O had to bring in some nastiness into it. What we are left with is a quasi-promotion of an album while we dirty the author of the album.